AJ had thought of every and any excuse to try and avoid going out tonight, but Paige was having none of it. She had promtly turned up at AJ's hotel room within the ten minutes, with three of her best friends in tow. The four girls were already buzzed, and ready to get partying. AJ however was still in her jogging pants, with little intention of changing.

Alicia was the first to rush to the mini bar, picking out a bottle of wine, while Rosa was the one to turn the music on. Paige eyed up April, her eyebrow raising. "You need to get ready, my little puddin'." She smiled, giving AJ a push towards her wardrobe. Opening the closet, she began flicking through clothes. "What about this?!" Paige pulled out a little black dress, putting it against AJ's petite body. "This will be perfect. Go try it on."

April didn't feel like arguing, so she took the dress and went to the bathroom to change. Besides, there was no harm in just trying it on.

It was too tight in places, and much, much too short. There was no way that she could wear this out.. But Saraya kept encouraging her to come out of the bathroom so that they could all marvel at the short diva. Not wanting to keep her guests waiting - but also not wanting to go out in this dress - AJ opened the door, walking out as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Told you it would be perfect!" Paige gleamed, as the other girls oohed and ahhed at the turnaround that AJ had made.

"You don't think it's.. too short, do you?" The brunette asked, brushing down the creases in the dress as it clung to her curves.

"Nooo!" The girls chorused, before turning back to their drinks. "You're so going to pull tonight, in that." Alicia complimented. That idea alone just made AJ feel a little sick. She wasn't like the others; she didn't go out and bring guys home. Besides, she had to figure this thing out with Dean, didn't she?

"AJ, your turn!" The latina diva yelled across the room. "Truth or dare." Rosa had a smirk on her face as the girls awaited her answer.

"Uhh, truth?" She almost asked, giving a small shrug. It would probably be some dumb question that she could shake off; better than whatever dares they had in mind.

"Do you like anyone at work?" Paige asked, before taking a long sip from her drink. April eyed her suspisiously. What did she know? Had Joe told her something?

April thought about lying, but this was a game that required an oath or something, right? "I mean, I guess so." She shrugged, avoiding all eye contact as she walked over to the mini bar, her cheeks flushing red. The girls all began asking questions; name dropping any guy backstage, while AJ began to get stuck into a bottle of champagne. Surely the alcohol could help take the edge of this embarrassment off.

"Only one truth, guys!" Paige laughed, her eyes remaining on her best friend for a moment before moving over to the other girls. "Rosa, truth or dare?"

It didn't matter how much AJ tried to get her mind off Dean, there was still questions that he left unanswered that sat in her mind. She took the last sip of her fourth drink, feeling pretty drunk at this point, and left the empty cup on the nearest table. The girls were the life of the party. Paige and Rosa had already been on the tables, dancing the night away, while Alicia had been flirting with a cute guy by the dance floor. AJ knew that she didn't quite fit in with the other girls, and isolated herself.

"What's a girl like you doing standing by yourself?" An unfamiliar voice asked. April turned to glare at the stranger - it wasn't like she had a good history with drunken guys in clubs - but upon eying him up and down, she realised quickly that he was just as sober as she was. "Dan." He said, offering his hand out.

"April." She smiled in return, giving his hand a small shake, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Her eyes wandered over to her drunken friends, and then back to the male. "Are you here by yourself?"

Dan quickly shook his head. "My friends are pretty drunk and I'm bored of babysitting." He laughed, and shrugged his shoulders, pointing over to a group of males who were stumbling around and yelling slurs.

Smirking, AJ nodded in agreement, pointing over to her two best friends, that were now grinding on each other. "Same here." She giggled. Was it too strange to admit that she felt less like a loser because of this guy? The two of them didn't exactly fit in here, but at least they were together in it.

"Do you want a drink?" He offered, a little cautiously - he didn't want to be stepping over any sort of line. Accepting his offer and his company, AJ nodded, and began walking to the bar with her new friend. Dan ordered two Jack Daniels and cokes, before turning back to the petite brunette. "So what's your excuse for being the boring one at the party?" He joked.

"I'm just.. boring." She half joked, taking her new drink and sipping it. "Yours?" Her eyes left his features for a moment, catching a glimpse of something that caught her eye. A blonde girl with very little clothing was pretty much giving somebody a lapdance in one of the cornered booths. Classy, AJ thought, her eyes just about to tear away from the scene, when she felt like she had just been stabbed in the heart. She could recognise that messy auburn hair anywhere. The way his hands gripped her hips as she straddled him.. She could barely breathe. Her eyes locked onto Deans blue orbs for a moment, and that was enough to take the last breath from her lungs. He froze on the spot, but he never pushed her away. Their eyes remained connected until the blonde seized the moment and pressed her lips firmly against his.

Dean hadn't been able to get April out of his head, but this chick seemed to be doing a pretty good at distracting him. She was usually Colby's type; blonde, huge tits. But there had to be a reason that his team mate was always smiling, so Dean decided to just say fuck it.

He had found her at a little bar just outside of town. He hadn't told anybody that he was going, because they would probaly just try to talk him out of it, and he didn't want to be judged.

Dean hadn't even learned this girls name, but she was already grinding on him in the booth of this club, and he was far too drunk to do anything to stop her. He let his hands wander her body, running from her waist down to her hips, then continuing down to her smooth thighs. The whole time, she rubbed her ass against his crotch. Man, there was no wonder he was sporting a good semi right now. He could get used to this; meeting a hot chick in the club, fucking her brains out, and then getting back to the daily grind.

But there was something missing. Like a sickening feeling in his stomach, and a hole in his chest, there was something wrong about this. He could fuck a hundred girls, and not one of them would make them feel the same as she did. She did something to him that he couldn't explain, and maybe that's why he ran from it.

He glanced up from the girl in front of him; his distraction becoming too distracting for his liking. But what he saw, he wasn't ready for. April was stood there, staring right at him as this blonde continued to rub against his erection. His body and his mind took two seperate lives right then. While his body wanted this girl - and boy, did his body want this girl - and his mind wanted to push her off him right there and then, chase after April, and pour his heart out to her. In reality? He did neither. He just sat there, dumbfounded, as he watched the girl that he loved turn away from him, and walk out of the club.