Fitz is amazed that Ayden had not uttered one word about their spring break vacation. He knew it was a chance that his son would accidentally tell them about the surprise. He kind of banked on it, but he underestimated how much he son was enjoying helping his dad plan something for his mom and siblings.

When Fitz sat down at dinner one night to explain that he had to work during Break no one got upset. He informed them that he would get a day or two that he could get away and asked if they didn't mind coming along.

Everyone readily agreed to the plans. On one hand Fitz was excited that he didn't have to weave an elaborate story to get them on the jet, but he was also disappointed that they accepted that his job came first. That they would always come in second place to this job.

He was even more determined to make this trip special. He needed to remind his family that he loved his job, and he loved the country, but he loved them more.

Everyone was busy leading up to spring break. He often went to the Residence late but found time to enjoy dinner with them. He made it to Olivia's checkups, and Ayden spent every available moment he could with his dad.

During those time he heard the kids discuss what their friends were doing over spring break. Neither of them seemed bothered by the fact he had asked them to give up their time for him.

Sure, he should be happy that he had such understanding children, but he was also angry. Mostly with himself for creating this dynamic in his home. If that wasn't bad enough he would look at his wife who seemed indifferent to the situation as well. We are talking about Olivia freaking Pope. No one controls her.

Olivia could tell that something was bothering her husband, but it was like they kept missing each other. She thought they would get a chance to talk before they left for their trip, but it didn't happen.

They loaded up on Air Force One. Once they took off and everyone was doing their own thing Olivia grabbed Fitz's hand and took him to the bedroom.

She took off her dress and climbed in the bed. He silently got undressed and climbed in the bed. She wrapped his arm around him.

After a few minutes she turned and looked at him, "Are you ready to tell me what is bothering you?"

"What makes you think something is bothering me? You do know I am the President. There is something always on my mind."

"So that is how we are going to play this…"

Fitz didn't say anything for a moment.

Finally, he looked her in the eyes, "I feel like I am my father."

Olivia sat up, "Woah, where is this coming from?"

"When I announced the trip for spring break the kids didn't even flinch or give me a hard time that we weren't doing anything fun for spring break. They just accepted that I had to work, and they were coming along. You didn't even give me any flack. I expected some push back, and I got none. It made me think of what kind of father and husband I was that my family would bend at my beck and call with no resistance."

Olivia laid back down and moved Fitz's hands to her baby bump, "Baby, the last thing you are is your father. There is no doubt that being in this bubble is hard on all of us especially the children, because they can't just get up and go like other children. They have adapted and accepted. The reason they didn't give you a hard time and neither did I is because we know that if you could have come up with another option for us you would have. When I married you, I knew what I was getting into. When you get married you can't be the same person you were when you were single. I will always be Olivia Pope, but Olivia Grant is a wife and mother. It isn't always about her. I'm happy being by your side. We almost lost you so as long as we are all together and happy then I think I can speak for the children when I say that we are more than good."

"I love you all so much. I am happy I can fulfill my term, but you all are my world. Promise me if I start to fall on the job you will call me out. I was given a second chance at life, and I don't want to screw it up."

Olivia leaned over and softly kissed him, "You know I'll always keep you in check, but I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to our children."

Fitz finally relaxed. He was glad that she had forced him to talk. It made him doubly happy to surprise them. He still couldn't believe that Ayden had kept the secret. He had to do something extra special for him.

The flight was just under four hours. After talking a little more, the couple redressed and headed back out to the kids. Ayden jumped in his dad's lap and snuggled while they were waiting on the Secret Service to give them permission to leave the plane.

Tom came back up and let them know that everything was all clear. Fitz went first with Ayden holding his hand. At the bottom of the steps was Governor Ricardo Rosello who was the Governor of Puerto Rico.

Fitz was sure that if he turned around he would see some confused faces. He had told them they were visiting the states devastated by Hurricanes. He knew that they would assume Florida and Texas. He also knew that Olivia would noticed that the press pool was very small.

Now that he had talked to Olivia he was even more excited to share the surprise. The Governor and Fitz exchange words for a few moments with the Governor assuring Fitz that everything has been set up.

Fitz walked over to the press, "I am going to make this quick since I have spoken with each of you personally. As you can tell you are a small group. I hand picked each one of you to come here, because I know that you will tell the story that needs to be told. I am here on vacation with my family as I explained, but we will pop up around town during our stay. Each day a plane will arrive with well-known figures and companies bringing supplies. On my last day here, I will be making a major announcement that you all will be able to share with your network and magazines as an exclusive. If you hold up to your end of the bargain here I will hold up to mine."

Fitz answered a few questions before nodding at Tom and Hal that he was ready to leave. They quickly escorted the family to the cars.

When they got in Fitz turned to Ayden and gave him a hi-five. "Good job buddy…"

Jerry started laughing, "There is no way that Ayden knew about this."

Fitz looked at his youngest son, "Not only did he know, but it was his idea and he helped me plan it. He thought everyone could use a break and asked me if we could go somewhere. I knew that I could kill two birds with one stone in Puerto Rico. I could vacation and roll out a new plan that I have been working on at the same time."

Olivia was in awe of husband at the moment. She would show him later, but for now she enjoyed the excitement of the kids knowing that they were on vacation.

About thirty minutes later they pulled up to an estate that took their breaths away.

Fitz looked at his wife, "I was going to rent a house, but then I remembered that Matt & Elaine had purchased a home here not too long ago. I called them and found out their home is close by. They will be in later. I thought it would be nice to have a house close to extended family."

"I love everything that you have done so far."

Karen leaned over the seat and hugged her dad, "Thanks dad. We understand how busy your job is, and I appreciate you finding a way to do this for us."

Jerry agreed, "Ditto dad…"

"Well you are welcome, but don't forget this little guy beside me. He put a lot of work in to make this happen to."

Olivia held her arms out and he gladly ran into them. She whispered something in his ear that made him hold her tighter.

When they got the clear to get out the car Jerry grabbed Ayden up causing him to squeal. Karen joined in. You could see the joy in his eyes that is siblings were playing with him.

The main house was five bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. They had a formal living room, dining room, family room, office, billiard room, wine cellar, and terrace that provided views of the garden and pools. On each side of the estate was a sister house. Each of the houses had three en-suite bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and private terrace.

Olivia loved everything about the home, and she was excited that Matt & Elaine had a place nearby. She looked forward to being able to spend time with them not only the next couple of days, but in the future.

Olivia was sitting on the terrace. She was watching the kids play in the pool. She didn't realize how they all needed this time away.

Fitz walked out to the terrace. He kissed her neck, "Everything okay honey?"

She looked at her husband and held her arms out. He gladly picked her up and sat down with her in his lap. She snuggled into his chest as they watched the kids play.

"Thank you for making this all happen. I appreciate our little guy for asking you, but the hard work and time you put into making this happens means a lot to all of us. This is everything that I didn't know I needed."

"Anything for you guys, but I feel like you have something else on your mind."

"Watching the kids play in peace. Knowing that our extended family is not far from us is the life I want to live. Before you jump to conclusions I am happy with our life now. I am thinking about life after the White House. This is about me. I realize as I am watching them that I have no desire to be a fixer again. I know that when our time is up I want to give them more of this. I still want to give back, but I now realize that being by your side is enough. I know that you plan on opening a foundation, and then down the road your Presidential library. Along with being a wife and mom that is enough for me."

"Livvie, I just want you and the kids happy. You have been by my side through the good and the bad. You are the one that shaped me to be able to be the President that I am today. If you wanted to run for office I would support you, but I won't lie and say that I am not happy to hear your decision. Not because I don't want you to work, but because I am ready for a quieter life too. Being in the spotlight is all I have known. With everything that I have been through I am ready to live life on my terms once I am done with office. That life includes being a PTA dad, sports, regular hours in the office, moving the kids into their apartment when they go to college, vacation, and regular dates with my wife."

Olivia smiled when she heard the last thing. She snuggled into him more. "It sounds like we have made our post Presidential plans already."

"They sound like awesome plans to me."

"I have to agree with you."

"Can you tell me more about your announcement or is it something that you have to keep a secret."

"No, I can tell you now that we are here."

Fitz filled her in on what was going on around the island while they were there. She found out that a host of celebrities had donated their time. The biggest ones being Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez, Adrienne Bailon, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Kevin Hart, various NFL and NBA players, and Kerry Washington. Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, GE, Nike, and Pizza Hut are the major corporations who have agreed to donate supplies. My staff determined the areas that still need the most help, and that is where the supplies will be delivered to. We will visit each location and help give out supplies. Spend some time with the people, and the rest of the day will be ours.

"Wow babe. You guys really worked hard on this."

"I had an idea, but my staff which is half of your gladiators really took my idea and made it what it is. Abby spoke with your staff as well, and they were happy to pitch in so as usual it was a team effort."

"You know another good thing about us deciding what to do after your term ends."


"It will allow us to at least get our office set up. Maybe even the foundation or at least enough of it to keep most of the staff."

"I plan to keep the core of both of our staffs. We know the gladiators are coming. I think the question is where."

"You want Vermont."

"Not full time…"

Olivia looked at him surprised.

Fitz laughed, "Livvie, Vermont is already real for us. I know when I talked about it I was saying us being there full-time, and down the road I would still like that. Just not when we leave the White House. I love the home you bought, and I think that we can build a life in the beltway for the foreseeable."

She was honestly stunned. She always assumed this was going to be a point of contention between them.

"I am speechless right now. I thought we weren't on the same wave length. I was wrong. I think that we can accomplish more in Washington D.C., but I want to spend time in Vermont and Wisconsin. Now that we have this home I want to come here too."

"As long as I have you and the kids I don't care where I am Livvie. As it gets closer to the end of the term we can finalize things."

"Sounds like a plan…"

The couple relaxed and watched the kids play. Eventually at the kids request they joined them.

The next couple of days were a whirlwind of fun and relaxation for the family. Olivia was pleased to find out that their teams were here for cover, and for the most part on vacation as well. Everyone was able to spend quality time with their significant others. Although he was on vacation Fitz wanted to be part of the solution when it came to rebuilding Puerto Rico. Not just as President, but as a citizen of the United States.

With the help of the Governor he had hired local citizens that would maintain the home. He had spoken with Huck, and the purchase was going to be kept quiet until the end of his term. He had plans to personally invest in the island once his term was over.

Every morning they met up with whomever had flown over to assist them. As much as they were enjoying their vacation they equally enjoyed being in the community. Despite the loss and devastation, the community was warm and welcoming. Fitz listened to their concerns and assured them that they were not being forgotten. Two of the hardest hit areas was a town called Yabucoa which is a town that of about 35,000 on the southeastern corner of Puerto Rico. Officials estimate that 1,500 homes were destroyed and 95 percent of all infrastructure. They also went to a rural mountain town name Utuado. Winds from the hurricanes sent rocks, water, and mud tumbling onto their homes. Through the devastation everyone saw hope, and Fitz assured them that they had not been forgotten.

The rest of the time was there's. Fitz had arranged to spend the day before they left with Olivia, so they focused on the kids. One of the days Abby & Quinn took Ayden to the beach so the couple could spend the day with Jerry and Karen. Fitz arranged for them to enjoy the Hidden Waterfall Hike Adventure Tour. He knew that it was something they could all enjoy.

A bus took them to the mountains. It was 1700 feet above sea level. It was a spot that only the locals knew about. The adventure included them hiking, jumping over bodies of water (Olivia didn't participate), walking over bridges made of fallen trees, and scaling rocks (Once again Olivia sat that part out). They then made it to the waterfall where they spent plenty of time exploring. They took plenty of pictures before swimming for a while. After cleaning up they were taken to a local restaurant for a late lunch.

During lunch the kids thought it would be a good time to talk to their parents. They had agreed that Jerry would speak first.

"Mom and dad, we wanted to talk to you about something."

The couple looked at each other and then nodded to their kids.

Jerry begin, "Karen & I have been talking. Both of us have been thinking about college. We are not naïve in knowing that we can get a lot because of who we are and who our parents are. Some kids would be okay with that, but we want more. We know that both of you worked hard to achieve your success. We want to do the same. We know some won't see past us being the children of President Fitzgerald Grant and the world-renowned fixer Olivia Pope-Grant. That is out of our control. We just want to be the best people we can be."

Olivia nodded and said, "That is a very mature outlook."

"Thanks mom. We enjoy giving back and going out in the community, but we want to do more. We want to start volunteering with organizations. Our counselors have explained that it will look good on our college application."

Fitz agreed, "They are correct."

"We researched, and we are hoping that you will allow us to join GVI which is an organization that pairs teens with volunteer international projects. We are interested in taking one to Laos. We would be helping children through language and sports. We will also get to visit some of the local sites like Kuang Si waterfalls. We will get to learn the basic Lao language."

Jerry decided to stop talking and let them digest what he just said.

They watched as their parents looked at each other. Neither of them said a word, but they had learned by now that they were silently communicating with each other. Something that only the two of them understood.

Olivia squeezed her husband's hand to let him know that he could speak for the both of them.

Fitz smiled at her and nodded. He then turned to the kids, "Well guys it seems like you have thought this through and researched this before coming to us. We have also been talking, and I want to share our thoughts with you."

It didn't feel promising to the kids, and they found themselves slouching in their seats.

"Your mom and I have been discussing the future as well. We knew the time would come that you guys would need to decide what you wanted your future to look like. In preparation of that moment we decided what we wanted our future to look like. Neither of us has a desire to be in the public eye non-stop once my term is over. We plan to open a foundation after my term and enjoy being parents. I want to be there for the younger ones, and there to support the two of you in your college endeavors."

Olivia said, "For me that means I have decided that I have desire to be a political fixer. My fixing will be by your dad's side at the foundation, and as your dad stated raising the younger one's while being there for you guys. As far as your request to take the trip your dad and I think that it is a wonderful opportunity. We want you guys to spread your wings and be who you want to be as much as possible. It is another reason why we want a quieter life. It allows you guys to have a little more normal."

Fitz nodded agreeing with his wife.

They noticed the kids had straightened back up in their chairs and were smiling.

Karen smiled, "Thanks mom and dad for trusting us. We won't let you down."

Fitz grabbed his daughter's hand, "The two of you have always made me proud. It has been me that let you down time and time again. I made a lot of mistakes with you two, but I hope you see that I am trying to do better by you and will continue to do better by you."

Karen went over and hugged her dad, "Daddy, I've long forgiven you for your past mistakes. I am glad that you are alive and will be here to see all the important milestones I have coming up as well as my future ones. We are all finally happy and healthy."

"I'm with Kare dad. Things weren't always easy or great, but that is life. In time we have all found our footing and that is what I think about. I just want our family to be happy now and in the future."

Olivia found herself getting emotional. "I think that we have all worked hard to get to this place. I love our family. I think we have all suffered enough. We have punished ourselves enough. We have seen true devastation. If we are going to do good things, then we need to move forward. I propose we let the last go right now. We are moving forward with our lives."

Fitz leaned over and wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed each eye lid. She held onto him as he did. When he pulled back he kissed her cheek and said, "I agree. Let's toast to our future…"

The kids raised their glass and they toasted to their future.

When they made it back to the house they decided to have a pool party. It was a great way to end the day.

The day before they were scheduled to leave Fitz had put aside to spend with his wife. It started out with him making slow lazy love with his wife. There was no one to interrupt them, and neither of them had anywhere to be that morning. Afterwards they enjoyed a nice long bath where Olivia initiated another round with her husband. Between work and the kids, they didn't get this kind of time together, and she wasn't going to waste a moment of it. He had hired a chef to fix them breakfast. They sat on the terrace and enjoyed the view and each other. After a nap they got ready for their afternoon out.

She had decided to wear a rose blush Gap maternity smocked off the shoulder maxi dress. Their first stop was the San Juan rum tour. Although Olivia couldn't drink any of the rum she was fascinated with the history. Fitz knew she would enjoy the tour, because when she wasn't drinking wine she enjoyed cocktail drinks that contained rum especially Bacardi. The distillery in San Juan is the largest rum distillery in the world. They learned about the Bacardi family, and what makes them the bestselling rum in the world. Fitz was able to sample some of the drinks, and while Scotch was still his drink of choice he looked forward to trying the drinks together in the future.

After their tour they took a boat ride and enjoyed a tour of the harbor at sunset. During the ride they were able to observe the Old City as it was meant to be seen. It was something they wouldn't soon forget. They also saw forts and the city walls, and the sunset itself was to die for. Once they docked they were escorted to El Ladrillo Restaurante. The restaurant often had musicians who would come to their bar area and play jazz music. Something they both enjoyed listening to help them relax. The couple enjoyed a nice dinner together, but what made the night special for Olivia was she got to dance with her husband. The musician played jazz fused with salsa, and it became a party.

Since the area they sat in was small there was only three other couples. Secret Service had enough time to clear them before the couple arrived.

It had been so long since she let her hair down. The local couples allowed them to be Fitz & Olivia. Just another couple enjoying the night together. They danced for hours.

When they finally climbed in the car to head home if you hadn't seen them you would have thought they were drunk. Maybe they were, but not on alcohol. They were drunk in love. They were drunk on happiness.

They barely made it to the room before they were tearing their clothes off each other.

Fitz tongue entered her mouth, and Olivia gladly obliged. She felt like her insides were about to melt as their tongues danced.

She wrapped her hands around his cock. She moved her hands up and down in a rhythm that had him hard in no time.

This morning was about making love, taking their time, and reminded each other how much they loved each other physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Now this was purely physical. This was sex. No, they were about to fuck plain and simple. He lifted her leg and filled her to the hilt.

Olivia used those yoga poses to hold herself up as her husband pounded in her. She moved her hips in sync with his thrust, and he was hitting her spot.

God, how she loved when he pounded her like this. He knew how to be rough without hurting her. He was the only man she ever trusted like this in the bedroom.

She licked the side of his ear and sucked on it knowing that was his aphrodisiac.

Fitz whispered in her ear, "You know what that does to me…"

Olivia moaned, "I don't know what you are talking about…"

"Are you saying I need to remind you…"

Olivia just looked at him and never responded.

Fitz had to admit that he loved playing these types of games with Olivia. It was a side of her that only he got to see, and that did something to him.

He let her leg down, "Get on the bed and assume the position!"

Olivia did as she was told. He took a couple of the pillows and put under her to make sure that she was comfortable.

When she wiggled her ass he popped her cheeks causing her to gasp.

She looked at him, "Do it again…"

He popped her cheeks a couple more times and when she was least expecting it he slid back in.

Olivia's voice got caught in her throat.

She threw her arm around her husband's neck and held on as he gave her everything she wanted and more.

Olivia moaned in his ear, "More baby. I can handle it…"

Fitz didn't need to be told twice. He picked her up and took her to the bed. He didn't even slide out of her. He grabbed onto her hips and began thrusting into her like it was the last time they were going to have sex.

It was everything she wanted and more.

Olivia moaned, "I'm about to cum…"

"Good, I want you. I want you let go and remember this is only the beginning. When we leave office, I am going to take you on a remote island where it will be just the two of us. We are going to act like two teenagers fucking like bunny rabbits. You won't be worried about birth control because we are old and allow whatever to happen. I am going to once again show you I have super sperm and give us one last baby to complete us. We are going to live happily ever after doing everything we love on our terms."

That was her undoing. Ecstasy crashed over her and she brought her husband right over the cliff with her.

They were both hot and sweaty and decided to take a shower before climbing in the bed. They were too exhausted for another round, but they took care of each other.

Olivia looked up at him, "Thank you for everything today. I enjoyed just being Fitz & Liv today."

"Good, I promise you when our time is up I will never do anything where I can't put you and the kids first."

She caressed his cheek. "I know you will, and when the time comes I look forward to it. In the meantime, you finish up strong. Be the President not only that I voted for, but that we are proud of. We stand beside you not because we must, but because we want to."

The next morning was busy as they prepared to head back to the White House, but before they left Fitz would be speaking in San Juan.

Quinn made a call on Olivia's behalf to Stella Nolasco. She was a designer from Puerto Rico, and Olivia saw a dress that from her fall/winter 2018 collection.

Olivia was in love with the print, and she knew that it would easily fit over her bump with minimal alterations.

They had arrived at the convention center which was in the heart of San Juan. He received a warm welcome from the citizens.

He made it to the podium and after several minutes the crowd calmed down.

Fitz began, "Thank you so much for the warm welcome. You guys must think I am Beyoncé or Kevin Hart. They are in the crowd (Everyone laughs). I want to start out by thanking them and everyone else who took the time to come down this week. I would like to thank all the companies that donated supplies as well as volunteers to pass out the products. I appreciate it more than words can express. I brought my family down here for a mini-vacation as the teenagers were on spring break, and the First Lady needed a break, but I think that I can speak for them when I say that we had such joy when we got to meet with the citizens each day. Our hearts go out to you, and I promise that I am working to make things better. I know that you wish that things were happening faster, and I won't sugar coat that it is harder for your territory since you have few voting privileges in Congress. That is why as President of this great territory I knew it was my responsibility to step up and make sure that your voices were heard (Crowd applauded). My staff researched and determined all the areas that were still in need of help on the island. In a week FEMA will arrive to the disaster areas that we have determined that still require assistance. They will work to help the citizens attempt to get back on feet. We know that FEMA won't be able to do it alone. Many of the businesses and celebrities that you seen over the last couple of days will be collaborating to help. You will hear announcements from them in the coming days. From what I heard you won't be disappointed (More applause). Finally, the biggest reason that I brought you all together. Today I would like to announce the administration latest initiative. It is called "Puerto Rician Power".

With the help of his staff Fitz had created a video. In the video it showed that at the rate they were going it would cost the country 3.8 billion dollars to restore power to the island making it the longest blackout in history. He didn't want that statistic associated with him. Right now, the power grid had been neglected for years. Part of it was due to debt that didn't allow the territory to keep up the maintenance and upkeep. A law was recently passed that allowed private companies to own and operate generating stations on the island. Governor Rossello stated that this would improve the service and promote the use of renewable energy and microgrids. The initiative would do several things for the territory. First, after a lot of back room deals he had gotten Congress to set money aside to aid Puerto Rico in repairing their grid. Resources and money were also being put aside to allow homes and small businesses to build microgrids that will deliver electricity even when the main grid stops working. Next, with the help of a watch dog organization the group was going to refit some homes with photovoltaic panels as well as small solar-powered refrigerators to people that required temperature-controlled medication. The group was awarded a $5000,000 grant not only for supplies but for research. Finally, the initiative would also be providing a grant to a research group that would be investigate how smart grid software which would enable utilities to adjust power generation, transmission, and distribution based on the customer's energy needs. The software would allow problems to be diagnosed remotely, and the ability to bid for prices in energy markets and forecast energy consumption.

The video was about to end and for the first time he was nervous. He had caught his wife up to speed, but he was nervous. He wanted the island to be excited about their future, and while all of that was important if he was honest he wanted his wife to be proud of him. He wanted her to see that he wasn't wasting his second chance. He wasn't wasting time. His family's time and all they had to give up for him.

When the lights came back on he heard a roar that made his heart melt. He saw tears, fist pounds, and cheers of approval. He saw the Governor with his family. He saw the relief on his face that he wasn't alone, and that the island was not forgotten. Finally, he looked at his family especially his wife. He saw that smile. That smile that was only for him and that look in her eye. Then she nodded.

A/N-As many of you know by now writing about any Hurricane is now personal. It is not about research, but when I started this update Hurricane Florence was not my sight. I had half of his speech written, and it took me a couple of days to get in the emotional space to complete it, so I could edit it. I used a lot of facts in this update, because I wanted to not only educate myself but others. The group the kids talked about is real. The towns affected are real. A lot of the facts that Fitz spoke about in the video are real. I wish the President could see that his actions affect real people. Regardless of what happens President Trump is set for life, but his decisions are also affecting people for life and not in a good way. I live in a town that is 15 minutes outside of New Bern, NC. One of the heaviest hit areas of the hurricane. He visited the area. A large boat had landed in a man's yard. He asked the man if it was his board. When the man replied that it wasn't that the storm had tossed it, and it landed in his yard he nodded his head and said, "Well at least you got something out of this." I'll get off my soap box, but for those who have lived through the devastation of a Hurricane know how heart breaking it is. Even if you don't lose a lot physically it is emotionally draining and watching those around you suffer is hard. If you lose things physically well that is double the pain. For those who haven't gone through it I will say it is like losing someone close to you like a pet, spouse, or parent. If you haven't been there you can't imagine all they are going through, but you empathize and sympathize with them and pray they find their way through. We must do better by each other. Period. Until next time.