It had been eight months since any of Coulson's team had seen Skye. The last time she was with any of them was in Coulson's office, when he handed her the tracking bracelet after they found out about Miles. After that she had disappeared. Not off the grid, the bracelet could give the team her exact location. The team had been in dismay when they saw that Skye was located at a known Rising Tide hideout. She had betrayed them again. Coulson decided to cut all ties to Skye. He told Fitzsimmons to stop tracking Skye's bracelet. That's why Ward was so surprised to see her.

The team was in the middle of a mission. Ward was waiting at the known trade location between two of the people they were looking for. It was a little cafe in a middle-of-nowhere town. To maintain cover, he was going to order something as he sat at the booth. He was still staring at the table when the waitress approached him.

"What can I get y-" The familiar voice stopped mid-sentence. Ward looked up and was stunned to be staring into the eyes of a certain hacker.

He sat there and she stood there for a very long moment of silence.

"Catherine, are you alright?" Another waitress put her hand on Skye's shoulder.

"Catherine? You've got to be kidding me." Ward said. Skye slapped her pad of paper and pen onto his table quite forcefully.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed. Skye's friend took her angry tone as a hint to beat it. She went back to the kitchen, but kept a close eye on the two.

"I could ask you the same thing, Catherine." He taunted her.

"Just get out of here before you screw everything up." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering Skye, don't want anyone else to know you're lying?" Ward glanced pointedly at Skye's waitress friend. He was pushing Skye's buttons in just the right way. The hate Skye felt towards him at that very moment was unbearable. Skye's former teammates were the only people she's ever wanted to die.

Ward froze when he saw the tiny laser dot quivering on the table, undecided about who it was it was going to target. The beam could only be coming from a gunman, far away outside.

Ward acted hastily and grabbed Skye's arm, yanking her down forcefully as he dove under the table. A bullet shattered a tile on the floor and Ward shuddered when he heard the sound of Skye's head banging against the table from when he had pulled her down. He didn't know why he did it, he had the opportunity to let the dirty little liar perish for what she had done, but he couldn't do it.

The civilians in the room were screaming and exiting as fast as possible. It was all Skye's fault, Ward thought. She had probably brought unwanted attention to him.

"Catherine!" The other waitress cried out when she saw Skye's crumpled body on the ground.

Ward felt sorry for Skye's friend, but he had to do the right thing for his team and take Skye in. He couldn't let her run back to Rising Tide and do any more damage. He lifted her effortlessly and made his way back to the bus without getting shot.

A pounding in Skye's head woke her up, and the first thing she noticed was the honeycomb wall in front of her eyes.

"No!" Skye shot into an upright position and immediately tried to free herself from her bonds. Her chest heaved up and down with her panicked breaths and she realized that she couldn't get out of the handcuffs restraining her and keeping her at the table.

Ward and Coulson didn't give her much time before entering the room and taking the seats opposite of her. The two both noticed that Skye was averting her eyes. Ward assumed she was about to lie through her teeth.

"What do you want?" Skye asked, still looking into her lap.

"We're not entirely sure, we just know that you're part of an organization trying to bring us down, and you lied to us. You gained our trust and then betrayed it." Ward told her angrily. The look on Skye's face almost physically hurt Ward and Coulson. She looked so angry, angrier than they'd ever seen the person they'd known as bubbly and affectionate.

"Oh, no. I did way more than that. I. Trusted. You." She spit the words at who she used to think were her friends. The way she said the words stung Ward and Coulson even though they didn't understand how this could possibly be their fault.

"Did you ever once consider that I didn't leave the plane of my own free will?" Skye asked. Her anger was slowly settling in her stomach, exposing her sadness and desperation. The question took Ward and Coulson by surprise.

"Why would we? When we saw that your tracking bracelet was at a known Rising Tide hideout, so we assumed-" Coulson was trying to explain how angry he was with her, but he was cut off.

"You knew where I was the whole damn time?!" She screamed at them. Tears were in her eyes and she stood up from her chair. The chains of her handcuffs rattled as she struggled towards them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ward asked. He had finally started feeling like something was off here, that she knew something they didn't. That wasn't unusual, but this time it was different.

Skye shook her head and clearly tried to calm down, sitting back in the chair. She yanked at her hands one last time before finally settling. She stared at one of the shapes on the floor to avoid looking at them.

Ward knew something important had just snapped in his former rookie. It terrified him more to see Skye right now, looking as if she was buckling under whatever pressure she was feeling, than to see her enraged, even if her anger was directed at him for some unknown reason.

They couldn't get a word out of her after that. Not a single word. She wouldn't even look at them. Ward and Coulson both left the room.

Coulson decided they should give Simmons a chance, maybe Skye would talk to someone with a softer heart, maybe she could get Skye to tell her something. Maybe they just had the wrong approach.

"Jemma?" Skye asked as she came through the door and sat in front of her.

"Skye, what happened?" Jemma asked he softly.

"Oh, great, they sent you in here with a script." Skye growled. Jemma was taken aback by Skye's anger. The same as the others, she'd never seen Skye so angry.

"No, it's not like that." Jemma told her. Jemma then noticed the way Skye's eyes would squeeze shut tightly every now and then. If she knew anything, the biochemist knew when Skye was in pain.

"Did... did Ward do this to you?" Jemma asked. She ignored the fact that Skye could possibly hurt her as she walk around the table and pushed back Skye's hair to reveal blood.

"on accident." Skye muttered, shrugging off Jemma's hands and looking away from her. Jemma paid acute attention to detail, and she noticed something she wondered how Ward didn't notice. It was quite a warm day outside, but Skye was still wearing long sleeves.

Jemma reached for Skye's wrist, but hesitated when Skye realized what she was doing and shot her a death glare. But Jemma only hesitated, she went right back at it a moment later. She gently tugged Skye's sleeve up to her elbow. She didn't see anything at first, but she knew Skye was holding the bottom side of her arm against the table for a reason. Skye looked away as Jemma gently turned over her arm. Jemma gasped.

The wounds weren't new, but they were there. Etched into Skye's arm with a blade was the word TRAITOR. Those weren't the only marks though, Jemma pulled both of Skye's sleeves up to her shoulders. Her arms were covered in thin scars. At first Jemma thought Skye did it to herself, but quickly changed her mind.

"I'm taking her to the lab." Jemma said to the camera in the room as she unlocked Skye's handcuffs. She knew the girl wasn't going to hurt her, she and Skye were friends. The first thing Skye did with her free hands was pull her sleeves back down.

"Simmons, leave her in here." Ward said as he entered. The fury immediately returned in Skye's eyes, but she didn't act on it.

"She's injured." Jemma told him. "and you did it." Jemma knew he would feel guilty, and during his moment of weakness she took Skye by the wrist and led her out of the tiny prison cell.

"Follow the light with your eyes." Jemma ordered Skye. She did as she was told, slightly uncomfortable with the tiny light flashing at her.

"You don't seem to have a concussion, but I'm going to keep an eye on you." Jemma said brightly. When Jemma was answered with nothing but silence, she was truly disappointed. She didn't think Skye would ever ice her out, they had been close. Neither of the girls had ever had a girl-friend before, so the bond that had been between them was a strong one borne from new experiences.

"Will you let me see?" Jemma asked, getting straight to the point. Skye knew that Jemma wasn't going to let her get away without showing her, even if she said no. So Skye complied. She looked around to make sure no one else was near. Then, in one deft movement, she pulled her shirt over her head.

Jemma had to refrain from gasping when she saw Skye's body. Skye closed her eyes as Jemma walked around her, eyes wide.

Jemma realized that the marks on Skye's arms were the least of the scars. Along her shoulder blades were long slashes and in various places on her torso there was scar tissue suggesting Skye had been impaled.

"Skye..." Tears were brimming in Jemma's eyes as she saw all the injuries Skye had somehow sustained during the past eight months.

Skye quickly threw on her shirt and hopped off the examining table.

"Will you just let me out? I promise not to ever hack into your systems or anything, I just want to leave." Skye begged Jemma.

"Why are you so eager to get out of here?" She asked.

"I-I can't explain it." Jemma could tell by the way that Skye was talking and pacing the room that there was something Skye was hiding, and she didn't like it. Skye had been hiding things as long as she'd known her.

"What is it you don't want me to know? You can tell me, Skye. Nothing's going to happen to you." Jemma tried to assure her. Jemma tried to catch Skye's upper arm with her hand but Skye jumped away and stared at it like it was poison. Jemma wondered what the hell could have changed Skye so much.

"Are you... afraid of me?" Jemma asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm mad and I'm hurt." Skye admitted. Jemma was just about to get somewhere with her when Ward barged in.

"This isn't Skye. Not anymore." Ward growled as he grabbed a handful of Skye's hair and pulled back. She cried out in pain, but didn't try to fight him.

"What are you doing?!" Jemma yelled. She tried to approach them, but Ward put out his hand to stop her.

"I spotted it on the cameras." Ward said in explanation as he turned Skye to face him and pulled Skye's hair away from her back. What he exposed was a device attached to the back of her neck at her hairline. A small device that was glowing orange. It was like one section of a centipede device.

"Skye?" Jemma choked.

"Get Fitz." Ward told Jemma as he replaced the hand cuffs on Skye's wrists.

"You can't take it off." Skye muttered. Ward pulled out a night-night gun and shot Skye in the chest without any hesitation. Jemma's body jumped at the sound and she rushed to retrieve her from Ward.