Jack Frost heard the summons, but he ignored them, continuing to carefully sculpt the ice statue. He added some finishing touches with his staff and stood back to admire it, his hands in the kangaroo pocket of his blue hoodie. The little girl was perfect in every way. Her ice hair hung loose down her back and her expression was happy. She held a snowball in her mittened hand and was poised to throw it.

Suddenly a hole opened beside Jack and the Easter Bunny hopped out, an angry expression on his face.

"Frosty! Why can't you be responsible, mate, and come when you're called?"

Before Jack could think of a smart aleck reply Bunny stuffed him down the hole and jumped down after him.

They rolled out in Santa Claus' headquarters. Jack got to his feet, pouting, and created a snowstorm above himself with his staff.

Santa growled at him, "Jack, you know better than that. Now that you're a Guardian, you need to accept responsibility for your actions."

Jack shook the snow out of his white hair and gave him a cheerful smile, "Well, I'm here! What's up, North?" He looked around for the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman. "Where's Tooth and Sandy?"

The big man heaved himself into his chair.

"Tooth and Sandy weren't summoned. This mission is for you."

"Why's Bunny here?"

"Only because I asked him to get you when you didn't answer my summons."

He gestured to the giant globe behind him, "Something strange is happening in this town—" He pointed his finger to a small dot "—Arendelle. It's actually more of a small kingdom. The globe reports snowfall in the middle of July, which is unnatural for Arendelle."

Jack narrowed his eyes, "What?" He leaned on his staff and a few snowflakes sprinkled down around him.

"Jack, are you fooling around again?" Bunny rolled his eyes and looked disgusted.

Jack frowned, "No….I'm just curious as to why this happened."

North turned back to him, "Would you look into this Jack? I felt it was in your domain."

Jack nodded, "Ok, sure, I'll do it. I'll report back to you when I figure anything out." He flicked a snowflake off his hoodie.

"Be cautious, Jack, there could be something dangerous. We have no idea about this."

Jack nodded again, "I'll be ok."

"Good. Here, you can use my portal; it'll get you there faster."

He drew a black glass ball out and threw it on the floor in front of Jack. It burst up, creating a ring, and Jack stepped through it. He found himself standing in knee deep snow on a mountainside above a small town.

"Ok, this is totally crazy. What's with the snow?"

He scooped up a handful and squinted at it.

"Looks real…hmmm. Well, here goes!"

He began the descent down the mountainside, sinking his bare feet into the deep snow, his blue eyes scanning the forest in the darkness.

Elsa wrapped her arms around herself in the dark of the forest, not because she was cold, but because she was in agony, her thoughts roiling. How could she have done it? All her life she had been able to keep her secret, hiding from her sister, bearing the loss of her parents alone in her room, trying to keep the people safe. Now, on the very day she became Queen Elsa of Arendelle, Anna had pushed too far, making Elsa lash out at her, revealing her dark and terrible secret to the whole of Arendelle.

Fleeing seemed the only safe thing to do, so here she was, trudging through the snow of her own emotions, her eyes wet with unshed tears. She shook away the picture of Anna's shocked expression and began to sing quietly to herself, not noticing a figure slipping behind a tree near her.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know."

She sang, staring at her gloved hand, before decidedly ripping it off and throwing it behind her.

"Well now they know!"

She began swirling snow around, creating a snowman, and a stairs in front of her. Jack watched from behind in awe, trying to take it all in. This was amazing! This girl with the crown had emerged in front of him, and he'd quickly jumped behind a tree, not knowing for sure whether she could see him. She was tall, wearing a green dress with black sleeves and a long purple cape. Her white hair was done up in a braided bun at the nape of her neck.

He quietly flew to the top of a tall tree to see her better. She was at the top of the ice stairs, looking jubilant, no longer wearing the cape. He saw it down below, lying in the snow. He watched her stamp her foot, creating a giant ice snowflake that spread, and when she raised her arms in grew out of the mountainside, walls forming on its edges until Jack couldn't see her anymore. He watched in awe as the ice turned into a giant palace on the mountain.

Suddenly the glass carved doors to the balcony in front of him opened and the girl emerged, a proud look on her pale face. Her dress had turned blue and a long almost clear train fell down from her shoulders. She'd also taken her crown off and her hair hung in one think white braid over her shoulder. Jack couldn't take his eyes of her, she looked so beautiful. She was still singing, and he caught the echo of her words before she spun around and went back inside that beautiful fortress.

"Here I stand, in the light of day, let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway!"

"Wow, this is so amazing! I have so much to report to North!"

But suddenly he didn't want to. He wanted to stay here and meet this girl, so like him with her powers. He didn't want to be a Guardian anymore, he just wanted her.