A/N: If you want to know what Stasia looks like look up Witney Carson.

I don't own Vampire Diaries.

This story isn't going to follow any kind of storyline from vampire Diaries.

The song in this chapter is Taylor Swift's Teardrops on my Guitar.

Anastasia Taylor was sent to Mystic Falls to live with her uncle Alaric after her mom got remarried. She ends up falling for Damon but his only interest is Elena. What will happen when she meets a certain Original that makes her heart race and can make her forget all about Damon, even when he becomes jealous and starts paying more attention to her.

Stasia stood at the front of the church as she listened to the minister marry her mom to a guy not much older than her. She wasn't even sure her mom loved the guy, she was positive her mom was marrying him because he was wealthy and tomorrow before they left on their honeymoon her mom was putting her on a plane to Mystic Falls to live with her uncle. Her mom was going to travel the world after their honeymoon and see all the places she never got to see because she got pregnant with her so young. So the next day Stasia found herself on a plane with the suitcase of things that weren't sent over on the truck earlier and a letter from her mom that she was told to open on her birthday next year. So that's how Stasia found herself standing outside her uncles house, starting over again.

Stasia knocked on her uncles door and waited for him to open it. When the door did open she was positive the guy was not her uncle. He was tall with dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. While she was obviously checking out him he took the time to look her over. She was about 5'3" tall with blue eyes and blonde hair, she was beautiful.

"Hello beautiful, I don't remember ever seeing you around this town before," he said

"That's because I've never been to this town before," she said. "And my eyes are up here," she said. "How about you look at them instead."

"Sorry," he smirked.

"I don't think you are," she responded and he shrugged. I'm looking for Alaric Saltzman," she told him. "This is his house," she stated.

"Yes it is," the guy said. "But who are you?" he asked. "And what do you want with Ric?" he asked as Ric walked over.

"Who's at the door Damon?" he asked.

"Uncle Ric!" Stasia exclaimed and Ric looked over and saw a beautiful girl standing at the door.

"Stasia!" he said shocked. "Come in," he told her and she did and he shut the door.

"You've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you," he said.

"Well considering the last time I saw you I was ten, had glasses, frizzy hair and was over weight," she told him. "Then my favorite uncle just disappeared, no one was more surprised than me that you agreed to let me stay with you." She said and Damon cleared his throat behind them.

"Oh Stasia this is Damon Salvatore," Alaric said. "Damon, my niece Stasia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Damon smirked.

A Year Later:

Stasia had gotten settled into Mystic Falls rather easily, being Alaric Salzman's niece helped out a lot. She had quickly become friends with Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Tyler. She was closer to Caroline than any of the others. She had met Elena's boyfriend Stefan who was Damon's younger brother. Stasia ended up becoming really good friends with Damon after meeting him but she also had a major crush on him and she was sure he knew. She really didn't like Elena and because of that she ended up not being included in some things and people ended up mad at her when she would call Elena out on her selfish whiny bitchy attitude. It really didn't bother her to much being excluded.

Stasia made her way out of her room and walked into the living room, her uncle was awake and sitting on the couch making more vampire weapons. She would have never believed vampires were real if she hadn't seen it for herself, hadn't been almost killed by one she accidentally invited in, if it hadn't been for Damon she would have died, he saved her life when he pulled the vampire off of her and drove one of Alaric's stake's through his heart. Shortly after that Alaric and Damon sat her down and told her everything about vampires, werewolves and witches, which she thought was all until the Original's came to town. The Original's were a family of vampire's, the first vampire's ever created and Klaus the most dangerous of them all was a hybrid, part vampire, part werewolf. It could get confusing sometimes.

When Stasia got to school she went to her locker and got her stuff from it before going to class.. Caroline fell in step beside her as she walked.

"Morning," she said happily.

"Morning Caroline," she replied.

"So I know the perfect guy for you," Caroline told her and she let out a sigh. Caroline always knew some guy for her to go out with. She wished Caroline would give up, she knew how things went when she went out with guys, never well. Plus she did have her eye on someone, of course he would never be interested in her, the two of them were actually friends but he wanted Elena. Caroline knew about her hopeless crush on Damon Salvatore, the gorgeous blue eyed vampire. She found him incredibly sexy and he had that whole bad boy vibe going on. She was definitely crushing hard on him but he was hopelessly in love with Elena, like most guys.

"Caroline, I'm not interested," she told her.

"Stasia you need to get over Damon Salvatore, he's not worth your time," she told her. "You're a pretty girl," Caroline said and she rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you don't believe that," she told her. "Just know when you get ready to date I know people."

"Ok Caroline," she sighed as they walked into class. Stasia slid onto her seat in front of Stefan and Caroline walked across the room to her seat.

"Morning Stasia," Stefan smiled.

"Hey Stefan, morning."

"So Damon was looking for you this morning outside."

"Why?" she asked confused. "He's never looking for me."

"I don't know, he mentioned something about asking you to the Mikaelson's ball Friday night,"

"Oh, why didn't he just call me?" she asked. "You know like a normal person."

"I don't know," Stefan shrugged. "No one knows how Damon's mind works."

"And I'm glad I don't," she said. "Why does he want to go with me anyway?" she asked him. "We're just friends."

"Maybe because you're sweet and pretty," Stefan said.

"Whatever," she sighed. "I'll actually have to go shopping if I go with him."

"That will be fun though right?"

"I don't like to shop, I feel like nothing ever looks good on me."

"Stasia, you don't realize how pretty you are and how many guys actually want to go out with you."

"Now you sound Caroline," she told him "she always knows the perfect guy for me to go out with."

"Maybe you should take her up on it so she'll drop it."

"Maybe so," she sighed.

After school Elena, Caroline and Bonnie had cheerleading practice so Stasia made her way to the grill to get something to eat before going home. When she walked inside she took a seat at the bar and Matt came over when he saw her.

"Hey Stasia what can I get you?" he asked.

"Just some cheese fries and a coke."

"Alright be right back," he said and he returned with her drink.

"Thanks Matt," she said. "So do you know anything about these guys Caroline wants to set me up with?"

"No just that she won't leave you alone until you go out with one of them." He told her.

"I know," she sighed. "So are you going to the Mikaelson ball with Bonnie?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "Maybe it will be fun." He said as someone sat her cheese fries in front of her. "Who are you going with?"

"I don't know," she sighed. "Maybe I won't even go," she told him.

"Oh," Matt said as he looked up. "You have to go maybe your dream guy will be there."

"I doubt it," she sighed.

"And speaking of dream guys you're favorite Salvatore just walked in," he said and she shook her head and started eating her fries. Matt took a glass and poured Damon something to drink and sat it by Stasia as Damon sat down.

"Stasia," Damon said. "I've been looking for you," he told her.

"That's what Stefan said," she replied as she ate another fry. "you could have called if it was so important."

"Maybe I just wanted to see you," he said as he stole a fry off her plate and ate it.

"I doubt that," she said.

"Maybe I wanted to see you so you couldn't hang up on me."

"Whatever Damon," she sighed "You're never looking for me and its Elena who you always want to see," she told him "But what do you want?"

"Do you have a date for the Mikaelson ball?"

"I think you know I don't," she replied.

"Want to go with me?"

"Why?" she asked.

"We could have fun together," he told her.

"I don't know Damon," she said as she ate another fry.

"Why not?" he asked. "We're friends right?" he asked

"Yeah," she sighed.

"You don't like me then?" he asked.

"Of course I like you," she sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "You know that."

"Then go with me to the Mikaelson's Ball," he said and she glanced over at him. "It might even be fun."

"Sure why not?" she agreed.

"Great! I'll pick you up around six Friday night."

"Ok," she agreed.

"See you later," Damon said as Matt walked over and Damon handed him some money "That should cover hers as well." He said and walked away.

"He's in a good mood today." Matt stated.

"Give him five minutes and it will change," she said as she took her phone out to text Caroline.

Damon just asked me to the ball I have nothing to wear, help!

Caroline text her back a few minutes later.

I'll go with you tomorrow and we'll find a dress that will make him speechless.

That will be a first, Damon Salvatore speechless, she replied.

Stasia finished her fries and drink and then gathered her stuff to leave. She walked out the door just as her phone chimed signaling a text message, she reached in her pocket to get it and was getting ready to read it when she tripped over something and started to fall. She expected to hit the ground any second but felt a pair of strong arms catch her.

"I got you darling," she heard a sexy British accent say. He helped her stand up and she looked up at him. He was incredibly sexy, dark brown eyes, light brown hair, perfect body, she also recognized him as an original.

"Thanks," she whispered as he took the time to look at her. Straight blonde hair pulled in a ponytail, he could tell it was long, her hair was shiny and looked soft. Beautiful blue eyes that sparkled. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt but he could tell she had a great body. She also smelled amazing, like strawberries, his favorite smell. She was stunning.

"Anytime darling," he smirked. "I don't believe we've met before because I definitely would have remembered meeting you," he said. "I'm Kol Mikaelson," he said taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips. He smirked when heard her heart race and when his lips touched her hand she felt a small shock. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I know who you are, every girl knows who you are," she told him and he smiled.

"Well I'm afraid I don't know who you are," he said.

"Stasia," she said softly.

"Stasia," he repeated.

"Well Anastasia Taylor actually but I prefer Stasia,"

"Anastasia, I like that much better," he told her. "And it seems to suit you perfectly."

"Thanks but one ever calls me Anastasia," she told him.

"Well I'm not everyone else," Kol told her.

"I know," she said and Kol smirked.

"So will you be at the ball my family is giving Friday night?"

"Yeah," she told him.

"You have a date?" he asked.

"Actually I do," she told him.

"Boyfriend?" Kol asked curiously. He should have known a girl as beautiful as she was would be taken.

"No, I'm not sure he really wants to go with me at all," she sighed.

"Then why would he ask you?"

"The girl he really likes and wants to go out with is taken already," she shrugged.

"Who are you going with?"

"Damon Salvatore, I know he'd rather go with Elena but she's dating his brother. Plus he is my uncles best friend."

"You're Alaric Saltzman's niece."

"Yep," she said. "And since I have a date, I have to go and now I have to go shopping."

"That's a bad thing. I was under the impression girls liked to shop." He said. "I know my sister does."

"Well unlike me your sister is perfect. I hate to shop and I really hate dress shopping, especially really fancy dresses . They cling to your body and show off all your imperfections, I hate it."

"Well darling I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, its not like you have any imperfections."

"Thanks for saying that," she said shyly and looked down.

"Save me a dance," he said.

"Ok," she agreed and he smirked and walked past her but turned around.

"Maybe I can see you tomorrow," Kol said. He had no idea why but there was something about this girl that made him want to see her and get to know her, almost like he was being pulled towards her.

"I don't think so Kol," she told him.

"Because you've heard bad things about me," he said.

"Well yeah but…."

"I'm really not as bad as you want to think I am," he told her.

"I have to go Kol," she said as she went to walk away. "I should get home, I have homework."

"You could go somewhere with me, darling I'm way more fun than homework," he told her and she smiled slightly.

"Oh I'm sure you are but I can't," she said.

"Ok, don't forget to save me that dance, maybe two."

"Maybe," she replied and he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it."

"until next time," he said as Elena, Bonnie and Caroline walked over.

"Stasia," Caroline smiled.

"Hey." She replied nervously.

"What are you doing with him?" Elena asked. "You do know who he is?"

"Kol," she answered. "So."

"He tried to kill me," Elena said.

"So who hasn't tried to kill you," she said and she heard Kol chuckle behind her and she shot him a glare. "But he obviously didn't succeed because you're still breathing and the world still revolves around you." She added rolling her eyes. "I'll see you later, we're done," she said and walked past them. Kol smirked and gave them a nod as he walked past them. Caroline pulled out her phone and sent a text to Stasia.

You and I are going to talk about this tomorrow.

Stasia let out a sigh and didn't bother replying to the message.

The next day after school Stasia and Caroline went to the mall together to go shopping for her dress.

"So what do you know about Kol?" she asked.

"Well he's unpredictable, violent, used to getting what he wants," Caroline told her.

"He's also really hot," Stasia sighed. "He asked me to save him a dance and he wanted to see me sooner but I said no."

"Maybe he likes you," Caroline said. "You should definitely stay away from him but I'm not going to tell you what to do."

"I'm not going to do anything with him but he is attractive and he has that sexy accent and really nice lips," she sighed. "I bet he's a good kisser." She sighed. "I've heard he's good at other things to."

"Maybe we should be picking out a dress to make Kol speechless instead of Damon."

"Caroline," she said shaking her head. "I highly doubt someone like Kol is interested in me."

"Well you never know," she smiled and started pulling dresses off the racks. She sent Stasia to the dressing room and she started trying on the dresses, coming out to show Caroline each of them but found nothing she liked.

"Caroline I only have one more."

"Then it has to be the dress then."

"Fine," she sighed and went back in the dressing room. Stasia slipped on the next dress, it was a long floor length dress. It was a blue and it had sequins on it and laced up the back. When she stepped out of the dressing room Caroine's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Spin," she told her and Stasia turned around slowly. "You look so pretty," Caroline told her. "You look amazing."

"Really?" she asked.

"You're getting that dress," Caroline told her. "Go change."

An hour later Stasia had everything else she needed and Caroline drove her home.

"See you tomorrow," Caroline told her.

"Thanks Caroline," she said and got out of the car and grabbed her bags and went inside.

After school the next day Stasia went to the music room. There was one thing none of her friends knew about her, she played the piano, wrote music and sang. She didn't think her voice was that great but no one had ever heard her so she had no one's opinion. She sat down at the piano and started to play some music as she hummed along. She had been working on this song for a while and she thought it was coming along nicely. She started to sing along to her music.

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about,
And she's got everything that I have to live without.

Drew talks to me, I laugh 'cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night.

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone.
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight.

'Cause he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into.

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.

She finished her song and let out a sigh. She actually was really happy with the song and she gathered all her things before heading home. She stopped off at the grill on her way home for something to eat. She walked in and sat down at a table close to the bar. Matt spotted her and walked over.

"Hey Stasia what can I get for you," he said.

"Hey Matt, I'll just have a cheeseburger no onions, fries and a coke."

"Alright," he said and walked away and returned a few minutes later with her drink. "So," he said as he sat her drink down. "Going to the ball with Damon."

"Yeah," she sighed. "Don't think he really wants to go with me but oh well."

"Stasia, he wouldn't have asked you if he didn't want to go with you."

"I guess so," she shrugged. "But its Damon so who knows."

Kol walked into the grill a few seconds later and looked around. He spotted Stasia sitting by herself and smiled and walked over to her.

"Anastasia," he said and she looked up.

"Kol," she said and he arched his eyebrows and sat down across from her.

"Most girls are a little happier to see me darling."

"Well I'm not most girls," she told him.

"Obviously." he replied. "So how about you go out with me."

"No Kol I…"

"You can you just won't," he said. "Why?"

"Its not a good idea and I'm sure I would just bore you anyway," she told him as Matt walked over and sat her food in front of her. "Thanks Matt," she smiled.

"Everything ok?" Matt asked her.

"Yeah its fine, I'm ok don't worry," she told him and Matt gave her a look that said he didn't believe her. "I promise ok." she assured him, "Kol will behave."

"I guess I can do that," Kol said.

"Ok," he said and walked away but not before turning back to look at her.

"So still going with Damon to our ball?"

"Yes Kol," she answered.

"Oh I thought maybe you had reconsidered and would go with me."

"Sorry Kol but no," she said softly.

"We'd have fun," he told her.

"Oh I'm sure we would," she smiled. "And if you had asked me sooner, maybe but…."

"Still no then."


"So Anastasia you're still going to save me a dance or two tomorrow night right?"

"Yes Kol," she agreed.

"Alright," he said and reached across the table and took her hand and she felt a shock. She looked across the table at Kol but he gave no indication he felt it. "But you will go out with me eventually." He told her and brought her hand to his lips. "Till tomorrow darling." He said and stood up and walked away. Stasia smiled when Kol walked away turning around to watch him. Kol turned back to look at her and caught her watching him and smirked. Stasia quickly turned around and covered her face with her hand when Kol caught her watching him.. She couldn't believe he caught her and she couldn't deny she was attracted to Kol and that the attention from him was nice but she wasn't sure if he was actually interested in her or if she was just another conquest for him, a notch on his bedpost.

The next night Stasia stood in front of her mirror she had her long blonde hair down and she had curled it so it hung in ringlets, she had a touch of make up on, just enough to make her eyes pop. She let out a sigh Damon would be here any second to pick her up.

Damon arrived to pick Stasia up for the ball. He opened the door and walked inside.

"Damon," Alaric said. "Stasia is still upstairs, I'll see you at the ball." He told him. "Stasia!" Alaric called. "Damon is here, I'll see you there."

"Alright I'll be right down," she said. "Here I go," she said and she walked out of her room and down the stairs. "Damon looked really hot in his tux.

"Damon," she said and he looked over at her. She was wearing a blue dress that hugged her torso tightly, he could see now her body curved the two of them had been friends for a year and he saw her every day,because he hung out with Alaric a lot. He never realized how beautiful she was. Damon couldn't believe how amazing she looked. Damon never realized she had curves until that moment.

"Stasia," Damon said and she saw his eyes travel her body. "You look amazing," he said and she smiled. "You ready?"

"Yeah let's go," she said and she stepped outside and Damon closed the door behind her and the two of them headed to the Mikaelson's .