Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, that honor belongs to the amazing J K Rowling, nor the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" lol

A/N: My original plan was to upload starting with Day 1 on December 12th and upload daily, finishing up with a "Christmas Special" chapter... And then my computer died XD lol So, yeah... I make no promises ^^;; lol (Tablet typing is a pain lol)

Beta: None, sorry! Tried, but... Betaing on a tablet isn't easy ^^;; lol


:12 Days of Christmas:

oOoOo Day 1 oOoOo

Crimson eyes studied the tree before him, a frown marring the Dark Lord's handsome features.

Voldemort was still trying to work out that little conundrum -it wasn't every day one woke up looking like their spry young self once again- but decided to take everything one step at a time. He had his sanity back and had no desire to lose it again, thank you very much.

The tree wasn't overly large -still young more than likely- so it had been easier for his...admirer? to transport. Or rather, the smaller tree had been more convenient for the owls to carry if the multitude of feathers scattered about the area were anything to go by.

The plant was of the fruit bearing variety, and the distinct shape of a pear here and there throughout it's branches were a dead giveaway as to the tree's particular breed. What really caught the Dark Lord's attention, however, happened to be the pear tree's...resident?

'How in the world did they manage to get that much snake into so little a tree?'

That must have been a feat of magic in itself no doubt. Tom would have gone about it a different way, personally, but not everyone could be a genius like him.

And then there was the letter. He had just finished checking the missive mere moments before the wards alerted him to his home's newest... additions.

'What else would you call a snake and a tree? Esteemed guests?' Voldemort mentally rolled his eyes before he turned his attention back to the note within his grasp. "Might as well read it…" He sighed and opened the elegant envelope.

At least the sender had good taste.

'Of course they have good taste, they like me after all.'

Arrogant? Perhaps, but he was a bloody DARK LORD for Merlin's sake. Arrogance is practically in the job description. Not like a Dark Lord had time to write down something so trivial…

'Getting off track.' Better to lose focus and explore multiple subjects than to become overly obsessive with one topic in particular.

$ Are you going to read that, or just stare at it all day? $ The serpent coiled around -throughout, and generally all over- the tree inquired and crimson eyes narrowed.

'Cocky bastard.' Tom thought as he threw a glare at the snake before he turned his attention back to the parchment he held and decided to read it aloud -just to annoy his new pest...er, guest.

"On the first day of Christmas, your true love sent to thee…

A Python in a Pear Tree.

I know the song says a Partridge, but the bird is way too Muggle and beyond boring. I had considered a Phoenix in it's stead, but then I had the mental image of said Firebird sneezing at the most inopportune time and setting the tree ablaze…

So you got a python. True, it could still be considered a rather mundane gift, but since you're a Parselmouth I thought it rather fitting. Besides, this is also a treat for Nagini. I made sure your new friend was male before I sent him along. Hope the two get along and provide you with some grand-hatchlings.


Yours Truly"

$ I like him. $ Nagini stated and the Dark Lord looked down at his Familiar.

She had been silent since they stepped outside the house and he'd honestly thought she had become bored and wandered off should have known better, especially since there was a mysterious new reptile in the tree before them.

$ So this new snake is to your liking? $ He raised an eyebrow in mild surprise.

It was rare that Nagini liked anyone -or anything- much less within minutes.

'Of course she likes the arrogant bastard.' Because that would be just his luck. If she liked the new guy, Tom wouldn't kill him. Which meant he had to deal with him instead and "play nice."

Voldemort just hoped the python would annoy his followers to make up for the headache it was sure to cause.

$ I don't know, I haven't even talked to him yet! $

Oh really? Well then, maybe he could eliminate the pest before he caused trouble...

$ I was talking about the guy who sent him. $ Nagini rolled her eyes at him -an action that only a Parselmouth could discern for whatever reason- and effectively stopped all thoughts of serpent-cide.

$ What makes you think they are male? $ He was curious as to his Familiar's reasoning.

There was nothing in the letter indicating his admirer's gender one way or another, so to have his friend sound so confident that said person was MALE of all things was interesting to say the least.

$ In your culture, is it not the male who sends the gifts? $ It wasn't really a question and they both knew it.

$ Yes, but that's when the male is sending a gift to a female… $ He trailed off when he noticed the snake's pointed look. $ I am NOT female! $

$ Then perhaps you should figure out who your admirer is and make sure he knows HE is the female in the relationship. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a date with long, thick and handsome over there. $ Then she was gone, leaving behind a very confused Dark Lord.

Not that he'd ever show such an emotion, much less admit it aloud, of course. But still, Voldemort couldn't help but wonder…

'What am I supposed to do about all this?'


A/N2: Not my best, but it is fun! This is also my way of saying "I'm alive" and, to everyone who follows my other stories, I do not intend to abandon things. I totaled my car back in February (not my fault in the slightest mind you) and my life has been kinda crazy since. But I am alive and thankful...What better way to prove that than living? Lol. So I hope to start updating once again (and regularly) come February as a sort of come back from the experience. (Need to fix the computer first...)

Happy Holidays everyone! *insert heart emote here* lol