To my fellow followers, friends, supporters, the first thing I want to say is that I'm sorry.

This year has been way too hard on me. My little brother was in the hospital for a few weeks in February, and straight after I had to attend my grandfathers funeral. It was only a short time after when the boyfriend I was with at the time, dumped me over a text message. I started to fail quite a few of my classes, especially math, and struggled to get portfolio's on the table in time for a final grade. When May rolled around, I had a fall out with one of my friends, and had to begin searching for a job so I could start paying for insurance. When I finally found a job, I've been busy ever since. I barely had time to sit down and do the thing I love most, write.

Before I knew it, school came around once again, and I had to deal with schoolwork AND actual work. Then soon before I could even breathe, I met another boy, and fell for him hard as he did with me, and started focusing on a new relationship that is full of love. It is difficult to keep up with everything. I'm struggling in a lot of my classes, and with my semester portfolio's coming around, I have to start focusing on that as well. Work is ending for the season this week, so hopefully I can have a chance to focus on some of my other stuff.

There has been a writing club where we meet up for four hours just to write, but the leader is going through some hard times, so I haven't had time to sit and write there either. I have started a novel on kingdoms, knights, lovers, death, and family. Though it hasn't gotten that far either, it still needs to have a little work put into it and chapters still need to be added.

I am speaking tomorrow with women from around the world who are supporting the sciences for girls like me. I am speaking for something me and my girl friends struggle with at my science program: being equal to the men scientists and having a chance to prove that we can change the world too. (I know that women have improved in this but it's still an issue in our society) Their act has been inspired by the breathtaking movie Hidden Figures, and wanting to let everyone know that we shouldn't be hidden no more. I'll have a chance to speak about my experiences with science and how I want to change the world with things I can discover in the future.

I've even gotten the chance to meet up with a Plant Virologist to start a portfolio about how viruses move through plants. I'm so excited to start my own experiments with it, which will begin next month. Doing something that I've wondered about a lot of my life, it's unbelievable that I, a high schooler, can experience such things with something so big. I need to get started on reading a college text book about it and take notes to ask the Virologist next time we meet.

These stories, especially The White Cherry Blossom, are my prides and joys. I have spoke about my own experiences with depression and have made other people aware about what really goes on through a person's mind with depression. Making people aware of the things that not everyone understands, and seeing them loving the story because it can relate to them, truly makes my heart swell with happiness. It makes me want to continue to speak up for the things I truly want to have other people hear about and to continue to write the novel that I am loving so much at the moment. It makes me so happy I've had all of you to support me through every step of the way. So thank you to ALL of you, for making me who I am today, the writer who I improved to be, and the girl who loves science and the words that appears on my paper with a stroke of a pen.

I will continue to write (or try) as much as I can with these stories. I just couldn't wait another day to sit and let you all wonder what had happened to me and the chapters that appear on my stories. When my winter break rolls around, I will try to update them as much as I can. I hope you understand that when I don't update right away, I'm just busy with my own life. I won't be able to write a special three year chapter for The White Cherry Blossom when my birthday comes around on October 23rd next Monday, so that is saddening, but I know you guys will understand. And I will add more chapters in Wendy to make it not be as rushed as it was before.

Thank you again, I really mean it. And I apologize once more for just disappearing without an explanation. You're all too sweet for me. Until the next time I update my stories, I wish you all well.

Much love, Luvviez.