Author's Note (Monster): Hello, our lovelies! This is the FINAL CHAPTER to Riddle Me This! That means I won't be able to reply to any guest reviews anymore so my golden rule can not be carried out. Sorry about that but please do keep telling me what you thought of this chapter and the overall story. I finished both the Supernatural AU One-shot AND the Request Songfic one-shot so what should I post next week? The Supernatural AU or the Songfic? Replies to the reviews below, enjoy!

Previously on Riddle Me This;

Johnny called the guys together in an emergency meeting to discuss the future of the band, deciding it was inevitable for them to kick out Deuce. Jay was the lucky one to go tell the lead singer he was voted out of the band. Just because they weren't a band, didn't mean they couldn't be friends, right? Deuce had other plans when he kicked Jay out of his house and decided to severe all connections with his friends of Hollywood Undead. Now he continues on as just a singer with the help of his new boyfriend Yuma.

"These past few weeks have been hectic to say in the least. First we managed to finish the new songs for Desperate Measures and we got you to sing in the backing vocals. We were so proud of you. Ironically enough Deuce was the one who wanted you to sing backing vocals for El Urgencia.

Deuce and I broke up for the tenth time in a row over a cheating incident. Again. We cheated on each other probably more than ten times but I just said it to put a number to it. I lashed out at you, unintentionally of course but I still did and you fled from me. In the end, I got so worried I punched Johnny a bloody nose", he paused to chuckle and earned a glare from Johnny, "I hooked up with Deuce again and you got pissed, jealous probably but I didn't realize that at the time.

I used you to piss of Deuce and you noticed right away. I know I haven't always been the best with people and I know I've always been an asshole to new people but I wanted to change that for you. You were a good kid and I guess I really was an asshole and I didn't realize what was good for me until Funny Man accidentally gave me enough information to realize that you were into me.

It was confusing but at the same time, everything fell into place.

I was so disappointed when you didn't open the door for me that night. Such a stupid coincidence you fell asleep that night with the lights on and made me think you didn't want to talk to me.

When I came by the next day, you were so adorable and such a dork. You locked yourself out without your phone because you were anxious to know my reply to you. I loved it. I didn't love you but I liked you and I was curious to see what would become of us. Unfortunately, our happiness of dating got cut short as Deuce attacked you and put you in a coma.

Seeing you 'asleep' like that broke my heart a little more every day and I made the mistake to sleep with someone else as I thought you had already died. I've told you that story already, haven't I? I'll spare you the hurt and details.

The moment you woke up, that realisation hit me like a brick in the face and I wasn't ready to face you and tell you the truth. Life in the studio became unbearable with Jay and I constantly bickering over you", he paused again to look at Jay who offered him an apologetic smile. I owed him the truth and my relationship, "but in the end, I caved and I came to see you.

I confessed everything right away and you were an angel to forgive me. It's something I appreciate so much. I slipped into a bad habit and you decided to give me another shot to do better in your waking life. I was there for your physical recovery and you have no idea how awesome it felt to see you stride down that hallway again since you woke up. You were finally ready to head home.

I threw you a surprise party, you invited Deuce as the bigger man but Deuce had to ruin it and pick a fight with us. He said some awful things to you. Things you shouldn't forgive him for, yet you always forgive him. You're always the bigger man, even when we can't be and have to pick a fight again.

We need you to show us a better way.

Unfortunately, we had to kick him out as he was no longer a useful member to the band, more of a nauseous headache.

Always there and bugging us. Now we stand united without Deuce to bother us anymore and I can honestly tell you, Danny, my beloved, that I love you. You've taught me how to love and how to be a better man. I sincerely love you with a great part of my heart and I hope to learn to love you a little more every single day. I wanna spend a great deal of time with you, which is why I'd like to ask you this question", Charlie spoke so much unlike his funny personality as he dropped down on one knee. My eyes widened as I frantically shook my head. "No, get the fuck up, Charlie. This isn't funny. We've only been dating for a few weeks. Don't you dare pop that question!"

Charlie's face dropped. "Let me finish?"

"No! I'm not rejecting you once you ask so I'm preventing you from asking me!"

Johnny folded his arms. "Let him finish, Danny."

"What? Do you all want to see me crash and burn or something?" I asked but Funny Man yelled: "FUCKING LET THE MAN FINISH!"

"That's what his best friend said", Charlie wiggle his eyebrows and the Mexican laughed. He had learned to appreciate the love of his best friend and his secret crush. Danny just wasn't meant to be his and he realised that reality once he saw the two of them together.

Besides, he found himself a nice girl outside of town. They called her Anna and she was the most beautiful down-to-earth girl he knew. Such a sweetheart, though she wasn't at all the type of girl they always rapped about.

She was the perfect amount of reality, he needed.

J-Dog came up from behind Charlie and offered him a package which he took. He held it out to me, still sitting on one knee and I was confused.

Was he gonna ask me to marry him now or not?

"Daniel Rose Murillo?"

"Oh God… Yeah?"

"Will you…"


"Let him finish!" Da Kurlzz hissed.

"Will you be our new lead singer?" Charlie asked, flipping the package open to reveal a perfect golden mask with a cross on the eye and a half-smirking mouth. It was a mask I could only dream of and I had. I'd always dreamed of a mask like the ones Hollywood Undead had and now Charlie was offering me one.

Wait, what?

He wasn't asking me to marry him?

He was asking me to be their new Hollywood Undead leader singer.

"Are you… serious?" I asked, a little insecure but the five of them nodded frantically.

"Danny, you have a beautiful voice and we'd love to try and make a new album with you", Johnny said, the four of them backing him up with a hum.

"Please be our lead singer", Charlie asked and I smiled at him.

"Yes! Yes, I'd love to be your new lead singer!" I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend in joy as I couldn't have been a happier man when Funny Man rubbed the back of his head as he said; "Boy, these past few weeks sure were one hell of an American tragedy, am I right?"

"I like that thought. Let's make it the title of our new album", I said, turning to him.

He raised an eyebrow. "These past few weeks?"

"No, you idiot. American Tragedy."

"Oh yeah, it does have a nice ring to it. Let's do it. Let's write about our American Tragedy", Charlie chimed as he kissed me.

American Tragedy would be one hell of an album about the story of six guys who had been to hell. Yeah, this would be an awesome record.

Please Review, they're our heavy fuel. I know, tell me you didn't predict Danny to be the new lead singer in this chapter. Anyway, I wanna thank everyone who followed this story alongside me, everyone who kept pushing me to write the next chapter and I hope to see you guys again on my other HU stories.

ZeroPerfection: Thank you so much for breaking the fucking silence. I updated and literally no one commented for 2 days straight (which has never happened before). I thought the chapter was horrible because of it. I really didn't want to show Deuce as a villain. I wanted him to be a misunderstood hard-to-handle personality. An aggressive, impulsive man who regrets his actions afterwards. I hope you noticed my hint where I said he wouldn't wake up from his enraged mode until years later (since Deuce now finally came to his senses and realized he screwed things up with Jay in real life). I'm still very much torn between the Supernatural AU One-shots and Songfic Requests so I'm hoping more people will vote for it. Make Me Levitate and FUI will have to wait for now.

Krash-n-Ace: Isn't the last chapter usually the "storm is over" chapter?

Nameless: We all do. The more fucked up, the more we love it.

HUshipper: So much things to do during the holidays, it seems. It's fine to be later than usual. Thanks, I really tried to keep Deuce real and relate to his personality displayed in songs. I think you can get a lot of information about him out of the newer album he released (or didn't release? The one the record label took down; Invincible)