It's been a while since I've tried to write something fanfiction related, but I got a request from a friend and thought of something really cool with what I was given, so I'll see where this goes.

I have watched the Host Club a few times and love the show, but I'm more of a fantasy writer so there's going to be some fantasy elements take place early on. It's not really an AU, but bear with me.

The goal of this fiction was to make a twins romance story, and after doing some reading on other romance fics, I think I'm aware of elements I like and elements I want to avoid. I'll do my best to make this more realistic in terms of relationship development, and also not overly sappy.

Just some warnings: as I said, this IS a HikaruxKaoru story so if that bothers you, than steer yourself away. I also don't own Ouran Host Club or any of its characters. There will be a number of OCs later, some will play major parts but very little of the story will be directly about them. It will make more sense when I get to that part of the story.

Without any further delay, enjoy the story.

A Performance

The Host Club… where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm girls, who also have too much time on their hands. Not long ago, the club received a new member, Haruhi Fujioka. Unknown to the female guests of which the club would entertain, Haruhi is actually a woman; it's thanks to the male uniform and androgynous hairstyle that she is able to take up the guise. She takes the role of a host in order to pay off her expensive debt to which she owes the club for breaking a lavish vase on the day she met them. Over time she has come to enjoy the club and it's members as close friends despite their sometimes overbearing personalities. Two of the members that she has formed the closest friendships with are the Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru.

Hikaru Hitachiin, the "seme"… the dominant twin, older yet immature and more a prankster. His brother is the closest person to him, and they thrive on each other for support. Kaoru Hitachiin, the "uke"… the submissive twin, younger but more down to earth and understanding. More open to branching out and building relationships with people beyond his brother. As hosts, it is their combined responsibility to appease the adoration of their female clients who find pleasure in the forbidden romance between a pair of devilish and boyish twins, thus their "gimmick" is just that. When before their guests, they showcase their secret romance and fabricate tales of their intimacy in bed.

In reality, their romance was nothing more than the show they placed for the girls that requested their service. Neither minded the ploy, in fact both enjoyed it to a degree. It reminded the twins that regardless of the overdramatic and grandiose nature, that they were still as close as could be, and would forever remain each other's best friend.

On a day like any other, the after school activities of the host club began and ended as usual. Once the club's clients left, however, a meeting was drawn. Tamaki, leader of the club, spoke to the rest.

"Alrighty everyone! We have big plans to prepare for." He spoke with his usual exaggerated tone and extraneous gestures.

Knowing the "king," this was likely bad news. A wave of dread hit Haruhi as she could only assume the worst.

"Three weeks from today, we are going to hold a play for our guests!" the bomb dropped.

"A play!?" the girl sighed.

"Yes, a magnificent play of bravery, chivalry, knighthood and love! We perform to bring joy to the hearts of every girl in the school."

"That and ticket sales would benefit the club greatly." Kyoya added, pushing up his glasses.

A number of unappealing scenarios played in Haruhi's mind in the span of a second before she abruptly stood and moved for the door, "Whatever role you're planning on pushing onto me, like your princess or your bride… I'm not doing it." Her tone was nonchalant and calm, yet her words were forceful.

"Actually, I was going to have you play the knight." Tamaki gave a confident smile. "After all if I made you the princess, people might start to catch on that you aren't a man. I would just die if my precious little girl was discovered and all the boys in the school would try and steal your heart from me!"

"You can't steal something that was never yours." She remarked quietly, though Tamaki didn't seem to hear.

"The romance written into the script is actually meant for Hikaru and Kaoru." Kyoya shared.

The twins looked at one another with confused expressions.

"Why us?" they shrugged.

"Since we want to be discreet with my darling girl," Tamaki continued, "the two of you fit the part perfectly! It's a tale of two princes, both identical even though they have never met one another. When their eyes meet, they knew instantly that it was love! A revolutionary twist on The Prince and The Pauper!"

"Who wrote this script?" Haruhi asked.



"Ah, that explains it." The twins watched Renge rise from the floor with her trademark laugh.

"The prince, a man of glory and honor! Troubled by his lavish life seeks nothing more than freedom from his cage! The pauper, the humble man desires a life far from the streets where the food is delicious and the clothes are warm and comfortable. When they meet, the power of a kiss can grant them everything they wish for. It will move hearts, it will force tears… your audience will scream and shout for more!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not how that story goes." Haruhi muttered.

"Think of your fan base, boys, it will give them something fantastic to look forward too." Renge added.

Hikaru and Kaoru glanced at each other and shrugged again, "Fine with us."

"Yay! A play! What part will I play!?" Honey-senpai shouted.

"You and Mori-senpai will play the prince's advisors, Haruhi will play the prince's protector and knight, Kyoya will play the father of the pauper, Hikaru will be the prince, Kaoru will be the pauper, and I will be the glorious King Henry VIII!"

"Why not just make Haruhi the pauper?"

Almost instantly, Tamaki smacked his hand over the younger twin's mouth.

"Shh! We're not to insult Haruhi by giving her the part she plays in real life!" he whispered. Off in the room, there was a darkening aura around the girl.

"I'm still not interested in having any part in this. I'm a terrible actor anyway." She grumbled.

"Helping out with the play, would take out quite a chunk off your debt." Kyoya added.

Haruhi sighed, "Fine, but what are you going to do about the rest of the cast. There aren't enough of us for all the characters in that play."

"That's why we'll be hosting our tryouts for the next few days!"

It appeared the plan was already in motion. None of the hosts knew how exactly this play would turn out, but it was sure to be an eventful few weeks to say the least.

That marks the end of the first chapter. I'm not entirely sure how long I plan to make this, but I know it will have some length to it.

Please leave a review if you like it, and I encourage any constructive criticism. Truth be told I really want to try writing something lengthy and with some original content to get feedback on my writing skills and story telling skills before I attempt my first novel. Consider this a bit of an experiment if you will.