The symphony of police and ambulance sirens hummed unrealistically softly against the ringing still pulsating in both his ears. He stared forward almost robotically as strangers bandaged his leg and hand.

Logan Echolls cheats death - again.

His peripheral vision caught the image of a small blond agent walking his way. He flashed a smile, receiving one in return.

Only because she saved me.

"You doing okay?"

The question forced him to pry his eyes off Veronica and direct them at the curly-haired man beside her. He cocked his head hello. "Fine and dandy, Agent Perkins. Could it have hurt to arrive a little earlier?"

Seth cleared his throat while Veronica scoffed.

That's my girl.

"My apologies for the delayed arrival, Mr. Echolls. Mr. Morris had removed all tracking device we had on the two of you."

It was fun to see him fidget.

A signal from his paramedic had Logan examining his bandaged hand. The sincerity in his tone surprised even himself. "Be easy on him, okay?"

Everyone knew who the 'he' was.

"Agent Mars has given her account of Mr. Morris's efforts in saving the two of you. He will be given credit for that in trial."

Logan nodded. Somehow, he still couldn't think Phil a villain.

"And Sara?" He looked up, still bitter at how someone could be so heartless. She had five deaths on her tally - and she'd almost added two more.

"Authorities at LAX got her. The fingerprints from the plastic bags alone were enough grounds for arrest," Veronica replied. "She was headed for Sweden, but The Tom Bradley terminal is only so big. Thank God for stingy government airport funds."

He couldn't help but smile at her remark. "Guess hanging out with billionaires doesn't mean getting to live like one, huh?"

"Tell me about it."

And all three of them smiled.

"Alright, all done." The second paramedic, an older man with streaks of gray hair, stood up from the makeshift nursing station. "You were lucky those were only second-degree burns, Mr. Echolls. We'll get you a list of all the medication. Just remember to apply them faithfully. Good boys recover faster, kid."

"Thanks." Logan moved to stand up. Veronica rushed forward to help. "And this lady here will tell you how I've always been a very good boy."

Her eye-roll was accompanied by a sparkling smile.

She makes everything okay.

Even against the background of whirring lights, shouting cops, and chaffed warehouse, she looked like a beautiful angel. She'd been hot in her soccer uniform at twelve, and she was still burning desire into his soul with disheveled hair, burnt brows, and soot in place of make-up.

How he wanted to kiss her now - Seth and paramedics be damned.

He started to lean down.

"Agent Mars!"

Stupid FBI.

She turned to face the direction of the voice, but her right arm still stayed firmly around his waist. He pulled her close by the shoulder.

"Agent Stone," she spoke with a nod of her head.

"Well done, Agent Mars!" The older officer spoke almost theatrically, large hands in the air and all. He extended his hand to Veronica, making her let Logan go to shake it. "I am thoroughly impressed. I asked for one murderer, you gave me a drug trade from top to bottom. Wonderful work!"

For a moment, Logan smiled. He'd always known her to be amazing. It was nice to see others affirm the same thing.

"And now, Agent Mars." The man wasn't done yet. "When would you be able to take up the next assignment? I wouldn't want talent like you sitting behind a desk again."

Next assignment?

He hoped she didn't hear his heart dropping to the ground.

We just escaped a life-threatening inferno, and all he can think of is the next assignment?

"I'm very honored, Agent Stone." Her voice cut through his thoughts.

Logan looked at the handshake between the two agents, still going on.

"It's my privilege to be part of this task force," she continued.

His hand dropped involuntarily from her shoulder; he stepped back.

She's still an agent, Logan.

"I will forever love being part of the FBI."

The chilly night air felt almost as suffocating as the fire.

She's not yours to keep.

He closed his eyes. Why had he ever thought otherwise? Veronica Mars - work first, relationships second. Hadn't he told himself that the very night she'd swept back into his life?

"But sir, as much as I am honored," she hadn't stopped speaking. He tried to refocus. "I think I would have to decline."

The world spun again.

Decline? Is she -

"But Agent Mars, someone of your talent and skill - "

"I've had enough, sir." Her voice was calm, assured. "This death and destruction? I can't take any more without getting destroyed myself. It's - it's not something I can choose anymore."

Agent Stone was nodding - that had to be a good sign.

"And what do you choose, Miss Mars?"

Logan didn't budge until he felt her slender fingers entwining with his. He glanced down at their joined hands, and then at her. She wasn't looking at him.

He looked back at Agent Stone.

"Well, sir." Her voice sounded light - happy. "I choose the other thing - also known as 'the rest of my life.'"

She was pulling him away before he remembered to smile.

And then he couldn't stop smiling.

"You sure you won't regret that?" He asked with a kiss to her forehead. It took serious balancing skills to walk as they did - arms snaked around each other.

"Nope," she replied, kicking pebbles along the way to the car Chris had driven over for them. "Actually been thinking of it for a while."

"A while?" His muscles pulled her in tighter.

She smiled and shrugged, still walking. "I guess being almost killed so many times does things to you, you know?"

"Ah, things like wishing we'd pay more attention as a girl scout."

They both laughed as she nudged his side.

"You know what I mean, Lo."

But, of course, he wanted her to say it.

But he just smiled this time, and she smiled back. "Yeah, I know."

They shared a squeeze and strolled on.

"So, now that you're officially unemployed," he still spoke with a grin to his voice, "what would you be planning on doing? No more dangerous PI work, I hope?"

That made her stop.

She pulled back to look up at him, her eyes searching his. "What if I did?"

"I'd still support you, of course," he responded instantly, hands on her shoulders. "But I just - well, you know - I never did prefer the type of work you did. There's nothing wrong with the work, of course. But I'd just prefer something - well, safer?"

His furrowed brow and blank sincerity made disaster feel thousands of miles away rather than just a few yards behind them.

"I understand," she conceded. How could she not by now? "But with my skill set, there's not a lot of job options out there for me. And" - her index finger flew over his lips - "I will not be a stay-at-home, trophy girlfriend."

Logan laughed as he kissed and removed her finger. Their hands intertwined once more.

"Actually," he leaned forward, pressing their faces close, as he stage-whispered, "I've heard of this place that needed a new head of security and manager."


"Yeah." His tone was ridiculously conspiratory. "It's a subterranean club in LA called The Marines - quite fancy, I've heard. Their latest manager had to quit for undisclosed reasons. But I have a feeling that you'd fit right in."

Even a bitten lower lip couldn't force away her smile.

"So say, if I wish to take this job." Her hands roamed up to play with his collar. "Would I be payed?"

"Handsomely, I'm sure."


"Best in town."

"Employer benefits?"

"Off the charts - lodging, chauffeuring, and even weekly back rubs."

"Weekly?" She raised an eyebrow. "That's kinda stingy."

"I'm sure you could haggle for daily if your performance is up to par."

It was his turn to press a finger to her lips before she could protest.

He pressed their foreheads together before she removed his hand.

"One last question."


"Just - theoretically - if I were to take this job." She paused to inhale his scent - classic Logan with a hint of burnt wood. "When would the job interview be?"

He smiled - wide and happy. "Now."

And he pressed his lips to hers.

A/N: And we're done! Thank you so much to the people who have stuck with me from the beginning as well as to those who joined halfway and have become even more enthusiastic than I could ever imagine.

This story is the longest LoVe story I've written so far as well as the one with the most (pardon the cliché) epic proportions. There were many times when I felt too tired or too timid to finish it, but your readership kept me through. Thank you so much for being part of this journey.

Please, please, please let me hear your thoughts! Even if you've never left a review before, I'd love to hear from you at least once now at the end of the story. I try my best to respond to each logged in review I receive. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the this :)