Okay...so I got the idea for this three-shot from Mizz Degrassi, check her out! She makes really good Zaya stories. Her and I have been helping each other with our stories, she's amazing.

So this is my third story, I've been having fun making different stories other than one.

AND ALSO! So you don't get confused with this fanfic and the other Zoe/Zig/Maya fic I'm writing, I'm going to have a schedule. Every Thursday night, I will be updating THIS story, and every Monday night I will be updating "(Tell Me A) Dirty Little Secret". I know, having two fics that have the same characters in it going on at the same time is confusing, but I just loved this fic I wrote, and wanted to show it! But don't worry, I'm still going to continue on my other story(Dirty Little Secret), but I'll also be writing this one too :)

If it makes it easier to keep up with, just remember that "(Tell Me A) Dirty Little Secret" is about Zoe's cheerleading nudes story, and this story...well you'll find out ;)

I'm known for long intro's, aren't I? Okay, well I'm done...so you can read now :)



You can say my life was terribly normal for once.

Shocking for Maya Matlin, right?

Finally, Tristan and I were friends again. It was a terrible two months, not being friends with him, being enemies. We finally agreed to disagree on a lot of things, and luckily he gave me a second chance.

Him and Miles continued to date, or whatever they were doing. Experimenting with fluid sexuality, Frankie called it. It was painfully awkward to be around them, when they would kiss in the hallways, cuddle during Friday night movie nights. But I finally got over it, I was just happy I had my friends back.

Zig and Zoe have been dating for more than three months now, which was shocking. I found it hard to believe he can deal with her for that long.

Don't get me wrong, Zoe is one of my good friends. Call me fake, and I mean I guess I am, but there's just something off about her. She has that side to her, that side that's impossible to explain. She little head of hers held a lot of secrets - untold mysteries I called them.

You can say Zig and I are still good friends. Although, I haven't seem him much lately. I've been busy with Tristan, obviously. There was a lot of catching up to do with him. But surprisingly, I have been hanging out with Frankie a lot more often. Frankie and Zoe were enemies, so I had to make sure to watch what I said to both of them. Zig had been busy with Zoe, almost every single day. Every day she came over, after her practices. I kind of made it a habit to go to Frankie's a lot after school, so I wouldn't have to watch Zoe and Zig mush over how much they love each other.

To be honest, I was happy Zig had moved on from me. He seemed happy with Zoe, and that made me happy. I'm not going to lie, I get that little spark of jealousy in my stomach every time I see them together. It reminds me of the things I missed out on, I missed out on Zig. Zoe was a lucky girl to have him, he really treated her well.

Her treating him good, well, that was another story.

I was alone in my room on a Wednesday night, listening to my headphones, doing my homework on my bed. Zoe and Zig were in the living room, watching some movie on Netflix. Shockingly, I was understanding my Chemistry homework. I think it was because I was finally setting drama aside in my life, and actually focusing on my school work. That was a plus for Miss Maya Matlin.

"Got a long list of ex lovers," I sang to myself, writing down the answer to the last problem of the homework. "They'll tell you I'm insane."

I normally hated Taylor Swift, but her new song was pretty good.

"But I gotta blank space baby," I sang a little louder this time, slamming my book shut. "And I'll write you're name!" I belted, grabbing my phone.

I rolled over, facing away from my door. I continued to belt the lyrics to the song, that I didn't even hear a knock on my door.

"Maya!" I heard someone yell. I jumped, startled. I twisted myself around, taking the headphones out of my ears. I was shocked to see Zoe nervously close the door behind her, locking it.

"What's up?" I asked, concerned as to why she was in my room rather than being with Zig.

"Zig is in the shower," she stuttered, taking a seat on my bed. I moved my books out of the way, putting my phone to the side.

"What's going on? You seem tense." I raised my eyebrow. She sighed, and didn't say anything for a couple seconds. She continued to fiddle with her fingers, I didn't even notice there were tears in her eyes until she looked up at me.

"I made a really stupid mistake," she whispered, trying to fight back her tears.

"Zoe...what's happening?" I questioned, getting a nervous feeling in my gut. She sniffled, whipping her nose. I quickly got a tissue from my night stand and handed it to her, and she immediately took it and brushed it against her red cheeks.

"I just...I need to talk to someone about this." She laid the tissue aside, looking up at me with tired eyes. "Other than the cheering squad, you're the only friend I have."

I looked at her, trying to find any sign in her eyes as to what she was about to tell me. She looked terrified.

"Okay..." I went on, expecting her to continue on with what she was going to tell me.

"You're going to hate me," she frowned, beginning to cry again. I didn't know if I should hug her, take her hand, or just to sit there.

"Zoe just tell me what's going on."

She took a deep breath.

"Okay, look. I know you and Zig are close, but can you just...keep this from him, until I build the courage to tell him?"

I slowly nodded my head, unsure about what she was going to say next.

"I'm so dumb, Maya. I'm so freaking stupid." She started, beginning to cry again. "I just...I didn't know what I was thinking. I was just caught up in the moment and..."


"I had s-sex with someone who wasn't Zig."

Her words took me off guard, as she began sobbing. This time, I was sure I didn't want to hug her, or comfort her.

"The power squad and the football team were just at the Dot after our huge victory Saturday night, and Matt, the quarterback, and I just began talking and..." She gasped, trying to catch her breath through her sobs. "And we went back to his house and we...we just did it."


I didn't know if I was shocked, or if I saw this coming.

"Oh my god," I whispered, trying to control the sudden anger building up inside of me. Oh, how I wanted to slap that bitch across the face.

"I...I didn't even like it. I mean, I don't know." Her words stumbled.

"It doesn't matter if you liked it or not, Zoe." I scowled "It's still cheating."

"I know, I know and I feel like such a witch for doing it." She cried, looking up at me helplessly. "I never felt this much regret in my entire life."

I had no idea what to say. As much as it bothered me to admit it, Zoe was my friend. She helped me when I was having panic attacks about Miles, and ever since then we just clicked. But what she did, was incredibly wrong.

I was lost at words and action.

"I've been worried sick about it, it makes me want to throw up every time I think about it." She sighed, taking another tissue from my bedside table. "I just can't build myself up to telling him."

"Why did you do it?" Was all I asked. She looked at me, without saying anything for a second.

"Honestly, I don't know." She cried again. "But please, Maya. Please don't tell Zig."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Please," she begged again.

"I...I don't know, Zoe. Zig is one of my best-"

"This is hardly any of your business," Zoe suddenly was off of my bed, standing up. "I should have never told you. What the hell was I thinking?" She yelled through her tears.

"Zoe..." I sighed, getting off of my bed, walking towards her.

"No, no I um..I have to go." Zoe panicked. "Don't say a word to him, Maya. If you were my friend you wouldn't say anything to him." She pointed her pointer finger at me, and I was shocked to feel somewhat scared of her words.

And just like that she was out of my room.

I stood there, completely lost about what just happened. Zoe cheated on Zig, cheated. Zoe, one of my good girlfriends, cheated on my best guy friend. If that doesn't call for a huge cake that has the letters "trouble" spelled out on top of it, I don't know what it calls for then.

But I do know that I felt guilty when I whispered bitch underneath my breath.

It was like all of the normal in my life just vanished before my eyes. Here I go again, in the middle of a messy situation. Wow, shocking Maya!

I continued to stand there, staring at myself in my body mirror in front of me. Almost everything in me wanted to go into Zig's room and tell him everything that Zoe just said, but a small part of me held the angry part of me back.

Zig would be absolutely torn if I told him, especially if I was the one to tell him. Like Zoe said, this was none of my business, right?

Some part of me kept telling myself that I was involved, she cheated on my best friend.

I was brought back to reality when Zig slowly walked into my room.

"Uh, do you know where Zoe went?" He asked me, looking around my room. "She just left."

My mind was racing. So much of me wanted to tell him the information that Zoe just threw at me.

"Um, I think she said she had..." I stuttered, unsure of what excuse to say. "I think one of the girls got hurt on the squad." I quickly blurted out any excuse that first came to my mind.

Zig eyed me. It bugged me how much he knew me, he could tell any lie I was telling the second it came out of my mouth. We stared at each other for what felt like hours. Oh, just stop looking at me with those eyes, Zig Novak. You're killing me.

Like seriously, you're killing me Zig. Look away, look away please.

"Okay," he finally said, which shocked me. Zig always knew when I was lying, always. And I had liar written all over my forehead. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

I quickly nodded my head, beginning to walk over to my bed. I put my headphones back in my ears, and he watched.

He finally walked out, closing the door behind him. I watched the door slowly close, and when I saw it fully close, I sighed.

I had just full out lied to my best friend.

I looked down at all of the homework I still had yet to do, but none of seemed appealing anymore. I felt sick, and guilty.

Come on, Maya. Focus.

I picked up my pencil, opening my Algebra book. This homework wasn't going to finish itself.



Poor Zig...

Hmm, how will Zig react to this? Will Zig even find out? Who knows...

Want to see more of this? Well, let me know in the Reviews! Gosh, I'm loving this story :)

xoxo, beauties :)