I don't own the Flash.

My friend gave me the idea for this, because we talked about Snowbarry and she mentioned this little idea she had where Iris helps get Barry and Caitlin together. It's the holiday season so I thought, why not? Might make this to be multi chapter with a couple different Christmas/holiday one shots with Snowbarry.

Barry Allen walked out of his apartment on his way to S.T.A.R Labs. He was bundled up against the cold weather, his scarf flapping in the window. He squinted his eyes as they were unused to the sunlight. He made sure nobody was paying attention to him and ran to S.T.A.R Labs, arriving there in a matter of seconds.

He grinned as he walked into the lab. As usual Caitlin was there. He watched her for a second admiring her beautiful face and its soft features. Her hair fell down her back in soft waves. She was eyebrow was furrowed as she typed on her computer, her fingers flying gracefully over the keyboard. Noticing that she was concentrated on her work, he realized she hadn't noticed him come in. He snuck up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and she jumped up in surprise. Barry turned to face him, glaring.

"That wasn't funny Barry," she said.

"Yes it was", he said smiling.

"Only to you Barry."

Barry plopped down in the chair next to her watching her type. "So Caitlin, where are Cisco and Dr. Wells?"

"I don't know where is, but Cisco is at home. I just came here to finish up some work."

"Well, once you're done let's get some coffee since we have time to kill until later."

She nodded. "Okay, but I have to head home and start baking for later."

"Sure, but you realize we're not going to Joe's for a while."

"Yes, but I still need to find a recipe for a dessert that I was planning to make. I'm done," she said shutting down the computer. Barry stood up. "Let's go." Caitlin grabbed her purse and put on her jacket. Before she could react Barry had grabbed her and sped off towards C.C Jitters. In seconds they were there. Caitlin hit Barry playfully on the arm. "Don't do that."

Barry grinned. "Whatever you say Caitlin."

They both entered the coffee shop and sat down. There weren't many people there. In fact, besides the two employees that were working that day, there was only one man who sipped his coffee as he typed on his computer. The place was decorated in Christmas decorations little reindeer hung from the ceiling and there was garland lining the walls. Caitlin had a suspicion that because it was Christmas there was almost no one there. She ordered a mocha latte while Barry ordered cappuccino. Iris brought them their coffee with a smile. "See you guys later, tonight." Barry smiled. "Yeah."

As Iris wiped down the counter she smiled as she watched the two of them talk. They looked cute together and the way they looked at each other...man how did they not realize that the way they felt. Everybody else could see it. Last year, after things had become awkward with Barry after his confession. But they had gotten past that and were still friends. It seemed that he was genuinely happy for her and Eddie. She was glad to see that and she noticed that the way he looked at Caitlin had changed as well. He was moving on. Watching them she realized they might need a little push in the right direction. She smiled. Tonight at her dad's she was going to get them together.

That night at her father's house she placed the presents she had brought underneath the Christmas tree and grabbed something from her purse. She hung it up above the doorway and sat on the couch waiting. The doorbell rang and she opened the door seeing that it was Eddie. She greeted him with a quick kiss on the lips before pointing up at the doorway. Eddie glanced upwards and smiled. He sat down on the couch next to her. A few minutes after Eddie arrived, Barry showed up followed shortly after by Cisco. They both had presents under their arms and put them beneath the tree. They all hung out talking, sipping eggnog when the doorbell rang. Barry stood up and went to answer the door. He opened it and saw Caitlin and he stared at her. She wore a white sweater and black pants along with a pair of flats. She had red lipstick on her lips and her hair fell down on her back in waves as it did earlier.

Barry stood there for a second not saying anything for a second. "You look great Caitlin," he said nervously.

She laughed. "Thank you."

"So what's in the boxes?" He said pointing at the two boxes tucked underneath her arm that were separate from the gifts she had brought. "It's dessert. I made cheesecake and pumpkin pie."

Barry's eyes lit up. "Cheesecake is my favorite!"

"That's why I brought it, Barry."

Iris smiled and called out to them. "Hey guys! Look above you!"

Barry and Caitlin both looked up seeing the mistletoe and blushed. Barry cleared his throat after an awkward silence. "Might as well do it already..," he mumbled. He leaned in capturing Caitlin's lips with his and her eyes fluttered open. She kissed him back softly. They pulled apart. Iris laughed. "Well, well lovebirds." Watching them blush she smiled.

Mission Accomplished.

Why does my writing suck? XD Well anyway hope you liked it