17. Old Friends

He had known the relative peace that had come after accepting Harry as his Apprentice would not last. Little over a week had passed, was one more week too much to ask? Although he would've preferred to avoid the Headmaster for longer than he had, he knew in his gut that this had been inevitable ever since he'd seen the greed, that strange hunger, in the old wizard's light blue eyes.

He didn't turn to look at Dumbledore as the other man entered the classroom where he was working on converting the hard, stone floor into something that would hopefully prevent too many injuries during the classes he and Godric had planned, but he did tighten his mental defenses as Dumbledore came to stand next to the desk closest to him. To his credit though, the Headmaster did not disturb him in his work as he extended his magic across the room, finishing the Weave before coming back to his feet from where he had been crouched. Kicking off his boots, he stepped onto the newly converted surface, pleased by the level of springiness and friction as he walked a short distance to test the resistance of the surface before finally turning to the other wizard.

The Headmaster was regarding him quietly, smiling, and Salazar felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand on end. He didn't know what set off his alarms this time, but he suspected he was about to find out.

"I hope I'm not disturbing." Salazar crossed his arms at Dumbledore's words, not speaking in turn as he awaited what the older wizard would do next. More talking, it turned out. "I have met only one Spellweaver before meeting you, and she was far more limited in what she could do with her Gifts than you are.. To alter the substance of Hogwarts itself, is truly magnificent in its own right."

Well fuck... Of course that would be the first thing Dumbledore would conclude, after actually seeing him do it. But Dumbledore didn't continue, seemingly awaiting his reaction to his statement.

He could have it.

"What do you want Albus?" No pleasantries, no more beating around the bush. His initial exploring mental touch met solid defenses, and he suppressed a grin. So Dumbledore wasn't that trusting either. Interesting.

The Headmaster did not seem offended at his question, even though he had to admit to himself his response had been bordering on rude. Anything to get a rise out of this man, if only he would reveal his intentions. He almost regretted telling Godric he would handle these preparations on his own... because it was very obvious the other wizard had been waiting for an opportunity to catch him alone. And him disappearing after classes every day to train with Harry had probably made that pretty frustrating for the Headmaster.

Dumbledore's smile widened, but the expression didn't reach his eyes. Not really, although there was a spark of dark humour there that Salazar hadn't seen before. "I would like to have your opinion on something, but for that, I need you to come with me. To my office." That last part was added after a brief moment of silence, as the man seemed to realize he needed a bit more intell before he would even contemplate going along with any of it.

He wasn't about to step into the man's office without some further information... He remained silent, and Dumbledore seemed to catch on quickly as the smile fell from his face. It seemed the Headmaster had expected him to not be willing to follow him, and the older wizard started casting a concealment charm around them. Salazar could see the magic crystallize in the air as the charm came into effect. It was powerful. Again, interesting...

The Headmaster shot him a knowing look as he pulled a pouch from one of his many enchanted pockets, and even before he lifted the item for Salazar to see, the magic of it hit him like a tidal wave. Straight through the protective cloth of the pouch. And the enchantments on that pouch were powerful in their own right, but they paled in comparison to what he sensed emanating from whatever was inside of it.

It was worse than what he had sensed in Harry, but at the same time sickeningly familiar.

His expression must have betrayed something of what he felt about that, for Dumbledore pocketed the item again before turning on his heel. Knowing he would follow. Goddamnit, how the Hell had Dumbledore gotten his hands on a Horcrux? Salazar didn't believe in coincidences. And with them just having discovered that Voldemort had most likely resorted to the making of one, another one showing up so soon after did not bode well. Voldemort was more resourceful, and a Hell of a lot more powerful and dangerous if this one was another of his, as Salazar suspected from his brief sensing of it.

Bending down to retrieve his boots, he didn't even bother to put them back on, instead following the Headmaster down the halls barefoot. Both men remained silent until they had mounted the stairs into the Headmaster's Office, and Salazar immediately noted Fawkes's absence. The phoenix apparently didn't want anything to do with this horror either.

It was Salazar that broke the silence this time, as he came to stand next to Dumbledore as the bearded wizard retrieved the pouch once again from his robes and deposited it's contents on his desk for Salazar to see. This time, he was prepared for the nauseating feeling that came with the exposure of the pouch, and he swallowed as he tore his gaze away from the item that had fallen out of it and addressed Dumbledore. "You knew about Harry."

To his surprise, Dumbledore simply nodded. "Yes. In my defense, I had no idea how to save the child from it and thought it better to keep that information from him. And judging from the change I can see in him you figured out how to do it where I couldn't." Their eyes met, the evil in front of them uniting them for the time being. "Was I wrong in trying to protect him?"

Salazar grunted, returning his attention to the object in front of him. The man had a point... but he didn't have to like it. Especially since he very much doubted the reasoning behind Dumbledore's decision to keep Harry in the dark, there was something the Headmaster wasn't telling him.. He also didn't like that the old wizard had apparently worked out that they had destroyed the Horcrux that had been leeching Harry's magic. But they would have to address that later if needed…. first they needed to deal with this, and he leaned down to examine this new abomination more closely. It was a ring, the stone set in the golden band dark and somehow unreflective, as if it sucked all the light out of it's immediate vicinity. "Ignorance is never a good thing Headmaster, especially when dealing with magic as dark as this," he muttered, eyes narrowing as he extended his magic to explore the jewel.

It was a Horcrux alright... but that was not all it was.

"Please tell me you did not put this on."

At that, the Headmaster released a chuckle, and there was no mistaking the amusement in his eyes this time. "Fortunately, I was not ignorant, as you just put it. And now that you mentioned Harry, what about your continued interest in the child? He's a promising wizard, but surely there has to be a further reason that you're training him."

Salazar growled low in his throat, forcing himself to not lash out as he turned away from the ring, instead looking at the Headmaster. This time he pushed past the mental defenses the other man had drawn up, and he caught enough of Dumbledore's surface thoughts before those barriers were tightened and he was thrown out of the other wizard's mind none too gently.

"Another thing you kept from him. I fucking knew it. And unlike him being turned into a Horcrux, there was no reason you couldn't have told him he was a Spellweaver. There are ways to contact one of us, you should've gotten him the education he deserved, instead of using him for your own gain and keeping him in the dark about what he is." The bite in his voice made the other man take a step away from the desk, and Salazar closed his eyes when he felt the Shadows react to his rage. Dumbledore seemed to realize he was on the verge of snapping at him, waiting and watching him with a wariness that was clear from every tense line in his weathered face.

He didn't even try to make any excuses, which was a good thing. There was only so much bullshit he could take in one day. After all the man had kept from Harry, this shouldn't come as a surprise. And it didn't matter, not anymore, not now he had become the boy's Guardian.

He tensed as Dumbledore slowly moved to pick up the ring, careful not to let the object touch his skin as he gathered it up in the cloth, holding it up to Salazar as he finally broke the silence. "What about you then. Have you been completely honest to the boy since you've come here? Does he know who and what you are?"

His entire being froze, his blood running cold when the Headmaster continued to watch him, and he met the old man's gaze squarely, his face not betraying the rush of anxiety that hit him after hearing him speak those words out loud. Dumbledore had connected the dots... But how?

Godric must have sensed his sudden change in demeanor, and he responded to his partner's mental enquiry with a simple "Dumbledore knows who I am. The bastard has probably known all along." He could feel the same anger and fear rush through Godric at that revelation, and he crossed his arms as he waited for Dumbledore to continue, allowing Godric to listen in as he opened his mind more fully to the other Founder.

Dumbledore smiled, lips twisting in a mixture of amusement and something else Salazar couldn't quite place. Sorrow? Anger? "You do not look anything like your Portraits, I have to admit that was a clever move on your part. But I don't think you realized how fascinated Lady Ravenclaw was with your particular brand of magic... Her records are very comprehensive, despite that she never really figured out the true extent of your power. Because I don't think even she expected you would still be alive and well after over a thousand years."

Salazar's eyes narrowed, but he could detect no deceit in Dumbledore's words. So it had been Rowena... -I had no idea Rowena wrote anything of the sort down.. what do we do now Sal?- There was really no use in denying it, it was clear that Dumbledore wasn't making it up, and he watched the Headmaster walk over to one of his bookcases, where he halted and waved his wand. A small book, bound in the dark blue leather of the Ravenclaw House, slid out from between several other books and landed in the Headmaster's hand, and even from where Salazar stood near the desk he could see the Ravenclaw family sigil on the front cover.

Dumbledore approached him, holding the book out for him to take, and Salazar accepted the item with something approaching trepidation. The magic he could sense lingering in those pages was old, and familiar... there was no way anyone could make a copy that could fool his senses like this.

This was Rowena's... there was no denying it. And he couldn't even feel angry at her, not after knowing her like he had. She had been fascinated, and he had let her study the intricacies of both his magic and the Contract that had been forced on him, to satisfy her thirst for knowledge as well as in the hope that she would somehow find a way to break that Contract.

He had no idea she had written anything of that down though... but in hindsight, he should have known.

Knowing who had written this book, he was not surprised at seeing the detailed diagrams and drawings, immaculate reproductions of the intricate markings that were present all over his back and arms. The detailed figures were accompanied by Rowena's elegant, and instantly recognisable handwriting, and Salazar felt a short pang of grief at the memory of that woman.

He stopped leafing through the pages as his attention was caught by a drawing that seemed out of place in between the scientific recounting of her theories and findings, and his breath caught in his throat. Rowena had been talented in many areas, perhaps too talented for her own good... the drawn figures on the pages were instantly recognisable, so lifelike even rendered in blacks and greys that it appeared like the people in the drawing could step out into the world at any time.

Helga, Godric, and himself. Caught in a rare moment of relaxation, sitting in the grass with the silhouette of Hogwarts in the background.

He snapped the book shut, looking back at Dumbledore who was watching him with an outward patience that surely was only skin deep.

"Well then.. this is unfortunate. What do you plan on doing with this knowledge?" Salazar forced out after several minutes of silence, slipping the small book into one of his pockets. There was no way he would be handing it back, and Dumbledore seemed to realize that as he inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Nothing, I assure you.. But I would appreciate your help with something... and some of it is rather personal."

The old man's gaze shifted back to the object on the table, but Salazar didn't look away from Dumbledore, not even when Godric Apparated next to him without a sound. No use in keeping up pretenses now... Dumbledore didn't seem surprised at Godric's sudden appearance either, inclining his head in greeting as he smiled. Of course... Dumbledore was a Gryffindor. And him having that book meant he knew about the bond he shared with Godric as well.

"Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin... to think anyone could still be alive after so many years..." the Headmaster trailed off, and Salazar's eyes narrowed as the other wizard looked back at him. "How long have you known?" Godric asked, laying a hand on Salazar's shoulder to calm him. Or hold him back. Either way, the reassuring weight on his shoulder was a welcome distraction as Dumbledore answered. "When Salazar showed me his spellmarkings. I had noted the resemblance to Rowena's drawings the moment you walked in, but I could not believe you were the people in her drawings until I saw the Contract on his back. The chances of there being someone with exactly those markings are immeasurably small after all."

"So now you're planning on pressuring us into helping you." Salazar cut in, his power building around him when Dumbledore turned his attention back to him. "I will not be blackmailed into doing anything for you." He let the threat hang in the air, and for the first time, there was actual fear in Dumbledore's eyes, and the Headmaster held up his hands in a placating gesture.

"Please, I don't mean to pressure you into doing anything. I was hoping we could be of use to each other.. After all, we both have the best intentions with Harry, and all of us want to put an end to Voldemort's reign of terror.. All I ask is for you to look into something for me." Was that desperation he could hear in the other man's voice? He took a step closer to the bearded wizard, noting with some satisfaction that the man didn't back away. Not a coward then. Good.

"You and I both know what they say about the road to Hell Albus... so you can forget about all of your good intentions when it comes to Harry. You don't need to concern yourself with him anymore. Anything to do with him, you address with me first. As for Voldemort, you have a piece of his soul on your desk. Why haven't you destroyed it yet if you truly want to kill him?"

He had to consciously keep his Shadow magic in check now, and not even Godric's presence was enough to calm the instinctive flaring up of the darkness around them. Dumbledore sucked in a sharp breath as their eyes met, and Salazar knew what the other wizard was seeing. He had seen it in the mirror often enough, that inhuman bloodred seeping into the edges of his irises. And it seemed that Dumbledore felt compelled to answer him straightaway, although the answer was not at all what he had expected.

"The stone set in the ring... It's the Resurrection Stone of legends... Destroying the Horcrux would destroy the Stone, at least in my hands. But as you've proven with Harry, you can destroy a Horcrux without harming the vessel. I have looked for this Stone for the better part of my adult life, and I desire to use it, even if only once, to apologize to my family."

The earnestness in the old wizard's tone took him aback. Dumbledore had not been this open since they'd met, and as he stared into the other man's sorrow filled eyes, he could see the man meant what he'd just said. Even if he didn't agree with Dumbledore's decision to keep the Horcrux for as long as he apparently had. And the Resurrection Stone? He had never been all that interested in the legend of the Deathly Hallows. He knew the myth, but he had also heard of the wizards at the center of that myth at the time they'd still been alive. Yes, they had been brilliant, but nobody could speak to Death the way Beedle the Bard had made up, he'd seen true Necromancy often enough to know those tales were complete bullshit. But seeing the ring now, and sensing what he was sensing beneath all the curses, there was something there…

As for Dumbledore, he could understand the need to make amends, even if he didn't know the story behind Dumbledore's desire. And he didn't really want to know either... but this new development, and the Headmaster's Resurrection Stone, opened some possibilities.

And speaking of Necromancy, it was fortunate that he knew a wizard that would very likely be able to shed some light on the ring from that perspective. Roan Morgan, the same acquaintance he had mentioned to Harry... he had been contemplating involving someone who was far more knowledgeable in the field of Necromancy from the moment he'd encountered that Horcrux within Harry, and now with Dumbledore knowing who they were, and what Voldemort had done...

"I could do this. But I won't, not yet. I want to have a specialist take a look at this. I couldn't leave the Horcrux within Harry, but this one, we can study." Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a desire Salazar now recognized. He had seen that look before, and now he understood it. For some reason, this man carried so much guilt with him, it had become an obsession to make amends for whatever he had done. Now that opportunity was almost within the Headmaster's grasp, or so he thought, and it was clearly becoming too much for the bearded wizard to hide any longer. Good thing this obsession may give them an opportunity to solve a bit of the mystery of what exactly Voldemort had done to himself... and how powerful that made him.

And consequently, how hard to kill.

Dumbledore remained silent, but inclined his head to indicate for Salazar to continue, and Salazar shot Godric a reassuring look before going on. "I'm going to contact an old friend of ours and see if he's willing to have a look at it. He's a Necromancer, and out of all of us, he's most equipped to tell us more about this thing."

Salazar paused, waiting for the Headmaster to react, and as he expected, Dumbledore's eyes narrowed at the mention of him handing over the ring to someone else, even if only for research purposes. But Salazar could see the gears in his mind work. Above all else, the Headmaster wanted to use this stone. "Why not study it yourself?" Salazar could sense Godric's apprehension build at Dumbledore's question, but he didn't turn away from the Headmaster. They were getting somewhere. It had taken the revelation of who they were to this man that he didn't trust at all, but mutual, or at least aligned, interests had proven enough plenty of times in the past.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that... and of course, there was something personal to gain here for Dumbledore. And while Salazar didn't care one bit about the old wizard's shot at redemption, if this common goal would allow him to get Roan's insight on all of this, he was not about to complain.

"I don't meddle with Necromancy, and I know when to call in help." Plus, that ring was making him feel physically ill just being near it… He just hoped Roan would be available and willing to assist. But it appeared Dumbledore was not about to give in that easily, and he stepped in closer to Salazar, effectively putting himself between the Spellweaver and the ring still resting on the desk.

"Tell me why I would let you hand this ring over to another wizard.. a Necromancer at that. I've sacrificed a lot to acquire it, and I'm not about to relinquish it to this Dark wizard I don't even know." Not without a price remained unspoken, but the message was very clear in the Headmaster's sharp blue eyes, and Salazar forced himself to keep still as Godric stepped in. Good, he didn't think he would be able to handle this as diplomatically as his partner.

"I don't think you have a choice. Not if you want to use this ring after we've learned what we can from it. As Salazar said, he can probably destroy it, so if that's what you want, we can take care of that right here. So the choice is yours.. allow us to study it and perhaps we'll be able to make it usable again, or give up that opportunity forever. You'll just have to trust that we'll return it to you after we're done with it... and I hope you understand that threatening us is not going to help your case. At all."

Godric's voice was low, lacking its usual warmth as he stared down the Headmaster. Salazar didn't look at Dumbledore, instead regarding Godric as his fellow Founder drew himself up to his full height. Godric was formidable in his own right, and the steel in his voice seemed to convince Dumbledore of that fact as well, for he stepped aside after only a second of hesitation.

It seemed they truly were getting somewhere.

Salazar stepped around the bearded wizard, picking up the cloth and gathering the ring in it to prevent it from touching his skin, ignoring the sick feeling that washed over him at the close proximity of the vile deadly magic before it disappeared within the pouch.

He really hoped Roan could glean something useful from it.

To his credit, Dumbledore did not protest again to him taking the stone, even if it was painfully clear from the emotion flashing in his eyes that he sorely wanted to object. Godric cleared his throat, and the Headmaster met his eyes once again.

There was nothing to gain for Dumbledore in revealing their identity at this point, and so much more to lose. They would have to rely on that, there was nothing they could do about it now.

Salazar stepped out of the Headmaster's office first, feeling Godric's familiar presence at his back as he descended the stairs. He could feel the weight of both Rowena's small booklet and the pouch that contained the cursed ring in his pocket, and he shuddered as the magic tingled at the edge of his senses despite the cloth that was meant to contain it.

This one was more powerful than the fragment that had been within Harry... and he feared that it was going to take a lot more effort to destroy it. If he even could. And to find that out, he would have to touch it, and he was not about to do that before he knew what kind of curses were on it, and why it had such a pull on him. Which brought him back to Roan. This was Soul magic.. that much was clear.. and there was nobody alive that he knew of with as much experience in that branch of the Dark Arts than the American Necromancer.

They reached their chambers, and as soon as the door fell into the lock behind them, Godric slammed his fist into the dark wood in anger, his entire body quivering as he tried to rein in his emotions. Salazar closed his eyes, rubbing a hand down his face and feeling it catch on the light stubble at his jawline as they stood in silence, working through what had just happened on their own.

He could see the muscles in Godric's jaw working as he dug out the pouch from his pocket and dropped it onto the coffee table, and Godric's eyes snapped towards the object as it hit the wood with a soft thunk. Salazar felt some of the tension ease from his muscles at the increased distance between him and that cursed ring, and something in his posture must have betrayed that. Godric raised an eyebrow as Salazar rolled his shoulders, stepping away to increase the distance further before he even realized what he was doing...

"Salazar?" He stopped at Godric's concerned enquiry, blinking as if a haze was suddenly lifted from his mind. Fuck, it was more powerful than he'd thought, and it was getting worse the longer he was around it. He met Godric's gaze, seeing the concern in those hazel eyes at the way he was acting, before looking back at the small pouch. He couldn't be around it like this...

With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the small box that had previously contained the locket he'd given to Harry for protection, and it landed on the coffee table next to the pouch a bit more forcefully than he'd intended, and he grimaced at the loud clatter at the sound of the lid flipping open and hitting the table hard. Godric flinched as well, closing the distance between him and the table with a single stride, and without hesitation, picked up the pouch and dropped it into the container Salazar had summoned. Before the pouch had fully landed, the lid snapped shut again, and the vice that he hadn't even realized had been there disappeared from around his throat and he could breathe again.

Fuck, what the Hell was happening...

"Sal, you okay?" He nodded, not looking away from the small box that now held the ring, blocking its influence completely. Already, he could see the curse starting to affect the wards around it. "You didn't feel it?" He asked after a short pause, finally looking back at Godric as the other Founder approached him with a caution he rarely used.

Godric winced, inclining his head with a jerk before glancing back at the table. "Yes, but not very clearly... And it didn't affect me like I think it did you... Is it because you're a Spellweaver?" "Perhaps.. but whatever the reason, Roan will probably be able to tell us more about this, assuming he's available that is.."

Godric put a hand on his shoulder, and Salazar flinched at the sudden contact, still on edge from the influence of that cursed object. To his relief, Godric didn't comment on his reaction, but he could feel the other man's concern mount. "Only one way to find out, isn't there? Let's contact him then."

He didn't need to be told twice... Gathering up the small container, he made his way into the study and sat down at the desk, trying to organize his thoughts so he'd be able to convey his message in a manner that would not come back to bite them in the ass if it were to be intercepted.

He had a lengthy letter to write…. And after that, he would have that long overdue talk with their resident Potion Master. Because this pulling effect the Horcrux had on him reminded him eerily of the sensation he'd first felt when he'd touched the Dark Mark. And that did not bode well for them at all…


Rest assured, this has not been abandoned. Let's just say Writer's Block is a real thing. And you guys are the reason I'm not giving up… I hope you haven't given up on me either! As always, I'd love to hear from you, and I hope you enjoyed.