Chapter 20: Christmas in Pittsburgh

It was late 2016, and we finally got some snow on the ground, after a warm start, similar to what my friends remember happening in Decembers of 2002 and 2005 when we were all friends. Anyway, we were planning a Christmas party and serving snacks to all of our friends. "I am so glad I could spend Christmas with you guys once again," I told everyone. "The Christmas holidays in the past just have NOT been the same without you guys!" "Well, we're glad you appreciate us more, Angel," Sarah told me. "Can we also play Apples to Apples at the party?" I then asked. "What, you don't want to play Bananagrams with me, Angel?" James then asked me. "I thought you always liked to play that game." "I know, James, but Apples to Apples is a bit more hilarious," I informed him. "Don't you think so, Sarah?" "If that's the game you want to play, Angel, then we will play it," Sarah then agreed with me. "But first, we will have refreshments. Are you hungry?" "I'm not sure. What are we having?" On the snack table, there were hoagies, macaroni and cheese, vegetable sticks, potato chips, pretzels, sodas, and of course, Christmas cake and cookies. I took a little bit of food, and then sat down with my peers to eat. After refreshments, we played Apples to Apples. Hopefully, I would have better luck now than I did last summer. James went first as the judge. He put down the card "glamorous." I put down the card "Paris Hilton," Sarah put down "Niagara Falls," and Henri put down "crystal lights." Luckily, my cards got picked most of the time, so I ended up winning the game. "Merry Christmas, everyone," I wished my friends.