
Summary: "After his betrayal, I knew he was a terrible father. It wasn't until I watched you heal from the poisoning that I realized I was lying to myself this entire time." Korrasami. Set after Series Finale.

Team Avatar stepped through the Spirit Portal, leading them back to Republic City. Asami shivered as a breeze picked up. The night sky glittered with stars. The street lamps glowed gently underneath the Harmony Tower and the Future Industries tower in the distance.

"Bolin, I have to say I'm impressed," Korra said while slapping him on the back. "I didn't think you would be able to keep straight face, but you were pretty stoic."

"I wouldn't say that," he muttered. Korra looked at him in confusion. "Let's just say, without too much information, that I'm glad my shirt is pretty long."

"How is that possible? You still give too much information with giving too much information."

Mako rubbed his eyes before muttering something about having to go to work. Not knowing how much time had passed, or what day it could be, he bid the group a soft farewell before walking in the direction of the police station. Bolin decided to retreat to Air Temple Island, but not before giving Asami a very big and very long hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her high into the air. Asami leaned her heat into his neck in response since her arms were pinned to her side by his.

"So, where are you headed?" Korra asked once they parted ways with the earthbender. "I'll walk you."

"Future Industries," Asami said while looking up at the tower in the distance. She nodded once before heading in it's general direction. Korra quickened her pace to keep up with her stride.

"This late?" she commented. "Or….early?"

"I need to talk to Varrick," she answered. "For a while, I saw Future Industries as my family. Well, my connection to my family. As much as I like working, I can't do it by myself."

"You're not doing it by yourself," Korra reminded her. "Varrick and Baatar Jr have taken over while you were gone."

"Yes, but as infuriating and annoying as he is, Varrick does know what he's doing," Asami admitted. "Don't tell him I said that," she added. Korra mimed zipping her lips closed. "I think I may have him take more control of the company."


"Facing my problems and my relationships is more important to me right now than work. I can't have all of that pressure on me. It's a good move in the right direction." Asami felt her hand brush against Korra's as they walked side by side. She resisted the urge to slip her hand into Korra's. "This way, Varrick and I can split the work and delegate it out to everyone. Plus, I will have more time for vacations and to see people outside of my company. It'll be beneficial both physically and mentally." Asami took a hold of Korra's elbow and tugged lightly, signally her to stop walking.. Korra paused and looked over at her. ""Korra, I'm sorry. I'm really truly sorry."


"Kissing Varrick." Korra lead Asami over to a set of stairs leading up to a closed building. She sat down and rested her forearms onto her knees and Asami sat down beside her. "For every mean thing I said to you. I owe you thousands of apologies. Drinking isn't an excuse to cover up. I cheated. I cheated on someone I really cared about just because I threw caution to the wind once." Asami's voice wavered as tears started to slide down her cheeks. Her breathing quickened as she began to speak faster and faster. "I was just looking for an out and unfortunately that was in a bottle and with Varrick. You of all people know I would never hurt you on purpose. You're amazing and don't deserve any of the pain I may have caused you-"

"Asami, try to calm down," Korra said gently while placing a hand on her shoulders. "You're going to hyperventilate."

Asami gulped in air. Korra rubbed small circles on her back, soothing her to relax. "Why are you being so calm about this?" she questioned. "Normally you'd be breaking things and yelling at the top of your lungs."

"You're right, I would," Korra agreed, "but would that make you feel any better?" Asami shook her head.

"I'd deserve it, though."

"It wouldn't be helpful. Besides, I need to see things from your point of view." Korra looked up at the night sky. "I know you were hurting and in a very dark place. You're right, drinking isn't an excuse, but I've been there. I know how dark it can get. I know how it looks like nothing good will come out of it." Korra took a deep breath. "Have I ever told you that I wanted to kill myself?"

"What?" Asami whispered.

"After I was poisoned." Korra nodded. Asami reached over and grabbed a hold of Korra's hands. "It was such a long process. There were days where I was in so much pain that I didn't want to go anywhere and do anything. Then those dark thoughts started to come. Does the world need me? Will people miss me if I'm gone? What if I just end the cycle? Being the Avatar is something I am very proud of and when I didn't have the ability to actually be it, it made me wonder what the point was in having an Avatar if people in the world continued to fight its existence."

Asami rubbed her palms along the back of Korra's hands. "I understand that dark place. With your father's death, making up plans to fix the city, and then having your repressed memories come back. There's only so much someone can take before cracking. Aang once said, 'When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change'."

"Like my dad," Asami muttered. "He was at his lowest point when my mom passed, so he was open to a change and Amon promised him that change. His despair caused the change in himself. Korra, thank you for telling me that. For telling me, how you actually felt through everything. I know it must have been hard."

"Asami, we were only together for a few months before this whole thing happened, but when we started it was when we were in the Spirit World. It was too perfect and I feel like we expected things to be the same when we got back, but the world can be an ass."

"Don't I know it," Asami scoffed.

"You were trying to rebuild your family's business while helping the city. That is a lot to take on even if you are dating the Avatar. I've heard stories from Katara about how she always supported Aang in his work but found herself lonely and looking for something more from time to time. It must be hard to live with and love someone who has such a big role in shaping people's lives and the world. What I am to benders if kind of like what you are to non-benders."

"That's sweet of you to say," she said softly. Korra smiled before reaching up and wiping a stray tear from Asami's cheek with her thumb.

"Asami, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if we didn't try and get past it. You were there for me in those two weeks when I just wanted everyone to stay away. I kept pushing and you pushed back. You didn't give up on me and I'm not going to give up on you.

"Our relationship isn't going to be the same though," Asami pointed out. "Taken from experience, once cheating is brought in, it will always plant a seed of doubt. Things will change."

"Yes, but that means we can finally try out a true relationship," Korra answered. "Our old one is in the past and now we can learn and grow as a couple with our real lives and duties instead of a fantasy place like the Spirit World." She noticed Asami shiver against the breeze. She lifted her arm up and Asami scooted over until she was pressed into her side. "I'm willing to try."

"I'll make it up to you, I promise," Asami said sincerely.

"Oh, there's no doubt about that," Korra said with a shrug. "Besides I think you may have suffered anyway. I mean, you did have to kiss Varrick," she joked.

"It actually wasn't that bad," she admitted.

"Really?" Korra asked. She raised an eyebrow before half smiling. "Who would you say is a better kisser, then? Me, Mako, or Varrick?"

Asami brought a hand up and placed it on the back of Korra's neck. She then leaned forward at the same time as she pushed Korra's head up a bit. She smiled into their kiss before pulling back. She wiped away her smudged lipstick from Korra's lips. "Who do you think?"

-A Few Months Later-

Asami and Korra were sitting at a small table in an outside seating area in Republic City. Asami was reading a fashion magazine as Korra was finishing up an ice cream cone. Chief Lin Beifong was patrolling the streets when she had spotted them and walked over. Asami looked up and smiled brightly at the chief of police before putting her magazine into one of the five bags she had by her feet. Korra shoved the rest of her ice cream into her mouth before greeting Lin around a mouthful of the dessert.

"I'm impressed, kid. Republic City is look better than it has in the past," Lin commented as she watched the reconstruction. Many hummingbird suits filled the air as they fluttered around two different parts of Republic City. A group was at the old site, working to salvage as many buildings as possible from Kuvira's attack. The metal glittered in the sunlight.

The other half of the group was on a new plot of land that was purchased by Future Global Industries, the new merger of Varrick Global Industries and Future Industries. Upon returning from their mission to the Spirit World, Asami had suggested the merger to Varrick so that they both wouldn't have to work as much as they had, and by pooling their resources, the combined budget with the two companies surpassed their expectations and made the project easier to be launched. Varrick at first wasn't too sure of the plan until Asami had mentioned a significant pay raise.

"Thanks to Varrick saving our proposal, this wouldn't have been done," Asami admitted. He and Zhu Li had public announced the Future Global Industries merger during a new proposal meeting they had set up with President Raiko, who, rumor has it, is very close to being impeached. All of the other companies with proposals didn't stand a chance, especially since Bolin, Asami's fantastic assistant, had reminded him that he had saved his life once even though Varrick was the one to carry out the plot.

"Yeah, but you can handle praise better than he can," Lin added.

"That is very true."

"So, when do you all leave?"

"As soon as Mako gets here from picking Bolin up from the ferry," Korra answered as she placed an arm around Asami's shoulders. Asami reached up and held onto Korra's forearm. "We're going to make a pit stop first to scatter her father's ashes."

"I think that is a good idea," Lin said quietly. She then reached into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a newspaper. "While you were gone into the Spirit World, I receive this on my desk," she tossed a tabloid down onto the table. Asami picked it up and unfolded it. "Luckily this company is slow on the uptake that it hasn't been released yet. I'm sure with your name in the city it won't ever see the light of day." She gave Asami a long look. Asami looked at the front page.

Korra watched in confusion as Asami's eyes grew wide. She removed her arm from her girlfriend's shoulders before leaning over to take a peek. Asami quickly folded it back and put it back onto the table. "I'll make sure it won't," she said slowly.

Lin placed a hand on Asami's shoulder before giving her the smallest of smiles. "It's good to see you're doing well, kid," she said. She gave a brief nod to Korra before walking away.

"Don't forget to only feed Naga the brand of dog food I gave you," Korra called after her. "And play with her every evening. That's how she gets her exercise. And don't run her too ragged when she helps you with a case."

Lin waved her hand in the air as she continued on her way. Korra stuck her tongue out at her behind her back. Asami giggled into her palm. "What was that about?" Korra questioned while picking up the paper. Asami reached over and tried to snatch it out of her hands, but Korra pulled it away and leaned out of her reach.

"Korra, there's something you need to know before you see that," she said. Korra unfolded the tabloid and looked at the front page. One the front page was a photo of Asami and Lin in an embrace. It was the night she had kissed Varrick. Asami vaguely remembered hitting on the chief of police before trying to force a kiss on her.

Asami watched as Korra looked from the paper, to her, and then back to the paper. A second later, Korra started howling with laughter. "You're not mad?"

"Beifong? Really? That's just too funny." Korra reached up and wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes. "I wish I could have seen her reaction."

"Hey guys, sorry we're late," Mako called out as he and Bolin walked up.

"What are you laughing at, Korra?" Bolin asked. He dropped his bags and rushed over. Before she could say anything he took the paper out of her hands. "Anything good?"

"No!" Asami said and snatched it out of Bolin's hand. She gave the newspaper to Korra who quickly ignited it with her firebending. "It was nothing." Asami jumped up to her feet and squeezed herself in between Mako and Bolin. She looped her arm through theirs before smiling at each of them. "Let's just enjoy our vacation to Ember Island."

"I call shot gun!" Bolin shouted as he grabbed his bag. He raced over to Asami's satomobile and dumped his things into the trunk before jumping into the passenger seat. Mako grabbed his bags and a few of Asami's before loading up the car.

Asami laughed and shook her head at the earthbender's antic. She brushed her hair behind her ear and turned to grab the last of her bags. Korra gently brushed her hand away and picked them up with ease. "I got it," said with a smile.

"You don't have to help me with everything," Asami answered with a raised eyebrow.

"That doesn't mean I can't try," Korra pointed out.

"Promise?" Korra looked at her in confusion. "Do you promise to always try and to just be there for me?" Asami asked.

Korra smiled warmly before placing the bags onto the ground. She dug a hand into her pocket before grabbing a hold of Asami's wrist with her other hand. She turned it over so that Asami's palm was face up. Korra then dropped a ring into it. "How about this for a promise?"

Asami's eyes widened as she looked at the ring of rubies and gold metal. "Oh, Korra," she said slowly, "you're not-"

"No, it's not that." Korra shook her head. Asami let out the breath she was holding. Korra chuckled. "I don't think we're ready for that. I know I'm not," she admitted. "I'm just promising that I'll be by your side. No matter what happens."

"I love you," Asami said sincerely. She held out her right hand and let Korra slip the ring onto her finger. She smiled at the light blush smeared across the darker girl's cheeks.

"I love you," Korra insisted. "And, thank you for taking your time to say it," she added. "I know it means a lot more now than it would have back then."

Asami rested her forehead on Korra's. The two looked eyes and just smiled at each other. Asami then reached up and wrapped her arms around Korra's neck as the Avatar hugged her around the waist. The two just stood there, in each other's embrace, not focusing on anything else but each other's warmth.

"Let's get the show on the road," Bolin shouted. He leaned over and pressed his hand on the car horn. Korra rolled her eyes before laughing through her nose. Asami placed a light kiss on the tip of Korra's nose before pressing her lips against hers.

Korra smiled brightly as she followed Asami to the car. Korra handed Mako the last few bags. He packed them into the trunk, closed the lid, and then climbed into the back row of seats. Korra climbed into the back seat next to him as Asami got into the driver's seat. She started the car before buckling up her seatbelt and adjusting the rearview mirror.

Bolin and Korra cheered loudly as she pulled away from the sidewalk and headed down the street. Asami looked in the rearview mirror: Korra was pumping her fists into the air, excited about getting some time off from work. Mako was watching her with a big smile on his face. They soon started to talk about an upcoming pro-bender tournament they had planned to attend. Asami then looked to her right and couldn't help but laugh as Bolin was pressing every button to the radio, trying to find a good station. He would only listen to a song for two seconds before changing it.

Asami peeked into her left side mirror and took note of her smile. Her genuine smile. It was something she hadn't seen in a long time, and she knew that with her friends joining her on this vacation, and knowing that they will always have each other's back, it wouldn't go away anytime soon. With her recovery to be a lifelong project, Asami knew that with her friends by her side it would be something she'd be able to face.

These thoughts were chased away by the wind blowing around the car. In its place were excitement and a feeling of relief as they drove out of Republic City and into the mountains towards their vacation, leaving the past few months and darkness behind as they journeyed into a fresh new start.

The End

And that is Road to Recovery. This is my first full length story in the LOK section and my first full length Korrasmi fanfiction. I just want to thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for all of your support. I didn't expect this story to get such good reception. I thought it would get lost in the abundance of all the other stories. Thank you to the 156 of you who followed/alerted this story. Thank you to the 68 of you who alerted this story. Thank you to those of you who favorited or followed me as an author in general. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Also, a note to SennaFan4ever, I know i told you that i would bring Senna and Tonraq back one more time but they didn't really fit nor were they needed. However, they will play a bigger part in the sequel. Yes, to everyone, i am writing a sequel to this story. It will focus on Korra as she deals with an inner demon, kind of like Asami in this story. I also have plans in the works for a story on Mako and Bolin. I don't know what to name this series yet, so if anyone has any suggestions, my inbox is open. In regards to the sequel, I don't know when I will post it. I have two very long stories in the works (Mindbending and Model Behavior) along with my In Hiding story. When i do post the sequel, I will let you all know.

I hope you all will continue to follow my work and I will see you next time!


AN 2: Just came up with a name for this series: "Lowest Point, Greatest Change". XD