Normally I wouldn't post this sort of "Fake Chapter at the end of a Story" Sort of thing, but since there's been such a large gap between the end of this story and the start of my next, I felt as if I should tack this on for anyone who would be interested in a Christmas With the Calvins sequel. I had a few ideas for new The Santa Clause stories, and while a lot of them seemed interesting or exciting to me, I couldn't help but think of how much I'd rather be writing in the same universe at my Christmas With The Calvins story. This new story will focus on Charlie as he tried to fill in his dad's boots and navigate his first Christmas as Santa. There will be appearances by everyone's favorite cannon and OC characters, but the story will mostly focus on Charlie this time.

The first Chapter is up now! s/13454447/1/Charlie-and-the-Toy-Factory