Hey guys so since I can't find a way to write this in Team RADN that makes sense, I decided to write a spin off series. So enjoy Team RADN's first Christmas together. You should read Team RADN first. I don't own RWBY. P.s. This is before everyone finds out about Blake being a faunas.

To say the students of Beacon were confused was an understatement. Sure they all enjoyed Christmas as much as the next person, but it seems a few people were going a little... extreme. Walking down the decorated hallways of their school was Ruby, wearing a Santa Clause hat, and underneath her red cloak was a Santa outfit with a skirt instead of pants. Behind her were Raphael and Dante wearing ugly Christmas sweaters and elf hats, Dante's having a mistletoe attached, the two carrying a small fir tree. All three were singing any Christmas song that came to Ruby's mind, with the other two joining in. After they finished the song Raphael said with a smile "Ruby Clause, my dorm is the other way."

"Right!" She said happily with all the Christmas cheer. "Onward elves!"

"Yeah!" After that they continued singing their favourite songs. The teammates that were stuck with decorating the dorm could hear the three singing and soon RADN's dorm door was opened revealing the three merry people to the ones inside. Inside the room was Yang, wearing reindeer ears and a Christmas sweater that somehow wasn't ugly, Blake, who was wearing a green bow and her regular clothes that were dyed green and red courtesy of Dante and Yang, Nora, who also had antlers, but had a red nose and a one piece that looked like a reindeer, Ren, who was wearing a top hat, with white clothes, and had a toy pipe in his mouth, and Ashley, wearing an elf hat and elf clothes, stockings included. The room was decorated with Christmas lights, stockings, and other Christmas decorations.

"Ooh! It looks amazing!" Ruby squealed running around the room.

"Where's the tree going?" Raphael asked.

"Over here." Ashley said pointing at a corner where her bed used to be. All the beds were moved against the wall to save space. The two partners put down the Christmas tree down and admired the room. "You guys did a great job of getting this place spruced up." Dante said causing everyone,but Yang to groan.

"We had a few little helpers." Yang said joining in on the Christmas puns. Everyone started to ignore them.

"So, where's everyone else?" Raphael asked.

"Weiss, Jaune, and Pyrrah went for tree decorations and Neal went for hot cocoa and cookies." Blake told him. He was about to say something else when he noticed the absence of puns. He turned to see the Dante and Yang kissing. "Yo lovebirds, that's enough for now.

"Mistletoe dude. You can't say anything." Raphael shrugged and grabbed Dante's hat with a smirk. "Well played sir. Well played.

"I try." Raphael replied and then tossed it back. "Keep it PG." At that moment the door opened and in came the missing four people. Neal, had the antlers and a red sweater underneath his chest plate, Jaune, rocking huge antlers with lights wrapped around them courtesy of Dante, with snowmen on his hoody, Pyrrah, wearing an elf hat, with red and green striped leggings underneath her armour, and Weiss wearing her regular clothes. Neal carrying two trays, and the other three: boxes.

"Weiss, what happened to your hat?" Ruby asked.

"I refuse to wear that in public." She said crossing her arms, after setting the box on the floor.

"Come on, don't be a Scrooge."Dante said putting antlers on her. Weiss was about to throw it off her head, but the prankster's voice stopped her. "Next time I'll glue it." He could hear the heiress grumbling, but he was preoccupied getting something from under his bed.

"Alright, we're all here and we got the tree decorations and cocoa. You know what that means." Raphael stated.

"Montage time!" Ruby squealed getting the tinsel.

Raphael, Ashley, and Yang started wrapping the lights around the tree, as Ruby followed behind their work with the tinsel. Everyone started putting decorations on the tree, taking breaks to have some cookies and cocoa, and generally having a good time, with some Christmas music playing in the background. Jaune and Pyrrah were talking until they noticed something above their heads. They both looked up to see a mistletoe attached to a stick being held by Dante, with his leader sitting beside him snickering. "You two know the rules. Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The silver haired prankster started chanting, getting everyone to join in. Both their faces turned a spectacular shade of red as they looked anywhere, but each other.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Jaune told his teammate.

"No! I mean it is tradition after all." Pyrrah said, her blush becoming even more noticeable. She grabbed his head, pulled him closer, and planted her lips on his. Everyone in the room started cheering, some for different reasons. Ashley, because she thought the two were adorable together, Weiss because she hoped Jaune would leave her alone now, and everyone else because they were in the Christmas spirit. And they were all on a sugar high from the marshmallows and cookies.

The mood was broken when there was a knock. Raphael quickly put a mistletoe on the door frame, then opened the door and saw Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch. "I see you all are enjoying the festive cheer. Mr. Zerk, Mr. Garner, I'd like to ask you two about some changes to the appearance of the school." Before he could continue there was a flash, everyone turned to Dante.

"Look up." He said. Above the professors heads was an innocent mistletoe. Their eyes widened in shock. "Now, I could delete this photo, or I could photoshop it into something a little more inappropriate and put it on the internet." He said, acting as if he was weighing his options.

"What do you want in return for deleting the picture?" Ozpin said with a sigh.

"Full immunity for any mischief we may cause during the holidays."

"Very well. After all, 'tis the season Glynda. Merry Christmas students." He said walking away with Glynda behind him. The only sound was the picture being deleted.

"Dude, it worked." Raphael said giving his partner a high five.

"I can't believe you blackmailed the headmaster." Numerous comments like these could be heard through the room.

"Come on guys, Enough about how awesome I am. We're still missing one thing for tonight? Presents!" Everyone scattered to get the presents they hid from the others. In less than ten minutes under the tree was many presents. "Let's open them!" Ruby shouted going for the presents with Nora until Weiss and Ren stopped them.

"Not yet, you dolts. Christmas is still an hour away."

"Aww." The two groaned, but the hour seemed to go by fast because they were all playing monopoly. "I win!" Jaune shouted with his arms in the air, everyone else was staring at the board in shock.

"How did he manage to bankrupt all of us"

"This doesn't make any sense."

"I've been learning about running a business since I was young."

"Come on guys in a few minutes it'll be Christmas! Where's your holiday cheer." The blonde said trying to get his friends to stop sulking. It mostly worked as almost everyone stood up and put the board game away, besides Jaune, because he won, Raphael, Blake, and Weiss, because those three were still in shock. Their teammates got them to stand up and forget about the game. Ruby took out her scroll to check the time, but Dante stopped her.

"Don't worry, when it hits midnight we'll know." While everyone, but his partner wondered what he meant the P.A. System turned on.

"Greetings students and faculty." It was Dante's voice. "I would just like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and give you a present from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas guys." Once he said that Jingle Bells started playing on the announcement.

"Guys, since this will be going on all night, here are Raphael's and mine secondary presents to everyone." Dante said holding up ear plugs.

"You guys do know you'll get in trouble for this, right." Ashley said taking a pair of ear plugs.

"Nope, we are completely safe from the professors. Ozpin agreed to that after all." Raphael said with a smirk.

"You guys planned all of this? You're like evil geniuses." The two mentioned started laughing.

"Time for presents!" Raphael said reaching for a random one. "The first present of the day, or is it night? Anyway it is to Ruby from Weiss." He said handing the present to the youngest one. Everyone watched as the red cloaked girl quickly tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a high grade weapons kit.

"Ooh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ruby screamed with stars in her eyes and giving Weiss a tackle hug.

"You're welcome." Weiss said letting the hug go on since it's Christmas. After a few more presents Raphael picked on up that was to him.

"'To Scarf-guy, From Dante the Awesome' I assume this is for me." He said unwrapping the present as Ruby took over handing out the presents. "You can't be serious." Raphael said in shock looking at his present. "You weren't supposed to actually buy it."

"You're the one who said you haven't played video games since you were thirteen." Dante replied grinning.

"What did he get you?" Raphael held up the side that doesn't have wrapping paper, revealing the box for a PS4. The brunette put it down with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks man."

"No problem."

"Next is to Ashley from Neal." Ruby said handing the present to Ashley. It was a rather small box compared to the one Raphael got. Ashley quickly opened her present and what was inside made her gasp. She took the present out of the box revealing a Carrie Underwood CD album.

"How did you get this? They stopped making this years ago."

"It was a... challenge, but I remember you saying how this is her only album you don't have." Neal explained

"Thanks it's great."

"To Blake from Raphael?" Ruby called out in confusion.

"What did you expect me to not get her a present?" Raphael asked to those who were confused. Blake took the present and unwrapped it.

"A photo album?" She looked at Raphael in confusion.

"Open it." She did as told and saw a picture of them when they went to the beach as kids. "You told me that all your pictures of me were de-missing. So I made copies of all of the ones I got and put them here. Do you like it?" He asked fiddling with his scarf.

"I love it. Thanks." She said pulling him in for a hug that was happily returned.

"Aww." They both parted staring at Ashley. "That's so adorable." She said causing Blake to laugh as Raphael groaned.

"Ashley don't call me or anything I do adorable." He said and gave a flick to her forehead for good measure.

"Hey!" Ashley said annoyed.

"Here's one from Ashley and Neal to Dante and Raphael." Dante quickly opened the present as Raphael looked over his shoulder.

"Oh sweet!" They said pulling out two t-shirts and putting them on. The t-shirts said 'Bros for Life!' with an arrow pointing to the other.

"The arrows always point to the other t-shirt So there's no mix up." Ashley explained.

"First time I'm happy about receiving clothes for Christmas." Raphael said admiring his shirt.

"To Dante from Yang." Ruby said passing the prankster his present. When Dante opened his present he couldn't help, but to grin madly. He held up a necklace with the pendant being the Chinese symbol for Yin.

"I don't have to explain it do I?" She asked teasingly with some embarrassment.

"No, but I would love to hear you say it to me later." He said wiggling his eyebrows. "Rubes, can you pass your sister my present to her?"

"Alright! One present from Dante to Yang." When Yang opened her present she had a similar grin to Dante. She held up an exact replica of her present to Dante except it was the Yang symbol.

"Looks like we're two peas in a pod." Yang said admiring her necklace.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Dante replied giving her a chaste kiss.

"Next is from Ashley to Neal." Neal opened his present and let out a small chuckle at what he saw.

"A toboggan?" It was a black circle one, that only one person could ride.

"Yep. You said you never rode one so tomorrow I'm taking you to give it a ride."


"Here's one from Blake to Raphael." Raphael opened it and a small smile appeared on his face. He was looking at a picture frame, with a picture of when he and Blake used to play house and they pretended one of the toddlers in the neighbourhood was their kid.

"Not all of them went missing."

"Thanks. I forgot about this." He said giving her a long hug.

"To Ashley and Neal from Raphael and Dante." Ruby said handing them possibly the smallest box. Inside was what looked like a stack of coupons.

"Me and Dante know we're not the easiest of teammates so, these coupons are redeemable for you to stop any mischief or fight we may cause or get in."

"It works 100% guaranteed." Dante added.

"Well this will make our lives easier. Thanks guys." Ashley said with Neal nodding.

"Alright last present.To prankster from greatest leader ever. Hey!" Ruby complained.

"All truth Ruby." Dante opened his present and got a maniacal grin on his face.

"Raphael, what did you get him." Ashley asked cautiously.

"What any good, respectful, and responsible leader would get his partner. A-"

"Box filled with the hottest peppers known to man, a tub full of the world's strongest super glue, and a new ipod! Dude, bro hug." The two partners did the manliest version of a hug, while everyone was not pleased with what Raphael got Dante.

"Alright guys, looks like we're done for the night. See you in the morning and Merry Christmas." Ruby said yawning and the two teams who did not sleep in the dorm left to their own rooms with similar farewells. Everyone put their ear plugs in and fell asleep with a smile on their face.