A/N: My first Twilight fanfiction. Leah is one of my favorite characters from the film, I read the book when I started high school some years ago. One thing about this that is so awesome is the pairings we secretly wish existed in books, movies...so on and so forth. That's why I love it so much. Anyways, read and enjoy...leave comments so I know you enjoy it. -Thanks!

Thirst and Desire: Chapter 1

Leah glared across the classroom at the Cullen trio sitting together, the bigger one named Emmett had a sly grin on his face as he looked at her, his girlfriend next to him...Blondie, had that look, the kind that made her look like she had been sucking on lemons. All because of them and that Isabitch, ever since Bella started dating the walking dead...Edweird, the council wanted her to go to school and keep watch on all of them. To be their personal spy, their watcher, but she damn wellwouldn't be Isabella's babysitter.

Something she immediately disagreed to. It wasn't like she was thrilled, because it was quite the opposite actually. But they threatened her with life on the rez and no freedom what-so-ever. Not like they could actually do that though. But knowing those old bastards, they'd torment Seth. And with her father gone, her mother went off and started dating Swan's father. That was another reason she was pissed off, she hated the fact that her mother just went and decided that dating her father's best friend, her enemy's father, after her father died was a perfect choice.

'Your mother only wants to find happiness...' crap that the council spewed, 'Yeah right, that old woman just decided to go off and start dating Swan's dad...it hasn't even been a year since dad's passing!' Leah thought angrily, forgetting that she was still starring at the trio.

"You know...you shouldn't stare at Emmett like that, he'll get the wrong idea." A silky voice said near her. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked to the her right side. Jasper was writing something on his notebook.

"I was wondering what smelled" she growled

He chuckled

"Are you always so spiteful?" He asked looking at her

"Maybe, what's it to you?" She muttered

"No reason...I use to be like you, so full of anger..." He answered looking back at his notebook

"Hmmhph," Leah glared then turned her head away from him looking to the left then laying her head on the desk and closed her eyes.

'I don't want to deal with them, might as well avoid them. This is suppose to be my last year anyways and here I am, eighteen going on nineteen...still in high school. Fuck my life.' she thought to herself

42 Minutes later

The lunch bell finally rang and Leah dragged herself out of the classroom, students pushed past her to get to the cafeteria, but she walked just as slow not wanting to associate with the Cullens and Isabitch. Strutting past her was Blondie and her boyfriend. Rosalie sniffed loudly as she looked over her shoulder at Leah, throwing a disgusted look, then looked away, blond hair flying over her shoulder. Typical rich bitch attitude. Leah just kept walking, glaring at her back. That disgustingly sweet smell hit her again, it smelled like...like someone overkilled the apple cinnamon Febreeze spray in a small room to the point of gagging on it. And this was coming from one person, the person who now kept bugging her.

"What!" She snapped, looking at the person walking beside her.

Golden eyes looked down at her, he smirked at her. Hand in his designer jean pockets and cowboy boots tapped nearly silent in sync with her own steps.

Knowing he wouldn't say anything, she grumbled loudly. He wasn't helping her on her first day, students watched them closely as they walked side-by-side.

Flash Back

First Class she went to

"Everyone, we have a new student joining us, a transfer from La Push High School, Leah Clearwater...you can sit near Mr. Cullen in the back." The teacher pointed out...Edward.

It was obvious that there weren't many Quileute students here, probably six out of a thousand...or something.

She heard the faint whispering of the female students as she walked past to forcefully sit by the Cullen, as she sat down, he turned away from her with that sour look.

'Its because of you that I'm here, and I hate it just as much as you do.' she stared straight ahead with a frown.

Edward looked at her from the corner of his eyes and turned his head to look out the window.

"Must be different coming to school here...after so...long." He said

"What, you making fun of me?" Leah hissed, as she leaned to the side to get her notebook and lead-pencil to start the note-taking on Hamlet. This was her worst subject...Literature.

"No," He replied and said nothing else, they stayed silents afterwords. As she got up to leave to get to the next class, he said, "Bella won't be happy your here...you know."

"I don't give a f-shit, Wasn't like it was my idea and you know it." Leah stomped out of the classroom not wanting to deal with this.

End of Flashback

The whispering began, and it was so damn hard not to hear, if she had been a normal girl, she wouldn't have to hear what crap they spoke. Just because Jasper was walking with her didn't mean that they had a thing going on. It didn't mean that his secret fan club had to go on war path for her head. He already was with Alice, obviously, so why were they do dramatic and why did girls have to make such a big deal about her clothes? Comparing them to his? To theirs? She thought her clothes were fine. But what she was hearing was that her clothes were old, out of style and disgusting.

'Calm yourself Leah, you're better then this, you deal with Lahote's shit every time you have pack meetings. You deal with Sam and Emily's disgusting display of affection every time they decide to have a cook-out for pack gatherings. Jacob makes jabs at you worst then these skanks. Don't do anything, don't say anything, don't...don't...don't.'

She chanted in her mind, trying to find her inner zen mood.

'Just a few more steps into the cafeteria, just a few-'

"And she's so damn brown...like...does she not take showers or something? That is so gross." A girl with light brown hair muttered, eyeing Leah up and down with disgust, to her friends. She looked about Bella's age.


Leah snarled, turning back towards the girl, but was pulled back toward the Cafeteria by icy fingertips.

"Don't waste your time on them." Jasper said to her, dragging her along with him.

Leah cussed at the girl and threw her middle finger at her as he pulled her along, students stopped and looked on. The girl shouted stuff back at her.

"Stop...you're making a scene." Jasper hissed

"What, going to ruin your perfect reputation or something? You got yourself involved in this anyways. And I won't let someone make something up about me. Or talk behind my back! Ugh!" Leah scowled, pulling her arm away from his hand and ran it threw her shoulder length black hair.

"It was just jealousy, I felt it oozing off her. And she was afraid of you it seems." Jasper answered, looking closely and silently, studying Leah.

She was pretty tall for a girl, her skin color more bronze then other girls in forks, something they were jealous of especially those that tanned twice a week at the tanning salon in Seattle. She was thin, built and muscular, everything about her screamed model...athletic. Those big brown almond shaped eyes and long dark lashes.

"What are you starring at!" She snapped at him

"...Nothing." He said with a small smile, she was so predictable.

"Whatever." She said and walked off towards the lunch line, pulling out her money and grabbed her food.

Edward sat with Bella, Emmett, Rosalie and Alice at the round table near the window, Bella stared straight at Leah as Rosalie rolled her eyes at something Bella said. It was obvious that Bella was upset that Leah was now going to school here.

Jasper smiled at Alice, she motioned him over.

Walking over to her, he whispered in her ear and Alice poked him in his side and smiled nodding. His siblings heard what he said and didn't agree with what he stated.

Leah had her tray in hand and pretended not to see them, walking past their table to sit at the empty table on the other side of the Cafeteria with her back to them. As she sat down, three senior guys decided to sit by her.

"So where are you from?" A guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes asked her, trying to act as if he was interested in what she had to say. But only interested in the fact that seemed new and vulnerable, sitting by herself and had come to chat her up.

"What is it to you?" She shot him a glare

"You're new aren't you?" His friend smiled at her

"Yeah...so?" She answered, she sniffed looking back at her food.

"Answering a question with a question..." The light brown haired guy muttered

"Yep," She said, taking a bite out of her Sub-sandwich, "Look, I'm trying to eat here, go bother someone else."

"No need to be such a bitch." The guys friend said

"Bite me." She answered


"Leave her alone." She heard Jasper's voice behind her, the guys looked up and quickly got up and left.

"Didn't need your help, Cullen."

"Jasper." He corrected

"Besides, can't have you shifting and scared the innocents." He said sitting beside her with an apple and a red bull energy drink.

"Wow...the leech eats..." Leah raised an eyebrow looking at the apple in his hand, "I'm shocked."

"Its to keep up appearances, we can't not eat in a cafeteria...can we." He smirked at her

"Guess not." She said and took another bite of her sandwich.

"So why are you here?" Leah looked at him, "And not with your family?" she asked

"Thought you could use my company, ma'am." He said in his southern drawl and smirked, he heard her heart skip-a-beat.

What girl won't like that southern drawl, especially coming from the Jasper Hale, Leah cursed herself knowing that he knew.

"Damn your southern accent." She hissed and drank her coke.

"Did I just feel lust just now?" He asked somewhat surprised as the waves coming from her emanated lust, for him.

"No!" She hissed, "Now shut up and let me eat." She took a sip of her coke again.

"Does my accent turn you on?" He asked confused

This made Leah choke, she knew that he was much, much older then her and to hear him actually say that...wow. Coughing. She tried to reply but just couldn't.

He gently patted her back as she caught her breath and stopped choking.

"So?" he asked

"Maybe..." She muttered

"Maybe? Come on, don't be embarrassed darlin, just answer the question. I won't judge." He said with a raised eyebrow

"Why the hell do you want to know anyways? Go ask Alice your question." She glared at him

"She didn't say that, you said it. And I'd rather not...because I'm sitting here beside you." Jasper grinned

"Okay, yes, it does okay? I got a thing for accents. There...happy? Now shut. it. leech." Leah muttered, not looking at him.

"Heh..." Jasper grinned shaking his head

"Don't. say. anything." Leah muttered

"Not saying anything." Jasper answered "You're the one saying things...and I'm just here to bug you." Leah narrowed her eyes at him. It was going to be a looong day.

- - - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - – - - - - - -

Leah left her last class, it was finally the end of school, it was time to go out and survey the premises of the reservation boundaries. Plus, it wasn't wise to change out of anger in front of humans, she had to have some peace and quiet before busting out into a fur ball. Besides, this was Leah and she was known as the bitch of La Push.

Walking past the school doors and out into the open, it was lightly sprinkling again, the smell of fresh pine hit her sensitive nose, and it was wonderful since her poor nose took the disgusting sent of those stinky sickeningly sweet leeches. She looked up and saw the gang of said leeches up ahead near their fancy cars talking to each other and there stood Bella hanging off Edwards arm. She snorted at the emotionally tragic couple who nearly ended their relationship nearly similar to that of Romeo and Juliet...but much more...clique...and it kind of matched. Bella being a human who was in love with a Leechy vampire. Overly clique and disgustingly over dramatic.

It was all because of them that Leah had to do this, that she lost everything, having nothing left except Seth and yet they acted as if the world revolved around them. And to them only, along with the stupid elder council, Jacob and the idiotic odd squad of male pack members. It might...But Leah had her own path, that didn't involve these damned leeches, they could go on living all they wanted and see the Apocalypse for all she cared, or they could see the coming of Christ...she didn't give a damn. Because her life was her own, even if she was stuck having to watch the Swan bitch and her followers. Leah's life wasn't gonna go on forever and she damn well didn't want to die for the Swan girl. She wasn't immortal, she was still human and human she would remain.

Huffing, she walked along the street towards the park across, she was going to change and tie her bag around her leg and shift. It wouldn't take long for her to get back to La Push, especially since she'd be going through the forest, no one would be able to see her.

"Leah..." She heard Jasper call out to her, but she pretended she didn't notice and kept hurrying to get to the crossing.

"I know you can hear me." Jasper called out again, the group looked over at her.

"She doesn't want to be bothered." Edward said in an annoyed tone, "Just leave her."

"Leah!" Emmett shouted, Leah's face flushed as the rest of the students looked over at her from the parking lot.

Grumbling to herself, she couldn't decide to turn around and address them or keep walking but knowing Emmett, he'd probably just follow her in his car making a big scene and drag his step-siblings along for the ride. Then...she'd be the talk of the town.

Turning around, she snapped, "What!" Glaring at Jasper then Emmett

"Come here." Emmett grinned as Rosalie hit his arm and Bella twitched beside Edward, looking over past Edward at the pixie, noting Alice smiling at her...no jealousy or hate in her eyes since Jasper had been the first to call her over.

She bit her lower lip in thought, she could make a run for it and look like a crazy person or she could just get it over with to see what they wanted.

Grumbling angrily, she turned and walked back towards them...she told herself it because of them and the pack that she'd have frown-lines marking her forehead for the rest of her life.

"I'm here now...what is it." She said tapping her foot, standing in-front of them and tried to mask her face at the stench.

"Jasper?" Emmett looked at him

"Need a ride?" Jasper asked

"You called me over here just to ask me that? Gawd! Don't you have better things to do?!" Leah felt like tearing her hair out. This guy just didn't know the meaning of immortal enemies. Would a Vampire ask a Werewolf if they needed a ride on the full moon? No! What was his problem! Even if she wasn't a werewolf, it didn't mean they were best pals. Wasn't he suppose to hate her? Could he just hate her and stay away so she could get on with life? The hell!

"She's having inner turmoil because of your behavior Jasper." Edward smirked

"Don't be fresh..." Alice said looking at her stepbrothers.

"Are we going or not?!" Rosalie hissed, hitting Emmett arm. Emmett shrugged and looked at Jasper.

"I'll be taking her, you can go on, see you at home." Jasper nodded at them

"Do I have choice?" Leah grumbled, Jasper shook his head 'No.'

Jasper got on his motorcycle and motioned Leah to sit behind him, rolling her eyes she finally lifted her leg over the seat, watched as he put on his black helmet, he handed her a similar one, she slid it on and sat behind him. Holding the sides of the seats, Jasper commented on her grabbing hold of his waist for safety purposes.

"Look leech, your making me catch a ride with you and your imposing in my personal anti-vampire free-zone. I don't think-" being cut off by the take off which was pretty dang fast for her taste.

"Don't think...just do." Jasper said over his shoulder with an amused tone

"Dammit! Give me a warning first!" She hissed as she clutched onto his waist tightly, just because Jacob had the rabbit didn't mean she went riding with him. They hardly associated with each other.

Jasper's laugh rang out and Leah felt her embarrassment come out in waves as they tore out of the school parking lot and onto the highway.