So, Its been a long time since I've updated this, and the sad reason is because I lost interest. I still don't have that much interest now, mostly because the maze runner au's have been my best friend for the last little while. But I decided to write as much as I can for this story and then binge watch every game, tv show and shorts on Sonic to get back into it and make a much nicer story. My writing has hopefully changed? But who knows, I haven't written anything in a year! So anyway, leave me ideas for this story because everything helps! Love you guys! X



After everyone met Aleena, Sonia and Manic the three of them went upstairs to Sonic's room to rest after their long journey.

"I can't believe we found him," Sonia smiled, leaning against the headboard, watching her Mother fold her robe onto a hanger, and placed it in her son's closet. "Though, I thought he'd be a bit taller."

Aleena grinned from where she stood and turned to her daughter. "Now, Sonia," She began. "He's still growing; he might sprout a bit…"

"If he was still growing, he'd be as tall as me," Manic said proudly as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. He kicked his shoes off and planted himself on the bed next to Sonia. He gave a toothed grin to his Mother, who shook her head in amusement. Aleena walked across the room and sat at the end of the bed to face her two children, who looked back at her with kind smiles.

"Sonic's friends seem nice," Sonia sighed. "But that Shadow dude is giving me the creeps."

Manic shrugged her shoulders. "Shadow? What about the bat! She kept giving me oogly eyes!" He shivered and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Alright children," Aleena breathed. "Time for bed, we need the rest."

"But Mother, how're we going to fit all on the bed?"

"I'll take the floor, don't worry about it Sonia, I've slept in worse places!" Manic grinned, rolling onto the floor, grabbing a pillow on the way. He huffed as he hit the ground and slid the pillow under his head with a grin. "G'night ladies."

"Won't you get cold? We should ask Sonic for another blanket…" Sonia drifted off looking towards the door. Her eyes looked towards the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was around ten at night, and sighed.

"Knock, knock." A soft voice whispered as they opened the door. Sonic stood in the doorframe with a small smile. "I'm going on my run, do you guys need anything before I go?"

"A blanket would be nice bro," Manic said from the side of the bed where Sonic couldn't see him, his white glove in the air.

"Okay, how about you two?" Sonic asked looking to the girls. Sonia shook her head and looked to her Mother who looked at Sonic with a smile similar to his own. "I can get Tails to fix you some tea? Some more pillows?"

"It's quite alright, Sonic." Aleena dismissed, pulling herself under the covers next to her daughter. "Just a blanket for Manic and then we'll be good for the night."

Sonic nodded before he zipped away, only to return a second later with an orange fluffy blanket and tossed it onto Manic. The younger huffed but nodded in thanks to Sonic as he situated himself on the floor. "I'm sorry there's not anything better, I mean I could sleep with Tails if you wanted and you could stay on the couch? I know how bad the floor is." Sonic bit his lip. "Yeah, do that. C'mon Manic."

The green hedgehog jumped up and did a salute to his Mother and Sister. "Goodnight," Sonia called.

Manic spun around from where he was walking out the bedroom door. "Night sis, night Mom!"

"Night you two," Sonic smiled. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight my children," Aleena bid, flipping onto her side, Sonia doing the same.


"Alright," Sonic puffed, placing the pillows and blanket down on the couch. "This is as good as it gets, if it gets cold just turn up the heat, there's food in the fridge, television works." Sonic spun around. "Okay, night Manic." He jogged to the door. "TAILS! COME ON ITS GETTING LATE!"

"COMING SONIC!" Tails yelled back from downstairs, flying fast up the stairs. "I'm ready!"

"C'mon lil bro, we can get some chili dogs before Phil closes down the grill!"

"Yay!" Tails exclaimed, rushing forward and opening the door. "Let's go!"

"Hold up little man, you got some grease over your fur." Sonic licked his glove and rubbed the grease off Tails' fur. "There ya go, I'll race ya to Phils!"

As soon as Tails and Sonic were gone, Manic was left alone in the dark. Feeling something inside, almost like jealousy over Sonic calling Tails his little brother…


Alright, hope this was enough to get you through until I get the time to write the next chapter. Sorry it's so short, but writers block isn't very kind. Please leave a review and some ideas it'll help me write this story a lot better! Thanks for reading!