AN : As of 16th November, 2015, this story is undergoing revision and the already posted chapters are going to be modified and rechecked for errors.

Only after this is done will the new chapter come out. sorry for the long wait.

Beta : Srikanth1808 - Thank you! Your incredible skills as a beta reader have made this story significantly better!

Disclaimer : I Do Not Own Harry Potter


Harry paced around his room, waiting for Hedwig to return with a reply from Ron and Hermione. School had finished two weeks ago and he'd been writing almost every daybut not once had he gotten an answer. Harry soon got tired of this one- sided conversation and his patience turned to anger before slowly ebbing into anxiety. 'Why haven't they written back?' he wondered.

A tapping sound at the window made him turn around; an expression of relief crossed his face as he saw Hedwig with a scroll tied to her leg. Relief morphed into confusion, however, when he unrolled the parchment; the letter wasn't from Ron or Hermione, but from Professor Dumbledore. He quickly read it, wondering what the Headmaster would write to him about.

Dear Harry,

This is regarding your safety and I hope you will not take it lightly. I must request you not to write to your friends as the conversations may not be private. You might be having company soon. Also, keep your remarkable cloak with you wherever you go. Be careful, these are dangerous times.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Dumbledore.

Harry crumpled the note and threw into a corner of his already messy room. Grumbling, he took his Invisibility Cloak from his school trunk, which, as always, was unpacked. He folded it and stuffed it into his pocket before heading downstairs to tell his Uncle Vernon that there might be someone from 'his lot' who might come to their house soon. 'Just how much soon is soon,' Harry wondered.

"Harry Potter," a cold voice hissed as his eyes took in the cloaked and masked people in front of him. "Again. Once again that boy has slipped from my clutches. Crucio!" He pointed his wand at a random Death Eater; the wizard fell to his knees, screaming with pain and soon started writhing on the ground. Even after the curse was lifted from him, the man remained on the floor, twitching and jerking abruptly.

Voldemort closed his eyes, recollecting the unusual phenomenon in the graveyard at Little Hangleton and wondered if, by any chance, the boy was more powerful than him…He quickly banished that thought as soon as it formed in his head;, it must have been luck and pure chance. Something that accompanied the boy every time – sheer luck.

"As you can see," Voldemort continued in his cold voice, "our numbers have decreased. Many of my loyal Death Eaters have been imprisoned in Azkaban. Make yourselves a little useful and find a way to break in and free them –" an involuntary shudder passed through the circle of Death Eaters at the prospect of entering Azkaban, "– or face my wrath."

A chorus of 'Yes Master' greeted his ears before he dismissed them.

Harry woke up in the middle of the night from a very terrifying nightmare, drenched in sweat. For the first time in weeks, he had not revisited the graveyard in Little Hangleton, watching helplessly as Cedric Diggory was murdered by Peter Pettigrew, but this nightmare was, if possible, even worse. If he remembered correctly, then Voldemort was planning to free his Death Eaters from Azkaban!

However, when he woke up at dawn, he only had a faint memory of his nightmare. He quietly draped the Invisibily Cloak over him, went downstairs and let himself out of the house. As he sat on the front steps of the house and looked at the rising sun, he felt he had to warn Dumbledore of something. But a warm weight on his shoulder made him look up to see Hedwig (clutching a dead mouse in her beak)and talking to her softly about inconsequential things, he soon forgot about everything else.