"All Aboard"

First of all, in this story Daisuke never lived in Odaiba. She lived in the same city as Koji, Takuya and the others so she has zero ties to Kari and Tai. Please enjoy and review!

It was a beautiful warm day in Shibuya and adults were making their way home from work while kids were walking around with their friends enjoying the nice weather.

Two kids in particular were walking down the side walk together, one of them was a girl who was pulling a boy along with her.

The girl had long mahogany hair, tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes and she was dressed in a white mid-riff exposing tank top, light wash jeans and a pair of pink sneakers and finally, she had a pear cut peridot necklace that was hung from a thin gold chain on her neck.

As for the boy, he had long raven colored hair that was tied back into a ponytail and his bangs were kept out of his face by the blue and yellow bandana he wore.

He had sapphire blue eyes and wore a yellow t-shirt underneath a blue windbreaker that had yellow stripes going up along the arms, a pair of black pants and had on white shoes that had blue stripes.

These two 12 year olds are Koji Minamoto and Daisuke Motomiya; they have been friends since they were both babies, though they were total opposites.

Koji was the lone wolf type who enjoyed spending time alone, playing his guitar and took martial arts as a hobby.

Daisuke was a bit more cheerful and clumsy, but she loved to play soccer, cooking and singing when she was bored.

"Come on, it's right here." Daisuke said as she pulled her friend over to the shop.

"All right, I'm coming. Now will you loosen up your grip? You're gonna pull my arm out of the sockit." Koji complained.

The girl stuck her tongue out at her friend teasingly as he then pushed the door open, the bell above ringing to signal their appearance.

Just as Daisuke was about to enter the shop, she spotted something from the corner of her eye and turned to look at it curiously.

When she looked, she found no one was there and she frowned in confusion, sure she had felt someone staring at her.

"Daisuke, let's go." Koji called as he held the door open for her.

Snapping out of her thoughts, the girl forced a grin at her raven haired friend as she then bounced into the shop, radiating cheer.

"What were you staring at?" Koji asked the girl as he let the door close.

"Nothing, Koji. Don't worry about it." Daisuke grinned at him.

Narrowing his eyes at the girl in disbelief, Koji decided to not pry and watched as his friend roamed around the shop, looking over a bouquet of yellow roses.

Walking over to the shelves, Koji started looking over the flowers to find a bouquet to give his stepmother Satomi for her third year anniversary of being married to his father Kosei.

Koji never liked Satomi because she wasn't his mother who had died when he was a baby and he was angry over the fact that he would never get to know her.

The only person he truly confessed his feelings to were Daisuke who was a constant figure in his life and she convinced him that he should give Satomi a chance because she was a wonderful woman who cared for him.

"Hi, looking for a present for someone?" a woman asked as she leaned in front of Koji's line of sight.

Her sudden appearance snapped the boy out of his thoughts and he blushed in embarrassment as he stepped back from the woman.

"Uh..." the boy stuttered.

Out of the corner of his eye, he was able to see Daisuke looking over an arrangement of pink tulips, but then a planter of white orchids caught her attention and she rushed over eagerly to smell them.

"It's for your mother, right?" the woman asked.

She had dark brown hair that was tied back into a ponytail and had dark colored eyes while she wore a green smock to keep her clothes clean.

"Kinda." Koji said unsure.

"I'm not a witch or anything. I just like to guess that stuff. Do you want some help?" the woman asked.

"Uh, yeah." he said.

"Oh, I just love my job! Okay, let's find something really pretty." the woman gushed as she led the boy over to the counter.

The young florist had found some beautiful light pink flowers that she decided would be a wonderful gift for the boy's mother and she set them on the counter as she gathered a red ribbon.

"Let me guess. Birthday? No, anniversary!" the woman said.

"Their anniversary's today. How'd you know that?" the raven haired male asked in surprise.

"I don't know. It's just my own little game. So, what, ten or fifteen years?" the woman asked as she tied up the flowers.

"Actually, it's three years." the boy corrected her.

"Three years. How wonderful for them." the woman mused.

Just then, the woman realized what the boy had just said and blinked in surprise as she turned her full attention back to him as she paused in her work.

"Wait a minute! You must be about 12. Why have your parents been married for only three years, huh?" the woman asked.

"Um, well..." the boy trailed off.

He didn't want to admit to the florist that the woman whom she was fixing the bouquet for was actually his stepmother.

Not many kids liked admiting to having a step parent because it made them feel awkward.

"Hey, did you find something?" Daisuke asked as she walked over.

"Yeah." Koji sighed feeling a bit more at ease with his best friend at his side.

"Oh, and who's this? Your girlfriend? Maybe I can help you find a bouquet for her next." the florist winked at the kids.

The two friends then blushed scarlet red at the teasing, but they felt that they should be used to this by now.

Everywhere they went, someone assumed that the duo were a couple much to their embarrassment.

"Um, actually, we're not-" Daisuke held up a hand in protest.

She was then cut off when the sound of two cell phones beeping rang out in the room mkaing Daisuke and Koji pull out their cell phones to check them.

"Man, I hope that's not my dad. I told him where I was going." the girl sighed.

Tamaki happened to be a bit of a drama queen and panicked over the well being of his two daughters constantly.

He wouldn't even allow them to go to summer camp because he felt that something bad would happen to them if they attended.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Koji commented.

Both kids then flipped their phones open and were confused to see that they had gotten the same text message on their phones.

"What is this? 'Do you want to start?' What's up with that?" Daisuke asked.

Under the sentence were two check boxes that had the words 'Yes' and 'No' over them, indicating that they were supposed to choose.

"This is part of a game. A test to determine your future." a woman's voice spoke from the phone which stunned the two friends.

"My future?" Koji asked as the images of his father, stepmother and biological mother passed through his mind.

"Yes. Are you willing to play?" the woman's voice asked.

Daisuke then stared at her friend, unsure of what to do or say when she saw Koji then selected 'Yes' and the girl sighed as she did the same.

"Very good. Now, you must get to the Shibuya Station by 6:00. Take the elevator to the basement." the woman instructed.

"What? But I... I have to go to my..." Koji trailed off as he stared at the clock and then at the florist who had the flowers ready.

"Koji..." Daisuke said as she grabbed his arm.

"Hey, flowers are ready." the florist smiled.

"I'll pick them up later, okay!" Koji called as he then ran out of the shop.

"All right. Bye!" the florist called, confused by the boy's sudden change.

Frowning in disapintment, Daisuke then chased after her friend, accidentally bumping shoulders with a boy who's face was covered by his blue baseball cap.

"Sorry. Koji, wait up!" Daisuke called as she chased after her friend.

(A few minutes later...)

The duo had made it to the station and paid for their tickets as they then got onto the train, standing by the doors as they waited for the train to move.

"What am I doing here? How can this decide my future?" Koji frowned.

"How am I supposed to know? This could be someone's idea of a joke." Daisuke crossed her arms with a pout.

Someone then cried out making the duo look over to find a boy their age had just jumped inside of the train, barely making it before the doors closed behind him.

He was panting as he leaned against the doors, cell phone in hand as he tried to catch his breath.

The boy had tanned skin, coffee colored eyes and brown hair that was hidden under the green cap he wore and had a pair of square goggles on his cap as well.

Under his red opened vest was an orange t-shirt with a strange symbol on it, green cargo pants with matching gloves and he had on red and yellow shoes.

Sensing eyes on him, the goggle head looked up and met the gazes of Daisuke and Koji who stared at him curiously before they then looked away.

Feeling eyes on her yet again, Daisuke brushed her bangs back from her face as she then glanced over her shoulder to see a boy hidding his face with his hat in the car across from them.

Just then, the girl was distracted by her phone going off along with Koji's and the goggle head across from them as all three answered their phones.

"Transfer to the 6:00 pm west bound train from Shibuya station." The woman said.

"Ah, come on! Give me a break! I'm doing the best I can!" the goggle head yelled as everyone stared at him strangely.

"What is wrong with that guy?" Daisuke asked with a disturbed look.

"Just ignore him." Koji advised.

Soon enough, the train arrived at it's destination and Koji grabbed Daisuke's hand as he pulled her along with him through the station, passing by the goggle head who stared at them curiously.

They walked off towards the elevators, unknown to the fact that two boys were chasing after them.

Once the two friends were inside of the elevator car, they leaned back against the wall as Koji pushed the down button and they waited for the doors to close.

As the doors then started to close, the goggle head cried out as he jumped through the doors just as another boy tried to run inside, but the doors closed in front off him, blocking him off.

Groaning in pain from the fall, the goggle head then looked up at the raven haired boy and mahogany haired girl who were standing in front of him.

"Hey, did you get the message too?" he asked.

Koji turned away from him, pulling Daisuke to the side, signalling her to not speak to him.

"You could answer me at least!" the boy frowned at them.

Daisuke gave him a sheepish smile in apology over her friend's shoulder.

Just then, the elevator started speeding up and the three looked up to see that they were going pass their floor.

"My destiny's starting to bite." goggle head groaned, standing up.

Just then, a sudden jolt of energy pulsed through the elevator making Koji and Daisuke gasp in shock as they looked around in confusion, trying to search for the cause.

The elevator then hit the ground roughly, making Daisuke stumble and the goggle head fall back on the ground.

"Whoa!" Daisuke gasped as she grabbed onto the wall to steady herself.

"Man, I really gotta stop landing on my head!" the goggle head groaned.

The doors opened and the three kids stared out of the opened doors to see an underground train station with different colored trains and a bunch of kids from different ages down there, looking around and boarding trains.

"Whoa, check that out." Daisuke blinked at the sight.

"So weird." the goggle head commented.

"It's up to you now. Which one will you choose?" the woman's voice spoke up again making the trio look at their cell phones.

Koji nodded at this in understanding as he then grabbed his friend's hand and pulled her off after him as the goggle head stood up and stared after them.

"Hey, wait! Which one are you choosing?" he called after them.

"No idea!" Daisuke called back to the goggle head.

The lone wolf then pulled the girl along with him as he boarded a teal colored train and they both stood on the back car just as the trains all started moving.

Koji spotted the goggle head then running for the train that was moving on the track beside his and Daisuke's train, and the boy managed to grab the railing and pull himself onto the end car.

Panting to try and catch his breath, the boy then looked over and his coffee colored eyes took in the sight of the lone wolf staring at him while the tanned girl walked inside the train to explore.

Once the two trains drove off into seperate tunnels, Koji walked inside the car after the girl and they found that each car they walked in was empty.

"Man, this is like a ghost town. There's no one here at all. Creepy." Daisuke commented.

"I guess no one else thought to get on this one. Good. We can relax until we get to wherever it is we're supposed to go." Koji said as he sat down in one of the benches.

Shrugging at this, Daisuke laid down on the seats and stared at the ceiling, bored and unsure of what to do.

Everything that had happened today just seemed confusing to her and she couldn't make heads or tales of it.

A few minutes later, the lights in the train then switched off making the duo look up in confusion when the tracks suddenly got rough and knocked the two kids out of their seats.

"Ow! This is totally your fault and if we die, I will kill you for this!" Daisuke groaned as she rubbed her sore rear.

"Love you too." Koji quipped as he looked over at the girl.

His eyes then grew wide in shock when he saw he saw that Daisuke was covered in a golden light as the image of an angel faded in over her body.

Moaning against the sudden speed the train was going at, the girl looked over at her friend to check on him and she was stunned to see that the image of a man dressed in wolf's armour had faded in over Koji's body.

The two blinked and looked at each other, and sighed as they saw that the glamours had disappeared.

Koji's and Daisuke's phones then started beeping, so they pulled the devices out of their pockets and saw they were glowing a white color and transformed.

Koji's device had a white body and had dark blue grips and had silver buttons while the screen was outlined in silver.

Daisuke's device had a white body as well, but had powder blue grips and yellow buttons while the screen was outlined in yellow.

"What the heck are these things?" Daisuke asked as she looked over her strange new device.

"These are your D-Tectors. Use them to help on your journey through the Digital World." the woman's voice spoke up from the devices.

"Digital World?" Koji asked as the lights then turned on in the train.

Standing, the two friends walked over to the windows and opened them as they poked their heads out to observe the area around them.

It appeared as though they were out in the country side when they saw the mountains and wide green fields that stretched out for miles upon miles.

Small white jellyfish creatures were also seen floating in the sky, cooing as they did so.

"Wow, we are so not in Japan anymore." Daisuke commented.

"Daisuke, we're not even on Earth anymore." Koji stated.

To be continued...