Modern Setting AU - Valentine's Day drabble.


It sucks. It sucks because it is Valentine's Day, and they're supposed to be together on a day like this, as they are in every single Valentine's Day ever, and it should mean something because she has always believed it should be special and all, but it is not. Because he's not there. He's not with her at the moment because he has a stupid sense of duty and patriotism and because he strongly believes we should always fight to protect the ones we love and she's not mad. Not really, not when she thinks the exact same thing but it still is unfortunate because it is Valentine's Day and he should be there and it sucks.

So Cleo has nothing better to do but to stare out the window at the beautiful city lights and the dark sky and think about what they could be doing and how good it would feel to have Magnus cuddling with her, whispering those lovely stories and legends she likes to hear so much and how she would call him her dark prince because being called prince charming would certainly make him wrinkle his nose in disgust and how he definitely does not fit the part because he's too impatient to go around saving stupid, weak princesses but would still do it, because he has never been able to leave someone that needs help by themselves. But impatient and moody and all, she loves him.

She loves him. She really does. And in the day of love, he isn't there with her. And it sucks because he should be there with her. But then her phone rings softly and she tries to get up so fast she gets a little dizzy and grabs the phone and looks at it and—gods.

"Magnus?," her voice shakes a little when she answers and her hopes are so high she can barely breathe. She suddenly remembers how he always promised to be there with her when she needed him and she feels like he read her mind. He never really cared about Valentine's Day, it was just another day, but she always made such a fuss and she always made sure it was one of the best days for the both of them and now he is calling her when he isn't supposed to even have access to a phone because he knows how important it is for her.

"You didn't thought I wasn't going to call you in this very, very important day, did you?," his voice is so sweet and full of love Cleo can't help but laugh and tear up a little. Just a little. And, of course, she's not going to admit that the mere sound of his voice can make her cry like a over hormonal fool.

"Oh, you stupid fool, I love you."

"I know. I love you too. Happy Valentine's Day!"

She chuckles and holds the phone with a stronger grip. "Happy Valentine's Day."


Even though Valentine's Day already passed (I hope it was a great day for you, lovely people), this little drabble was requested and it looked like a good idea, so here it is!

Whoever asked for it: I hope you liked it and that you enjoyed reading it, though it is not as happy fluffy as it could be expected. But sill.

As always, thanks for reading! Thanks for reviewing and adding this story to your favorite/follow. And, please, don't forget to comment because reviews make my day so much brighter.