Twilight and its characters are property of Stephenie Meyer

Wow. How was I going to answer that? I didn't want to lie to him but he definitely wasn't going to like the truth. Hell I didn't even like the truth. I only had one option.

"Yes. Edward was going to change me a few weeks after the wedding." I said and his face contorted with rage. I thought he was going to explode but he simply gave me a look of disbelief and walked away. "Dad." I called out to him but he just kept walking. "Dad please." I pleaded but he continued to ignore me as I followed him out to his car. It killed me to see him like this. I grabbed his arm as he opened the car door about to get in but he pulled away from my touch and I never knew a parents rejection could hurt so much.

"I can't talk to you right now Bells, I just can't." He said giving me an apologetic look while closing the car door and driving away. He was more than upset, he was hurt. I could see it in his eyes. And I can't say that I could blame him. Once again I was forced to deal with the consequences of my choices. I just stood there for a while thinking about how I could've screwed things up so badly. I had wanted Edward so much that I didn't really stop to think how it really would affect my family. I knew once I was changed that I would probably never see my parents again and I was willing to sacrifice that just to be with him. What does that say about me? How could I be so selfish? I heard the door open and soon sensed someone standing behind me. Jacob pulled me to him wrapping his arms around me and I was instantly comforted by his touch.

"I can't believe I hurt him again Jake."

"He'll be fine Bells, just give him some time."

"I thought breaking up with him would sever our ties but he has a lingering effect on my life." Edward had warned me from the beginning that being with him wasn't a good idea but I didn't listen. Ever since I met him my life has been thrown into chaos and it's just been one thing after another. And it still hasn't stopped even though it's over between us. "I should've listened to him."

"To who?"

"Edward. He told me if I was smart I would stay away from him. I guess I'm not that smart."

"You can't beat yourself up over past mistakes. I know you feel bad but guilt will eat you alive unless you learn to forgive yourself and let go." He was right of course but it was easier said than done. "No more self-pity okay?"

"Okay." I agreed as he took my hand and led us away from the house. We were heading towards the woods and a walk seemed like a good idea right now.

"So you and Leah are friends now huh?"

"Yeah thanks to you. What made you send her to look after me? And why didn't you tell me you were Alpha?"

"I was going to, eventually." He said scratching the back of his neck the way he does when he's nervous. I raise an eyebrow in question. "I don't know. I'm still kind of new at it and I'm not sure I know what I'm doing yet." Where was the cocky and confident Jacob I know and love?

"You were born for this Jake, you're a natural leader. Don't doubt yourself." He smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a few beats. Oh how I loved his smile.

"And about Leah? She was the only one available I could trust with you at the time. I wanted you two to be able to get along but I didn't expect you to become friends. That's just weird." He shuddered and I laughed.

"Oh is it going to be awkward for you to have two girls you've slept with be friends?" I teased.

"It isn't going to be awkward for you? It doesn't bother you anymore?"

"No." I said actually meaning it. "Why should it? You're all mine now." I said pulling him to me and kissing him. His lips were heaven on mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck my fingers tugging lightly on his hair. His hands roamed all over me cupping my breast and ass making my body come to life. As our lips moved together I felt closer to him than ever before and it was like it was more than our bodies that were joined together. God I loved this man. He sucked on my bottom lip gently biting it making me moan and I wanted him inside of me, right now.

"Isaiah huh?" He broke the kiss to ask and my mind was still a little hazy from lust. He kept my body pressed against his and it was hard for me to think straight.


"When you told me about your dream you referred to our son as Isaiah. When were you going to tell me you chose a name?"

"I didn't really. That's what I called him in my dream and that names just feels right, it fits. What you don't like it?"

"No I love it, it's perfect." He said giving me another heart warming smile and I couldn't take it anymore, I had to have him. I resumed our kiss and the moment our lips touched it was like we never stopped. I felt his growing erection pressing against me and I couldn't resist the urge to reach down and touch it. He gasped in surprise and I loved the way he reacted to my touch. I stroked him through his jeans making him moan against my lips and the sound of it made me incredibly wet. I unbottoned his pants about to pull them down when he grabbed my hand. "What are you doing Bells?"

"I want to taste you." I said bodly and I could see it in his face that he was having an internal struggle.

"We're in the middle of the woods you kinky girl." He said teasingly but his eyes were burning with lust. He wanted this as much as I did.

"So? Is anyone around?"

"No but-"

"No buts Mr. Black! Now shut up and let me suck your dick." I said releasing myself from his grip and taking off his pants. I dropped to my knees gripping his length noticing this was the first time I've seen it this close, and I must say it was beautiful. I eagerly wrapped my lips around it taking him deep into my mouth until I felt the head of his cock reach the back of my throat.

"Fuck that feels good." He gritted through his teeth as I swirled my tongue around the head before working my mouth up and down on his cock. His hands made fist in my hair his hips thrusting into me and I loved the feeling of him fucking my mouth. Why had I waited so long to do this? I thought to myself as my hands starting to massage his balls and I could hear his breaths getting shallow and uneven. The look on his face was pure bliss. His eyes were partly closed and a sheen of sweat was coating his tan skin making it even more beautiful. He was in ecstasy and I was even more turned on that it was me making him feel this way. I tightened my jaws around him while sucking harder and faster than before I could feel his knees start to buckle. "Shit baby you're going to make me fucking come." He said as a warning but that only made me want to keep going even more. I took him even deeper down my throat while still licking around his cock with my tongue and I felt his body stiffen. He flooded my mouth with his hot fluids and I didn't hesistate to swallow every drop. He was depleted and crumbled to the ground as if his legs gave out on him and I smiled at him with pride. "Holy shit Bells, I didn't know you had that in you."

"Me either." I admitted. He turns me on so much that it brings out the vixen in me. I've never been so physcially affected by someone, his body was like a magnet to me.

"When did you get so freaky?" He asked while pulling me down on top of him and grabbing my ass. Damn even that felt good.

"Around the same time you starting fucking me."

"Is that right?" He said smugly while putting his lips on mine. I felt the most incredible sensations building up inside me and I was ready to explode. I started grinding my hips against his still promenient erection and I was right on the edge when my pants start vibrating. Shit! My phone was ringing. I should've shed these pants long ago. I groaned as I climbed off his lap and pulling my phone out my pocket. This better be good.


"Hi honey."


"Yes it's me." I've haven't spoken to her since I emailed her and told her I cancelled ther wedding. She never replied but I thought she would be happy because she didn't want me to get married yet in the first place. "Where are you?"

"I'm in La Push. Why?"

"Because I'm here in Forks. I'm at your Dad's house, and I don't know what's wrong with him but he's pissed." I sighed. Of course he is.

"I'll be there soon Mom I'm on my way." I said without much enthusiasm. Other than the fact that she interrupted my much needed orgasm and I had to face my angry father I was actually looking forward to seeing my mother.

As soon as I walked through the door I heard my mother yelp with exictment and she soon had her arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. It was then that I realized how much I missed her. I hadn't seen her since Edward and I went to Jacksonville months ago. My eyes searched around for my father but he was nowhere to be found.

"How are you sweetie?" She asked while releasing me and studying my face.

"I'm fine Mom." She looked at me and I could tell she thought I was lying then she looked down at my belly. Oh shit! I never told her about the baby. I thought Charlie would have by now but obviously not.

"You're pregnant?!" She almost yelled and I knew she didn't like this, not one bit. "I knew I shouldn't have let you stay here. Pack your things you're coming back to Jacksonville with me."

"No I'm not, I'm staying in Forks."

"I will not let you make the same mistakes I did. Do you want to be trapped here all your life?"

"I actually like it here." She looked at me in confusion since I was complaining so much when I first got here. "I'm not you mom, I don't feel the need to escape to the big city."

"I thought you would like a fresh start since you and Edward broke up? And why did you guys break up?"

"Because of this." I said rubbing my expanding abdomen as an explaniation.

"What? Did he dump you when he found out you were pregnant?" I rolled my eyes. This was like a repeat of my conversation with Charlie.

"No Mom. I broke with him when I found out, it's not his baby. I cheated on him." I explained and she looked intrigued.

"So is that why you want to stay? You're in love with someone else now."


"So spill! Who is it?"

"It's Jacob."

"Jacob Black?" Just the mention of his name made me blush and I couldn't wait to finish what we started in the woods. She grabbed my hand pulling me to the couch and urging me to sit. "Tell me all about it."

Damn it! Why did Renee decide to show up now? I was just about to bury myself in her sweet pussy. And I couldn't stop thinking about the way she sucked me. Where the hell did she learn that from? The way she had her lips wrapped around my cock, God that was so hot. I was getting hard again just thinking about it.

"Earth to Jacob?" Leah said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I said trying to clear my head of Bella or I would be walking around with a huge tent in my pants.

"Did you find out anything?" Embry asked. I had called him and Quil to my house to try to figure out what the hell was going on. They were my closest friends and the pack members that I trusted the most.

"That leech Seth killed isn't like the others. I knew it once I saw his gold eyes, and I was right."

"Gold eyes? Was it one of the Cullens?" Quil asked.

"No but there's another family of vampires like them, their cousins from Alaska. There's five of them but we only saw one today. That means that the rest of them will be here soon if they're not already close by."

"What do they want with Bella?"

"I'm not sure but I know they're here on Edwards behalf. He wants her back. I finally get her and he wants to take her from me." She's mine! My possessive side screamed. I had been through so much fraustration, pain and heartache for her I wasn't going to let him steal her away. I would die first. I punched the wall with all my strength and my fist went straight through it leaving a massive hole. My father was going to kill me.

"Calm down Jake. We're not going to let them get to her." Leah placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I said and she offered me a smile. "If they're working with the Cullens and I'm pretty sure they are, that will more than double their numbers. I'll need the whole pack alert and ready."

"What's the plan?"

"For now the priority is keeping Bella safe, I don't want her to stay home. She's not safe in Forks. We need to get her back to La Push and keep her there as long as possible. We need to talk to Charlie."

Mom and I spent the rest of the day talking like a bunch of teenage girls. Well I am a teenage girl, I don't know what Renee's excuse was. She still wasn't thrilled about me being pregnant but I got her to relax some. She was just glad I wasn't marrying Edward anymore. She decided to leave Phil at home and stay with us for a few days. And I thought that was a good thing until I remembered we were dealing with vampire issues. But really, when I was not dealing with vampire issues? I heard my Dad's cruiser pull up and I was actually relieved he was back, he had been MIA for hours. I watched him open the door and stumble out the car. I knew then he was drunk. He managed to get out the car, he didn't even bother to close the door. I knew I had to go out there and help him. Good thing I did too because when I got outside he was wobbling more than walking and tripped over his own feet.

"Dad come on get up." I said grabbing his arm trying to help him up.

"Bella what the hell are you doing trying to pick up this drunken fool?" Renee scowled from the porch. Oh no. She was just asleep. "You're pregnant you shouldn't be trying to lift him up. Go inside, I'll make sure your father gets in okay." I didn't want to but I didn't have much of choice so I just nodded and went back to the house. I didn't go far of course and went to the window with the best view.

"What is wrong with you Charles?" She asked while helping him up. I hadn't heard anyone say his full name in a long time. "The Chief of Police drinking and driving? What were you thinking?"

"Don't judge me Renee, you have no idea what I'm going through."

"There is no justifiable reason to risk your life and others. If I knew you were still drinking I would'nt let our daughter come."

"It's not what you think, this is the first drink I've had in years." What? My Dad had a drinking problem? They were coming up the stairs onto the porch and I had to flee. I stood on the side of the staircase out of sight wanting to hear more but my phone started to ring. I retreated to my room and closed the door. The number displaying on the caller ID wasn't one I recongized but I answered it out of curiousity.

"Hello?" It was quiet on the other line at first then I heard someone sigh.

"It's so good to hear your voice. It seems like it's been so long."


"Yes it's me love." Love? He doesn't have the right to call me that anymore.

"My name is Bella. What do you want?" I would have to make a mental note to change my number.

"I've missed you and I was hoping I could see you." Was he crazy?

"Edward I told you it's over between us."

"As friends Bella."

"No. I don't want to be your friend."

"How could you be so cold towards me? Just months ago you were telling me you loved me and wanted forever with me. What happened?"

"Jacob happened." I said simply and I heard him growl. "'I know what you're doing and it's not going to work. They already killed one Denali and the other's are next if you send them. I'm not coming back to you Edward. I love Jacob and there's nothing you could do or say that's going to change that. Stay the hell away from me."