Okay. So, this is just me explaining why I will not be posting anything for a while. Just the other day, I laid my computer down before bed. Well, said computer decided to fall off the bookshelf in the middle of the night. That caused my USB with all of my notes, edits, and stories to snap in half. Luckily, I salvaged the micro chip. Unluckily, according to the guys at Best Buy, it will cost me $200 for an estimation of how much it will cost to repair my USB and extract the files. Since I am but a poor student with no money, I can't spend that much on a USB to suck the information out of it.

I'll be trying to scrap up my stories. Good old copy and paste will become my friend as I attempt to recover all of my stories. (sighs) Sorry, y'all. Very, very sorry. It's all my fault the computer fell. I should have made sure it was secure before going to sleep. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Even though I know who is the blame it does not mean that I am not pitching a blasted frick-a-fracking fit about my screw up. All that work... Gone. Destroyed. Bye-bye.

Excuse me while I go write a eulogy to my USB. The funeral service will be in my backyard. Also, I will be making a wooden coffin for my dearly beloved.

(sniffles) Goodbye, my love! Life shall never be the same without you. Tis I who snapped the spinal cord that made you thrive, and tis I who will live in suffering for my foolishness. Rest easy, my love. Rest easy knowing that you will live on forever in my heart. You were the best USB a girl could have. (dramatically throws self across three inch long wooden coffin)