A/N (long, sorry): Hey, all. Happy Holidays! :) This is the story I mentioned in my last All Yours a/n. Several months ago, I was invited to participate in Breath-of-Twilight's Countdowns for this year. I chose to participate in the Christmas one, and while I definitely bit off more than I could chew, having other fics to finish, I ultimately enjoyed writing this. It took me quite a while to get it going and get finished, between fitting the parameters of the countdown and almost constantly sick geeklets, but… here it is! (There was also a round robin type story at the end of the countdown, for which I ended up writing three chapters instead of one. Not knowing what was written before them was quite the challenge, but a pretty fun one as well.)

We were asked to choose from a list of fairy tales to put our own twist on, so when we get to the end, see if you can guess which one this is (very loosely) based upon. :) Christmas was our other theme, and we were asked to wait until today to post these to our own profiles. We were also required to include 'sexy times', which I'm very uncomfortable with... *doubles over with laughter* Sorry, couldn't say that with a straight face. So yeah... there will be citrus.

Thank you to Breath-of-Twilight for including me in this year's Countdown to Christmas!

Huge thanks to Twilly and Sophiacorgi for helping me so much with this. You ladies rock my socks off as always.

Disclaimers: SM owns all things Twilight. Everything else is mine, including any mistakes.

I do not work in the business portrayed here and have taken liberties. It's all in fun. ;)

This is also my first real foray into third person. I hope you enjoy!


Chapter 1 - Plan

"I need dicks."

Emmett choked on his coffee, dribbling some of the hot liquid onto his sweatshirt. "Jesus, Rosie. It's eight o'clock in the fucking morning. At least let me finish my breakfast before you spring some shit like that on me."

Rosalie rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and ate the last bite of her oatmeal, standing and taking her bowl to the sink. "It's never too early to talk business. Do you think you could get some of your frat brothers to come to the office? I really need some nice new dicks. Actually, one perfect dick would be great."

Emmett smirked at her. "I got your perf—"

She leaned down and kissed him, interrupting what she'd obviously predicted he would say in response. Her hand crept down to graze over the head of his growing erection, pulling a low moan from him. "This is mine," she said. "I don't share. Even if they'd never know it was you... I'd know."

He licked his lips as she pulled away from him. "Got it. Anyone in particular you want me to send over?"

Rosalie's light blue eyes gazed up at the ceiling for a moment as she thought, and then she leveled them back on him with a smirk. "Any guy you've heard with a girl, who's made her scream."

Emmett gaped at her, and she winked.

She started to gather her things to leave but paused. "Oh, would Edward Cullen be on that list?"

Emmett nodded.

"Good," she said. "Make sure he comes." She laughed at her own pun and got a smile out of Emmett.

"Why? You got a thing for him I should know about?" He was half-joking, but he'd always been a little insecure in their relationship. He often wondered what a sophisticated woman like her was doing with the likes of him, but she said she loved him. And God, he loved her. So much.

"Uh, no. It's nothing like that. And I won't be seeing or handling any of the dicks anyway."

His own hard length twitched at how casually she talked about 'handling' dicks. He wanted her to handle his.

"How am I supposed to make them go?"

"Tell them I'll pay them just to come by." College students always needed money, and Christmas was coming up. "Deal? Around noon tomorrow?"

"Alright." He shrugged his broad shoulders and watched her move around their kitchen in one of the fuck-hot suits she'd started wearing since she opened her business. He adjusted himself and glanced at the clock, wondering if they had time for a quickie. He could just bend her right over this table, push her skirt up, and…

"Don't even think about it, loverboy." She knew that look in his eyes, the way they glazed over. "I really have to go." With a quick peck on his lips, she was out the door.

Emmett slumped in his seat, defeated. He loved being with a woman a few years older than him, and he was insanely proud of her for being brave enough to open her own business. But he hated how busy she was now. He'd just have to surprise her for lunch and hope she'd let him fuck her in her office like she had once before when they were both desperate for each other.

That thought was not helping the situation in his pants. He groaned as he stood from the table, depositing his bowl in the sink.

After rubbing one out quickly in the bathroom, Emmett was off to class, wondering how in the hell he was going to get his friends to agree to offer up their dicks to a sex toy company.


Bella was already at work when Rosalie breezed in the door, as was everyone else who wanted to keep their jobs at Venus. Rose was young, but she was sharp as a tack, and she didn't tolerate incompetence or a weak work ethic. She was tough but fair, and you always knew where you stood with her, whether you liked it or not.

Bella appreciated her no-nonsense approach. Rose didn't abide kiss-asses, and Bella had never been good at kissing ass anyway. She liked to think of herself as genuine and straightforward, or at least she tried to be.

Bella had met Rose through Emmett, whom she'd been best friends with since high school. And even though she considered Rose a friend now too, Bella never took advantage by slacking off or showing up late to work.

"Good morning, Bella. I need to see you in my office, please."

Bella's spine went stiff for a second, even though she knew she hadn't done anything to get herself into trouble with the boss. Standing at almost six feet tall, with the face of a supermodel and the brain of a Rhodes scholar, Rosalie always intimidated her a little. But Bella could hold her own, and she reminded herself of that as she closed Rose's door and took a seat at her desk.

"As you know, breaking in to the sex toy business hasn't been easy, but we're gaining ground."

Rosalie's approach had been innovative. Research showed that women bought more sex toys than men, yet most sex toy packaging seemed to be geared toward men. She'd softened the hardcore porn aspect of it and marketed more toward women.


"I'm going to need your help tomorrow with a new project. We're going to be making some molds, and depending on how things go today, we might have quite a large group. Are you willing to pitch in?"

"Molds of…?"


No nonsense.

Bella's hands shook, but that was easy to hide from Rose. Or so she hoped. She nodded confidently. She worked at a sex toy company, for Christ's sake. Cocks should be no big deal, considering she was faced with fake ones all day, every day.

"Of course. No problem."

"Good." Rose smiled at her in a way that made her slightly apprehensive, but she brushed it off as her mind playing tricks on her.

It was likely just nerves. She'd helped mold cocks once before, but she'd been more comfortable when she'd done other types of molds. Bella wasn't inexperienced with men, but being so up close and personal with a stranger's erect penis was always a little daunting.


"Okay, I went over to the frat house and found some guys who said they'd go," Emmett told Rose that evening when she got home from the office. "Flounder, Mouth, Cap, and Pinto for sure. A few more said maybe. Oh, and Edward said he'd go too."

Emmett and Edward were both in grad school, and Emmett lived with Rose, so they weren't at the frat house often. But they still went to a party here and there and had gotten to know some of the younger guys.

"Did you tell him Bella works for me?"

"No. It honestly didn't cross my mind. That thing with them was like a million years ago."


Emmett narrowed his eyes at her. "Why is that good? What evil little plan do you have going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

"Oh, nothing," she said, moving closer to him and running her hands down his chest, effectively distracting him from his line of questioning. "I'm sorry I couldn't take lunch today. I missed you."

Emmett moaned as her hand trailed down to the front of his pants. "But… what about… Bella… Edward… Aw, fuck it." He molded his lips to hers and let her have her way with him right there on the purple couch in their living room.


Rosalie knew the story of how Edward and Bella had met back in their freshman year of college. After spending almost an entire evening getting to know each other during a frat party and an almost-kiss, Bella had ended up embarrassing herself and then avoided Edward at all cost after that night.

When Em had insisted Bella tell the story at dinner one night with him and Rose, it was clear to Rose that she hadn't wanted to relive it. Emmett just thought it was a funny story and wanted Rose to hear it. He was a sweetheart, but he could be really oblivious sometimes.

After throwing a tortilla chip at Emmett, which he jovially ducked, Bella had relented and launched into the story.

For as long as she'd known her, which was a couple of years now, Bella had always struck Rose as a confident woman, so she took notice of the way Bella's shoulders had hunched when she'd spoken of how she'd scurry in another direction if she saw Edward on campus after the incident. Or how she'd make sure not to show up somewhere if she knew he was there.

Emmett never could get her to go to another party at their fraternity house.

When Bella had commented that it was all for the best because Edward was out of her league anyway, Rose had scowled in disagreement. But she'd also taken note of something she'd seen in those dark brown eyes whenever Bella had said his name.

If she wasn't mistaken, and she rarely was… that something was longing.

Rose had met Edward a few times, and she thought he was a decent guy. He was in med school, so she didn't think intelligence would be a problem. He was good-looking, in a preppy sort of way. That wasn't her thing, but she could see how he would appeal to a lot of women. She also knew he'd been single for the past several months, having broken up with his girlfriend, Maggie.

And now... Rosalie had a plan.


On Tuesday at exactly twelve o'clock, Bella walked down the hall to the small office where her first client of the day was waiting. She wore her favorite midnight blue button-up blouse and charcoal slacks, knowing that a skirt would have been a mistake on a day that she'd be doing molds. She remembered from the time before that it was better for the men to stand, so she'd had to squat and bend a lot. She glanced at the name on her information sheet so she could be ready to introduce herself and did a double-take, narrowing her eyes at the paper.


No. It couldn't be. They didn't provide last names, but there had to be thousands of Edwards. Millions, maybe.

Bella squared her shoulders and knocked once on the door before going in, confident in the fact that the man waiting for her in this room couldn't possibly be Edward Cul—

She stopped short with a gasp when she saw him.

An introduction wouldn't be necessary.

The shock on his face mirrored hers, which made her feel marginally better. She let her eyes roam over him for the briefest of seconds. Same chiseled jaw, same messy copper hair, same dark green eyes that had once stolen her breath. Maybe even her heart.

She'd tried but never quite succeeded in forgetting about Edward Cullen. There'd been something palpable between them, but she'd convinced herself it was probably just the alcohol that had made her feel that.

Bella released a shaky breath, shifted on her feet, and lowered her eyes to the clipboard in her hand. "Excuse me a moment."

She was nothing if not polite and professional.

After backing out into the hallway and pulling the door closed, she turned and marched straight to Rosalie's office, knocking sharply on her door.

"Did you know he was coming in today?" she said in a frantic whisper.

"Yes," Rose said, never one to beat around the bush. "I had Em send in some of his frat brothers. Will it be a problem?"

Bella didn't want to show weakness or disappoint Rose. She was a business professional. She could handle this. "No." She coughed and cleared her throat to excuse the break in her voice on that little word. "No problem at all."

"Good. Hold on a second." Rose stood from her desk, and before Bella realized what she was doing, she'd reached forward and undone the top two buttons on Bella's pretty blue blouse. "There. That's better," Rose said with a wicked smile.

Bella's jaw dropped, and she looked between Rose and her now-exposed cleavage. "Wha—"

"Oh, one more thing." She fluffed Bella's hair, and Bella batted her hands away.

"Would you stop that? What the hell is going on? You…" She narrowed her eyes at her boss. "Did you plan this?"

Rose arranged her face into a neutral expression. "I have no idea what you mean. Don't you have a client waiting?"

Back in boss mode, just like that.

No nonsense, my ass.

Bella swallowed down her indignation and gave Rose a curt nod before leaving her office and heading back to the torture chamber… er, small room which held the most gorgeous man on the planet.

And she'd be touching his dick…


This is just a few chapters. I'll be posting them all within the next couple of days. Thank you for reading!