Back at the pet shop, Zoe sat by the windowsill feeling a little down. She was thinking about Kendra and how much she was missing her. She remembered the comment Kendra may before she left, about how Zoe reminded her of her mom, and deep down Zoe wished that were true.

She always wanted to be a mother; that was one of the reasons she kept fawning over male dogs. She hoped to have puppies of her own and start a family. But Zoe was stating to lose hope due to how some of the dogs she met weren't the perfect mates for her. She thought she found the perfect one in Dr. Handsome Face. Of course, that was before he insulted her singing voice.

A part of Zoe really wanted Kendra to come live with her, but she knew that it would never happen since she had an owner already.

At that moment, Blythe entered the play area and Zoe saw that Kendra was standing right beside her. Zoe was happy to see her again, as well were the other pets as they all ran to greet her. But they soon realized that something was wrong as they saw Kendra's eyes were bloodshot and she was snivelling a bit.

"Kendra, sweetie? Have you've been crying?" asked a concerned Zoe.

But Kendra didn't say anything as a fresh batch of tears started to form in her eyes. She then ran towards the nearest pet bed and plopped right on top of it as she buried her face into it and cried some more.

"What happened?" Zoe asked Blythe.

Blythe then took a deep breath. She then told the pets the whole story about how as they got to Claudia's house, they discovered that she had moved away and abandoned Kendra at the park. As she said it, Blythe had a small tone of anger and bitterness in her voice.

Needless to say, the pets were all shocked and angry when they heard all this.

"She abandoned her?" Penny Ling said with tears in her eyes.

"How could she do that?" asked Vinnie.

"That's disgusting," said Russell.

"Poor Kendra," said Minka. "No wonder she's upset."

"There are words to describe how horrible that Claudia woman is," said Sunil. "But since I'm a gentleman, I will not say them."

"I wish that Claudia was here right now," said Pepper as she grabbed her tail and cocked it like a gun. "I would spray her with a stink so bad, it would take her a whole year to wash it out."

Out of all the pets, Zoe was the one who was the most upset. Just thinking about what Claudia did made her blood boil.

"That witch," she shouted. "How could she abandon poor Kendra like that? She could have starved to death!"

The others pets were startled by Zoe's outburst. She then started to snarl and gnash her teeth. Luckily, Blythe knew what to do as she walked up to Zoe, picked her up and gave her a belly rub that quickly calmed her down.

"Sorry about that," said Zoe as Blythe put her back down on the ground. "I just can't believe Claudia would do that to Kendra. She's such a sweet little thing and she doesn't deserve something like that."

Zoe then looked back at Kendra. The little ferret was still lying on the pet bed, clutching hard onto Jeffy, and letting out a few sobbing hiccups.

"What's going to happen to her?" Zoe asked Blythe.

"I'm not sure," said Blythe. "I'll probably have to take her to the animal shelter where someone can adopt her."

Zoe didn't really like the sound of that. She thought that Kendra would be scared being in a shelter with a bunch of strange animals. And even if she did get adopted, it might be to someone who would just mistreat her the same way Claudia did, or even worse.

Just then, the bell to the front door rang. Blythe and the pets looked out the window and saw Zoe's owners, John and Clarissa, enter the shop, probably to take Zoe home.

That's when Zoe came up with a great idea. She went up to Blythe and tugged on her paint leg. When Blythe bend down to see what Zoe wanted, the little dog whispered something into her ear.

"It's worth a shot," said Blythe as she and Zoe left the day camp.

The other pets were curious about what Zoe said to Blythe. They all looked through the window and saw Blythe talking to John and Clarissa, but they would not make out what she was saying. Blythe then pointed to the day camp and John and Clarissa looked inside. The pets noticed that they were looking right at Kendra. The couple then went back to Blythe and smiled and nodded their heads. Blythe then smiled as she hugged both them. Zoe then started jumping up and down, letting out a few happy barks, before running back into the day camp.

"Kendra," she said. "Could you come here, sweetie?"

Kendra, who still had a few tears in her eyes, slowly got up off the bed and walked towards Zoe.

"I got some wonderful news," Zoe said as she wiped away the tears from Kendra's eyes. "Blythe had a talk with my owners, and they have said yes."

"To what?" asked Kendra, who was a little confused.

Zoe's smile grew even bigger as she held onto Kendra's front paw and told her the good news.

"To allow you to come live with us."

At that moment, all the sadness Kendra has in her had changed to happiness. Her eyes lit up and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"You mean, I'll get to stay with you?" she asked.

"Of course," said Zoe. "I would love for you come live with me. It will almost be like we're sisters."

"Or maybe even, like a mother and daughter?" asked Kendra.

Zoe could feel small tears of joy form in her eyes after hearing Kendra say that.

"I would love that," she said.

Kendra was so happy, that she leaped right at Zoe so hard; she almost fell over, and embraced her in a huge hug.

"Thank you, Zoe," she said. "Thank you. "

The two just held each other in their arms, both with happy tears streaming down their faces.

The other pets just stood happily as they watched this sight. Penny Ling had tears pouring down her face, while Pepper offered her a box of tissues. Minka used her tail to wipe her tears away, and Russell and Sunil just stood there smiling. The two then noticed Vinnie was wiping tears from his eyes as well. He felt a bit embarrassed when he saw them looking at him.

"What?" he said. "I have some pet kibble in my eye."

Later that night, Zoe and Kendra were inside John and Clarissa's apartment, getting ready for bed. They both lay down on Zoe's doggie bed, which was big enough for two.

"Oh, I almost forgot," said Zoe as she jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

When she came back, she had a small gift atop her back, which she handed to Kendra.

"A little gift from Blythe and me," she said.

Kendra ripped open the wrapping paper and she opened up the gift. Inside was a small pair of purple silk pyjamas.

"Blythe made them herself," said Zoe. "I remembered that purple is your favourite colour."

Kendra placed them on. She went up to Zoe and gave her a small hug.

"Oh, I love them," she said. "I'm gonna wear them every night."

Kendra and Zoe both lay on the bed while Clarissa came in and placed a blanket on top of both of them. She then kissed two of her fingers and touched Zoe and Kendra on the forehead with them.

"Sweet dreams, my two little angels," she said before leaving the room.

Zoe and Kendra snuggled nicely in the bed and were about to fall asleep, before Kendra spoke up.


"Yes, dear."

"Thanks again, for everything."

"Anytime. Good night, sweetie."

Zoe gave Kendra a little kiss on the forehead before shutting her eyes. Kendra then looked at her toy giraffe toy.

"Well, Jeffy, looks like we found a new home," she said before kissing her toy and falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.