A/N: Spoilers for Here Lies the Abyss. Be warned, I have no real direction in mind for this. I'm writing it mostly because Sera's romance is so funny and cute, I just had to write about it. I hope to do some of their in-game romance progression. Well, loosely based on in-game stuff, I'm not checking Youtube for dialogue (the spoilers!).


Sera was bouncing around the room, giggling to herself at some joke she hadn't actually made. Lavellan couldn't get her to sit still for five seconds to talk about it, and had instead decided to lounge on the window seat to watch.

This had been going on for several days now, but Lavellan had no time to address it. Every waking moment was consumed with some task. Her advisors were kept busy, which meant she was kept busy with a constant stream of reports, requests and concerns. She hadn't done so much reading since Keeper Istmaethoriel began tutoring her.

Worse than reports, were the judgements on prisoners. She found it hard to make decisions for people that would alter the course of their entire lives. It made her teeth itch. There hadn't been any executions since she took the helm, and only one miserable Venatori was enjoying their dungeons right now. Everyone seemed to think she was too much of a bleeding heart in these matters, though Sera used more colourful language. The city elf was especially annoyed when Lavellan had stopped her from killing a corrupt noble.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor," she pointed out as Sera wandered across the room for the fourteenth time.

"I could use it to spy on people." Sera eyed the floor and chuckled. "I think people are screwing down there behind the crates. They think no one knows, but Barkeep's more worried about them stealing the drink while they're back there."

"There goes any interest I had in sampling the food here." Lavellan raised an eyebrow as Sera bounced on the balls of her feet, apparently fascinated by the ceiling. "Do you... want to talk about it?"

"Nope! I want to drink, come on!" Sera grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her out the room.


A few hours later, Sera was five sheets to the wind, crouched precariously on Iron Bull's shoulders with her backside sticking out into the air, and gripping his horns tightly. She was attempting to steer him around the bar, while other patrons veered out of the way and tables were reduced to splinters. Josephine would not be impressed at having to requisition new furniture.

Iron Bull gave a great belly laugh, shaking so hard, Lavellan thought Sera might fly straight off. The elven woman just flowed with his momentum, supple as a willow even while blind drunk.

Lavellan swilled her drink around the tankard, ready in case she had to use magic. A barrier to protect them from hurting themselves would probably be wise. A slippery ice track that sends them sliding into the wall would be funnier.

Without even realising, she had been singing along to the bard's rendition of 'Sera Was Never'. Whereas the singer's voice was bawdy and loud, Lavellan sung the words with soft fondness. A small smile sat on her lips.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Dorian approaching. She hastily stopped singing and straightened up.

"Oh, Creators, no."

"Is that any way to greet your favourite Tevinter ally?" he asked, sweeping into a seat at her table.

"You're my only Tevinter ally."

"Which automatically makes me your favourite."

Lavellan made a pained face at him. "You're not here to give me more etiquette lessons, are you?"

"No, you're out of luck. Although Leliana says your dancing could still use some work. Something about a club foot and sloping shoulders."

"It's not my fault you humans are so weirdly proportioned." She finished off her drink. "So, what brings you in here?"

"Other than the local colour, you mean?" he asked, gesturing at the drunken duo with a smirk. "Some of the Circle mages have been complaining to me about being harassed when they go off spreading the good news of the Inquisition. They thought I would make a more sympathetic ear than dear Vivienne, and so they come to me."

"You are a more sympathetic ear. Vivienne would probably boil them alive."

"Very true, and Solas isn't remotely approachable. Too stuffy and severe."

Lavellan made a tsking noise. "What do they expect me to do about it? The Chantry teaches its people that magic is scary and evil... therefore people think it's scary and evil. There isn't much I can do about that. Certainly I can't fix every silly human notion."

"Please don't tar all us nasty humans with the same brush. Besides, it's hardly just humans." Dorian gave a small nod in Sera's direction. "There are plenty of people who find us mages distasteful, you know."

She tapped a finger against the rip of her tankard. "That's not the same. She just... she was taught to think those things by the Chantry. It doesn't mean she can't change her mind, given time. I doubt she's ever even lived alongside mages before now. In fact, she doesn't even flinch anymore when I fire off spells right next to her." She cleared her throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Dorian arched an eyebrow. "I was actually referring to our Qunari friend. That certainly rankled your mood, didn't it? I'm sure you're right. Given time, sufficient charm can win over even the hardest of hearts."

Lavellan glowered at him. He waved as Sera staggered over, having finally dismounted Bull's shoulders. "What brought that little display on?"

"Oh, we had a drinking competition. That big lump said if I could drink a whole jug of dwarven ale and still stand, he'd let me 'ride the Bull'." She snorted, which dissolved into uncontrollable giggling. Dorian exchanged an exasperated look with Lavellan.

"What're you two talking about then?" Sera asked after she'd recovered from her giggles. "Something boring?"

"We were just discussing the plight of the poor oppressed mages," he replied.

She made a disgusted noise. "So yeah, something boring. Mages..." she slurred. "Gives me the willies."

Lavellan frowned slightly, folding her arms and leaning back into her seat.

"Oh, not you," Sera said, waving a dismissive hand. "You're alright. Nice arse too."

A flush of pink spread into Lavellan's cheeks.

"Magic's creepy because demons and stuff, right? Mind control... Fade rifts all over the world like tears in old panties. But you're just you." Sera frowned, swaying slightly. "The fact you're... connected to the Fade, that's just how it is, isn't it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Going into the Fade, it's just what you do." Sera dug her thumb into the table, carving a groove with her nail. "But when Solas does it, he just falls asleep, right? Or goes into this trance like he's gone la-la. I've seen him do it. Tried to draw on his face once." She snorted quietly, before tilting her head and eyeing Lavellan. "He doesn't... go anywhere."

The blonde woman frowned, her usually sunny face crumpling. Dorian got to his feet, apparently taking it as his cue to leave. Sera didn't even notice.

"When you went into the Fade at Adamant, you were just gone. One minute I could see you stood on this big wall... next it was in pieces and you disappeared in a green flash. What did you go and do that for?"

"It was the only way," she replied softly. "And it was just an automatic reaction. If I hadn't used the Anchor, I probably would have been squashed by the rubble." Lavellan gave her an encouraging smile. "Besides, it's not like I was on my own."

"Oh yeah, some fine company: the mage nutter who let all the other mage nutters destroy a city, the tit who got all the Wardens in Ferelden killed, Madame Up-Her-Own-Arse, that big scare-baby," she jerked a thumb towards Iron Bull, "and it."

Lavellan sighed, rubbing a hand over her face. Was Sera jealous that she hadn't been chosen for the mission? It wasn't because she wasn't trusted or anything, Lavellan simply thought she would be more useful backing Blackwall up on the wall. She frowned at the other woman.

"I was worried about you, you daft tit." Sera gave her a petulant look, dipping her fingers into the dregs of ale and flicking the liquid at Lavellan's face.

She didn't even notice it running down and dripping off the end of her chin. "You were?"

"Well yeah. You're the one with the glowing hand, who can fix the sky."

"Oh. Yes. Of course." Lavellan dipped her forefinger in the leftover ale and dabbed it on the end of Sera's nose, smiling at her. "Sorry to scare you like that. I'll try to use an alternative escape route in future. Maybe fly off on the back off a dragon?"

"Griffon," Sera corrected, looking content. "It's a Warden keep, so you know. Griffons." She wobbled round to Lavellan's seat and dropped down beside her. "I'm shattered. Think you can stay still for a wink?"

Lavellan opened her mouth to reply, but Sera had already fallen asleep against her shoulder. Her warm breath tickled Lavellan's bare arm, and the Dalish sighed. It would be at least a couple of hours until Sera was rested enough to be guided to a comfortable bed. Lavellan wiped he ale off the end of the other woman's nose, her hand falling to where Sera's were splayed in her lap.

A slight smile tugged at her mouth. She wasn't leaving any time soon. She signalled the bartender for another drink and settled in, tracing soft circles on Sera's palm without even noticing.