Unfortunately I do not the own The Flash. The rights belong to their rightful owners the makers and directors and producers. I am just a girl trying to use my imagination and putting them into words.

I hope you guys enjoy.

One Shot. SnowBarry.

To tell her or not to tell her.

Pacing back and forth in my CCPD lab thinking to myself is it too early to tell her? Does she feel the same about me? Is she over Ronnie? Will she accept someone as clumsy as me? All these questions crowded my brain as I tried to concentrate on the not so interesting case I was supposed to be working on. After hours of pondering over the pros and cons of telling Caitlin Snow how she actually made me feel, I came to the conclusion that I'm going to take a chance and pour out my heart to the women I love.

I will not let this one slip out of arms as I did with Iris. Iris was my childhood crush, I had been in love with her even before I knew what love meant but I was too late, she was already Eddies' but there was another difference between Iris and Caitlin. Iris did not make me feel how Caitlin did. Caitlin made me feel special, she cared about me genuinely. She told me to be careful before every single suicide mission I went to. Caitlin was the girl who accepted me for who I am, she knew me as Barry Allen, she knew the real man behind the mask.

I finale made my decision; it made me nervous because Caitlin was so guarded, she kept her feelings intact it was humanly impossible to read through her.

I rushed to the star labs to invite her to dinner. I had the entire day planned out. First we were going to go to an Italian restaurant, then I was going to take her to her favorite ice cream parlor and finally as we take our stroll across the park. I would look into her eyes and say those three magical words "I love you" and what happens next I leave it to her.

I reached the star labs all sweaty and almost out of breath. I entered and called out to Caitlin but the only people I saw were Cisco and Dr Wells. With a huge grin on my face I called out to Cisco, when he turned around I noticed the tension on his face. My grin faded away and I enquired about Caitlin. He looked at me and pointed to the direction she was in. I went inside the room where Caitlin was. It was quiet and she was checking the pulse of a man whose face was not in my view.

I called out to her, she turned out instantly I saw those beautiful eyes filled with tears but what confused me further was the huge smile on her face. I stood there just starring at her and took a step forward. She moved to the side and revealed the body on the stretcher and said 'It's Ronnie, he's alive' as soon as I heard those four words I took a step back realizing the women I loved can never be mine. Once again Barry Allen the fastest man alive was too late and in that moment I knew I will never be able to tell her how I feel about her.

This is actually my first ever fanfiction, like EVER. But feel free to criticize, I am still learning and would like to improve. I hope you enjoyed and I hope I write more. :)