Chapter Twenty-Eight: Jumping the Broom: Part Two

Day of the wedding…

Today was finally the big day. Olivia and Fitz wedding day was here. In Just a few short hours, Olivia would be walking down the aisle. She'd be marrying her best friend and love of her life. When she woke up that morning, she had been in the best of moods, despite missing Fitz all throughout the night. Olivia had made Fitz sleep in one of the other bedrooms that night. Even though no part of their relationship was conventional, Olivia wanted this one thing. So Olivia slept in their room and Fitz took one of the spare rooms. It didn't take Olivia long to before she began to miss Fitz being in their bed. The minute she laid down, she wanted him beside her. She even slept in one of his shirt to fell closer to him.

When she woke up the next morning, it was to the sweetest not from Fitz on her nightstand and breakfast downstairs. Fitz had a full breakfast spread on the table with Danishes, croissants, muffins, waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage, fresh fruits and every type of juice you could want. Fitz had basically just ordered the breakfast menu and had it delivered. He knew the women were all going to be at his home and he wanted to make sure they were all well fed before they got to the church. Fitz had already gone to the church and had taken Mason and the dog with him. Fitz and all of the men were getting ready at the church and the women were getting ready at Olivia and Fitz's house. Oliva woke up McKenzie and they had breakfast together. They spent a little over and hour relaxing in their pajamas, watching TV and playing tea party.

Around ten, the doorbell rang and it was Olivia's mother and soon to be mother in law. They were makeup free in sweat pants and jogging suits. A short while after they arrived, Quinn and Abby arrived and Jess was the last to arrive just as the hair and make-up people were pulling into her driveway.

"Liv I swear I get jealous every time I step foot in this house." Jess said, hugging Olivia. "Did you do some redecorating?"

"Yeah, we painted and redid the living rooms."

"Ugh, listen at you. Living room(s)." Jess joked with her. "How are you feeling on your big day?"

"Surprisingly not at all nervous. I honestly thought I was going to be a wreck when the day actually came. You know how paranoid I was in the days leading up to now."

"Do we?"

"Okay, no need to relive things." Olivia walked Jess further into the house. "Everyone there's breakfast in the dining room help yourselves. Fitz has a spread for an army platoon in there."

While the ladies ate breakfast, the hair and makeup crew set up in the living rooms. Elizabeth went over the short schedule with the women, reminding them that the limo would be here to pick them up at exactly one o'clock and they needed to be ready. When she was done going over her list, Liz left and headed to the church to check on the men.

Olivia felt like a celebrity getting all dolled up by professional makeup artist, while a photographer took pictures of everything. Fitz had hired two photographers for the wedding. One was here with the women and another was with the men getting before shots of everything and photos of everyone getting ready. And then at the wedding, one photographer would be taking pictures while the other filmed the ceremony. Olivia loved that Fitz had thought of everything.

"So Liv, how does almost married life feel?" Quinn asked. She was sitting next to Olivia in a chair, makeup and hair already done, sipping on a mimosa.

"It feels the same as yesterday." Olivia answered slowly, while her makeup artist got her all dolled up. "Honestly I don't feel any different. Maybe I will after we're actually married, but it feels the same."

"Well more power to you honey."

"Oh don't say it like that. Yu never know, you might be the next one getting married."

"Fat chance of that happening. I'm leaving all the marriage stuff to you."

"You never know Quinn. There was a time when I said I wasn't getting married again, and then I met Fitz."

"Your point?"

"What if one day, Jessie wants to get married?"

"I hope he and whoever he's with at that time are happy."


"What? How did we get to the subject of me being married? Jessie and I have not been together that long to be talking about marriage."

"Is he still coming to the wedding?"

"Yes he is, so dial down all the lovey dovey stuff around him alright. Don't go giving him any ideas."

"Oh sure thing, we wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. After all, today is all about you Quinn."

"Shut up."


"Everything is ready correct?"


"And the pastor has arrived? I haven't seen him yet."

"Pastor Rhodes is in the study."

"Great. And the caterers have arrived as well right?"

"Yes, and before you ask, yes the reception hall is all set up and ready."

Fitz smiled at the young worker. He'd been asking her question after question for the past fifteen minutes. Walking around the sanctuary double and triple checking everything. All the flowers had been delivered and the sanctuary looked like a botanical garden, but that's what Olivia wanted. The middle aisle had been covered with an ivory silken sheet that shimmered in the light. But no one would be focused on the floor, when they would be busy looking up. What looked like hundreds of branches had been placed on the ends of the pews to make an archway over the people walking under it.

On the floor were diamond and glittered champagne and ivory and cream balls, varying in sizes. It lined the entire walkway, which is why the guest only had one way to get in and out of their pews. The base of the branches had a bundle of both red and white roses, and the very ends of the roses had what was to look like little balls of ice or crystals. When I reality it was just something the wedding decorator had mixed together in a bowl.

Fitz had spent five minutes correcting a single flower on one of the pews, trying to get it to lay just right. He knew he was being a little over the top, but he couldn't help it. He wanted everything to be perfect for Olivia. He wasn't naïve, he knew this day was mostly about the bride. People didn't come to see what tux the groom was wearing, they came to see how beautiful the bride looked. It wasn't until the reception, when people began to care about both the bride and groom.

"And has bridal party arrived yet?" Fitz checked his watch yet again.

"Fitz what are you still doing out here?" Liz came out of one of the back room, with a Bluetooth headset and a portfolio binder in her hand. "You're supposed to be getting ready."

"I am ready." Fitz was half ready. He had on everything except for his suit vest, jacket and tie. "I just wanted to make sure everything was ready and perfect."

"Well that's my job. And I promise you I have everything under control, this wedding will go off without a hitch."

"Has Olivia gotten here yet?"

"The car picked them up twenty minutes ago, and they are on their way now and should be arriving any minute. Now, go back to the room and finish getting ready."

"Have the singers gotten here?" Fitz asked, instead of leaving.

"They arrived ten minutes ago and yes they are out of sight, Olivia won't see them."

"Good, because they are supposed to be a surprise."

"I know that, and they will be. A great one. Now go."

Fitz relented and went back to the room where all the men were getting ready. Ben was dressed in his tux, sitting in a chair feeding Mason. Matt, Tyler and Alejandro were all pinning white flowers to their lapels. Alejandro and Tyler were Fitz's cousins, and the other two groomsmen. A lot of Fitz family had come down for the wedding, from both sides of his family. Fitz and Olivia had had a dinner prior to the wedding with a their family so everyone could meet each other, but a lot more of his extended family was here today and they had yet to meet his bride to be. Just one of the downsides to them moving their wedding date up soon early. But Fitz knew there was more than enough time for the families to get to know each other.

"Fitz, you knucklehead where have you been?" Gerry walked over to Fitz with his tie and vest in hand.

"I wanted to make sure everything was ready and going smoothly."

"Isn't that what you hired your wedding planner to do?" Gerry expertly tied Fitz black toe around his neck and held his vet so Fitz could slid his arms in, then he helped him put on his suit jacket.

"I'm just a little bit on edge." Fitz said, as his dad pinned the same white flower on his suit jacket that everyone else was wearing.

"Really, I haven't noticed." Gerry joked and everyone laughed.

"Don't worry about it Fitz." Ben said. "Everyone gets a wedding day jitters."

"Did you?"

"Yeah, but not for the same reason as you. When Pamela and I got married, it was back in the day. When women saved themselves for their wedding day. So when we finally got married, I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could finally take my wife to bed." The group of men laughed again. "And if any of you tell her that, I will deny deny deny."

"Well Fitz doesn't have to worry about that, since the evidence is literally in your arms." Matt joked. "Now, before my wedding day my best man and I had a celebratory and good luck toast." Matt grabbed his gym bag and took out a bottle of scotch and some plastic cups. "I think I should return the favor." Matt gave everyone a cup and poured them some scotch.

"Here's to you Fitz. May you and Olivia have a long and happy life together. To Fitz and Olivia."

"To Fitz and Olivia." Everyone clapped their plastic cups together and drank their scotch.

"You guys, are we drinking in a church?" Alejandro said, after everyone had drank their scotch. They all looked at each other with wide eyes, not even thinking about being in a church right now. They all threw their cups in the trash, and said a quick 'forgive me lord'.

"Let's get you married man. Before God spites us down."


"Okay ladies I need you lined up in correct order with your correct groomsman." Liz correctly matched the bridesmaids with their groomsman in the small lobby in the front of the church. It was about that time. All the guest were seated, the pastor was waiting at the altar and so was Fitz.

Olivia was standing in the back of the line with her father. She may not have been nervous earlier that morning, but it was certainly beginning to build now.

"Relax Honey." Ben could feel Olivia trembling beside him. "This is going to be one of the happiest days of your life. Nothing to be nervous about."

Olivia smiled deeply at her father and gave him a big hug. She needed to hear those words. "Thank you daddy."

"You know I don't know if I told you this or not, but you look absolutely beautiful."

"You've told me six times daddy."

"And I meant it every time." Ben smoothed Olivia's side bangs away from her face.

Olivia really did look beautiful. This was the first time Ben had seen her dress and she looked like dream. It was as if it was made perfectly just for her. She didn't have on a lot jewelry, because her dress was so decorated with pearls and jewels that she didn't need anything else. The only jewelry she wore were her rings and a pair of diamond stud earrings and the diamond pins in her hair. Which she was wearing up, to show off the off the shoulders on the dress. Her hair was in a braided up do, something she really didn't know how to explain. She had seen it in a bridal book, tore out the page and told the stylist that's what she wanted. It wasn't to perfect and it wasn't a mess wither. It was perfectly messy and fun and flirty. The stylist had stuck a few flowers in her hair and some diamond pins to make it sparkle. And she kept her makeup light, not wanting to overdo it. She had some mascara some flesh tone blush and the lightest shade of pink on her lips.

"Okay everyone we're starting quiet please." Liz said, then she spoke to someone in her ear piece and the music started in the sanctuary. Instead of playing two different songs for when the wedding party walked down the aisle and then bride. Olivia wanted the same song to play while everyone walked down the aisle. "And que music." Music began to play. "And doors open." Two ushers opened the double doors to the lobby, revealing the first couple to walk down the aisle. "And Abby and Tyler… now."

When Abby and Tyler walked one foot in the sanctuary, Olivia heard a man began to sing the wedding song she'd chosen.

As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving
And the rosebuds know to bloom in early may
Just as hate knows loves the cure
You can rest your mins assure
That I'll be loving you always

He sounded so familiar, but Olivia could place the voice. It certainly wasn't Fitz's cousin, whom she'd asked to sing the song.

"Jess and Alejandro now."

As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow
But in passing will grow older everyday
Just as all is born is new
Do know what I say is true
That I'll be loving you always

Now that two couples had gone, and the line was shorter, Olivia could see a little better. But when she looked up to see who was singing, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"That's Anthony Hamilton." Olivia whispered to herself. "He got Anthony Hamilton to sing at our wedding?" Olivia was a little star struck. Fitz definitely hadn't divulged this little bit of information with her. And if she was star struck seeing him, she was definitely start struck to see Marsha Ambrosius sitting at the piano singing along with him.

"Quinn and Matthew now."

Until the rainbow burns the start out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream

"Send the dog and flower girls right behind him." Liz hoped the dog would act right. They'd gone over it countless times during rehearsal and Cujo decided to do his own thing on some occasions. Luckily cujo decided to act right for the actually day.

Everyone in the audience shared a collective giggle at the dog, and an awe at McKenzie and Kendall walking down the aisle side by side sprinkling their little flowers from their baskets. Fitz smiled at his daughter and goddaughter. They were to stinking cute, especially with their little diamond flower halo's on their heads.

Liz gave the pastor the okay to tell everyone to please rise for the bride. "Okay Olivia, you're up."

Did you know that true love asks for nothing
Her acceptance is the way you pay
Did you know that life has given love a guarantee
To last through forever and another day

The minute Olivia stepped out onto that aisle, she quickly forgot about everything, except for the man in the suit waiting for her at the altar. Her butterflies and gone and been replaced with a peaceful bliss.

Just as time knew to move on since the beginning
And the seasons know exactly when to change
Just as kindness knows no shame
Know through all your joy and pain
That I'll be loving you always

Olivia was feeling so many emotions all at once, that she didn't know what to do. She didn't feel this way at her first wedding. She was scared nervous and anxious before. But not now, not with Fitz. She wasn't worried about the future and what was ahead. Because she knew that even if rough times were ahead. That as long as she had Fitz by her side they could get through anything together.

As today I know I'm living for tomorrow
Could make me the past but that I mustn't fear
For I'll know deep in my mind
The love of me I've left behind
Cause I'll be loving you always

Until the day is night and night becomes the day (Always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (Always)
Until the day that 8x8x8 is 4 (Always)
Until the day that is the day there are no more

Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (Always)
Until the earth just for the sun ignites itself (Always)
Until dear mother nature says her work is through (Always)
Until the day that you are me and I am you

(Always… Always… Always…)

Look up at Fitz at that altar, Olivia finally knew what the look of love was. The look of pure, unobstructed, genuine love looked like. The way he gazed down her made her feel like the luckiest woman on the planet, to have a man like Fitz. A man that catered to you without the prompting or wanting something in return. A man that cherished you and worshiped the ground you walked on. A man that had eyes for you and you only. A man that knew how to love hard and passionately and give his entire heart and soul to you. A man you could truly see yourself being with for the rest of your life.

When Olivia finally got to the altar she was crying, without even noticing it until Fitz wiped her tear away. Fitz held both her hands I his, placing a kiss on top of both her hands. Anthony and Marsha were still singing the melody of the song low and quietly in the background. You couldn't really hear them, unless you were focused on them. It was perfect.

Until the rainbow burns the start out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered her in the sight of god. To joins this man and this woman in holy matrimony. What a wonderful and joyous occasion as two individuals come together as one" Pastor Rhodes spoke in his white and red pastoral robe. Olivia was glad Pastor Rhodes was able to officiate their wedding on short notice. And she was even more grateful that all they had to do was three counseling meetings with him. "The couple has written their own wedding vows that they will speak to each other and in front of you, their family and dear friends. Olivia." Quinn gave Olivia a small piece of canvas paper, rolled up with a bow around it. Both Olivia and Fitz had written their wedding vows on pieces of canvas, although the both of them knew their vows by heart. And after today they were going to frame canvas pieces with their wedding vows, so they could keep them forever.

Until the day is night and night becomes the day (Always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (Always)
Until the day that 8x8x8 is 4 (Always)
Until the day that it the day there are no more

"Fitz my best-friend, my love, my hero. Loving you is my heart's joy. As I stand beside you this day, I offer you my heart and soul. Filled with sacred love, pure, unconditional and everlasting love for you and only you. For love bears all things, endures all things and believes all things. My love will never fail you Fitz. I promise to love, honor and cherish you for the rest of our lives. And even still, it will only be half of the love and cherishment you have already given me."

Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (Always)
Until the earth just for the sun ignites itself (Always)
Until dear mother nature says her work is through (Always)
Until the day that you are me and I am you


"Olivia, my darling, my love. As I stand beside you this day, know that there is nothing greater than my love for you. Having faith in you and belief in our love makes life worth living. I can honestly say that you have changed me for the better. You've made me see this world in a whole new light. You've shown me love and friendship. Given me to beautiful children and thank you for it. Meeting you, marrying you, has made me whole today, a man with a higher purpose. And from this day forth, I vow to always love you and be by your side through thick and thin. I love you Olivia, mind, body and soul."

"The rings please." Matt gave Olivia's ring to Fitz and Quinn gave Fitz's ring to Olivia. "Do you Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the third take thee Olivia Carolyn Pope to be your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do."

"Do you Olivia Carolyn Pope take thee Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the third to be you lawfully wedded husband." The crowd laughed at the mouthful that was.

"I do."

"By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please kiss your bride."

Fitz didn't waste any more time kissing his bride. He held Olivia's face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. He moved his hands around her waist, pulling her closer and Olivia's arms went around his neck. He pulled Olivia as close to him as she could get. He heard the crowd cheering and the whistles and laughter and it only made his smile more. He loved Oliva's little squeal, when he picked her up off the ground.

Olivia was the first to pull back, not wanting to give the people too much of a show. She pecked his lips one last time.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mrs. Grant."

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald Grant." The crowd stood up, still cheering. Ben with a smile on his face and Pam with tears in her eyes. Paula wasn't any better, taking Gerry's handkerchief to dab at her eyes while Gerry held Mason.

Mathew put the decorated broom on the floor, and Fitz and Olivia held hands as they jumped over the broom as husband and wife.


"Mommy how many more pictures do we have to take?" McKenzie whined yet again. They had been taking pictures outside for a little over thirty minutes, while their guest waiting inside. McKenzie and Kendall had been good sport about it all, taking pictures together, posing when the photographer told them to. One of Olivia's favorite pictures already was a picture of the two girls in their matching beige, glittered jackets with Cujo in his doggy tuxedo and bowtie. They were both giggling so hard with the biggest smiles on their faces. Then the fifteen minute mark came, and they were so over taking pictures.

"Just a few more honey." Olivia told her.

"Actually I would just like to get one more photo with the whole family and then everyone can go inside, except the bride and groom." The photographer told them. He them arranged the entire family, including both Olivia and Fitz's parents and the groom's and bridal party. Fitz and Olivia were in the middle, Olivia to the left and Fitz to the right. Their parents were beside them on their perspective sides. And beside the parents, were the bridesmaids and then the groomsmen. Kendal and McKenzie were in front of Olivia and Fitz and Cujo was in front of them.

"Okay flower girls, when I count to three I want you two to throw a big handful of your flowers in the air okay. As big of a handful, two handfuls as you can get okay?" McKenzie and Kendal armed themselves with two huge handfuls of flowers. "Okay, one…two…three… perfect. Great job girls."

"Can we go now?" Both of them asked at the same time.

"Yes girls go on." Olivia answered. "Oh Gerry could you feed Mason when you get inside? It's about time for him to eat again."

"Of course."

While everyone else went inside, Olivia and Fitz stayed for another thirty minutes taking more pictures. They were still in their wedding attire, with coats on. Olivia in a champagne, cape style jacket and Fitz in a regular black trench coat. They took several pictures of the couple. Some posed, and others were intimate moments where Olivia and Fitz had forgotten they were taking photos. One photographer would be changing cameras and the other would be taking pictures of the couple. Olivia's favorite of the two of them was with Cujo. Cujo was in the front of them holding a chalk board sign that read Mr. and Mrs. And they were behind Cujo, in the background sharing a quick kiss.

When they were finally done taking pictures, Olivia and Fitz headed back inside. They were announced by an MC and cheered all the way to their table. Olivia's breath was taken away once again by the décor of the fellowship hall. The lighting was low, letting the glow from the candles be more prominent. Tables were set up around a large dance floor. The tables were decorated expertly and beautifully. Olivia had picked everything out and told them how she wanted things, but didn't help with the setup so this was her first time seeing things. One some of the tables was a tree centerpiece. It had beads hanging on the branches, with honey suckles and some with lit little candles and the other tables were just decorated with a tall, large, diamond candle stick. Olivia saw it in yet another bridal magazine and fell in love.

"It's so beautiful in here." Olivia swooned. "Thank you Fitz. I didn't realize before all the little things you did to make this day even more special. This more than anything I could have imagined."

"You don't have to thank me Livvie."

"Yes I do. Thank you baby." Olivia kissed him tenderly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. You ready to start the rest of our lives?"

"I'm ready to start our honeymoon tonight. How about you?"

"Baby I was ready when I saw you walk in that church. You look absolutely beautiful by the way."

And you look very handsome yourself." Olivia slid her hand under the table and slid it into Fitz's lap. She could already feel him hardening.

"You keep that up and I'll have you on this table in five seconds." Olivia laughed and pulled her hand away before they got carried away in front of all their family. "But tonight…" Fitz pulled her back into his embrace. "I hope you don't plan on getting any sleep. With the way I'm feeling right now, I might just get you pregnant again."

"Bring it on big boy." Olivia whispered seductively in his ear, then bit his lobe. She knew how that got him started.

"God I love you."


Olivia and Fitz were still feeling high as they walked arm in arm into their honeymoon suite at the bed and breakfast they were staying in for the weekend. Olivia and Fitz, both agreed that they weren't ready to leave Mason for an extended period of time. So instead of traveling far for their honeymoon, they were spending the weekend at a bed and breakfast not too far away for the weekend. And while they were on their short honeymoon, both set of grandparents were at the house watching the little ones. Having both sets of grandparents wasn't necessary, but Pam and Paula both really wanted to stay with the kids.

After a long reception of dancing, cake eating, laughs, drinks and more drinks, Olivia and Fitz finally decided to call it a night and head to their bed and breakfast to start their honeymoon. They both wore wide smiles, as they walked through the shower of rose pedals, instead of rice, to their waiting limo. Their honeymoon almost got started in the back of that limo, if it hadn't been for all the buttons, zippers and the tightness of Olivia's dress. By time they got to the B&B the both of them were beyond hot and bothered. After their check-in, they made their way upstairs, put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door handle and locked it behind them.

Olivia was on him the minute the door closed behind them. She pushed him up against the wall, kissing him like she'd wanted to before but couldn't because of all the witnesses. Walking them backwards, Olivia pushed Fitz down on the bed and hovered over him.

"Wait here." Olivia told him, before going to the bathroom with one of her suitcases that had already been delivered to the room. Olivia took out the lingerie she packed especially for tonight and quickly got dressed. When she was finished, she checked her appearance in the mirror. She was wearing a very skimpy red lace bra and panty set. Bows covered her breast and panty clad sex. The smallest of tugs on the bows and she'd be completely exposed. She was Fitz's gift for tonight. Olivia took her hair down from her wedding style, and let her loose curls fall. She fluffed her hair and fixed her make, mostly her lipstick that got ruined in the limo on the drive over.

When she walked back out the bathroom, Fitz was waiting for her on the bed in nothing but his boxers. He had light some candle around the room and spread rose pedals on the bed. His head snapped to her when he heard the bathroom door open.

"Damn." Was all Fitz could say, when he got a glimpse of her.

"You like?" Fitz nodded, still lost for words. Olivia seductively walked to the bed. "The lady at the store said this was their best seller. She said I couldn't go wrong with it. Judging by the look on your face and your lack of a voice, I'd say she was right." Olivia climbed up on the bed, and pushed Fitz back when he tried to get up. "I'm in charge for a while." Olivia wanted to be in charge tonight, just for a little while. She'd never admit it out loud, but they both knew she loved it when he bossed her around in the bedroom.

Olivia pushed Fitz back, until he was flat on his back on the bed. Olivia kissed him again, just as intensely as she had done before. Fitz's hands were gripping her tight by the waist, keeping her close. He was enjoying the attention tonight. Normally it was the other way around. Normally Fitz was the one on top of her, raining kisses down her body, sucking on her neck and biting her in discrete. And that's what Olivia wanted to change. She kissed down his chest, rubbing his erection through his boxers the entire time.

When she got to his happy trail, she leaned up and pulled at Fitz's boxers. Fitz lifted his hips, so she could pull them all the way off his body. He thought she was going to straddle him again, but instead she started stroking his dick in her hands. This was nothing new, Olivia had given Fitz plenty of hand jobs in the past, but he was shocked when she leaned down and kissed the tip of his penis. Fitz watched Oliva as she took sucked his entire length into her mouth. Olivia had never gone down on him before, it was just something she didn't like to do, with anyone. Fitz had never pressured her to do it either, no matter how badly he wanted it.

"Livvie, you don't have to do this."

Olivia released him for a moment to respond. "I know. But I want to. Olivia put him back in her mouth, effectively shutting him up. Olivia had never done this before, but she figured it couldn't be too hard. And maybe it would've been a lot easier if Fitz hadn't been so blessed in the penile department. Olivia could barely fit him in her mouth, having to use her hand to make up for what she could fit in her mouth. She figured she was doing it correctly, from all the moans and groans Fitz was making and the tight hold he now had on her hair.

Before she knew it, Fitz's was shooting his seed in her mouth, something she quickly learned she didn't like. She'd have to remember to pull away when she felt him coming. When she leaned up, Fitz was panting like he was the one who had done all the work.

"Was that okay?" Olivia asked shyly. She wanted to make sure it was good for him, with that being her fist time, she didn't know what she was doing. Instead of answering her, Fitz pulled her down on top of him, before flipping them over and showing her his full appreciation.

That weekend Fitz and Olivia had the time of their lives. They were a newly married couple, and they sure did act like it. They spent the entire weekend wrapped around each other, even when they weren't in bed. When they were at dinner, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Sharing sweet kisses and laughs during their meals. Going on romantic walks along the large property, and a picnic along the creek on the back of the property, which lead to some passionate love making under the glowing sun. They loved the connection they felt, they got to know one another even more in those few short days. They were both optimistic about the future, both having nothing but the highest of hopes for their lives together.


Okay, so this was the last chapter for this story. Unexpected, I know, I didn't even know this was the last chapter until sat down to write it. I just felt this was a good place to stop. I go missing for how many weeks, then come back with the end of the story. Not cool I know. But I have a lot more ideas for what I want to do with the story and the characters, so there will be a sequel that I am already in the process of writing. So be on the lookout. So...

Until Next Time...