Awww maaannnn, this was NOT meant to happen. Dammit! Well, that's one more piece of evidence that shows I'm either f-ing insane or an a88hole sadist. This was meant to be how Reborn picks up on his sadness and fixes him :(( Okay, whatever. Read on.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was brittle glass.

He was carefully pieced art, like the stained glass window of a church, or the delicate china teacup, except his beauty wasn't quite as obvious.

To the commoner, he would be less than average, forgotten and overshadowed by his vibrantly lighted brother, who even by the teachers, was praised to the depths of the underworld and beyond.

To Kawahira, he was glass teetering on an edge.

With each declined offer to 'hang out', each birthday party not meant for him, each time his friends chose his brother over him, a piece falls out.

And Kawahira loved watching him.

It was in the way that light in his eyes dimmed, or his bent figure further hunched over, or how his voice became quieter each time it is layered over by the trills of teenagers desperate for their idol's voice.

It was how once he was on equal footing with his little group, but now he lagged behind because he simply had no place to go.

It was the dejection plastered over his face, his desperation for help, his relief when his beloved homeroom teacher helps him, his slow descent into a trap that would never let him out.

It was the sweet citrusy tang in his kiss as he slowly danced to Kawahira's tune, a doll made just for him.

It was the broken glass once known as Sawada Tsunayoshi.

I'm so sorry :(( This really wasn't supposed to happen... I don't even know why the f- it's Kawahira... Ughhhh I'm so mad right now...

Who wants Tsuna to be happy, please say 'aye'.

Well I (pardon the pun) want him to be so gay (hehe, another pun) so I'm holding a poll, which would prolly be set up before I actually post this so fingers crossed the old one will be gone.

Anyway, it would be a poll on who gets to fix Tsuna probably! Maybe it would be all fluffy and sheets (haha pun no one would get cos they don't recognise my typing quirk of placing 'and shit' behind every sentence cos that's what I do in real life and yes I have a life deal with it and I'm rambling so just ignore this)

It's gonna be

1. Iemitsu and Nana (which will definitely not end up as romance because that is disgusting and to be honest I don't actually think anyone would choose this.

2. Byakuran

3. Reborn

4. Enma (I had actually wrote a little chapter reeeaaalllyyy long ago that was supposed to be part tres but bleh)

5. The Guardians (which will most likely end super badly)

6. Kawahira (which would be a silly idea. The guy broke him, he sure as hell ain't gunna fix him)

and if you want anyone else, review and I'll add it to the running.

The poll will be on my profile, so anyone with an account, please do vote there so it'd be easier to count. (I may or may not count the votes in the reviews)

Poll prolly would end next year cuz I repeat I have a life and it's gonna consist of ae lotta studying.

As you can guess it's almost 12AM here in Singapore and I'm being hyper because I'm sleepy and sad and :(( Tsunaaaa... :((


So... Judging by timing... Poll will end 15th of November unless my exams take a lot longer.


Anyway, gudneight evrybady~~

Oh, also,

973453 R3V13w~~

(If you could read that, kudos to you)