More Gun (Team Fortress 2)

Sabrina laid on her own bed, looking at the ceiling while Mew was sleeping comfortably on the other pillow, remembering what Mavis told her.

Magical Mystery (Kingdom Hearts II)

"So, what do you want me to do?" Sabrina asked.

"Well, you see..." Mavis replied. "Since the Keyblade War is about to happen, we need Aqua, Terra, Ventus and Aria."

"But how? Aqua is nowhere to be found, Terra is Master Xehanort's vessel, Ventus is in a coma, and Aria..." Mickey didn't want to finish his sentence.

"I know...but didn't someone tell you in the datascape that Sabrina and Sora would be the ones to 'reawaken' them along with a few others?" Mavis asked.

"Good point...but how are we going to reawaken them?"

"Leave everything to me." Mavis smiled, and then looked at Sabrina. "You still have your flute?"

"It's at home, yes."

"Good. Right now, you definitely need your sleep, I'll meet you by your house tomorrow."

"Okay." She nodded as she walked away, Mew following her.

"I don't know what you're up to...but I trust I know what you're doing?" Yen Sid asked.

"Yep." Mavis nodded.

More Gun

I don't know what Mavis wants me to do...but, I trust her...I mean, she is the first master of Fairy Tail... She thought as she turned over to look at Mew who was still asleep. So peaceful, this little one... She smiled, gently kissing Mew's forehead. "Good night...Mew." She smiled and fell asleep.

As they were sleeping, the door slowly creaked open as Mew's ear twitched as it opened its eyes. "So, this is where the siblings live..." A voice said.

Villains of a Sort (Kingdom Hearts)

"Mew..." Mew muttered, glaring at whoever it was, transforming into Pikachu. "Pika! Pikachu!" It exclaimed, electricity coming out of its cheeks.

" she has a guard dog...fascinating." The figure smirked. "Tell me, are you going to protect her for long?"


"I see..." It looked at Sabrina, who was still asleep. "Hmph, so-called Keyblade Master."

"Pika...Pika Pi Pikachu!"

"Ahahaha...the little one is threatening cute. Save your breath, I'm only observing her for just a second."

"Pika..." Pikachu growled.

"You can go back to sleep. I am not going to harm her...yet." It smirked. "But when the time comes for the Keyblade War to happen...I will make sure to get rid of her."

"Pika! Pika pika Pikachu!"

"Alright, I will take my leave. Ciao." It then disappeared.

"Pika." Pikachu turned around and walked back over to the pillow, transforming back into Mew and glaring at the door for a couple seconds before falling asleep.

Outside, the figure chuckled. "She must've known I was going to arrive...because of that cute little guard dog. Still, when the time comes I will make sure to get rid of it."

"I thought I smelled the darkness..." A voice said as the figure turned around to see Riku glaring at it, holding Way to the Dawn. "Tell me, why were you in there?"

Riku (Kingdom Hearts II)

"I was merely observing her, but I couldn't get any closer with that little electric guard dog protecting her...or should I call it...little electric mouse?"

"Mew was only protecting her." Riku said, aiming at him. "And if you don't watch yourself, it won't be the only protecting her."

" you must be her boyfriend, the other Keyblade Master. Ah, young is like a rose until the last petal falls..."

"Tell me...who are you?"

"I will not tell you my name, not yet. However, let's just say that a certain old man came over to a dark castle and...revived me. Originally, my plan was to destroy the blue man and the former butterfly and her goody goody friends. But, he gave me a better idea, to eliminate the Keyblade Masters...but only in good time."

"Xehanort revived you?"

"Yes, he did. Interesting old man...says he wants to forge this...X-Blade and he says he needs my help. I will help him forge this fascinating weapon of mass destruction, maybe I'll give it a little...magic." He chuckled.

"Like heck you will!" He exclaimed in anger. "I am going to stop you here and now."

" will try to stop me, but we will battle when the time comes. I am merely just paying a quick visit." He waved. "Ciao!" He disappeared.

Riku looked at where he disappeared too and then looked at Sabrina's room. "I just hope he doesn't harm you or anything." He said, standing there for a couple seconds before walking back to his house.

The next day...

Destiny Islands (Kingdom Hearts)

Sabrina woke up, looking outside. "It's weird...I had a dream where I was visited by some strange person..."

"Mew?" Mew looked at her.

"Well, I don't know who it was but his voice sounded familiar...he also looked familiar too."

Mew looked at her and then at the door. "Mew mew..." It muttered.

Sabrina got up from the bed and got dressed. "Well, it doesn't matter." She said as she walked outside as Mew followed her.

Mavis was looking at the island while sitting down on the sand. "So, you used to play there with your brother and friends?"

"Yeah." Sabrina nodded. "I want to go walk around on the island, but you told me something at Master Yen Sid's tower."

"It's true...I did." Mavis nodded. "You have your flute?"


"Alright, I wanted to tell you this at the tower, but I felt like I need to speak to you in private."

"Mew mew?"

Mavis smiled at Mew and then looked at Sabrina. "Alright, you want to see Aria again, right?"


"Well, we're going to go see her...but not without a few people because they are the key for revive her."

Sabrina's eyes widened. "Who are these people?"

Mavis smiled. "The Princesses of Heart."

"The Princesses? Why them?"

"Because they all have pure hearts, and with'll make things easier."

"Alright." She nodded. "So where am I going first?"

"The first world you've been to, of course."

"Traverse Town?"

"Oh no no, besides that."

"Wait, the Mushroom Kingdom?"

"Yep!" She smiled. "Now let's go! We're wasting time as it is!"

"Wait, we?"

"You think you're just going to go to the Princesses of Heart with just Mew?"


Mavis smiled. "Now let's go."

"Wait." A voice said as they turned to see Riku walking up to them.

"Riku?" Sabrina looked at him. "What's going on?"

"I just have this feeling something might happen. I mean, I know you have Mew and Mavis with you...but...something just feels off."

"Riku..." Sabrina walked over to him and put her hand on her shoulder. "I'll be fine, I'm not gonna let whatever it is you're feeling stop me."

"I know..." He nodded. " careful."

"I will." She smiled, pecking him on the cheek as she summoned Master Oathkeeper and aimed it in the air, a Keyhole appearing as she fired a beam of light and the three of them disappeared.

Riku looked at them, sighing. "Whoever that was last night...I hope he doesn't try to harm her." He then walked away. "Now, I wonder why Sora hasn't returned yet..." He wondered.

Why wait for KHIII when you can just make it yourself? Heheh.

Who was that mysterious figure? Well, who knows.

By the way, Mavis will be having a huge role in this story instead of simple cameos in the others.