
Somewhere West Texas, 2010

Allison huffed as she heard the first bit of wrapping on the door. Her head turning toward the front window only to see an unknown black car parked in her drive way.

"What now," she muttered as she dried her hands off. Again, another wrapping on the door and Allison turned toward the sound "Yeah, I'm coming," she hollered, hoping the person would hear them. Heading down the hallway, she looked through the peek hole first. Noting the familiar figure of Agent Smecker, or Paul now, standing on her door step looking behind her.

Smiling, she opened the door and said "Hey, wasn't expecting you." before taking in his hard gaze and straight lined mouth. Her arms dropped, her own smile fading as she opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong.. The sound of more car doors closing caught her attention and Allison looked up to see four figures stepping out another car door. One a tall red head with a long trench coat, black heels, and looking a bit out of place in the country. A short Mexican with mullet hair cut that was taking in his surrounding before turning toward the house. But it was the two figures clad all in black from their boots up to the glasses on their heads that made her heart stop. Her insides freezing as she gaped at them for a few moments before turning to Smecker.

The anger must have rested on her face because Smecker held up his hands to silence her before she could speak a word.

"It's just for a couple of days and then we'll be gone," he said, pleading with his eyes.

Allison stood there gaping at him like a fish as she opened her mouth to speak, looked to Conner and Murphy and closed it again. "No!" she all but shouted. Causing the guys to turn their attention on her. She could see them from the corner of her eye, looking her up and down. Recognition slowly manifesting itself on their faces as they glanced over her again and then to each other.

Facing them, she shook her head ."No. "

She could see the wheels turning in their heads. Shock mingling with something else that looked ready to explode from them but Allison turned to Smecker first.

"They can't. You can't do this." Allison moved into the house, intending to slam the door in their faces when Smecker shoved it open and stepped inside.

"You owe me, Ally. Without me you wouldn't be here." His hands spread out to encompass her house Allison's eyes went wide, her own shock coursing through her before swallowed the bile in her throat and leaned against the wall.

"Anything, Paul. I Promised that but not this. They can't be here and you know why."

"I think it's time they know anyways," he said, pointing a finger into her face.

Allison shook her head. "They can't know."

Paul gave her a pointed look as the sound of footsteps filled the silent hallway. Allison cringed, her arms wrapping around herself as she kept her gaze focused on the floor instead of the people steadily filling up her home.

"Know what?" Conner asked as he stepped toward them. Allison took one look at him, noting how he and his brother filled the space up before pointing toward the door. "Out," she said,, not bothering to look at his gaping face. "Get out!"

"Allison?" Murphy asked, disbelief laced in his tone as he looked her from head to toe. Allison shook, her eyes closing as she repeated "Get out."

"Allison, stop!" Smecker shouted, causing her to look at him once again. "They've escaped from prison. We're their accomplices. Where else are we going to go?"

Allison took in a deep breath, letting it fill her lungs before releasing it and allowing the calm to wash over her. What Smecker was doing was an invasion. A way to deprive of her of secrets, something he'd been arguing over for almost decade as she continued refuting him. Now he was invading her home with these two men. The two men that she swore would never be near her again. Would never be close enough to hurt her or...Taking in another deep breath Allison looked to Smecker. Her eyes remaining glued on him.

"Two days?" she confirmed, her own hard gaze meeting Smecker's as he nodded his head.

"Just two." He confirmed, holding up two fingers to emphasize the point.

Shaking, Alexis closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Without looking at any thing but the floor she pointed down the hallway. "There's a couple of guest rooms down the hall on your left. Their both double beds but..." her voice trailed off as she met Conner and Murphy's gaze before sliding over to the small Mexican that still stood at her door way, watching their exchange. "The couch in the game room pulls out to a bed as well. Can tell you it's quite comfortable from the number of times the kids and I have fallen asleep on it."

The man nodded his head, silently showing his appreciation and Allison turned to walk away.

"Kids?" Murphy asked, looking toward his brother to make sure he heard right. Allison didn't answer, just closed her eyes and kept walking. Making her way to the kitchen so that she could finish cleaning up. She could hear them rustling through her house, could picture them taking special care to look at the photos on the wall. Noticing every small detail that would give away the one secret she hoped they would never find out about.

After sometime, when the dishes were finished and Allison found herself avoiding the rest of the house by busing herself in the kitchen, she heard the booted footsteps. Two sets at first, then one until something scrapped across her kitchen floor and someone settled into one of her bar stools. Allison didn't look up. Didn't want to see the questioning glare in their faces. She knew they'd seen the hundreds of pictures. All spread out across her house, showing two smiling faces -sometimes three- and all of them on display for any and all to look at.

No, she couldn't face them. So instead she continued chopping the fruit she intended to turn into a fruit salad at some point, acting a if it was just another day as the silence dragged on. Turning the tension up another notch when the sound of paper being flipped over could heard.

"How old are they?" he asked, sending a shiver down her spine at the calmness of his voice. Allison turned looked up, first into Conner's eyes and then Murphy's as he stood back at the door way.

"It's not-" Allison stared to say, only to have Conner hold up the two pictures in his hands. One was of her in the hospital, the first time she got to hold her children in her arms. The smile in the photo wasn't faked, neither was the tears as she pressed her forehead first to her son's and then her daughter's. The second one was of the twins when they were five. Backs pressed together, arms crossed and a smile spread across their face as they visited the woods for a photo day. In both of them Allison could see the resemblance between Conner and Murphy. Same colored eyes and hair. They even had the same noses and Allison could almost guess which child belonged to who by the comparison she was seeing now.

"Don't lie to us, love," he said, falling back into his old habits. Allison wondered if he even realized he used the old nick-name but still felt the need to correct him by saying, "don't call me that."

"Just answer the question," he said, growing frustrated.

Allison looked down, slicing two more pieces off of the apple in her hand. "I don't think I need to."

The date was printed on the back, along with their names and every other bit of detail that Conner needed right there.

"No, but according to this they should about ten years old." He held up the hospital photo and Allison nodded. Still not able to look at them. It's why she didn't want them here. Why she insisted that they leave. Oh, Smecker was a stubborn ass-hole at times.

"That would mean they were either premature or you knew you were pregnant when you saw us in that hotel room." His voice turned cold, harsh and calculating and Allison could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked to him for understanding. When he remained unmoving, she looked to Murphy who held the same expression. "Which means you begged for us to kill you while holding our children."

Allison looked away from both of them. Words failing her as she attempted to explain, to say something that would make some logical sense.

"I was scared, Conner," she finally said, her eyes meeting his. "I was young, scared and alone. What did you expect?"

Conner slapped his hand on the counter, causing her to jump as he hollered, "you had us! You just had to say something! Anything!"

"I did!" Allison cried, snatching up the knife next to her and holding it up. Pointing first to Conner and then Murphy. "I did! I told you what my grandmother did. What she started!" Allison slammed the knife into the counter, her head sinking as she ran her fingers through her hair. "I told you we killed the fathers of our children, but I couldn't kill you." Sobs wrecked her body, her head shaking as she attempted to control the anger. "But you didn't listen. You threw me out."

Another shuddering sob as she gasped for air, getting the anger under control so she could bottle it up. Use it for another day. Another fight. Sitting up she grabbed the knife again and pointed it at the brother's. "You left me to whatever fate Gabriel had planned. That's why I never bothered to tell you. Why you won't be telling them who you are."

"That's not fair," Murphy said, moving from his spot in the door way to join the conversation.

"It is fair. I put the blood and sweat in to raise these children. I got them away from Gabriel. That alone gives me the right."

"To raise them without a father, do you know what that does to a child?" Conner asked, standing as he leaned over the counter. Leaning closer to her in order to intimidate her.

"Con," Murphy said, bringing an arm up to push his brother back. Something passed between the brother's. A silent stare that said more then words and Allison turned away from them. Wanting to hate them but not finding in herself to do so. She never could. Even when she lay crying, alone in her room, she couldn't hate them.

"Mom?" A small voice asked, raising all their heads to look toward the door. Allison forced a smile as she looked up at the questing eyes of her son. His brown hair up in a million different directions much like the man that stood before her.

"What's going on?" her daughter piped in, coming to stand next to her brother as her eyes went from one strange face to the next before resting on her mothers. Allison looked them in the eyes. Noticed the tattle-tell blue before taking a deep breath and motioning toward Conner and Murphy.

"We have company...for a couple of days." She forced out. Trying to sound like they'd just been holding a pleasant conversation. "Just go upstairs to your rooms, change and start your homework. I'll bring your snack up shortly."

"You never let us eat in our room?" her daughter said, her head cocking to the side as she studied her mother. The boy did the same before a look passed between them and Allison could swear it was the same look Conner and Murphy just shared.

"Well, Constance, I am now."

"You never call her Constance either, it's always been Con-"

"To your room. Both of you. Now!"

Both siblings stared wide-eyed at the tone in their mother's voice before heading up the stairs. Disappearing from their sights even as a distinct whisper of "What do you think that was about Murph?"

Allison swallowed, unable to look up at the two pairs of eyes that were bearing down on her.

"Connie?" Conner asked, his voice calmer now as he looked to her. Murphy looked ready to ask his own question and Allison held up her hands. "I have to get them some snacks and help with their homework."

With that said, she scurried around the kitchen, finishing up the bowl of fruit for the children before following them up the stairs. If the kids found it odd that she brought in a large bowl with three spoons into their room , or that she tucked herself away in the space for far longer then usual they didn't say a word about it. Allowed her to help them with the math problems, almost laughing as Allison scratched her head to some of the problems, muttering complaints as she watched her two children figure it out together.

When they were finished, Allison snuck back down to the kitchen. Glad to see that the coast was clear, for now. Though she could hear the TV going in the game room and the sound their voices floating through. She thought about stopping the kids from going in there. Seeing them, but decided against it. She knew her babies. If she forbid them to do something, they would just grow more curious and do it anyways. To much like their own parents that it sometimes irked Allison.

Still she loved them. There was never a doubt about that. It was the reason she couldn't hate the McManus brothers. Why she smiled when she noticed Connie and her Murphy snuggled between the two brother's as they watched them play some video game. So, instead of focusing on the what if's, she focused on cooking. Starting with the potatoes. Getting half way through, she noticed Murphy standing in the doorway. His hands shoved in his pockets as he watched her.

"Here to condemn me some more? Because if you are-" she started to say only to be cut off by Murphy holding his hands up.

"You've done good with them," he said, nodding toward the game room where Connie and Conner were now going against each other on some racing game.

Smiling, she barely glanced at him. "I know."

Murphy laughed, a real laugh that Allison didn't think she would ever hear again. Shaking his head as he came over and pointed toward the knives. A silent question to help and Allison nodded her head. After a few moments ,she heard a bit of bickering coming from the TV room and she wiped her hands, ready to intervene when she noticed Conner stepping up with a "Hey! It's just a game lad, no need to start houdin on yer sista."

"Yeah, but she cheating. Always does!" Murphy hollered back, ready to spring on an awaiting Connie all over again.

"Then play at her own game," Conner said, twirling the young boy back around to face the TV. Showing him the controls. Allison saw the way Connie stuck her tongue out at Murphy and he mimicked her in kind and couldn't keep the smile on her face. Her arms crossing as she leaned against the door for a moment .Taking in the scene before Murphy came to stand next to her, bumping her shoulder as he followed her line of sight.

"So which one of us is the father?"

Allison looked down, her eyes focusing on the toe of her boots before she answered. "Both."


Allison nodded in confirmation, her eyes once again going back to see the small group playing another round of racing. "I wanted to know, so I had them tested. The blood results are close, obviously." She waved between Murphy and Conner as she turned to face Murphy. "But there's that small difference that tells the doctor's that there was two father's."

"You don't know which one is Con's and which is mine?" Allison smirked at the spark in his eye. The desire to know. Though she wondered which one he wanted to be his more. The daughter or the son?

"No, I would need blood samples from you two to find that out for sure, but if you spend enough time with them, really look at them, you could probably guess."

Murphy nodded, biting on his thumb as he watched his brother continuing to interact with the small boy. "Maybe we could," he said, his eyes meeting hers. "You know. Stick around for a bit."

Allison shook her head. "You're on the run, right?"

"Smecker is looking for away to fake our deaths," he explained, nodding to the man. He sat in the corner of the room with the woman Allison learned was Eunice. Talking to her about something as he watched the trio play their video game.

"His good at that isn't he?" Allison asked, smirking as Murphy chuckled.

"A little to good." They both stood there, smiling at the small joke when Conner turned around. His face going from amused to empty in the few seconds it took for Allison to look her in the eye.

"His too angry with me," she said, feeling the hope that sprang up at the thought of them staying here.

Murphy scoffed, shifting his weight before saying, "Nah, more pissed at himself then anything."

Allison gave him a questioning stare. "He hated himself for kicking ya out like he did. Thought of a hundred different other ways that night could have gone. I think finding ya now... Seeing his kid... It's brought all that old hatred back up. I think if we were to stay..." Murphy's voice trailed off. His eyes resting on her before looking toward the living room. "If he were to get a chance to make it right. He would."

"Let all the other plans go to shit?" Allison asked, a smile playing on her lips.

Murphy returned it, his eyes lighting up as he said, "Aye, like they always do."

Okay final chapter. Thanks to everyone who gave this story a chance. It's been fun writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. Before anyone starts asking no I don't intend on making a sequel to this story. At least not one with Conner and Murphy involved. Maybe something with Alexis and an idea did pop up with the grandmother that was mentioned in the previous chapter though nothing to further this little piece. Again Thank You for reading!