Annie: Second KHR story.

Tsuna: I'm not sure what to think. *Sees my notebook with ideas for this story* Huh? Um, why?

Annie: Not shocked? I what to see what would happen is that did happen. I-pin and Fuuta is in it as well.

Lambo: Annie doesn't own us or the anime.

Annie: Thank you Lambo. *Gives Lambo 1.5 million candies*

Lambo: Tsuna look. Lambo got candy.

Tsuna: Oh boy. If he eats all of that, he'll lose half of his teeth. *Explains to a confused Lambo before hugging him until he stops crying*

Meeting Lambo...

Tsuna is in his room doing high school work from Reborn and if he doesn't answer correctly, he'll get hurt.

"Ahahaha, Lambo came to kill Reborn! Lambo kill Reborn!" Tsuna saw a baby sized 5 year old child dressed as a cow from outside his bed room window with a bomb in his hands. Tsuna is starting to freak out until it went off and his window has broking before Reborn just hits the child in the face as Lambo went out the window and hits the ground. Tsuna felt something was wrong and left the room fast before Reborn saw him leave the room. Tsuna's mom saw Tsuna run down the stairs and go outside the house where she heard a child crying. She runs outside after Tsuna and saw him calming the child down.

"Shh, shh, shh. It's O.K, it's O.K. Papa is here, papa is here." Tsuna said to Lambo as the child stops crying and falls asleep in Tsuna's arms as Tsuna holds Lambo to his chest to let him sleep.

"Tsuna, if you want to be his father..."

"Mom, send a letter to the government and let them know about this." Tsuna said as if he has became a matured teenager and his mom s shocked at first until she left to go in go inside the house to write the letter. Tsuna brought Lambo up to his room and Reborn saw Tsuna with Lambo in his arms as Lambo is awaking up.

"Do you have a family?"

"Lambo is from the Bovino Famiglia and is the hit man to the family."

"Do you want to be part of my family?"

"Lambo is confused. Lambo wants to know what you mean."

"I mean as my son and guardian?" Tsuna said as Reborn was shocked that Tsuna is matured just from seeing Lambo get hurt and is going to be Lambo's father as well as his boss.

"Lambo wants to be a part of the family! Lambo wants papa!" Lambo said as he hugs Tsuna as Tsuna hugs back.

"Reborn, don't even think about it. I'm writing a letter to his famiglia and don't stop me or else." Tsuna told Reborn before he wrote a letter to Lambo's boss thanks to Lambo giving to address to Tsuna. The government aloud Tsuna to be a father to Lambo and Lambo's family aloud Tsuna to be Lambo's father. Reborn doesn't like this as Tsuna spends more time with Lambo than he does with his school work. Everyone at school saw Tsuna bring Lambo to school and heard Lambo say:

"Papa, Lambo wants ice cream after school!" Which Tsuna replies:

"Lambo, you can have ice cream after supper and you can have a bed time story as well before going to sleep."

"O.K, papa! Lambo wait until after supper to have ice cream!" Everyone saw Tsuna smile at Lambo before Hibari shows up.

"You can't bring you're younger brother to school, her..."

"How about you shut it!" Everyone gasps at that and was shocked Tsuna would say that, actually they didn't even think Tsuna can say that.

"Lambo is my adopted son, not my brother. Until Lambo is ready to go to school, Lambo stays with me." Tsuna says before he continues to walk to class with Yamamoto and Gokudera walking with him as Gokudera always says:

"That 10th for ya!" Or:

"10th, you're so great!" Hibari was shocked that someone talked like that to him and he lose. Hibari was at his desk doing paper work when a note came for him to read. Hibari was shocked and forgave Tsuna for what he said as the note said:


I'm sorry for what I said, but Lambo needs me and I can't let him get hurt.

Lambo never knew what it was like to have a father and I did so I know how to be a father.

I was hoping you would join my family, my mafia family as my cloud guardian.

The baby, Reborn will explain everything to you as long as you don't try and fight him.

Tsunayoshi Sawada

Hibari joined the family and got use to the other members of Tsuna's other family.

Annie: This is chapter one. The main characters are Tsuna, Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta.

Tsuna: I would never say that to Hibari-san!

Annie: You did in this.

Tsuna: Why me? TT^TT

I-pin: See you in the next chatper.

Fuuta: I can't wait to see what my chapter with Tsuna-nii is like.