I don't own BBC Sherlock, they are the creative works of Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and of course the wonderful Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Well, when September arrives I will be posting four new fics. Two of my chosing, and two of yours, all you have to do is to go to my profile and use the poll, chose two out of the list.

I Care

Chapter Thirteen

John brushed his hands over the suit that Sherlock had insisted he get. It has been over a month and a half since the two of them had finally confessed their feelings to each other. Sherlock had finally agreed that they could go on their date much to John's delight. Though Sherlock had been the one to organize things. John couldn't help but be a little nervous as he thought of what the man may have come up with for their first date.

"Are you ready?" Sherlock asked as he walked into the room, looking as sharp as ever in his suit. Though it didn't look like one of the ones that John was used to seeing him in.

"Yes," John smiled as he looked to Sherlock and then took the hand that was offered to him, "I am."

"Good, are you sure you are all right for this?" Sherlock asked once more, as he had done for most of the day leading up to the time they needed to get ready to leave.

"Sherlock, I'm fine, really. I can walk, and run," he told him, shaking his head, a smile on his face.

"I worry John," he told him softly.

"I know you do, but honestly, I'm fine now" he smiled and shook his head. Sherlock could be such mother hen when he wanted to.

"If you say so," he told him, nodding slightly as he then added, "Well, shall we?" he held out a hand for John to take.

John grinned to him and nodded as he took hold of his hand and the two of them left Baker Street. Sherlock knew that John was a fan of the theatre, and had taken the time to learn which ones John enjoyed. Sherlock had gotten tickets for the two of them to see Frankenstein, one of John's favorites. And for after, dinner at a restaurant, that wasn't Angelo's.

Sherlock called for a taxi and the two were soon on their way.


Sherlock looked to John, a smile on his face as he saw the relaxed look on John's. The older man had enjoyed himself, the play was wonderfully done, and the meal had been delicious, and conversation had flowed well between the two of them.

"Thank you Sherlock," John said as they turned to each other.

"Welcome, always," he smiled to him as he added, "I would not mind doing this again soon," he said softly.

"Yeah," he nodded, agreeing as he added, "Well worth the wait as well," he chuckled softly.

"Very," Sherlock agreed with him as he said, "it's a nice night, so what do you say about walking home? It's not that far," he suggested.

"Would be a brilliant end to the perfect night," John agreed as they began to walk down the street.

"It truly was a perfect night, it went just the way I planned it," he smiled as he took hold of John's hand as they walked.

"It was, and thank you for taking me to see Frankenstein, didn't think I would have chance to see it. I don't like going on my own," he said smiling softly.

"Glad I could take you then, we must go and see a few more. I didn't think I would enjoy the theatre, but I did," he said as he glanced to John, "And I believe that it was because I was there with you," he added softly.

John couldn't help but smile even more at those words, "It was a lot better than any other time I had gone, I have to admit," he told him softly.

Sherlock nodded and the two went quiet as they walked down the darkened streets. It was a quiet night, not many people were still out and about as the clock struck midnight. They slowly made their way to Baker Street.

"I don't want tonight to end," John whispered softly as they reached the front door.

Sherlock looked to him and smiled, "I know the feeling John, neither do I, but it must and we shall have plenty more nights just like this," he told him.

"We better," John only half joked as Sherlock unlocked the door and the two of them walked in, "Right, quiet, don't want to wake Mrs Hudson," he whispered as he glanced back to Sherlock as he locked the front door.

Sherlock gave a little smirk, "I know," he whispered back, "She wants all the details of our date, but I believe that can wait until tomorrow," he chuckled lightly as they began to head up the stairs.

John stepped over the fourth from the top step, as it was the creaky one. Sherlock did the same and the two quietly entered their flat, closing the door behind them. The both laughed at each other as they took off their jackets and hung them up.

"Right, enough feeling like a teenager sneaking back in after curfew," John said as the two of them laughed, "if you start of the tea and I'll quickly change and then I'll finish it while you change," John suggested to Sherlock.

"All right," he nodded and headed into the kitchen as John went to the bedroom to change into his pajamas.

They swapped as soon as John was dressed in his pyjamas and finished off the tea. He went into the living room, "here you go," he smiled to Sherlock as he handed him his tea and was, about to walk away and go to his chair.

"And where do you think you are going?" Sherlock asked him as he put down his mug and reached out a hand and took hold of John's free one.

"Was going to sit down," he said as he put his tea down, not wishing to spill it.

"You are, but not over there," Sherlock smirked a little as soon as John put the mug down, Sherlock pulled him into his lap and pulled him close, "There, now that is much better," he smiled.

"Sherlock," John laughed, but settled down against Sherlock, resting his head on the strong shoulder, "All right, you win, this is better than sitting over there," he sighed lightly.

"Good of you to agree with me," he smiled as he moved them around so John was practically lying on top of him and turned the TV on and turned the volume down.

"Let's hope Mrs Hudson doesn't want to know too much," John smiled a little as he reached for his mug and took a sip.

"She will get it all out of us," Sherlock said with a chuckled, "She will make sure of that, so I think it would be best to give in now and just tell her what she wants to know."

John nodded, "yeah, may as well," he agreed, he looked up and smiled as he leaned up a little and kissed him gently, "Thank you again for tonight," he told him.

Sherlock smiled softly, "you are always welcome John," he told him, kissing him back just a lightly.

The two stayed on the sofa for a while longer, before either of them were finally tired enough for bed. John got up first and held out a hand for Sherlock and then pulled him up. John turned off the TV as soon as Sherlock was standing and then looked back to him.

"Come on Sherlock, bed," he smiled to him as he led the way to their bedroom, they had started sharing it only a few days ago, and the awkwardness had finally left and now it was second nature to go into what was once Sherlock's bedroom, and was now theirs.

"Yes," he nodded his head as he began to follow him, moving a little faster as he put an arm around John's waist and walked with him into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Thank you all for the brilliant reviews, you are awesome. I do hope that you have enjoyed this chapter as well!

I am going to try and edit some of this ahead of time, so I might be able to post during October and November and beginning of December, while I do NaNoWriMo once more.