Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. However, with my new job, I may one day be able to work my way up the rungs of capitalism to buy Pokemon and then eliminate Professor Sycamore.

This set of drabbles is something of a Christmas present for the lovely Spetta. Shoutout to Stella too! D

1. Waiting

4:55 PM. In an hour and five minutes, Silver could leave work.

In an hour and five minutes, he could return home. Once he stepped through the door, he would yank off his tie and throw down his badge, forgetting all about his work as a detective. He would be home, where the house perpetually seemed to smell of good cooking and familiarity.

In an hour and five minutes, he could seek out his wife and embrace her, hear her energetic, heartening voice, entangle his fingers in her soft chestnut hair, press his forehead against hers and feel so safe and whole. He would tell her that he loved her.

In an hour and five minutes, Silver could stop focusing on the atrocious missing persons case on his desk and focus on how damned lucky he was.

4:56. Reenergized by his thoughts, Silver set himself back to work, sorting through old files, evidence, and paperwork with vigor. The better he worked through this pile, the sooner he could go home and be with Lyra again. He smiled at the thought.

2. Repayment

"What do you mean we haven't started on taxes? They're due tomorrow night."

Surrounded by stacks of papers and flanked by two laptops, Lyra looked up at Silver, who stood aghast in the kitchen doorway. She smiled sheepishly and gestured at the mountain range she had created on the kitchen table. "Well, it's because we weren't organized."

Silver scoffed and dragged the heel of his hand across his forehead. Rolling up his sleeves, he trudged over to the table and began sorting through heaps of paper. "There is literally no rhyme or reason to these. Nice work, Lyra."

"I try," she said dryly, her cheeks hot with embarrassment.

He shooed her out of her chair and eyed her quite seriously. "I'll figure this out. You owe me one."

"I'll make dinner?" she suggested helpfully, inching toward the stove.

His hard, serious expression melted into something darker, a bit velvety. "Not quite that."

She rolled her eyes, but her cheeks grew hotter at his expression. They'd been together since they were fifteen years old; nearly eight years later, he still had that silly effect on her. Taking his expression and verbal cues into account, she smirked a little, meeting his gaze coyly. "Pink satin or black lace?" she asked, arching an eyebrow.

His eyebrows lifted for a second before settling back into a grouchy expression. "Surprise me. Believe me, I'm going to need a surprise when I'm done with this mess," he said dourly, his eyes snapping back to Lyra's tax mess.

3. Misplaced

An array of disconnected pipes lay scattered across the bathroom floor. Crouched on the tiles of the tiny bathroom, Silver directed a flashlight under the sink. "Do you see it anywhere in there?" he asked yet again. He wondered how eminent his concern had become at this point.

Lyra attempted to withdraw from under the sink to answer her husband and knocked her forehead in the process. Cursing, she adjusted her angle and sat up slowly. "No. I'm sorry, Silver, but I'm going to guess your wedding ring went down the pipes when you were washing your hands." Squinting against the light, she reached out and grabbed his flashlight and punched the power button to turn it off. "Don't blind me."

"Sorry," mumbled Silver.

Lyra looked at him pitifully and smoothed his hair. "It's okay. It's not like we're poor. We can afford to get another one. I think we even have insurance on that ring."

It seemed that, later, they wouldn't need that insurance. Silver located the ring; it had been on the kitchen counter under the microwave, where he had left it that morning while freeing a piece of burnt bread from the defunct toaster. He dropped his previous task of cleaning various appliances and donned it. Runing upstairs, he found Lyra, who was twisting the last segment of pipe back into place. "It was in the kitchen the whole time," he told her, crouching beside her as she worked.

A loud curse word resounded from under the sink. "Seriously? We took apart the damned sink for nothing?"

"Sorry?" remarked Silver as Lyra withdrew, glowering at him.

"Just so you know, I prefer pink satin," she remarked caustically. Unable to help himself, Silver snorted and toppled into a seated position. Lyra, bemused by his laughter, added, "And I expect stockings! With garters!"

He leaned forward to kiss her. "If that's what you really want."

She groaned and wiped her hand across her forehead. "Oh heck, no. Silver, you don't have a delicate enough figure for that."

4. Christmas

"Okay, I have the invitation list for our Christmas party! Tell me if this looks okay!" Silver's reading was interrupted by a pad of legal paper slapping down on his book. Lyra was beaming at him, looking quite pleased with herself. Silver figured he should humor her, although she had interrupted him at the climax of the novel.

He took off his reading glasses and bemusedly looked at the list, scribbled in Lyra's loopy scrawl:







…and so it went for about two dozen names, until a certain name at the bottom of the list made Silver's eyes bug.

Grabbing a pencil off the side table, Silver hastily scribbled out the name. When the tip of the pencil broke, he grabbed the pen beside it and continued going over the name. He handed the list back to Lyra and picked up his book. "I fixed it."

"Silver, you and Lance have had your differences, but—"

He looked up and shoved his reading glasses back onto his face. "The caped douchebag is not coming into my house. He curb-stomped me. He taught me a lesson. That's fine, but he does not need to text my wife numbers to divorce hotlines."

Lyra rolled her eyes and shoved the list in her pocket. "Well, I was going to say that you should invite him, challenge him, Blue and Ethan to a game of poker and win all of his money, but all right. I won't send out his invitation."

After a moment's pause, Silver looked up from his book. "You know what? Invite him."

"Damned right I will," she responded, winking coyly at her husband before sashaying back to her stack of envelopes.

5. Little Things

Lyra staggered in through the door, exhausted after yet another long tenure at the Pokémon League; she'd had three battles in two days. Being Champion was a job and a half, and sometimes she really hoped that someone strong enough would come along to honorably unseat her.

She found Silver sitting on the couch in the living room, flipping through a newspaper. Her little bookworm. Lyra dropped onto the couch cushion beside his and sighed heavily. "Hi, Silver," she said, tipping her head back and closing her eyes. "How have you been for the past few days?"

"Enjoying the peace and quiet," he said, but not without affection. He folded his newspaper so he could hold it in one hand. Gently, his other arm snaked around Lyra and secured her to his side. "There's curry and flatbread in the refrigerator."

She smiled tiredly. "For me?"

"I hate curry. Of course it's for you," he retorted, finally removing his eyes from the paper to gaze at his wife. "I also washed the sheets while you were gone."

"Clean sheets," she murmured, snuggling into him. "You're spoiling me. Cut that out."

"Getting takeout and throwing some sheets in the washer wasn't that difficult. They're just little things," he grumbled, but he seemed to be smiling in spite of himself. Silently, Silver pulled her into his lap and grabbed his newspaper again. Lyra relaxed against him, linking her arms around his neck and resting her head against his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

"Love you, too," she murmured.

A/N: Hello, it is I, halfcurehalfdisease, presenting goofy domestic drabbles for the OTP.

I really like the idea of these two being a married couple where, at the end of the day, they do their best to take care of each other and love each other and respect each other...although they sass each other and manage to be instigators/devil's advocates in the meantime.

Can you believe it's Christmas in three days? That's nuts! Also...my birthday is in under a month? I'll be...AN ADULT? I am not adulty enough for this.

Anyway, happy holidays and have a fantastic new year! I'll be updating fics over my break, hopefully!

Until then, take care of yourselves, enjoy life, and get lots of sleep. Also...treat yourself!