Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker


Bella is from another world. One she is one of the best Rangers around. She goes back there when Edward leaves. She leaves Forks with seven apprentices. And finds her soul mate on her return…

Chapter .1.

Bella's POV

I am Bella a Ranger. A ranger in this world is different from one in my own world. Yes my own world. I am not from earth. I was sent here to investigate by the King of Araluen. I am one of the best Rangers in the service. I haven't missed a target yet. My apprentice had been Halt now he is also one of the best Rangers around. And once my lover.

I haven't missed a single target with my longbow. I never age. It is a curse that was placed on me. I would always look to be just over 18 years old.

Now the Cullen's had left me for good. I could leave in peace. I didn't want to use my venom arrows with vampire teeth for the head of the arrow on them. They were lucky they were good vampire.

"Charlie!" I call

"Yes Bella?" Charlie asks

Charlie is my apprentice.

"We are leaving within the hour", I say

"Ok. Can't wait to get back but I will miss my gun", Charlie says

"You'll live", I say

We pack are Ranger gear that's when someone gasps. I look to see Angela, Ben, Jessica, Lauren, Eric and Tyler in the doorway.

"I am sorry the door was open and I wanted to give you your homework. What…?" Angela asks

I sigh there was no way I could make them forget about me. So I explain to them all what Charlie and I were.

"I wish I could go with you", Angela says

"Me too", Ben says

"Us too", Jessica and Lauren say

"I want to go", Eric says

"So do I", Tyler says

THAT was not was I expecting.

"Let me assess you all. That is what we do to determine what craft you should take", I say looking at them all.

My gut was telling me they were important. I already had an Apprentice but what was six more? We needed more girl Rangers.

"I will take you all as my Apprentices. But remember Charlie has senior orderly on all you", I say, "Angela, Jessica, Lauren will be my female apprentice Rangers and Ben, Eric and Tyler you three will become my man Rangers. No we must be going. So I am sorry if you wanted to pack anything but the portal I have to open needs to be opened at a certain time", I say

"We can get what we what in your world", Ben says

"Well then lets get going my apprentices", I say

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and i'll try and update. Happy Holiday's to you all:)