AN: So I've kinda developed an obsession with writing Captain Swan. I decided that this will be my place for posting one shots and drabbles for the two of them. Many chapters will be a little out of date, since I wrote a lot of drabbles after episodes at the beginning of season 4 which I've only just started to finish. Ratings will vary among chapters, but anything explicit will have a warning in advance. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
(This first one takes place during 4x04, as a filler to Emma and Hook's evening.)

As far as first dates go (and Emma really didn't have much expertise on the subject), it was a really, really good one.

It was all so teenagerish, actually-from David's over-protective-dad schtick to Mary Margret's incessant snapping of photos- but if Emma was being honest with herself, she did kind of get a kick out of having over-bearing parents for Hook to fend off (about a dozen years too late, but it was something, anyway).
And Emma felt like a teenager, complete with the stomach flips when Hook flashed her a cheeky smile or touched the small of her back (It was the closest Emma Swan would ever really get to butterflies).

After dinner, Hook suggested a walk on the beach (seemingly spontaneous, but Emma suspected it was all a part of his grand scheme) and Emma came to discover a shocking yet simple truth: Captain Hook (fearsome pirate) was a romantic. And Emma Swan (total flight risk) really, really liked him for that.
The stars had come out, the sun long since gone, and Emma was reminded briefly of Neverland as her and Killian strolled through the sand. She mentioned this to him idly, and a wicked grin crossed his face.

"A one time thing, was it?" he teased, and Emma cringed, never expecting that those words would come back to haunt her.

Emma resisted the smile, but it won out after a moment. "I guess I've changed since then." she muttered, half amused and half sincere, as Killian squeezed their entwined fingers.

"We both have, love." he agreed. Emma glanced at him for a moment, but his eyes were on the shoreline. They walked on in silence for a while, content, until Emma gave an involuntary shiver as the sea breeze washed over them. Ever the gentlemen, a frowning Killian shrugged out of his jacket before holding it out for her. Emma bit back a comment, couldn't stop herself from thinking of how very cliche it was, and pushed her arms through the sleeves.

"Thanks," she said instead, a smile still curling at her lips (the jacket smelled faintly of him, sea salt mingling with the scent of leather). Hook flashed a grin of his own at her before reclaiming her hand.

They made lazy conversation, neither paying an excessive amount of attention to the words when their company was particularly distracting. But as they neared the rocks running the perimeter of the beach, Emma heard the unmistakable melody of a song playing. She stared at Hook, recognizing the tune after a moment. Emma didn't for the life of her know how he'd managed it, but the bastard had rigged the song they'd danced to in King Midas's castle.

And Hook was positively smirking (the smug son of a bitch) as he held out his other hand to her. "May I have this dance, Swan?"

Emma couldn't help but laugh (when would the cheesiness end?), and the beginning of a protest was on her lips when Hook swept her up into his arms. Their chests pressed together, their hearts beating impossibly to the same rhythm.

And it was all so terribly corny, and ridiculous, because all Emma could think of was her first and only dance at a royal ball, and how-like that night- she truly felt like the princess she'd been intended to be. That in and of itself was enough to make Emma want to cringe even harder, but damn it if she wasn't nearly floating as Killian twirled her around and around.

It was easy- alone on the shore, with no one but her totally insane pirate to see her- for Emma to welcome the sickening romance of the evening. With Killian's hand tight on her waist and eyes insistent on hers, Emma let herself embrace the (screw it, she'd earned the right to a little cheesiness) butterflies.