A Future Re-owned: Beta Episode

Yeah, like i said, not done with this...not in the least!

Chapter 1: Comets in the Ghost Sky!?

Prince James Phantom of the Ghost Zone was sitting on top of his father's castle day-dreaming in 'adventuring gear' which consisted of a black and white treachcoat with matching cape and hood, underneath was a white shirt, and was also wearing black and white cargo pants. Suddenly, the Prince something amiss in the Green sky...a comet falling from the beyond. He noticed where it was going to hit and jumped up to go fly to his parents, King Daniel Phantom and Queen Ember Phantom, and ask if he can go investigate.

The King sat on his throne, bored, with his wife in the next room, sorting some things out when he saw his son fly into the throne room and saw the look of adventure in his face, Danny cocked his head, "James? What's wrong? weren't you relaxing?" James spoke quickly, "Dad, I saw a strange comet in the sky above Beta-Plains! I want to go investigate!"

Danny nodded and James smirked, "Thanks, dad!" he bowed and ran out of the throne room. He went to get his sister Morgan, when his lieutenant captain, Jace Belix, asked what was wrong, "Jace, grab your go-bag, I saw a comet over Beta-Plains...gotta get Morgan, she might be able to help."

Jace nodded and bowed without a quip, "as you wish, Your Grace."

A woman wearing a black and white dress along with a silver tiara and also headphones and dancing with her eyes closed as she was walking. She looked about 16 and under her closed eyelids were blue eyes. She bumped into something hard and opened her eyes and look into her brother's blue eyes and said, "Oh, sorry Nii-san." James smirked goofily and let his sister stand by herself and saw her blush. 'oh great...this again.' he shook his head and explained to her what he saw and where they had to go. by the time they got ready to fly off, James noticed the comet impact the plains and then radiate an ecto-glow.

James then noticed four red comets impact the ground around the comet. All three nodded and flew very fast over to the Beta-Plains.

When the three reached the comet crash-site and landed they saw a large orb, holding a figure inside that looked like a human. He had brown hair, black armor with white linings...his eyes were closed but was holding a large broadsword. It looked as though he were half standing and half sitting. In the impacts around the middle impact were beasts made of shadow in their orbs.

James flew over to the middle orb and when he touched it, it vanished, making the human fall to the ground. James walked over to the human and shook him to wake him. He slowly opened his hazel eyes and sat up to look at his surroundings and said as James helped him up, "Thanks," the man picked up his broadsword and put it on his back and it stayed there as if it was being held by something. He looked around and realized where he was, "Good, i'm in the Ghost Zone...wait, what year is it?" he asked James. James nodded and said, "2026, why? Who are you, anyhow?" he thought, 'whoops, better tell them my name...otherwise this will be awkward.' he nodded and said, "My name is Zen Cybelle of Morgal in the world called Weyard."

James nodded and said, "My name is Prince James Phantom of the Ghost Zone and commander of the Shadows." Morgan curtsied, "I am Princess Morgan Phantom of the Ghost Zone, also of the Shadows." Jace smiled and said, "I am Jace Belix, Lieutenant of the Shadows."

Suddenly, the red orbs disappeared and the Shadow Beasts that were contained inside attacked. Zen suddenly glowed red and yelled, "Fire Storm!" and hit one beast with fire.

James drew his broadsword and Morgan grabbed her Guitar and both did something called a Dual-Attack and shot two of the shadow beasts with phantom notes. Jace attacked with his Silver Lance and felled the creature he was attacking. Zen glowed violet and yelled, "Storm Shock!" and destroyed the creature he was attacking with electricity. James and Morgan did another Dual-Attack and destroyed the ones they were fighting.

Zen growled, "Shadow Beasts? were they following me?"

James nodded, "Apparently so, but...why?" Zen shook his head, "I dunno, but there are a few things I need to warn your King about," "What do you need to warn Daddy about?" Morgan asked. Zen frowned, "M-my father King Matthew has had his sights on this world, for what reason i don't know, but right now i need to talk to King Phantom. On the side note, they gave me these," The familiar rings of light that their father once used to transform formed around Zen and he transformed into white armor with black lining, ecto-green eyes, and silver hair.

"In this form I am known as Zen Steele." They all nodded and knew he was one of them. In fact, Zen was one of them...he had escaped his Father's tyranny in order to save the Ghost Zone from his Father's grasp. Zen is an adept, but his original alignment was Earth. His Mother Queen Sveta allowed him to escape because she knew her husband wasn't acting on his own. But Zen had undergone various experiments by his Father's 'allies' in order to create the ultimate weapon.

"Come on, let's go…" James motioned for Zen to follow and the Ghost Adept did but looked up to the sky when he noticed a large ship come out of a portal and noticed what design it was, Tuaparang. Zen growled, 'well shit…'

The four flew over to Phantom City Harbor and hid behind some crates near the Tuaparang Ship. Three figures undocked and Zen lightly growled, One was his Father, King Matthew, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was wearing black armor that was different than Zen's.

The second one was Tyrell, His Father's best friend. He was a man of great stature with flaming red hair, blue eyes and wearing red armor, the third had Zen worried, it was his mother, Queen Sveta, her lilac hair and fur and the emerald green eyes, befitting of a beast-woman. "Damn, i was hoping Dad had enough sense NOT to bring Mom here, but whatever i hope she understands."

King Matthew boomed to all the Ghost Zone, "Denizen's of the Ghost Zone of Earth, we seek your total surrender. Do so now and we shall spare your afterlives!"

"With a message like that, I'd have to be stupid not to resist!" The four saw King Phantom float above them and signaled for James and his friends to come out of hiding. James, Morgan and Jace did which was expected, but Zen came out and fought on James' side which shocked King Matthew and Phantom. Phantom wondered, 'James make a new friend?' Matthew was like, 'well, this is unexpected.' Sveta, was happy to see her son was safe and was taking up her request to stop her husband. Zen looked at his mother and spoke, "Mother," he looked to Matthew, "Father, i will not stand idly by and watch you take this world over!" Phantom looked at Zen and smiled, 'he made a great friend, one who will stand by him and against his father.'

Zen grabbed a silver spear that was lying on the ground and attacked his own father. he slashed multiple times and knocked him backwards, Matthew's voice changed, "Insolent pup!" he yelled, "Gaia!" Zen felt the ground open beneath him and shoot Earth energy into his body. Zen cried out in pain and was knocked backwards. Phantom recognize the voice however and quickly overshadowed King Matthew knocking a familiar Ghost out of him, Vladimir Plasmius.

"gah, you worthless boy."Plasmius grolwled, Phantom phased out of the King. Matthew awoke from his overshadowed slumber, "Zen, Sveta? Where am i?" "Dad!" "Matthew!" King Matthew was soon hugged by his son and wife, both happy to see Matthew back. They all turned on Plasmius and he smirked, "Time for my revenge! Shadow Beasts, Attack!" He called up thirty shadow beasts. Matthew and Phantom looked at each other and matthew said, "Truce?" Phantom smirked, "Truce."

The battle soon began.

Might as well cap it off there for now. So endith Chapter 1 of the Beta Episode.