A/N: So, I decided to write another fan fiction on Hellsing. This one will be more romantic, and slow paced. I want this one to be long. My own little fan fiction after Alucard came back after 30 years when they realize they have feelings for each other, which will begin to develop soon.

It was a dark night, the moon was full and red, Alucard had come back the week before. He was very impressed with Seras' development. She was drinking blood every day, keeping up her strength, and holding her own on missions. She, in his eyes, had turned into a very beautiful, elegant, sweet young draculina, but she was very frightening to enemies, and extremely deadly. He had realized this when he went on a mission with her the night before, he had barely been able to get half the ghouls before Seras had blown off their heads with her Harkonnen. They all trembled in fear before her. He was proud to call her his childe.

This one seemed no different than any other. though there were no missions. It was a night off. The scum vampires seemed to not want to lose anymore un-lives due to the vast amount they've already lost. Though Seras seemed different on this night somehow. She was shy around her master. She seemed to spend a lot of time in her room, and stuttered when Alucard called her. As Alucard was leaving his chambers, he saw his petit draculina leave her chambers, she ascended the stairs and walked into the main foyer. As she was about to enter the ballroom, Alucard appeared in front of her, and she squeaked. "M-master!" He simply grinned at her and walked around her. "What would my police girl be doing at this time, especially heading into a ballroom?" She gulped and shuffled her feet a little. "N-nothing sir! I shall be in the training room if you need me!" With that, she dematerialized and left him alone in the foyer. He chuckled. What was she hiding?

Seras was alone in the training room, throwing punches at an enforced punching bag made for Vampire strength. "That was too close.. I need to be more careful.. I'll go back in an hour.. hopefully he doesn't follow me again..

It was around 2 am when she attempted to go back to the ballroom. This time, Alucard was not there. She sent her powers through the building trying to sense where he was. She couldn't find him. It seemed he was hiding himself from her. She gulped and walked into the room. Little did she know that there were eyes watching her from the shadows. She walked over to the piano and sat down. She took a quick peek around one more time, then let out a nervous breath. She felt as if she was being watched. She rested her fingers on the keys, and began to play Chopin's Nocturne.

From the shadows Alucard was patient, listening to the music and waiting for the perfect time to emerge. Around 15 minutes of constant playing, Seras was completely focused on the music. So of course Alucard came out of the shadows, and slowly walked up to her, silently. She hadn't heard him, even when he stood directly behind her. She made no mistakes and it sounded beautiful. He hated to disturb her. But it was just too much fun to bug her. He smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder. She jumped and nearly fell off her seat. She looked up at who had interrupted her and her face went red. "Master! I'm so sorry! I.. I was just.. I was playing on the piano, I didn't think anyone was listening!" He chuckled and put up his hand to stop her rambling. "My little draculina, you have a wonderful talent.. There is no need to apologize. But Chopin? It surprises even me to find out that you've learned his music and play it so flawlessly at such a young age..? Even pianists at the age of 70 to 80 sometimes still make mistakes. But I heard none from you.. Take it from someone who had taken a liking to his music, and actually went to one of his performances.." Seras gasped at his compliments, but she was more surprised that he had actually seen the man in concert. She thought he would never even be interested in human performances. "But sir.. I never thought you'd be the type to go to a performance filled with humans.." He laughed out loud then. "My dear, just because I am a vampire, does not mean I don't like to indulge in activities such as seeing a nice orchestra, or any type of elegant performance once in a while. I do like my classics."

Seras was shocked. She had never known this about her master. Though, she'd never asked. But it seemed they had something in common. Classical music, and the sound of a piano. She knew how she could get close to him now! She smiled and sat back down on the seat, and he sat beside her. She looked up at him and he smiled at her. "Is there.. Anything you would like me to play, Master? I learned to play when I was very young, just after my mother and father was murdered. It was the only way I could.. in a way.. Get away. And after you disappeared, I.." She looked down, her bangs covering her face. "I was so sad, I decided to begin playing again. I started by playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven after you were gone." Alucard placed his hand on her shoulder. "Would you mind playing it for me?" Her face turned red and she gulped, she turned to the piano and Alucard got up to give her more room, but he stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders. She began to play. Once again, flawless. Ah this music brought him back. The 1800's was such a good century. He gently caressed her shoulders with his thumbs to calm her a little more.

His thoughts began to drift. "My darling servant.. mine to mold, I once said.. Being away for 30 years.. I wasn't here to mold you into who you are today. Please forgive me, my Seras Victoria." She stopped playing and looked up at him sadly. "My darling master, mine to serve. I've been in your place for all these years.." She held onto his hand which held her shoulder. "You've been forgiven many years ago.." She chuckled. "Master.. without you, I never would have been who I am today. Sir, I am a vampire because of you, though my beginning to drink was caused by Pip.. But his blood was willingly given to me.. right before he died, he told me to take it so we could finish that horrible war.. And I did.." She looked up into his eyes, which stared back. "Oh Master..." She stood up causing him to take a step back as she leaped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I've missed you so.. Are you proud of me..?" Her question shocked him. Proud of her? She practically took out the entire zeppelin by herself. She took care of the entire manor and killed every enemy in her way. She kept Master Integra alive throughout the entire ordeal. Was he proud of her? "Of course I'm proud of you.." He wrapped one arm around her waist and placed the other on the back of her head as she sobbed into his shoulder. "In the past few days while I was sent on that boat to kill that scum Nazi female vampire.. You've grown more in those few days than you had in the months I've known you.. You'd drunken blood of your own free will, and continue to this day.. You've kept Master Integra alive.. and sane.. throughout all these years.." As they stood there holding each other. Mina Harker is his past.. Little Seras Victoria is his future. "You've even saved me.. my darling draculina.. When Anderson attempted to slice me in half, to get to my heart.. you stopped him.. and woken me." She smiled between sobs. "I tried my best Master.. I couldn't bear to lose you forever... If I let him.. you wouldn't have ever come back.." She leaned back to look at him in the eyes, his face was soft, with a small smile. It made her weak at the knees, luckily he's keeping her in the air. "If I must be quite honest with you, Master, I found you quite attractive what that mustache. Your accent was quite attractive as well." She giggled, blushing slightly and he chuckled. He set her down and placed his hand between her shoulder blades, leading her out of the ballroom, and back down into his chambers. She stopped at his door. "Master?" He smiled and walked inside, then waved his hand, beckoning her. "Come my draculina. Join me for some wine." She stared at him, this was new.

She slowly walked inside and stood in front of him as he poured the glasses and handed her one. "You've become a vampire, a powerful, feared, dangerous vampire. And I couldn't be more proud." Seras spoke up and held her glass to his. "I toast this to your return, and to you in general. You, whom without I would not be who I am today. My dear master." Alucard smiled, flattered. He toasted her glass and took a sip of his own. He placed his glass on his table, and looked up, his hands behind his back. He was deep in thought. "There are no more dangerous battles like that one.. Hopefully none like it in a long time. My being back for only a week will not cut it. I have no excuses. I know you as the weak, fledgling vampire you used to be who refused blood.. But this new you.." He turned to look at her, the backs of his fingers trailing down her cheek, neck, then finally her shadow arm. "I don't exactly know this new you too well.. and I wish to know more.." She blushed a little, then reached up with her right arm, holding onto his hand. "We have centuries, Master.. All the time in the world." Alucard shook his head. "This I know.. but I do not plan for me to be your master forever." She gasped at that, and covered her mouth with her hands. "M-master.. I do not wish to be parted from you!" Alucard smiled and took her hand, kissing the top of it. "You will not be parted from me, Seras." He cared deeply for her. He could almost say he loved her as much as he knew she loved him. But this would take time.. Once he's fallen completely for her, which shouldn't be too long, he will mate her. For she is the only other female vampire who could almost rival his own power. She is almost as feared as he is. She looked up at him, a trail of blood tears down each cheek, and glistening eyes. "What do you mean? I will be parted from you if we do not have a bond anymore Master.." Alucard chuckled and placed his hand atop her head. "I wish to create a bond much stronger, Seras. It will take time, so do not worry just yet." She tilted her head and wiped away her tears. "But Master, what bond would you be talking about?" He began walking over to his throne, picking up his glass and taking another sip. "That, my dear Seras, you will find out when the time comes. Until then, we stay as we are." Seras looked down into her glass, frightened for the future, but sipped her wine.

She walked over to his throne as he sat down, and she sat down on the arm of the throne he wasn't using. He chuckled, then took her glass, placing it on the table. She was taken by surprise but squeaked when she felt his hands on her waist, pulling her onto his lap. She was very petit compared to him, her feet barely reached the ground. She looked up to see his face, and she blushed, his arm supporting her back. She leaned her head against his chest and she closed her eyes. There was a comfort being held by him. No, there was no heat, no heart beat, but when he held her, there was comfort. She opened her eyes and looked up at his face, only to see him looking back down to her. Her eyes locked onto his lips, they looked so soft, so kissable.. Oh how she longed to kiss those perfect alabaster lips of his. Would he let her in? Her thoughts were lost as he leaned back into his throne. She sat up into a much more comfortable position. He smiled at her. "You've become so strong." Seras closed her eyes, but opened them back up, smiling at her master, she placed her hand on his cheek softly. "Would.. would you like to see my progress..? I've learned that memories.. they travel through blood, master.. take my blood and see my memories. See what you have missed over these years." She bore her neck to him, and he looked at her a bit surprised, but held her the same way he did when he bit her the first time. He cradled her head and she closed her eyes, leaning her head into his hand. He slowly leaned her head back, and bit into the same mark he left behind. He began to take in her essence, her sweet, sweet blood. She let out a soft moan as he latched on, and her fingers tangled into his silken raven locks.

He saw Zorin take away her eyes, and her arm. He saw Pip's death, and Seras crying over her loss. He saw him offer his blood before he died and she did, she took his blood. Took him into herself. He then saw her anger, and how terrifying she was to her enemies. How she killed Zorin to put it mildly. He was beaming with pride over what he was witnessing. He saw the small touching moment they shared, noticing how he had looked in this form, he looked so proud that she had finally drank blood. He saw the fear in her eyes as Anderson nearly cut him down the middle, how fast she reacted to try to save him. He saw her defeat the werewolf who had helped her kill him. He saw his disappearance through her eyes, felt how sad she'd become. Then he saw the death of the major. Her Harkonnen wasn't powerful enough to shoot through the glass, but his eyes grew and the smile on his face became sinister as he saw her pull a giant cannon from the floor, .88 mm shells. It tore through the glass, through the major and through the Zeppelin. He saw as Sir Integra lost her eye, and finally killed the Major. Then he witnessed the escape. The 30 years that had passed were quiet as the manor and the rest of London got rebuilt. But throughout the 30 years, though the memories went fast because nothing really happened, other than Seras completely obliterating every scum vampire in her way. He watched her progression, but he knew deep in her heart, he felt the deep sadness and depression she held for losing him. As he pulled away from her neck slowly, and licked his lips, getting the remaining drops, he looked down at her. It seemed she enjoyed him biting her just as much as he did. She was blushing. her hand fell back to her lap. The slight scent of her arousal was coming off of her and he nuzzled his face into her neck, licking the wound. "My dear Seras, to witness your progression through memory, there truly is nothing like it, unless you've witnessed it firsthand." Seras smiled, but it faded away to sadness after she remembered he didn't want to keep her as his fledgling forever.

He frowned slightly. "Seras, I've told you, I will be making a stronger bond, but that will come at a later time. We both still need time.." She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and held him to her. "I just.. don't want to lose you master." He smiled gently, as she pulled back, and brushed the backs of his fingers across her cheek, and down her neck. "I'm afraid, that for now, I cannot return your feelings just yet." Her eyes widened. "Master.. I.." He held his hand up to stop her. "Do you forget about our bond? I know what's going on in your head.. Though I am flattered." He chuckled. She went even redder and buried her face in his shirt. "M-master.. I never thought.. oh dear.. Sir, I admit, I do love you.. very much.. but you told me you can't return my feelings just yet.. what is that supposed to mean?" He chuckled once more. "It means that in time, I will. But if you wish to know my plans now, then I'm afraid it won't be a surprise when it actually happens. Be patient my dear police girl." She nodded then slid herself off his lap. "Sir, the sun should be rising soon.." He stood up "So it would seem. Go my dear, and get some rest, you'll be needing it for tomorrow." She quirked her head to the side. "Huh?" He smiled and placed his hand on her head and ruffled her hair a bit. "You will find out tomorrow." She nodded and before she turned around to run back to her room, she walked up to him, and jumped up, kissing his cheek in the process since she was so small. She blushed and ran off to her room leaving him standing there with a grin. "Sweet dreams, my Seras Victoria." Truth be told, he would free her the next night, and take her as his mate. He does love her. At first he was willing to wait a few months. But offering up her neck and memories to him, then seeing all she's done. It stirred something inside him, and confirmed his feelings towards the young draculina. Tomorrow night will prove most interesting.

A/N: And that my dear viewers is the first chapter to my new Hellsing story! Reviews are appreciated! I hope you all enjoyed it!