disclaimer: I still don't own arrow.

We watched a few episodes before we start preparing for dinner. We made chicken with rosemary potatoes and a salad. We just had the table set when the doorbell rang. Thea and Roy were the first to arrive. "Hey Thea, Roy." Oliver gave his sister a hug and Roy a handshake. Roy handed him the bottle of wine they brought with them. "Hey Felicity how are you?" She gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I took it from her and pulled her to me for a hug. "I'm fine thanks." "Congratulations, I wanted to be the first." She whispers in my ear. I looked at her. "You know?" "Yes Oliver asked me for help." I looked at him. "Come in what do you want to drink." "A glass of wine please." "Yes me to." The took a seat on the couch, sitting really close to each other. I'm so happy for them there back together. I went to the kitchen to get the drinks when the doorbell rang. "Oliver can you open up for me?" "Of course my love." He gave me a kiss before he answered the door. "Hey man thanks for the invite." "No problem. Come in, take a seat." "Hey John, Layla, how are you?" "I'm good, only this little only didn't want to go to bed this afternoon." "Hello my sweetie. You didn't want to sleep? Well, well you have to be nice for your mommy and daddy." "You want to hold her?" Layla asked me. "Of course. Come here you!" I love the feeling of having a child in my arms. Olive came to stand next to me. "Hello little girl." Sara made a fist around his finger. Oliver bend down and gave me a kiss. "You three look so cute." Layla said. "Ooo Ollie when are you two getting a baby?" "Wait is that the reason you invited us all?" John asked. "Why does everyone think that? No that's not the reason." I looked at Oliver trying to ask him for help with my eyes. "Should we tell them?" He asked me. "Yes." "Well Felicity and I invited you all because we have something to say." "Stop stalling? Tell us already!" "We are getting married." We told in union. "Congratulations." They all hugged us and the ladies asked Felicity to show her the ring. Only Thea didn't understand why there was an arrow in it. When they all settle down we stated dinner. It was 1:30 in the morning when they left.

"So that went well." Felicity said, starting to collect the plates. I pulled her in my arms and took the dishes from her hands. "I'll do the dishes my love. You need to get into your bed. You don't have that much sleep left." "Oo no baby I'll help you first." "No honey, go to bed. I'm home tomorrow, I don't have to get up in the morning." "Are you sure?" "Yes, now go. I'll be there in a minute." She gave me a kiss and went to the bedroom. 20 minutes later the dishes were done. Felicity was already sleeping when I got into bed with her. I tried not to move the bed too much. She stirred a little but relaxes again when I put my arms around her. I gave her a kiss and fell asleep myself knowing that soon I could call her my wife.

Sorry it's a short one, i didn't had much time to wriht because i was 6 month's with my boyfriend and he had a surprise for me.

hope you still like the story.