A Past Revealed

Chapter Two: Confession

Hi guys(and girls), this is my first OUAT fan-fic, so please don't be to harsh in your reviews. I forgot about the disclaimer the first chapter. I do not own Once Upon A Time, those lucky people who created it do. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! Oh, and P.S., please tell me if I misspell something or make a mistake, it would be very helpful and very much obliged. I would also like to thank my very first reviewer, Andria. Thank you Andria, I am very glad you like it. Also, I will no longer be sticking to my update days, it puts too much pressure on me to finish the chapter. I will try not to take too long in updating though. I'm sorry this chapter took so long and I hope it is well worth the wait, enjoy!


-(Emma's view)-

The memory was replaced by Killian a few years older, most likely fourteen or fifteen. He was lying huddled up, beaten to a bloody and bruised unconsciousness, on a raft tethered to a boulder. There were many boys his age around the boulder, and all were trying to push the raft into the water.

"Ugh!" went one kid.

"Why the Hell is this not moving?" grunted another boy.

"Push harder!" said a kid on the end.


A loud chorus of whoops and hollers followed.


"Take that, street rat!"

"I hope he drowns!"

The cheers and excitement slowly faded as the group walked away.

"Killian! KILLIAN!" I screamed, desperate and at a loss of hope at this point. David walked over.

"Emma, let me try." he said. I moved next to Killian to allow David space. He then quickly drew up his hand and slapped Killian in the face.

Killian didn't budge.

"David! What the Hell was that?" I said, going in front of Killian to examine the fresh handprint on his face.

"It was worth a shot." he shrugged.

"We need to be finding a way to help him, not hurt him." I said, annoyed and amused that David had slapped Killian. It was then that Mary Margret and the Seven Dwarves came over.

"Hey, Charming, what're we gonna do about the whole Hook situation? I mean, the whole town is here." Leroy asked, gesturing to the crowd.

"We need to get everyone out of here. Leroy, I need you and your brothers to clear everyone out. Snow, I need you to get Henry and Neal and get them in the truck. I'll drop you off at the apartment on my way to the Police station to get some crime scene tape. Emma, you stay here and watch over Hook. I'll be back." he ordered, making it clear what everyone was to do.

Everyone nodded in agreement and went off to do what David had said.

"Killian, please. If you can hear me, I want to let you know that whatever's happened, happened, and there's nothing you can do to change that." I stated. His cheeks were tear-stained from the pain each memory brought back to him.

Behind me, the scene had changed again to Killian digging through a trashcan in an alley. A young man looking to be eighteen or nineteen approached wearing a naval uniform of some kind. He stopped about two yards away.

"Hello?" the man called. Killian froze halfway in the trashcan. "Hello? Sir? Are you hungry. I have food if you are."

Slowly, Killian pulled out of the trashcan, looking grungy and tired with a black eye and bloody nose. His shirt had a large tear in the front and his pants had holes and rips all over, and he was bare-foot. He was about fifteen or sixteen.

"Yes, yes I am very, hungry. I haven't eaten since last week." Killian admitted, chin almost resting on his chest.

"Well then, come over here, I told you I have food that I'll gladly share." the young man said.

"How do I... how do I know that this isn't a trick, that you're not trying to hurt me?" Killian questioned, weary of the last time someone had offered him food.

"Why would you think that I would do that?" he asked. Then realization hit him. "Has, has someone done that to you before? Offered you food then went back on it and hurt you?" he asked, feeling remorse for the street kid.

Killian nodded solemnly, remembering that day with a flinch. He could still feel the pain of the many bruises and cuts those boys had left him.

"Well, I can promise you this; if you come with me, you will be provided a warm meal and a bed for the night.

Killian raised his head at this.

"Wait, what is that? Did someone do that to you?" the man questioned.

"It was my own fault, should've kept my mouth shut." Killian admitted, shaking his head.

"Let me see. It's got to be painful." Killian stepped up to the man to let him look at his eye.

The other man grabbed Killian's chin and turned his head so he could get a better look at it.

"Well, you've got a pretty cool shiner to show off." he informed.

"Something to better my complexion, I suppose." Killian joked, giving his new-found friend a toothy grin. His comment made the man laugh.

"You're a funny one, you. Come along then, I promised you a warm meal, and a warm meal is what you'll get! My name is Liam, care to tell yours?" he asked, putting an arm over Killian's shoulder.

"Killian. My name is Killian." Killian shared. They laughed and joked the whole way to Liam's place.

-(Hook's view)-

A few moments later the light was gone, and I stood in the living room of a very familiar home.

I heard a boy start yelling out behind me and quickly spun around.

"Papa! Papa, please!" my younger self pleaded. I watched as father smacked him hard with a tree limb.

I felt the pain in my abdomen and fell to my knees.

"Bloody... Hell..." I said, voice strained from the sudden and unexpected pain.

"You're not my son! You're a murderer! It was your fault, now it's YOUR turn to DIE!" he yelled out angrily.

"Oi! Quit hitting the lad, that hurts!" Oomf

Seeing this brought back emotions I had long buried, anger and hate towards the man came rushing back, and love for the man as well.

"Papa, you've no idea how much that hurt, how badly my heart was shattered once you said that!" I said, mumbled words turning raged shouts, letting out all of the bottled up emotions. "The second those words fell from your mouth, my whole world came crashing down! It never mattered how much you claimed to hate me, because I loved you. Papa, I loved you. But you threw it all away!"

I stood, panting, unable to keep anything in any longer.

"You threw it all away because you preferred mum. Little did you know I looked just like her. You preferred her yet I was her, a little piece yet still a piece! All I ever wanted was your love, was for you to be proud of me, to be proud of your little failure."

I curled my hand into a fist at my side, voice quavering and a lone tear sliding down my cheek, I continued: "When you told me we were going to sail the world together, it was the happiest day of my entire life. You promised we'd be together. You promised, yet you lied to my face! That day, the day that you ran, you didn't just run from the law, you didn't just run from the ship, you ran from me! You left me high and dry! I was counting on you! I thought you had changed! Oh how wrong I was, I was so naive to think that for second!"

I fell to my knees once more, not out of physical pain, but out of emotional pain.

Then the world went dark...

-(To be continued)-

Again, sorry this chapter took so long, I've been terribly sick and still am, and I was in no mood to write and deal with my glitchy computer. Having writer's block didn't help much either. Also, if you have any questions or comments about the story, please feel free to ask. Until next time...
