I AM TERRIBLY SORRY FOR THE SUDDEN HIATUS! You see, I'm in my senior year of high school right now and damn, can't my life get any busier than ever. I had a full-month of exam; which would have my head on a platter if I screw that up. That aside, I'm so happy that I could finally update this fic!

Warning: AU-Demons, slight OOC-ness, smut, Mpreg, Yaoi

Disclaimer: This is the point where I would say Naruto is mine and mine alone. But, life is harsh, so NO. Naruto solely belongs to its rightful owner. *hands down*


'Speaking to oneself'

Flashback or dreaming

Cyan : I think there's a bit fluff in this chapter. Slight KibaNaru. Wofffff Kibaa~

Tama : No. I'm still shipping SasuNaru. *kicks Cyan away*



There was an intense silence building in the reading room every passing second like a bubble of corrosive toxin that would wash the world clean when popped. Kiba swore he could only hear his heart beating and he gulped slightly when he met with Sasuke's consuming eyes.

"I don't have all day for you, Inuzuka."

The Second Prince's voice sliced through the other male's train of thoughts and harshly pulled him back to present. "Uh, right." He cleared his throat, somehow finding that his hands went slightly cold. He slightly pouted; he hated facing this infamous Midnight Prince. But come to think again, Itachi was way scarier that the moment the Lord shifted his gaze upon him; he pissed in his pants, literally or not. For Hell's sake, why would these Uchiha men had to be very difficult to have a normal interaction with?! "Our patrolling troop and my guys were ambushed. Suspect unknown, motive unknown. All that we know is, the 'things' that attacked us were created by some kind of a spell. The force was strong but nothing that I ever encountered before."

"Double the security and strengthen the barrier. Draw out a plan for this case. This shouldn't be taken lightly." Sasuke ordered firmly, standing up from his seat and leaned his lower back against the mahogany table. "I want you and your team to handle this and report to me immediately on anything you get."

"Undertsood." Kiba said, nodding.

"Is there anything else?"

"Uh, no."

"Hn. We'll end the discussion here."

Sasuke barely finished his sentence, Kiba cut through him. "But I really want to know how he got here." He blurted out and winced slightly, knowing he had somehow crossed his boundary. "Um, due to all respect, Sasuke-sama, I didn't mean to pry."

The raven knew right away who was Kiba referring 'he' to; the blond. He knew something was up with Kiba the moment he grabbed Naruto from falling to the ground. No, it was before that when Kiba ran for the blond. It didn't need high intelligence to detect the odd with the situation since normally one wouldn't have that kind of expression seeing a stranger. But Kiba – Sasuke noticed – held unreadable emotions in his eyes although he was trying to hide them. What were they? Longing? Pain?

Really, this whole observing Kiba thing was throbbing his head with irritation since he could not figure it out. Why would he care about other people when he usually only cared about himself. This was annoying. Somehow it irked him knowing that Kiba was highly possible shared an unknown-bond-which-Sasuke-refused-to-point-it-out with Naruto. Why he felt that way was still remained buried. Maybe the days and nights he had Naruto unconscious in his bed affected his logical thinking.

"I found him." That caught Kiba off guard and even Sasuke. Never did he intend to tell the brown-haired Officer anything about such personal matter. Kiba looked quizzically at the raven. "He was nearly dead. The wounds and scars on him showed that he was abused." The words slipped out uncontrollably from his lips.

Kiba's eyes went wide and his throat clogged with painful lump. 'Abused? What in Hell is happening?' His fists clenched and shakily, making sure his voice in check, he asked Sasuke. "Where did you find him?" At this moment, he didn't care whether he had crossed the line or whatever, He demanded answer.

"Shinda District. He obviously isn't from around here."

'No…of course he isn't. He is far away from his Land. But, how? He isn't supposed to get out from the –' Kiba scowled lightly. Shits happening at once weren't his cup of tea. It was driving his mind to insanity. "He's from the Fire." He absent-mindedly replied to Sasuke's statement.

"Hn. I think you know more than that."

Kiba tilted his head and put on his puzzled expression. What did Sasuke mean? "Don't you? I mean, you could ask him, Sasuke-sama." He said as-the-matter-of-factly.

Sasuke let out a soft sigh and his expression remained unfazed. "He has lost his memory."


Sasuke narrowed his eyes, hating the fact that he had to repeat himself. "Did I stutter, Inuzuka?" Annoyance bubbled inside him to the point he was sure what he was feeling was…anger? Jealousy? For Hell's sake, of what? Sasuke scowled; he hated this. It was so foreign for him that he wished he never had to live in the moment.

Kiba ran his fingers through his course hair roughly as he tried to maintain his composure. The last thing he wanted was to throw fit and cost him his head. "I – Naruto –"

"I never told you his name."


So that was why Sasuke 'generously' answered all of his prying questions. Sasuke was smart, but then again, who was he kidding.

The First Officer of Security paled and unconsciously bit down his lower lip, showing an obvious nervousness. 'If Sasuke knows who Naruto is…Naruto would be in danger. Hell, every fucking living thing would be risked! War would be erupted." Kiba was about to cover up in whatever possible way that seemed to make sense at the moment but was cut off when the door was knocked and came in a limping and exhausted-looking Hyuuga Neji. He felt sorry for that guy but then realized that this wasn't the right time to take pity on others, he needed to get away from Sasuke's grasp right now. "I'll be leaving now, Sasuke-sama. Please excuse me." Kiba said, bowing to Sasuke and nodded curtly in acknowledgement to Neji. Reaching for the door, he paused for a moment but then walked out from the room.


The light was too bright that it hurt his eyes to even gap apart even the slightest. He lifted up his hand and draped his arm over his eyes, covering the blinding ray from his view. He blinked his eyes opened when the intensity of light reduced and finally allowing him to take in whatever it was in front of him.


His head jerked to the side, looking at the person who called him. His brows furrowed as he tried to focus his swaying vision to actually see who it was. The figure stepped closer and he slowly be able to see the significance of the person; long crimson-red hair. Kyuubi? No, this was a woman.

"There you are, Naruto. I told you not to wander off like that." The red-haired woman walked up to him, giving him a full view of her face that held his gaze.

She was beautiful. Her red hair was long that it swayed swiftly at her back. The aquamarine-gold Kanzashi* complimented her eyes brilliantly. He opened his mouth to speak; just to say anything that indicated his cluelessness to the woman but then blinked in utter confusion when the woman walked passed him, brushing his shoulder so lightly that he could barely feel the pressure. He turned around and saw the woman ruffled a boy's hair; so golden it almost seemed like yellow then he frowned in realization. The boy was…him? It was him, was it? But –

"Come on, Naruto. Let's go and eat Ramen!" The woman exclaimed enthusiastically.

The boy – him – nodded and smiled brightly to the woman and clenched the kimono she was wearing. "Mom, can I lotsa fi'cake in it?" He asked with hopeful eyes gleamed up to the red-haired who nodded in reply.


Why did he feel so achingly familiar? The woman, he – he was sure he had met her before. Was that his mother? But he couldn't remember any of this. His chest contracted and his heart was beating painfully. He was missing something. He needed to remember. He had to. The said boy walked away with the woman and left him panicked.

"Wait! Hey! Wait up!" He called out, running to catch up with them but the faster he ran, the further they got. He reached out his hand, praying for miracle to happen so that he could grab the two figures in front of him.


A voice – an echo – spoke his name and he immediately came to a halt. He turned around, eyes wildly searching for whoever it was calling for him. Then there the person was; a young boy version of himself. He took a few steps back when the boy approached him.

"Y-you, what do you want?" He demanded. His puzzling head was aching for answers to so many questions.

"He's coming."

His eyes widened and he croaked. "W-what?"

The boy's blue eyes looked straight into him and he turned around and started to walk away. "He's coming."

He wanted to pull the boy from going any further but his legs were immobile. He couldn't move.

"He's coming." The same words echoed.

The eyelids that covered the azure eyes flattered opened, blinking a couple of times trying to get used to the light intensity of the room he was in. Naruto found himself staring at a pearl-white ceiling. He slowly rose up from the bed and wincing when his head was hammering and due to the numb pain he was feeling throughout his body. Naruto groaned as he massaged his temple to reduce the ache before looking around the room which he immediately recognized as Sasuke's room. For a moment, he tried to dig him brain to figure out how he ended up in the bed, upper body naked with some parts of his limbs covered with white cloths.

Then it clicked. Ah, that Neji bastard.

A smug smirk stretched his lips, remembering the look on Neji's when he rubbed humiliation across that arrogant face of his. But then a frown adorned his features when he vividly remembered every detail of the battle with Neji; the information he had gathered and left him deserted in puzzlement. He was a Fire Holder and he was as Hell sure that Kyuubi was real. Naruto's hands immediately stroked on both of his cheeks, biting his lower lip when he felt smooth scars grazed his skin. He stumbled out from the comforting bed and ran toward the full-length mirror across the bed and stared at his reflection. His face was scarred and it seemed permanent. Gently he traced the three lines on both of his cheeks; somehow by doing that he could slowly accept the foreign marks on his face. Not that he minded it. Okay, he did mind the slightest. He looked like a damned fox!

Then, he started to pull off the white cloths that covered his arms and torso and that were when he noticed there was a black spiral-ancient demonic marking on his belly. He remembered how the mysterious yet powerful chakra triggered inside him. His body was burning like ever but he didn't feel pain at the moment. The only thing in his mind was to kick Neji's ass and he swore he was like possessed by something. He could clearly remember how his cheeks sliced into three lines felt like, how the marking on his belly burnt him, how his nails elongated into sharp claws and how his sense heightened. Naruto knew very well it was not normal. He was not normal. However, with limited knowledge of himself he couldn't point out what this 'not normal' that was happening to him was all about.

Damn. He was frustrated.

He looked around the room and noticed that there were folded clothes on the couch near the window. Well, at least the idea of him walking around half naked could be dismissed immediately. He was about to grab them but stopped when he saw a small note. He picked it up and raised an eyebrow.

Wear this. The last thing I want is to babysit an idiot who caught a cold wandering around shirtless.


His left eye twitched. Idiot?

"That bastard." He gritted his teeth.


Namikaze Minato sipped his tea and let the warm liquid flowed down his throat, soothing his chaotic mind. At his side was his lovely wife, Kushina who was too trying her best to calm her nerves down. It was hard on him and he damned sure it was harder for his wife; for a mother to lose her child. It was not as if he didn't care at all but as a man, he had stronger emotional control than a woman. Not that he deemed women weak, but just fragile at some time; like this. Things happened too abruptly that he could barely caught his breath to take in the sudden nightmare – the nightmare that he and Kushina prayed to be avoided since the birth of their only son – and he found himself immobilized on the floor with his wife bawled her eyes out right next to him. The frightening chill hadn't yet to leave him.

It was supposed to be another usual morning but the loud scream from his son's personal attendant shocked everyone in the castle. Minato and Kushina hurriedly ran to their son's room – where the scream was from – and saw Yamanaka Ino, the personal attendant, on her knees at the side of the bed; body trembling, eyes wide, skin impossibly paled. Minato hesitantly walked into the room and what he saw on the bed stopped his heart; there was blood, fresh blood on the duvet and his son was nowhere to be seen. He heard a audible cry from his wife, wailing and begging for the servants to search for her son, he heard murmurs, he heard obvious sobs but he was deafened. His mind stopped working. His hands and feet turned cold. He barely felt blood flowing in his veins. His son wasn't there and the blood he was staring at only pulled out the worse conclusion in him.

"Minato, honey." A soft touch on his shoulder slightly jerked him from his train of thoughts. He looked to his side and was greeted by Kushina's warm, calming smile. Although her eyes said otherwise, he knew she tried to put up a strong front just for his sake. She didn't want him to lose his sanity with this endless worry and grief. He smiled to the thought. He wasn't as strong as he claimed to be. Without his wife by his side, supporting him and loyally giving him strength, he was sure to go insane. "Our son will be alright. He's strong."

He just nodded and smiled back in return. "I'm sure he is. He's your son after all. Very strong and stubborn." He chuckled at his statement and gently stroked his wife's cheek and her pouty lips.

"Did the search team found anything about Naruto?" Kushina asked, worry evident in her eyes.

"No. We don't have any lead. But darling, let's not lose hope. He's out there somewhere and alive. Whoever had taken him has no whatsoever intention to kill our son."

"I know. I just wished any of this never happened. I wished I was strong back then or Naruto would have been safe."

Minato held on Kushina's hand and rubbed his thumb in a soothing circular motion on her palm. "Honey, you were sick and we would have risked both yours and Naruto's lives without the Jinchuuriki's help."

"I know. I know."

They were both interrupted by a shadow that appeared behind the shoji* doors of the leisure room. "Pardon me, Minato-sama, Kushina-sama. Your guest is waiting at the guest room."

"Serve the tea, please. Make sure he's comfortable in every way. We'll be there in a moment." Minato said.

"Right away, my Lord." And with that, the servant walked away.


Sasuke looked at Kiba's figure disappeared behind the door and moved his eyes toward the pale eyed raven. Neji had suffered severe cuts and a few broken bones and by the way he was limped walking, it must be damned painful. The look in his almost colorless eyes told Sasuke that he was still holding sheer distrust toward the blond. Sasuke was already used to Neji's stubborn nature – not as strong as his, but still stubborn nonetheless – and because of that he knew from the start he couldn't stop the battle from happening anyway. The purple-black bruise on his face screamed 'beaten the shit out of himself' which received Sasuke's silent pity.

"Don't give me that look." Neji snarled.

Sasuke raised his perfect eyebrow but decided not to deny anything since Neji would knew what was playing in his head. "Hn."

The pale eyed Prince rolled his eyes as if knowing that 'hn' wasn't Sasuke's intended reply. "You saw that weren't you? And I have proved you how dangerous he is."

Straight to the point as always.

"You were provoking him."

Neji narrowed his eyes. "Why in Hell are you defending him? I'm trying to warn you about your safety, Sasuke!"

"I'm not defending him. If I were him, I would have done the same thing. It just happened that he has mysterious chakra in him."

"It was strong. I could feel it. I never had felt something so burning and fierce before, Sasuke. His chakra is not normal and that is why your safety shouldn't be taken lightly whenever you're around him."

Sasuke walked over to the full-length window of the reading room, leaning against it and looked out to the garden below. His mind wandered of to the moment when the red blood chakra engulfed around Naruto's body, shaping translucent three tails at the back. The way Naruto growled was fierce and beastly. His aura was strong and wild that Sasuke swore every soldier that was witnessing gulped and paled. Neji even got to the point of using his killing technique but Hell, Naruto was unaffected. "I understand your concern, Neji. But I'm sure he is harmless." He said, shifting his eyes back to his friend.

Neji sighed and he took a seat when he felt his strained limbs were about to give out. "How can you so sure, Sasuke?"

"Because Inuzuka knows him."

The young Hyuuga lifted an eyebrow. "Your First Officer? Whatever things got him related to the retarded blond?"

If Sasuke were to look and observe very closely, he was confident that he could see an unnamed spark between Kiba and Naruto the moment the First Officer had the blond in his arms. The way he looked at Naruto alone told the world that they shared a bond. Sasuke mentally cringed to the word 'bond', finding it highly sickening to the thought of Naruto sharing an intimate bond with Kiba. Besides, if Naruto was mated with him, Sasuke would obviously found a mating mark on the blond but he found none of some sorts which relaxed him a little bit.

"He knows. That's that. And he's not telling anything about Naruto."

"Come to think of it, Inuzuka was from the Fire, wasn't he? Before his late father came here with him."

Sasuke slightly nodded, his mind wildly thinking. Kiba's late father was the First Officer before him and they were originally from the Land of Fire. Logically thinking, for sure they knew if not everything, almost anything in the castle of Fire. Kiba knew Naruto. But it was not the fact that he knew the blond that he was hiding, Sasuke realized. There must be something about the blond that should be left unspoken and everyone in the Fire wasn't called 'secretive' for nothing.

"Have you heard about the rumor?" Neji asked and practically rolled his eyes when Sasuke arched an eyebrow to his question. "The lost Prince of Fire."

"You don't think – "

"There's always a possibility. Besides, with that kind of chakra in him, it is almost impossible for him to just be a mere commoner and you do know that only Royals hold the element powers." The pale eyed Prince stated. It was true. There were Fire Element, Water Element, Air Element and Earth Element which built four kingdoms; Land of Fire, Land of Water, Land of Storm and Land of Sand. In this case, it was safe to assume that Naruto was the Prince of Fire.

"That's not the main problem here. I don't care who he is but what he is."

Neji let out a light sigh. "Did you see the marking on him? That was ancient marking, Sasuke. Maybe he was taken away from the palace because of that. They want his chakra and they would know where he is now. Sasuke, you need to get him out from this Land. We have no idea how far this will go. It might turn into a war!"

"I'm not going to leave him just like that."

"Don't be irrational. This is not your fight. He has nothing to do with you in the first place!"

"Until he remembers everything, he's under my protection. He's my responsibility the moment I found him in the alley." The Midnight Prince defended his stand. His decision was final and he would never change it.

The other raven Prince rubbed his temple as if finally put his hands down in defeat. Arguing with a determined Uchiha was not good for his health. He might get a high blood pressure at such young age. "You're really serious about this, huh?" It wasn't actually a question but more to telling himself about Sasuke's decision. "I guess it can't be helped. But if he endangers you, I'll have his head." Neji warned before standing up and walked to the door.


Neji twisted the door knob and pulled the door opened and glanced slightly back at Sasuke. "He won. I'm a man of my words."


Minato slid the shoji door of the guest room opened with Kushina loyally behind him and his eyes were greeted by a fine man sipping his tea calmly. "It has been quite some time, Itachi." He smiled when Itachi looked up and stood up to slightly bow to him.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Minato-sama."

Minato laughed lightly as he took a seat on one of the zabuton* and Kushina followed the lead. "Please, don't be so formal. Just Minato is fine."

Itachi smiled politely. "How have you been, Minato, Kushina?"

"We've been fine. I assume you're doing great as well, Itachi. How's Sasuke boy?" Kushina asked.

"He's moping around somewhere in the palace. Most of the time in his room. Rest assured Kushina, he's all fine. Brooding and all." Itachi replied with a smirk on his face that left Minato and Kushina laughing. "Though, I'm hoping your son is alright as well." This time, Itachi's voice was appropriately low for the statement, knowing it was a sensitive issue.

Minato and Kushina smiled fondly at Itachi. "We're sure he is. He's a strong boy." Despite saying that to assure the other, they both knew well it was mainly to assure themselves that their son was going to be just fine.

Kushina clasped her hands together and put up a bright smile. "Enough of this depressing talk. Tell us Itachi, how was your journey?"

"It was good. Luckily nothing happened along the way or I might get delayed a few days more to get here."

"I hope the burden of a Lord is not weighing you down. Though I highly doubt you would get pressured at all, Itachi." Minato said. He knew how a Lord's duty could drive one crazy at times since he was the Lord of Fire himself.

Itachi chuckled to the statement. "I'm a normal being, Minato. But I'll manage, thank you for your concern. However I must say that I'm more worried about Sasuke. He could be childish at times despite his age."

Kushina laughed softly. "Oh, Itachi. Sasuke's a big boy. He can take care of himself."

"I wish I could hold on to that. But his constant brooding and moping around his anti-social barrier fail to put me at ease."

"Itachi, I know that this might be abrupt but I can't trust anyone aside from you in this matter." The seriousness in Minato's voice weighed down the atmosphere.

Itachi looked intently at Minato and nodded. "Whatever it is, you have my words on it."

Kushina looked at her husband and held his gaze and she gave him an approved smile to Minato. She knew this was needed to be done and she was more than willing for this if it was to be an Uchiha.

Minato patted gently on Itachi's shoulder and a small smile graced his face. "Naruto needs someone to protect him, someone who would be next to him all the time. When my son is found, Itachi, I want him to be mated and his mate must be…"



Naruto jumped slightly and turned around to look at the person behind him. He blinked his eyes, staring at the brown-haired male in front of him; two similar upside-down triangle marks under each eye, wild brown hair and a wolf-y grin. "Hi." Naruto greeted back as he tilted his head a bit and bit the inside of his cheek as he felt something familiar about the other male. "I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asked and the flash of pain in the other's eyes didn't go unnoticed by him.

"I'm Inuzuka Kiba." He drew his hand out as he introduced himself and Naruto shook his hand. "I don't think we've met before." Kiba's voice was restrained, the blond noticed.

Their hands stayed that way, each tried to ignore the sudden spark that ignited the moment their skin touched. Kiba's hand lingered on Naruto's and eyes locked on cerulean blue. Their skin burned under each other's touch and neither said anything about it. Kiba took a few steps closer to Naruto as his eyes traveled down from the other's eyes to the scarred cheeks, taking his other unoccupied hand to stroke the blond's face. He could feel Naruto tensed but gradually relaxed after that, indicating that he was comfortable with his action.

"Um, Inuzuka-san?"

Kiba snapped out from his trance and instantly withdrew his hand from the other's cheek and released the soft hand under his grasp. He cleared his throat and grinned apologetically. "I'm sorry. I was caught in the moment. You remind me of someone."

Naruto nodded in understanding and smiled. "That's okay. That person must be very precious to you."

Kiba's smile faltered a bit but still managed to cover it up, chuckling lowly. "You have no idea." His eyes still not leaving the blond, he couldn't even he was dying to.

"I'm Naruto, by the way. Really, I feel like I've met you before. But I can't remember." The blond said, biting his lower lip as he tried to rake his brain for the slightest memory and at the same time tried to ignore the still lingering electricity on his skin from the physical contact with Kiba.

"So I've been told. You've lost your memory. Bet I assure you, this is the first time we've met." Kiba stared at Naruto's figure; well-built and lean, precisely at the same height as his and sun-kissed skin that brought out his hair and eyes perfectly. The crisp-white oxford shirt with an Uchiha crest at the back fitted his body like it was specially made for him. "Stop biting you lip. You always do that when you're frustrated." Kiba's eyes widened slightly when he realized what he just said.


"I meant, you're going to bruise your lip."

The blond smiled brightly at the reply. He felt very comfortable around Kiba although they had just met a few ticks ago. He could tell that Kiba was a nice person and could be trusted entirely. "Um, are you a Prince like Sasuke?"

There was a long pause between them before the brown-haired male laughed. "No, no. I'm just an Officer of this castle. I'm the one in charge for this Land's safety."

Naruto nodded as he hummed. "Well, you're better than Sasuke. That's for sure." Kiba blinked his eyes at Naruto's statement silently asking the other to explain more. "He just let me got beaten up by that bastard Neji and worse, he called me an idiot in his note!" The blond huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest, face clearly showed annoyance.

"Sasuke's not that cruel. He knew you were going to be just fine." Kiba said and it was true. Not that he needed to defend the Prince but that was just how Sasuke was. "Do you…um, don't you have any memory about yourself?"

Slowly, Naruto shook his head. "No. I can't remember anything. I don't even know there's Land of Storm until I woke up this morning! All that I know is the kind of world we're living in, generally."

"In short, you're just plain hopeless."

"Hey! It's not my fault!" Naruto pouted, feigning his hurt. But he somehow enjoyed that because it felt so familiar. Too familiar.

Kiba laughed and resisted the urge to graze his finger on those pouty lips. "Look, I got to go. Maybe we'll talk next time."

"You're going to leave me?"

Kiba's gut twisted hearing the words poured out form Naruto's lips. It was like déjà vu; this situation, where he was about to leave the blond, the exact same question, the exact same hopeful gleam in the other's eyes begging him to stay. "I have something to do. How about you ask Prince Sasuke to take you on a tour around this land?"

"But I hate him." Naruto muttered.

"Too bad you're stuck with me."

Speak of the devil, and the devil shall come.

Sasuke walked toward them and eyed Kiba, as if silently demanding him to get lost. Kiba bowed down to the Prince and made his way toward the other wing of the castle and left Naruto gapped at the raven.

"I don't want to be with you." Naruto growled.

Sasuke scoffed, rolling his obsidian eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. Who said I want to be with you?" The Prince smirked seeing the Naruto's face reddened in irritation.

"You're so annoying! Leave me alone!" the blond stomped on his feet childishly that made Sasuke snorted a laugh at the antic and turned around to get away as far as possible from the raven but was stopped when his wrist was gripped by a hand which no other than Sasuke's.

Sasuke tugged slightly hard on the wrist, making the annoyed blond stumbled toward him with wide startled eyes. Before Naruto could retort about his action, Sasuke gently cupped both sides of Naruto's cheeks and stroked the scars on them with his thumb lightly. His black eyes were focused on his thumbs' motion before locking his gaze with the other's eyes. "Do they hurt?" His voice was low as if afraid any being other than Naruto could hear him. The hesitant 'No' from Naruto tugged a small smile at the corner of his lips and he could feel the bright eyed male's skin heated up under his fingers.

Naruto on the other hand was about to fall on his knees. When Sasuke's skin touched his, his whole body froze and his heart leapt up. He couldn't help but stare at the Prince's face, silently pointing out every detail on the flawless face; his deep black eyes, soft hair that shaped his face perfectly with spikes at the back, his cherry pink lips that caught his eyes for long inappropriate seconds. Sasuke was beautiful to the point it seemed very impossible. But that was not it. It wasn't Sasuke's face that made he felt this way. It was the touch lingering on his face. It sent jolts of fire throughout his body and heated up his skin. It was entirely different from Kiba's. With Kiba, he felt familiar sizzle, comforting. But with Sasuke, it was foreign, dangerous but he couldn't help himself from wanting to dive deeper into the bottomless ocean.

When Sasuke withdrew his hands away from his skin, Naruto almost whimpered to the lost. He mentally slapped himself and looked at the raven in front of him who stood with a slight smirk adorned his face. Hell, those eyes were killing him. "Um, I uh – I – " Dammit.

"Let's go."

Confused, Naruto asked. "Go? Where?"

"Like Inuzuka suggested, I'm giving you a tour around this land." Sasuke said.

Naruto's face brightened after hearing that. "Really? Let's go!" He smiled like a child awarded with an ice cream.

This made Sasuke smiled. Never had he felt such a warm feeling inside him just from seeing someone smiled and happy. He unconsciously brushed the golden locks away from Naruto's face and tucked some strand of the hair behind the ear gently. Finally realized what he was doing, he pulled back his hand and dusty pink tinted his pale cheeks and he quickly turned away not forgetting to send a glare toward the baffled blond. "Let's go, idiot." He mumbled, annoyed.

Naruto couldn't help but smiled wider when he saw the blush on the Prince's cheeks. He laughed lightly as he caught up to the raven as his stomach did the weird flips and his heart beat as if he had run a marathon. "Hey, bastard. I'm hungry."


"Can we go and eat somewhere?"


Naruto increased his pace and walked beside Sasuke and peeked from the corner of his eyes to look at the raven's face; apathetic but an obvious frown was visible. "Is there a place where we can get ramen?" The blond snorted a laugh when Sasuke scrunched his nose in clear distaste.


Again, I'm sorry for the super delayed update! I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint any of you lovely readers! I'll surely improve in the next chapter!

Cyan: A blushing Sasuke is a cuuuuuuteeee Sasuke!

Tama: *rolls eyes*

Cyan: Remember guys, drop your review!