I'd like you to note that until the next Dreamworks Dragons series is up, I'll be going my next Hiccup Haddock series.

Dragon Chronicles: Dawn of the Dragon Races

By Ragnar the All-knowing

Now you my dear reader are probably wondering how the Dragon Racers games began. Well before you learn how it started you need to know how it was finished. My story begins about one year after we defeated Dagur and allied ourselves with the Outcasts.

Now Hiccup was helping Snotlout test a new device he designed, after not thanking me and Hiccup for building it in the first place. Anyway we all head face paint on and began to test Snotlout's new device.

The device in question was a new catapult that was designed to fire a sheep. He wanted to use it on the upcoming Dragon Race they were practising.

"Pull!" Hiccup yelled.

Next moment a sheep, wearing a Viking helmet, was launched into the air and Hiccup and Snotlout flew up towards it on their dragons which were also wearing face paint. Hiccup, however was the one to caught it.

"Whoo-hoo! Nice! That's how we do it, bud!" said Hiccup. Then another sheep flew past them. "Whoa!"

Snotlout managed to catch this one, showing off some moves at the same time. "Snotlout wins!" he said smugly.

Hiccup shook his head and he and Toothless landed in the arena. The other Dragon Riders were there also wearing face paint. Both Astrid and Ragnar smiled as Hiccup landed on the arena's floor and dropped the sheep in the basket.

"One out of two ain't bad, and for what it's worth, I always knew red was your colour," said Astrid gesturing to the red face paint.

"Aww, Astrid, thank you," said Hiccup rubbing the back of his head.

"I was talking to Toothless," said Astrid, though it was hard tell if she was telling the truth or not.

"Either way, you and Toothless didn't do too badly," said Ragnar.

"Hey, what do you guys think of my face paint?" Tuffnut asked and turned around to face them.

The sight was enough to make them jump. Tuffnut had decided to painted his face to resemble a yellow skull.

"What, too subtle?" He asked clueless as ever.

"Yeah, just a bit," said Fishlegs holding his hand to show his thumb and forefinger almost touching.

"Yeah, well at least I didn't paint my face to look like a target," said Tuffnut gesturing to Fishlegs' face paint. "A not-subtle target."

"I'll have you know that this is the official Ingerman family crest," said Fishlegs' proudly.

"Wow, two circles and a line," said Tuffnut mockingly. "How creative."

The twins then laughed, but before Fishlegs' could respond, Snotlout and Hookfang landed proudly into the arena.

"Snotlout! Ah ha ha!" Snotlout cheered as he hopped of Hookfang. He then slammed the sheep in the basket and turned to face the Dragon Riders with pride. "I told you my sheep launcher would work."

"Yeah, it only took thirty-two tries to get it right," Astrid reminded.

It was true, Snotlout had been working on the Sheep Launcher over the past week. His first attempt ended with the trigger going of as soon as he armed it and for the sheep to land on his head.

The next few tries didn't end well either. While he was able to fix the trigger and placed rocks underneath it to adjust its aim the sheep ended up landing all over the island. It ended up crashing head first into houses, the doors of the Great Hall and crashing in carts full of apples.

It even ended up in the hands of a Viking, who was giving his girlfriend a bunch of flowers. His girlfriend wasn't too happy to find instead of flowers in his hand, he held a sheep with a Viking helmet on its head.

Hiccup, Astrid and Ragnar, who were watching the poor sheep crashing all over the island admitted that it was a maniac, invincible and insane.

"Well, you know what they say," said Tuffnut, as he and his sister reloaded the Sheep Launcher. "You can't make an omelette without breaking a few legs."

"Uh, that's actually not the saying," said Hiccup.

"Yeah, it eggs no legs," said Ragnar.

"It is? Then we need to send out some apologies," said Ruffnut running off.

"Yeah, we better start with Mum," said Tuffnut following her.

"Huh, at least that explains how come I've been mending broken legs over the past few years," said Ragnar.

"Clearly my sheep launcher is ready for today's Dragon Race," said Snotlout.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who says you get to decide?" Astrid asked.

"I do. Snotlout invented this sport," said Snotlout buffing his chest out proudly.

"What?! You invented Dragon Racing?" said Hiccup rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, that impossible," said Ragnar.

"Hey! Dragon Racing, my idea," said Snotlout glaring at them.

"I think one of those flying sheep hit you in the head," Astrid scoffed.

"I believe that was attempt number one," said Ragnar thoughtfully.

"While that may be true, it doesn't change the fact that I came up with Dragon Racing," said Snotlout.

"That's really not how I remember it," said Hiccup.

"Nor me," Ragnar added.

"Oh, so now you two are all about remembering things!" said Snotlout glaring at them. He tried to look tall, but failed because they both were a head taller than him.

Both Hiccup and Ragnar looked at each other uneasily and then stared at Astrid.

"I don't even know how to answer that," said Hiccup.

"Neither do I," Ragnar added.

"I do. Let's think back, shall we?" said Astrid. "It was a few days before the big annual Regatta—"

"I know that," said Snotlout.

"Just listen!" said Astrid giving him a murderous look.

"Okay. Okay. Ugh, someone didn't get her beauty sleep," Snotlout whispered to Hiccup. However, Astrid must have heard, because one of Stormfly's tail spikes nearly hit him. "I'm all ears."

"As I was saying, we were getting ready for the big Regatta," Astrid continued.

The Regatta was an annual boat race that happened every year on Berk. It was mainly something for us Viking to do so that we could start beating each other to a pulp.

Anyway it was a normal day on Berk and everyone was putting up banners and stalls for the Regatta. However, that was before the entire village had to deal with a stamped of escaped sheep from Silent Sven's farm.

Hiccup and Toothless had exited their house to see what all the yelling was about. Then they saw the entire village had been invaded by sheep.

"Ah, yes. Just another day in Berk," said Hiccup sarcastically.

He then saw Ragnar and Gobber in the plaza trying to corner a sheep.

"Uh, Rag, Gobber. So, what is going on here?" Hiccup asked.

"Just a little bit of rogue wool. Nothing old Gobber and his son can't handle," said Gobber.

"Speak for yourself," said Ragnar. "We've been trying to catch them for the last five minutes."

"Where did all these sheep come from?" Hiccup asked gesturing to the sheep that covered every corn of the village.

"That would be Not-So-Silent Sven," Gobber explained. "Apparently the herd took a vote and they aren't too thrilled with the sound of his new voice."

"AAAHHH! You ungrateful sack of fur! Come back!" Silent Sven yelled. His voices sounded like Meatlug with a sore throat and a cold at the same time. They all had to cover their ears, because he sound so terrible.

"If I was one of his sheep, I'd run away too," said Ragnar.

"Yeah, I get that," said Hiccup.

"Eh, okay little lady, I may be big, but I'm fast on my feet!" said Gobber approaching the sheep he and Ragnar had corned.

However, the sheep ran in-between his legs. Gobber quickly ran after it. That wasn't a wise move, because the sheep ran under a nearby house and Gobber's head went straight through the wall.

As he struggled to get out, Stoick arrived with one sheep in each hand. He sighed when he saw Gobber's behind sticking out of a house.

"Uh, Dad? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the big boat race?" Hiccup asked.

"Yeah, isn't it starting in a few days?" Ragnar asked.

"Yes, the Regatta, and this is the last thing I need," said Stoick gesturing to the sheep. "Why don't you two gather up the Dragon Riders and get these sheep back in their pens now!"

Then they heard Sven's ear splitting scream, making them cover their ears again.

"If I have to hear that sound one more time, I'm going to put Gobber's hook through my own head!" Stoick groaned.

Gobber finally managed to free himself and walked over to Stoick and said, "Done it! Wouldn't advise it."

"We'll get this under control, Dad," said Hiccup. "Nothing to worry about."

"Famous last words," said Ragnar forcing that trouble was heading their way.

Moments last, Hiccup and Ragnar had gathered the other Dragon Riders and were flying over the village.

"All right gang, you know the drill!" said Hiccup.

They then split-up and flew in different directions.

Fishlegs and Meatlug were chasing a sheep in the forest and were gaining on it.

"Come on, girl. You got it!" said Fishlegs excitedly. Then suddenly several spikes shot out from nowhere and pinned the sheep to a tree. Fishlegs turned and saw Astrid and Stormfly approaching the now pinned sheep. "Hey! That little guy was mine!"

"And now he's mine," said Astrid unpinning the sheep and flew off with it.

Meatlug began to grumble and Fishlegs patted her on the head. "I know, girl. She's always so competitive," he said.

The twins found a couple of sheep that had fallen into a tunnel which was made during the Whispering Death afar.

"Two woolies in the tunnel," said Tuffnut. "Let's gas 'em and blast 'em!"

"Let's slap 'em and pass 'em!" said Ruffnut.

"And never even ask 'em! All three of those things rhymed!"

Ruffnut then got Barf to let out some gas in the tunnel and Tuffnut and Belch sparked it. The explosion sent the two sheep flying out of the tunnel, but for the twin could do anything Snotlout and Hookfang came out of nowhere and grabbed them.

"Ha-ha! Sheep in a barrel, baby!" Snotlout yelled flying away with them.

"Hey!" Tuffnut yelled.

"Come on!" Ruffnut complained.

Ragnar and Skull were flying over the village and saw a three sheep eating away at a toppled cart full of apples.

"Those sheep are going to eat us out of house and home more than you dragons, boy," said Ragnar. "Let's get them."

They then flew down towards the sheep, Skull then grabbed two in his talons and took off.

"Whoa, boy," said Ragnar pulling Skull back. "You miss one."

Skull then used his tail to flip the last sheep on to his head, so that it sat in between his horns.

Hiccup and Toothless saw a couple sheep running in the forest and began to descend. Toothless grabbed the two of them in his claws.

"Great job, bud. I see one more," said Hiccup seeing a third sheep grazing not too far away. "Okay, barrel roll."

Toothless did what he was told and performed a barrel roll. However, they were flying a bit too close to the sheep.

"Toothless, not so—" Hiccup never finished that sentence, because his head rammed into the sheep's 'you-know-what' right in the poor Hiccup face. Hiccup managed to pull the sheep from his face and shuddered. "Ah, I did not need to see that."

Soon, Astrid and Snotlout landed at Silent Sven's farm with there sheep.

"Heh. How many did you get?" Snotlout asked.

"Three," said Astrid as Stormfly opened her wing and revealed the three sheep they caught.

Snotlout looked at the two sheep he caught and then at a third that was wondering its way towards them. He then kicked the sheep to his two.

"Huh, me too," said Snotlout.

Before Astrid could protest Hiccup and Ragnar landed with their three sheep. Then they saw the twins running for their lives as three sheep chased after them.

"Aah!" Tuffnut screaming.

The twins quickly opened the pen and lead the sheep into it and jumped over a fence. For some unknown reason the twins were producing a smell that was worse than Snotlout's room decorated with dragon dung.

"Ugh. What is that disgusting smell?" said Astrid holding her nose.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," said an exhausted Tuffnut.

"Yeah, they like it," Ruffnut agreed gesturing to the sheep. "That's all that matters."

Then a sheep bit on Tuffnut's pants. "Hey, sheep, no means no!" said Tuffnut pulling himself away from the sheep.

"So, we all got three," said Astrid.

"Hah, not all of us," said Snotlout pointing in the sky. They looked up and saw Fishlegs and Meatlug flying towards with no sheep at all. "Get a load of Fishlug. Big fat yak egg."

"Oh, yeah?" said Fislhegs and looked down at Meatlug. "Show 'em girl."

Meatlug opened her mouth and two sheep walked out of it. Fishlegs gave a loud cough and Meatlug reluctantly spat out another sheep.

"Well, I guess it's a tie," said Astrid.

"What's a tie?" Hiccup asked.

"The sheep-catching competition," said Snotlout

"Oh for—does it always have to be a competition?" Hiccup groaned.

"Yes!" said the other Dragon Riders making Hiccup groan.

"Where is he? Where is he? Where is my prized black sheep?" Silent Sven cried out. "He's still out there. I hope he didn't fall down the well again."

"We'll check the well first, Sven," Hiccup assured him.

"You know what this means?" said Snotlout

"Tie-breaker," said Astrid excitedly.

"NOT A COMPETITION!" Hiccup yelled.

When he turned around he saw Astrid, Snotlout and the twins flying off.

"This is awesome!" Tuffnut yelled.

"I will crush you all!" Snotlout yelled.

Ragnar looked at Hiccup, who looked as if he was fighting the urge not to slam his head against the fence.

"You're wasting your breath," said Ragnar.

Hiccup then slammed his fists on the fence in annoyance.

Momentes later, in the village, the twins were looking around for the black sheep. Then Tuffnut saw something black running past them.

"Dark wool, dead ahead," said Tuffnut. They then ran after it as it ran between two houses. "Get it, get it, get it!"

When they got there it turned out it was a baby yak which then slammed into Tuffnut and ran off.

"Stupid baby yak!" Tuffnut muttered as he rubbed his head.

Hiccup, however, was able to find the black sheep, which was grazing quietly.

"Come on, bud, come on, bud. You got 'em," said Hiccup as they flew towards him.

Then they saw Snotlout coming towards them in the opposite direction.

"Don't let him get ahead," Snotlout yelled.

They both charged towards the sheep and it was anyone's guess who could get their first, but then Gobber came out of nowhere straight in their path and waved at Hiccup.

"Gobber, look out!" Hiccup yelled.

It was too late, Hiccup and Toothless slammed into Gobber and now Gobber was hanging onto Toothless' head. "Should have seen that one coming."

They turned their heads and screamed as they crashed to ground. Knocking a banner down at the same time, which demolished a Vikings stall as it fell. The owner of the stall wasn't too happy about that.

Hiccup looked up to see Snotlout grabbing the black sheep and flying away with it. "Aw, Hiccup, I'll see you later. Ha, ha, ha," said Snotlout in baby like voice.

"Thank you so much, Gobber," said Hiccup sarcastically as he helped Gobber up. "What was so important?"

"Now let me think," said Gobber trying to remember.

"Hiccup, get over here!" yelled Stoick from the steps that lead to the Great Hall.

"Ah, that's it," said Gobber. "Chief wants to see you, says it's important."

"Great," said Hiccup sarcastically.

"Don't mention it," said Gobber walking away.

Moments later, Stoick was taking Hiccup to the harbour where a ship was anchored.

"Hiccup, I'm leaving town for a couple days on official business," said Stoick. He then pulled Hiccup towards him and whispered, "I've managed to locate wood on Loki Island, that's lighter and stronger than anything we've ever seen. We're building our ship out of it," he said the last part as if he was a kid on Snoggletog day. He then composed himself and continued. "I'm leaving you in charge. You'll be acting chief while I'm gone. You're sole focus is…"

"Oh, let me guess, the Regatta," Hiccup deadpanned and walked off.

"Well, don't look so excited," said Stoick taken aback.

"Oh, I'm excited," said Hiccup sarcastically. "Oh, you know I love setting up stands and putting up banners, and getting everyone fired up to watch boats sail slooooowly across the harbour."

"Hiccup, we Vikings have always had something to fight about," said Stoick. "Be it dragons, or Dagur, or Alvin. If we're not fighting something, we're fighting each other."

As if to prove his point to Viking appeared slapping each other with fish.

"I rest my case," said Stoick. He then saw Hiccup's disappointed face. "Look, the Regatta's a good way to blow off steam."

"That's sort of old," said Hiccup. "Couldn't we come up with something a bit more current."

"Yeah," said a voice. They looked around and saw Ragnar walking towards them, "I mean after riding around on dragons a boat race is sorta… old helmet."

"No, it's a tradition, and it's worked for many, many a year thank you very much," said Stoick firmly.

"All right Dad, we got it," said Hiccup as Toothless walked over. "The three of us do. Right, bud?"

"Ha, ha, ha, that's my boy," said Stoick climbing onto the ship.

Hiccup and Ragnar waved as Stoick's ship sailed away. They didn't noticed that Fishlegs was practically breathing down their necks.

"Wow," said Fishlegs.

This almost made Hiccup and Ragnar to jump out of their skins.

"Aah! Fishlegs please, do you know how creepy that is?" said Hiccup.

"Yeah, you nearly gave me a heart attack," said Ragnar placing a hand over his heart and breathing deeply.

"Sorry, guys, I just couldn't help overhearing," said Fishlegs "You're in charge of the regatta? Do you know what an honour that is? It's, it's, how do I find the words."

"A boat race?" Hiccup suggested.

Fishlegs looked hurt. "Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, that's like saying a Gronckle is just a dragon," he said as Meatlug walked past.

" Aw, hey, Meatlug," said Hiccup. Then he saw Fishlegs guiding Meatlug under tarpaulin. "Wait, what does you guys have going on over there?"

"Whoa, not so fast," said Fishlegs stopping Hiccup and Ragnar from getting any closer. "Top secret stuff under there. Meatlug and I have been working day and night to carry on the Ingerman family tradition. It's our first regatta. I'm finally old enough, isn't that exciting? Oh, girl just hold me."

"Oh, I can hardly contain myself," said Hiccup rolling his eyes as Fishlegs hugged Meatlug excitedly.

"You and be both pal, you and me both," said Ragnar placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.