The raindrops tormented the windows of the SUV, speeding down the road toward the Lennox residence. It had been pooring since early this morning and didn't show any sign of slacking off in the next few hours.

Selina sighed.

The drive was taking longer than expected and the awkward silence between her and the social worker was almost deafening.

The lady behind the wheel, Mary Cardinal, glanced over at her with a fake smile.

"You excited, Lina?" she finally spoke, easing the tension, but creating an all new discomfort for the 16 year old girl beside her.

'Lina' faked a smile. "Yeah."

Mrs. Cardinal's cheerful expression seemed to droop at the teen's lack of joy.

"Just... try to make the best of it, sweety. Who knows? Maybe this'll be your family, hm?" the white-headed woman rambled.

Selina just turned her head.

"Atleast be polite." Mrs. Cardinal instructed, finally growing ill of the child's attitude.

"Yes ma'am."


"I still do not comprehend your reasoning for bringing another sparkling into your home. Annabelle is quite enough to deal with." Ironhide argued, sitting in his holoform on the front steps beside his charge.

"C'mon, Ironhide. We've had this talk with you four times. You've known for a month that Selina was coming and you wait until now to complain." Will groaned.

"I did not know she was going to be an adolescent." the robot argued, "She is going to be even more ridiculously needy than the three year old!"

Will sighed.

The bot had know that the Lennox's were fostering a kid but he had just been informed today of the new arrival's age.

As soon as the silver vehicle pulled into the drive, Will got to his feet, as did Ironhide.

"Okay, 'Hide. Remember we aren't gonna tell her about the whole 'alien species going to war on earth' deal yet, so just... stay in your alt mode... and I'll introduce you as Ron."

The autobot just grunted.

Mrs. Cardinal stepped out of the automobile, urging Selina to do the same.

As soon as the child's feet hit the gravel of the pathway, she was firmly grasped by the hand and pulled over to Lennox, who was walking out to greet them.

"Nice to see you again, Miss Cardinal." the soldier shook her wrinkled hand.

"Selina." He said and reached for the teenager's, but was denied when the girl put her arm behind her back.

The elder seemed to become even more annoyed, as she shot Selina a death glare.

"Behave." she hissed.

"It's alright, Ma'am. If she doesn't wanna shake my hand, she doesn't have to." Will proclaimed happily, smiling down at the girl.

She only looked away from him.

Mrs. Cardinal sighed.

"Well... her medical records are at access to you any given time. Just call me. She's not taking any current medications, so that won't be an issue... and Selina," she looked over her shoulder. "Be good for Mr. and Mrs. Lennox."

Will smiled at the oldie and they exchanged pleasantries once more before she was sent back into the SUV and driving all the way back to Henderson, Nevada.

He turned to look at Selina.

"Uh, well... here ya are!" he beamed. "Um, your bedroom is gonna be up in that window there- I'll give you the tour in a minute- Oh yeah! Sorry, Sarah couldn't be here. Our daughter, Anabelle, got a touch of something. She couldn't get them to reschedule the doctor's appointment to any other day..." he rambled.

"It's okay, Mr. Lennox." Selina mumbled.

Will looked at her for a minute.

"Oh, sweety, you don't have to call me Mr. Lennox. It makes me feel old or somethin! Just call me Will."

She nodded.

"And uh... that's Ron." he pointed to Ironhide's holoform, propping himself on the front door. "He's a military friend of mine. He'll probably be here awhile so... you might wanna get aquainted."

She looked up at the dark-haired man in army-looking clotes. For a few minutes all it was was staring. Him looking at her in a tone of insignificance and her looking at him with a slight intimidated feeling.

He made it look like she was the outsider, but to be honest, the alien had never seen any human being dress so drearily.

She had shoulder length hair which was dyed black, black skinny jeans, a solid black hoodie, and black floral Vans. Not to mention her dark makeup.

After a good sixty second stand off, Ron broke the tension.

"Don't worry, kid. I won't bite."


Selina sat on the bed, taking in the massive structure of her new bedroom. She couldn't believe this was just a spare room... wasn't even the master.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on te door.

She looked around the vast space awkwardly.

"Uhm... come in?"

The door creaked open, and making a mental note that the hinges needed greasing, the teen took in the woman who entered.

She was very pretty. She had blonde hair and fair skin. Well... maybe a bit of a tan, but only slightly. Just enough to make her look much prettier than Selina.

"Hi." Sarah said calmly, glancing over to Selina's still unpacked suitcase that rested on the chest-of-drawers in the furthest corner.

"I'm Sarah. Well, you know that already, but still. I uh... thought you might like a more personal introduction."

No response.

"I see you've already talked to Will and Ron." Sarah smiled a little. "Hope they didn't scare ya too much. They can be pretty macho-looking, but trust me they're both sweethearts."

Selina forced a slight smile onto her face to express her thanks to Mrs. Lennox who was, after all, allowing the teen into her home. She didn't want to seem like she didn't like it here, even though she didn't. As a matter of fact, this semmed to be one of the better foster homes she'd come into contact with.

But she knew it wouldn't last. It never did.

They would get tired of her antisocial personality eventually and send her back to the shelter with Mrs. Cardinal like everyone else always ended up doing.

She'd had ten foster families already, eleven counting this one, and none of them were anything like her real mom and dad had been. They didn't even come close. Even the most seemingly committed foster mother grew frustrated with her after a while. Three years, to be exact.

That was Mrs. Ekridge, an elderly lady somewhere around her sixties, whose husband was dead.

The lady's children were all grown wit kids of their own, and she thought it'd be a good idea to take in a foster child. Well, it worked for a while. Selina actually started getting use to her and opening up, but then she got sick. Mrs. Ekridge had tried to take care of her at first, but with her low income she couldn't pay for the medical bills. And the stress of having an illness in the family was just too much to bear for the geezer. So, she thought it was best for both her and Selina if she just ended her involvement with the teenager.

So, about a moth into Selina's treatments, and after three years of being a family unit, Mrs. Elkridge had made contact with the shelter and arranged for them to come pick the orphan up and take her away.

But Mrs. Elkridge was seventh on the long list of failed fosters.

See, Selina was an only child. And her parents died in a car accident when she was just nine years old. So she was taken from her home in Boulder City Nevada, all the way to a home for orphaned and abused children in Hendserson.

Being the adorable and sweet little kid that she was, it took almost no time for her to be put in a foster home. It was a very loving young couple, who had two kids of their own. Mr and Mrs. Antonio. They seemed perfect at first and Selina loved them, but she couldn't seem to tolerate their children. They had two boys, Judson and Josh, that were around four years old and enjoyed terrorizing Selina in any way they could. They would call her names and rip hair out of the dolls their mom had given her. They even drew on her face with permenant marker once!

She got in fights with them all the time, calling them bad names and vandalizing their toy robots as payback, and eventually, Mr. Antonio got tired of her. After a little over two weeks, he drover her back to the shelter and left her there.

The next set of parents were the Jones'. They were also young and Mrs. Jones was incapable of having kids, so she managed to convince her husband to try and adopt. They had talked with Selina at the home a couple times and after a short while, found that they wanted to try and foster her. The poor people, they tried really hard to get along with the child and love her as their own, but once she saw what it was like to mother someone who didn't belong to her, Mrs. Jones couldn't do it. A month later, they put an end to their foster service, saying it just didn't feel right. Later, they mentioned something about a surrogate mother.

So, time dragged along in the next year or two, with Selina passing trough different windows and rooms, none of which ever worked out. There was Mrs. Kay, who kept her a few days, then got bored with her. Then, there were the Jacobs', who managed to deal with Selina for half a year, but then shipped her right back to Henderson, saying she "wasn't what they had been looking for". Next, came the lawyer, Mr. Fishcer. She endured three months of his abusive ways and then finally someone ratted him out to the DHR. After that, the Kingstons tried to foster her, but four hours after she got home with them, they found her trying to give the dog a haircut and got so furious that they demanded she get out of their home. Then, the whole thing with Mrs. Elkridge took place.

Once Mrs. Elkridge terminated care for Selina and signed her back over to the home, Selina spent a total of two years there, with no fostering or adoptions even being considered. She'd been too sick at the time, and had to make a full recovery before anyone would really be interested in her.

After recovery, Selina went with the McKenzies, but they complained about her being "withdrawn and depressed" and discontinued fostering her when half a year had gone by. Then there were, of course, Mr. Otto. He was nice, but he got a new girlfriend two days after she got there, who didn't like the idea of adoption or foster care, and Mr. Otto easily quit caring for the teen after just a week.

The most recent had been Mr. and Mrs. Gillins. It was a rather typical elderly couple. They had several cats and were both somewhere around seventy years old. Selina knew from the second she met them that it wasn't gonna work. To make a short story even shorter, Mr. Gillins actually died one day because he fell off the toilet. (Funny, I know. But it's a real danger!) Mrs. Gillins came in from gardening and when she saw him, she had a massive heart attack and passed away. Selina had been at school at the time, and was informed by the police after a neighbor had called them.

So now, she was here.

With a military officer, his wife, and their infant. Not to mention the creepy "colleague" of Mr. Lennox's.

And now, she was here talking to Mrs. Lennox in her massive new bedroom in her massive new house.

It all seemed pretty good, but Selina didn't care for it. She never wanted to come here. Because she knew that, after a while, even they would abandon her.

Just like everyone else.

AN: If ya wanna be a flamethrower then so be it.