They were 20, no longer teenagers but still idiots (according to Kakashi, Sakura begged to disagree) and still a bit immature at times when Sasuke returned home (because that's who they were to him not the where that mattered.)

And in Naruto's words: It's time to celebrate! Dattebayo!

And celebrate meant drinking, lots of it.

They were once again packed in Sakura's apartment: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Sai. Yamato made an appearance, then Kakashi (even if it was just to ruffle the Uchiha's hair fondly to Sasuke's annoyance.)

It was a big relief to Kakashi that that no untoward incidents happened while his prodigal student wandered and that he stayed in touch through occasional letters.

The rest of rookie 9 even Lee and Tenten came for a bit to greet the Uchiha. They have warmed considerably to him mostly due to his efforts in the war and with Naruto and Sakura's influence.

When the night went on and they got considerably more inebriated, Naruto started on the drinking games.

"Hey, let's try a drinking game Pervy Sage taught me. It's called 'I never'."

"How do you play it dickless?" Sai asked, curious about it even if he was already halfway drunk. He was still eager to learn about social interactions and eager to strengthen his bonds with his teammates.

"You're supposed to state things you've never done before and if others have done it then they are to take a shot then so on until only one person remains standing or the others concede. Other players could ask to clarify when someone takes a shot if it was something they didn't know before. And no one is supposed to take the game seriously and fight." Naruto explained.

"What's the point of the game?" Sasuke asked boredly.

"You can see it both ways: either you drink less than everyone and show how you've never done anything in your life or you get pissed off drunk for having the most experience. Personally, I'd choose to be pissed off drunk. Besides this makes us learn more about each other." Naruto retorted.

"How do you know the other players won't lie?" Sakura asked.

"We'll just have to swear upon our honor as ninjas not to lie." Naruto stated firmly.

"But isn't it what ninjas supposed to do? To lie and cheat?" Sasuke countered.

"I've never believed that but in any case anyone who is caught cheating will drink two shots. The hang-over the next day is punishment enough." Naruto answered.

"I'll play anything once." Sai said. Sakura just shrugged her shoulders giving in and Sasuke looked at Naruto expectantly.

"Okay, I'll start. I've never become a nukenin." Naruto stated grinning.

All eyes were at Sasuke. "Hn." Sasuke said and took the shot.

Sakura was next hiding a grin. "I've never killed my master."

Sasuke glared at them and took another shot. "In my defense, he deserved it."

"Since we're obviously ganging up on Uchiha then it is best I get this out of the way, I've never killed my brother." Sai said with his fake smile.

"Fuck you." Sasuke said flashing his Sharingan but still took the shoot.

"I'm proud that you were able to hold your temper, teme." Naruto commented.

"I'm choosing to beat the life out of both of you when we get to spar." Sasuke threatened them.

"I thought you were done with being an avenger?" Naruto quipped.

"It's your turn, Sasuke-kun. Don't mind them." Sakura said.

"I've never been rejected asking someone out for a date." Sasuke said. "No offense, Sakura." He added as an afterthought.

"Harsh, but none taken. Anyway, that was ages ago." Sakura said and took a shot.

"As if you've ever asked anyone out." Naruto complained as he took a shot. "Well, I've never worn clothes that exposed any part of my trunk, chest and abs included."

Sakura, Sai and Sasuke took a shot.

"I've never worn hideous orange." Sakura said to which Naruto took a shot.

"I've never eaten more than one bowl of ramen." Sai said smiling fakely at Naruto who downed the shot.

"I've never failed a test." Sasuke said smirking.

"You're all ganging up on me now?" Naruto asked while he took the shot. "Well, I've never worn a purple gay ribbon on my ass."

Sakura and Sai laughed.

"It was the uniform in Sound." Sasuke gritted his teeth as he took the shot.

"But it was still gay."

"I've never kissed a guy." Sakura said with a mischievous smile.

"Sakura!" "Sakura-chan!"

"I thought we wouldn't be bringing that up ever again." Naruto said.

"What kind of teammate would I be if I let you forget?"

"A good one." Sasuke grumbled.

"Drink up, Naruto, Sasuke-kun."

"Because ugly said it didn't count, I've never kissed a girl."

Naruto and Sakura took a shot.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto was scandalized.

Sasuke's eyebrows rose up in question.

"It was just after passing my chunnin exams, Ino and I went to celebrate and she swiped some sake from her father. It was the first time we ever got drunk and we got to talking about boys and stuff. She said she was envious how Naruto stole Sasuke's first kiss and how Temari kissed Shikamaru. Chouji was too much like a brother and Neji was scary. She'd kiss Kiba but it would be like kissing Akamaru and Shino creeped her out. So she kissed me because we were friends and she could at least say that she did the whole experimentation thing." Sakura told them nonchalantly.

"What was it like?" Naruto leered.

Sakura blushed to the tips of her ears.

"That good huh!?" Naruto teased. "I wish I could have been there. Pervy Sage would have died to be there. "

Sai and Sasuke were blushing as well.

"I've never read Icha-icha." Sasuke said.

Naruto, Sai and Sakura, all took a shot to which Sasuke looked at them appalled waiting for an explanation.

"Pervy Sage made me read them."

"I was curious why Kakashi-sensei read it often."

"I read all types of books ."

The game went on for another hour or so, with some of the questions becoming more personal and some strategically aimed to make the target drink a lot, with Naruto and Sasuke having consumed the most alcohol but were still quite awake. Sai was almost out and Sakura was past tipsy. All in all they were pink in the face and close to getting wasted.

"I've never had sex." Sakura blurted.

Sai and Naruto downed a shot.

"Really?!" Sakura gasped aghast with the new information.

"Again, I trained under Pervy Sage who took his godfather duties seriously. He said it would make me a well-rounded apprentice. Technically I'm still a virgin. I used a kage bunshin."


"I don't remember much of it because they do it to new recruits and I didn't know better then, not until I read it in Icha-icha. But part of an agent's conditioning in ROOT to make them submissive was to have them sodomized."

"Oh, Sai." Sakura said softly.

Sasuke and Naruto paled.

"You don't have to worry about that happening again to anyone. I'll make sure ROOT is permanently disbanded." Naruto promised.

"I probably have to thank Uchiha for killing Danzo. For once your being an avenger had its use."

"You're welcome."

"So teme, are you saying you're still a virgin?" Naruto grinned. "I always thought that Orochimaru was a creeper for having a thing for you being obsessed with your body and all and that he may have tried some moves on you."

"Dobe! He only wanted me as a vessel." Sasuke shot back in anger.

"He really creeped me out too, pretending to be a girl and that tongue. Maybe he had Kabuto for that." Sakura added shivering at the thought.

"Gross mental image, Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined.

Sasuke and Sai looked like they were going to be sick.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person to give yourself to when you're ready. It's something you can only give once and I've been saving myself for the person I love until marriage." Sakura said glancing covertly at Sasuke.

"Our traditions are very strict. Any Uchiha is prohibited from sexual relations until marriage to maintain the purity of the clan."

"So there won't be any bastards you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Yes and it is also a show of self-control for us and respect for our intended. I plan to follow tradition even if I'm the only one left. And even if we don't have that, I don't plan to sully myself needlessly. My body is for my wife only." Sasuke said staring at Sakura.

If it were possible to get redder, Sakura blushed further.

"I have never been in love." Sai mumbled just as his head hit the table completely knocked out, surprising them.

"Well, I guess Sai's out." Naruto said.

"I concede." Sakura said. "I'm dreading the hang-over tomorrow as it is. If I see another bottle of sake it will be too soon."

Naruto and Sasuke were staring at each other, sizing each other as to who'll concede first.

"Tch. I don't think I could drink any more either." Sasuke conceded.

"Aaah! Victory is sweet." Naruto said smugly.

"Enjoy it while it lasts dobe." Sasuke grumbled.

"Well, since you're so great and all. Be a dear and please take Sai home." Sakura ordered him.

"Yeah, yeah." Naruto whined as he carried Sai over his shoulder. "Hey teme, aren't you going to help me?"

"No. You go ahead. Someone has to help Sakura clean up."

"Okay, See you guys tomorrow."

If Naruto were any smarter or more observant or maybe if he were sober, he'd have figured out that the two wanted their time alone. He'd have known to be suspicious of Sasuke and Sakura.

But he wasn't.

And no one knew that Sasuke did not spend his first night back at his apartment or that he took a shot after Sai's last statement.

Except Sakura.