Heres another chapter! Thank you for all the reviews!

After finishing their morning rations, Hiccup retreated back to his nest to groom himself while Jack sat and watched, a little unsure of what to do. He had thought he heard Hiccup's handler say they were to start Jack's training today. What that training was exactly, he didn't fully understand. Jack settled down in his little corner, silently watching all the activity going on around him. Seasonals were being lead in and out of their stalls, each having different duties and schedules. As a little time went by, he had buried his head in his knees and eventually dozed off, not intending to.

Hiccup watched the little Omega silently, wondering if he had any clue to what he was in for. Hiccup had silently confirmed to himself earlier that the Omega's food had been added to, with a drug to help move along the training process. Hiccup's eyes traveled over Jack's body, noting that the effects of the medication hadn't taken effect yet. Hiccup rested his head down upon the straw and waited.

Jack didn't know how much time had passed when he woke. He did notice that it was hot, really hot. He groaned softly at the feeling and blinked his eyes open slowly. His view came into focus far too slowly for his liking and his limbs felt heavier than usual. Lifting his head slowly, he let his knees drop away from his chin and he moved to stand but stopped with a gasp as his lower stomach cramped painfully. He looked down at himself in shock, laying a shaking hand over his stomach, willing it to settle. He looked ahead at his water bowl across his stall with a pleading expression. He felt hot, had cramps and the room was a bit blurry. He went to move his legs and when he did, he heard a squelch and looked down in confusion to see a single trail of thick, translucent liquid slide down his inner thigh.

Jack then began to panic.

It was too soon, his heat wasn't due for at least two more weeks. He usually felt it coming on too, like a storm that brewed slowly into existence. But this was so sudden, too sudden. He pressed a hand against his head and sank to his knees in the straw, wincing when he felt the liquid between his legs drip beneath him. He wracked his brain for an explanation. Had he lost track of the weeks? Was there something medically wrong with him? In a desperate attempt to understand the current situation, he looked up helplessly to Hiccup, thinking perhaps he would know what was going on.

Jack's shoulder's stiffened and his brow evened out as he was met Hiccup's green eyes. Hiccup had quickly become a source of comfort to him, however little he offered. But when he looked up to see the Beta, sitting stiffly in his stall, his gaze piercing through Jack, he suddenly felt afraid of him. More so than he ever had before.

Hiccup stared at him so darkly, Jack almost didn't recognize the look he was receiving. But when his eyes caught the Beta's half hard member between his legs, he understood.

Jack slowly caved under the pressure of Hiccup's lustful stare. Jack sank to the ground, in a show of fear and submission. He realized he probably reeked of the smell of his unnatural heat, thus driving the poor Beta crazy. Jack barely noticed the other Beta's in the warehouse, pacing and puffing like crazy from the scent of his heat, he was too afraid to break his locked gaze from Hiccup.

He jumped when Hiccup suddenly spoke.

"Feeling hot?"

Jack struggled to answer.

"I...I d-don't understand...I'm not due for another few weeks..."

Hiccup finally pulled his sharp gaze away and closed his eyes, breathing deep to calm his senses a bit. Jack relaxed a bit.

"They mixed AHS into your morning ration, I could smell it earlier." Hiccup said, turning to hide his erection from Jack.

"A...AHS?" Jack asked, his eyes falling to his food bowl in mild horror.

"Artificial Heat Stimulation." Hiccup explained. "Makes you..." His eyes flicked down to Jack's gentiles, trying not to stare as arousal dripped down from between the Omega's legs. "easier to work with." he finished, once again tearing his gaze away and breathing deeply. The smell of Jack's heat made him dizzy with want. Other Omegas he had broken in had all gone through this, and he had never really had a problem controlling himself around them. But Jack was...different somehow...and that frustrated him.

"It's not as powerful as a real heat," Hiccup continued. "Its merely for your training. If you pass training, your real heats will be reserved for an Alpha."

" no no, I don't want this." Jack stammered, lowering his white head of hair in an attempt to bring in more air to his lungs. He could feel his body constricting in another cramp and he whimpered through it, tugging at his hair with both hands, coming close to ripping the white strands out.

Hiccup ignored him for sometime, at least he tried to. He knew what was coming and he wanted to offer as much comfort as he could during the process. But breathing in another lungful of Jack's scent, he started to doubt his ability to control his urges.

Jack had tried to fight when they came for him, they being Jamie and three other caretakers. His mind still felt foggy though, his limbs heavier, making it difficult to bring them to attack. He eventually found his corner again, pressing himself into it as much as possible, willing himself to become invisible. But they attached leashes to his collar and dragged him out. He struggled weakly all the way to the crate. There was a treat in the crate for him, but he hardly noticed it, too preoccupied trying to keep his breathing in check.

His crate was wheeled down several halls and then into an elevator onto a different level. Jamie kept up behind him, wheeling Hiccup in his own crate. When they reached one of the circular breeding rooms, Jack was pulled out by two of the caretakers, each pulling him by the leashes on his collar.

Jamie pulled out a communicator and spoke into it, looking up at the rooms above, talking to the doctors keeping track through the large windows.

"The Omega is responding to the AHS accordingly," Jaime explained. "Are we good to go up there?"

The head doctor scheduled to monitor the session spoke back to Jamie, his voice coming through on a set of speakers. "All set up here, please attach the sensor monitors to their collars."

Jack struggled against the two caretakers as they worked together to get him to the softened, raised platform. Jack pushed and pulled against them, trying to break free of his collar to no avail. The caretakers were trained and knew how to deal with seasonals that fought back. One looped Jack's wrists together and pushed his shoulders down while the other gathered his kicking legs. The laid him down on his front, his rear laying on the raised half of the platform. He yipped in panic as he found his legs spread and strapped in, binds wrapping around the back of his knees and holding them in place on either side of the platform. His wrists were securely tied down in a similar fashion near his head.

The room spun and Jack dropped his head in exhaustion, grunting pitifully as another cramp clenched his stomach. He felt hot and sick, and he couldn't seem to get enough air in.

Hiccup watched as Jack was strapped safely to the platform, his legs spread in reluctant invitation. Hiccup held obediently still as a protector was slid over his arousal and strapped around his hips, built and designed to keep him from impregnating his trainees. A sensor monitor was clicked into his collar, reading his vitals and sending them up to the computer's above for the observer's to read and keep track of. A sensor monitor was also attached to Jack's collar. His readings blared up on the computers, his heart rate and breathing racing.

Hiccup looked up to see through he windows, once again making the room feel like a fish bowl. He was surprised and momentarily distracted by the presence of the company's owner, Pitch Black. He stood close to the window, watching the scene below with his arms crossed, a calculating look about him.

Hiccup was brought back to the task at hand when Jamie tugged at his collar and let him approach the laid out Omega.

Everyone quieted down, the doctors above monitoring and watching while Jamie spoke quietly, giving orders to the three other caretakers and to Hiccup. Jamie watched Hiccup closely, all the while speaking in quiet tones of encouragement, to both Hiccup and Jack.

"Nice and easy Hiccup, take your time." He instructed and Hiccup did as he was told, slowly approaching up behind Jack as Jamie allowed him to. Jamie spoke to Jack too, trying to calm him as the Omega gasped against the platform, body stiff and quivering.

Jamie let a warm hand gently message Jack's nape, speaking to him softly. "Easy Jack, shh...just relax...relax." Jamie messaged against a special spot on the back of Jack's neck and Jack melted under his touch.

Jack found himself letting out a deep breath, his body shaking with anticipation. Jamie's fingers were strong and warm, delving into his neck muscles and Jack was amazed as he felt the tension start to slowly melt away under the handler's ministrations. Jack panted, open-mouthed, against the platform. The room was still spinning slightly, and it was still hot. There was a fire in the pit of Jack's stomach, the muscles cramping and relaxing repeatedly. Jack groaned against the platform, trying to focus on his breathing and the fingers messaging his neck. Sound slowly started to become meaningless an fade from his attention. His mind reeled at the thought of what was happening.

He was hot. He was wet. He was about to be bred.

The thought scared him, it scared him because it caused more of his arousal to drip from between his legs and he tilted his hips ever so slightly. It excited him, because of his heat, he felt he might actually want this. To end the miserable heat, to end the cramps, he figured it might be worth it. He couldn't think straight, all he knew was that he wanted the heat and the cramps to go away. He wanted help.

Through the heat and the haze he mind repeated itself over and over in his head.

Help me Hiccup.

Then there was heat over him and a hot, wet tongue licking his nape where Jamie's fingers had messaged earlier and he keened at that, his back arching slightly. The heat above him covered him completely and he relaxed under its weight and in its shadow. He heard himself whining, high and desperate while his hips moved slightly, rubbing against the platform to offer some friction. The hot mouth that sucked against his neck purred, low and comforting, relaxing him as more weight settled over him and he was suddenly arching and bowing his back.

There was pressure as Hiccup sank slowly into him, the sound alone enough to make Jack cry out in surprise and arousal.

It ached.

Jack's mouth fell wide open in a breathless cry. It felt weird and right at the same time. It hurt, but not as much as the heat and cramps did. It took several minutes to take Hiccup in completely, inching in very slowly until Hiccup's hips were flush against his ass. Only then did Jack notice sound again.

"Breathe Jack," Jamie coached softly, his fingers returning to message Jack's nape. Jack was gaping, like a fish out of water as Hiccup remained very still, panting and curling over the smaller seasonal, fighting for control over his instincts. Jack finally sucked in a shaky breath and then released it, struggling to repeat the process. He was shaking and he could feel Hiccup shaking too, most likely from trying to suppress the urge to start snapping his hips into the tight heat of the Omega.

It seemed forever until Jamie watched Hiccup carefully, ready to take control if the Beta lost his battle against his instincts.

"Okay Hiccup," he started slowly, watching for any reaction. "Easy does it."

With that, Hiccup gave a gentle roll of his hips and closed his eyes along with Jack, both of them sucking in a quick breath of air at the movement. Hiccup repeated the motion, this time with a little more authority and Jack whined loudly, his hips shuddering. Another roll and Jack was climaxing, taken surprised by it and opening his mouth is a soundless cry. Hiccup's hips gave a start as Jack squeezed around him, almost painfully.

"Wait Hiccup," Jamie stopped him from thrusting and Hiccup nearly whined at the denied request to simply thrust into the tight, wet heat. He waited a few minutes until Jack had stopped shaking so badly. When Jamie gave him the green light, he rolled his hips again to find that Jack seemed more relaxed now. Hiccup found it a little easier to slide in and out and so he set a slow, gentle pace. The sounds of heavy breathing and the wet noises of their breeding filled the circular room. Jack moaned and yipped against the platform, drool puddling under his open mouth as Hiccup bred him, thrusting and trying different angles. Jack's hips moved on their own, rocking with Hiccup's rhythm as he felt his stomach coiling tight again.

When Hiccup thrust against his prostate, Jack arched his back violently, keening as Hiccup continue grinding against that spot. Hiccup leaned down to breathe against Jack's ear and purred low and deep. Jack was instantly climaxing again, and at the feeling, Hiccup's hips shuddered and he grunted as he found his release as well, rolling his hips until they both finished.

Jack shivered and listened to Hiccup's harsh breathing against his ear as the heat of his body, very slowly started to fade.

Jamie was quick to gently pat Jack on his back and praise them both. He coaxed Hiccup to slip out of Jack and return to his crate as Jack was being untied.

Pitch Black's voice was then sounding over the speakers.

"Well done, Mr. Bennett, continue Jack's training with the Beta. He will be scheduled to be bred by an alpha in 15 days."

Jack hardly remembered anything after that.