PRANKS IN RIVENDELL by Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took.

This is a telling of an incident that happened while we were staying in Rivendell before the quest. Of course, it was not my fault, it was Pippin's.

Merry almost got it right. It was not my fault! Legolas should have been able to...

Shut up Pippin! That's called spoilers! Anyway, here it is...

The whole of Rivendell was asleep, except for Merry Brandybuck. He could not sleep for some reason and was wondering if he could convince Elrond that having six meals a day was a good idea. Finally, he decided it couldn't be done, and he tried to go to sleep when a loud whisper broke the silence.


"What?" he growled.

"I'm hungry!"

"Yes Pippin, I know you're hungry, you're always hungry, you really don't need to tell me 200 times a day! Go back to sleep!"

"But I'm boooored" he whined.

"Can't you just shut up?"

"Let's prank someone!"

"Well, maybe. That's actually a good idea. What about Strider?"

"Yes! Perfect! Uhh, what could we do? I know! We could do what we did to Frodo a while ago...we should rig up a contraption so when he gets into bed he will get honey dumped on him!"

Merry thought about it. It was the perfect thing to do. "But Pippin" he said. "It's night! He will be in his bed!"

"Tomorrow he won't be, though! We can build it now, and put it on his bed tomorrow. We should also get the honey now. You know that pot in the kitchen we've been taking honey from? It's perfect!"

The two hobbits stole down the hall towards the kitchen. They knew exactly where it was, and got it quite easily. They took it back to their room and began building the contraption with some string and some pieces of wood.

The next chapter will be up soon, if Pippin stops being Pippin, we aren't going to have third breakfast...wait, that's a great idea! *leaves*