Me: Not the story I wanted to write, but that one kept running away from me whilst this demanded to be written. Literally. The bunnies were everywhere!

Army of EVIL Plot Bunnies: What did you expect! Without us you'd never get anything done!

Me: Would too!

Army of EVIL Plot Bunnies: Not.

Me: Would!

Army of EVIL Plot Bunnies: *brings out bazooka* Not.

Me: ...Okay you win.

It's Christmas, and Jake's here, and Ezekiel, and Baird. Flynn isn't. And that's a shame, but it's Christmas at last! No time to be upset. Hang the stockings (with everybody's names), wrap the presents (Jake anyway, Ezekiel was waaay too interested), decorate the tree (white branches, and red baubles), it's my favourite time of year.

We're here, we're together, I'm dying (way way too soon), but for now I'm not alone. And that's enough.

Except for the obligatory Christmas wishes of course! Bar fight, good person, belief (because we're all so normal... I love it). But not Baird. She definitely doesn't have the Christmas spirit and I don't quite...

Then Jenkins, and Santa, and he's real, and missing.

We're in London and I don't understand a thing he's saying! But Jake's here, and he knows all the languages, which is good because what bacon has to do with minds makes little sense to me (it's not just rhyme, tried that... Fun though).

Santa's been kidnapped by the Serpent Brotherhood and I don't know where they are (except I don't need to I can remember, thank you Jake and Ezekiel)! And we find them.

Down the chimney (brilliant), Santa knows my name (awesome), Baird takes him and we distract. Right up until Ezekiel falls under the spell of the hat (actually kinda funny). He baked cookies! And hot cocoa! With cinnamon sticks! And that's after leading some kids into dancing and singing festive songs!

Flynn's magic ball only works when he throws it apparently (Jake tries anyway), and Jenkins tells us what to do. We have a plan.

Except Ezekiel is still under Santa's hats spell, and now we have no pilot (he was so happy though). Luckily Santa knows how to fly a plane (both he and Jake look suspiciously beat up). Now though the Brotherhood took his sleigh (I knows that's bad but it's Santa's sleigh, and that's amazing)

We're about to be killed, Santa's been poisoned, luckily Dulocke is greedy (it would make me really really happy if...). He falls (jumps?) out the plane. The plane that now Santa is unconscious no one can fly.

Except we manage to to land (somehow), Alaska at last. The oil rig is comfy enough, but Santa can't deliver the gift (no).

It's Christmas and Eve (what happened?), but it worked.

We're back at the Library (home), and it's Christmas. Bar fight, good person, and belief. Everything we wished for happened (squeeeeee).

Baird didn't make a wish (I think). She has a smile on her face anyway.

Flynn's not here, but it's Christmas and we're not alone (and that's enough).

Me: Merry Christmas from all us here in the insane asylum!

Army of EVIL Plot Bunnies: *roasting carrots on an open fire* And Happy New Year. When it comes anyway.

EVIL Plot Bunny Number 1: That's if it comes...

Army of EVIL Plot Bunnies: SHUSH!