It was cold yet sunny snowy day in the Boseshane province. But the two young boys who were playing on the Royal estate Torchwood manor weren't noticing the cold. They were too busy playing in the snow to care about the cold. The two were busy building a snow man.

It was a friday afternoon but there was no school because it had been declared a snow day. It was three weeks before Christmas.

11 year old prince Jack Harkness ,his best friend ,11 year old Ianto jones were spending the day at Torchwood manor which was Jack's family's home.

Ianto was also going to stay over night at Torchwood Manor.

After the snow man was built, the two flopped down in the snow. Jack sighed contently as he spoke..

" Hey Yani do you realize if we had to go to school , we'd be in Maths.? " Young Ianto Jones smiled at this , math was not one of Jack's favourite subjects, He nodded as he spoke " I am so glad today is a snow day. I mean how could we be expected to handle school on a day like this. '

The two friends lay there in the snow looking up at the sky. They also were singing Christmas carols. Jack suddenly leapt up and began to sing,


Ianto sat up and looked at his best friend. Then a huge grin spread across his face as he broke out laughing. The young prince scowled mockingly "OY what are you laughing at ? "

Ianto grinned as he spoke teasingly. "You Sire you said BILLIS instead of batman.. .." Jack returned the grin as he picked up a hand of snow and tossed it at his best mate, "OY don't call me sire." Ianto picked up some snow and threw it back "Yes sire...SIRE" Soon they were hurling snow balls as they ran around chasing each other.

So in to their snowball fight. the boys didn't see Gareth the royal butler approaching them. Ianto had just threw a snow ball at Jack who ducked ,as the snow hit the butler square on the knee. Ianto froze when he saw who he had hit, the young shy welsh boy gulped as he stammered

" Oh mister Gareth ..., I am so sorry I was aiming at Jack and I guess I missed..." Jack on the other hand was laughing and chanting "miss me miss me Yani... Now you have to kiss me " Ianto blushed scarlet as he again looked up at the butler nervously .

Gareth looked down at the young welsh boy and smiled warmly at him. The butler then brushed the snow off his slacks " Quite alright young master Ianto. No harm done young man."Ianto retuned the smile and then went to stand beside the young prince. Jack put his arm around Ianto 's waist protectively and he looked at the butler defiantly.

Gareth then looked at both boys kindly." My young sirs , Missus Hudson would like you both to know your lunch is ready and waiting for you in the kitchen."

Jack cheered "Yes lunch come on Yani " he grabbed hold of Ianto's hand and the two raced towards the house with a chuckling butler following them.

Ok this is the start of a new arc of our Boshane boys. It's a Christmas arc... PC JANTO hope you like.