A/N: It's about time to give this story another chapter too! Something that was owed ages ago! There is no valid excuse for my disappearance. I just fell victim to writer's block and got caught up with other things. No promises on consistency but hopefully this will become the first of many actual stable updates. Thank you and I'M SO SORRY to all those that waited for this.

Devil's Thrill

Rated: M

Summary: [AU] Ryoma's goal is to successfully debut in the entertainment world but the industry's number one manager doesn't think he has what it takes. Ryoma only chance may be the smiling devil who offers him a deal.

Chapter IV: Feel It


"Answer one question with no sugarcoating and I'll decide," Ryoma said smoothly.

"Go on," Fuji prompted.

"Why wasn't it good enough?" Ryoma asked.

"You're not feeling it, you're just playing it." Fuji said simply.


Nagano, Japan

Kato Residence

"You know, there's this little piece of me here that is very thankful that you even want to coach me in trying to embrace this "side" that you think I need," Ryoma said with a "heartfelt" smile to Fuji. "But then there's this huge part in here that holds deep resentment for an annoying teacher who can't be seen as a teacher since I'm not learning anything!"

"Ryoma, that breaks my heart that you think you haven't gained anything from me," Fuji said with a perfect smile.

"Ani, don't let anyone tell you that you have no feelings," Kazumi said coming in with tea for the both of them.

"Sumane (sorry) Kazumi-chan, Fuji said with a smile. "I invited you over to keep Yuuta company but here you are serving us instead."

"It's okay," Kazumi said with a smile. "I'm just happy that you're trying to help Ani. Mom always says your insight is amazing so hopefully, Ani will learn something."

Ryoma rolled his eyes at his sister's words but he didn't argue.

"I'll leave you two to it and see what sensei is up to," Kazumi said picking up the tray and leaving with a smile.

"She's very much like Asuna," Fuji said with picking up the teacup on the table.

"Aa… she has such passion in everything." Ryoma agreed staring at the teacup in front of him.

"Then why is it that you don't have that same passion about life?" Fuji asked looking at Ryoma's silent profile. He was a very handsome young man but the aloofness and slight coldness his aura gave off naturally pushed people away instead.

"I wasn't a girl?" Ryoma said with a slight smirk.

"You're so mechanical but so talented as well," Fuji said with a slight sigh. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Yes," Ryoma admitted straight-away. "Which eighteen year old hasn't?"

"Kiss me then," Fuji prompted.

"What?" Ryoma asked in slight shock.

"So you can react normally," Fuji chuckled. "You are after all human after all."

"You!" Ryoma sputtered out with a slight blush.

"That's promising," Fuji said hooking a finger under Ryoma's chin. "It takes guts to graduate and run off to Tokyo to become someone."

Ryoma pushed his hand away in a bratty fashion and frowned.

"Who taught you how to play?" Fuji inquired.

"My mother of course," Ryoma said with soft eyes as he reminisced night with his mother and sister.

Fuji smile extended as he saw the raw emotion on display for the first time on the boy's face. He was definitely savable.

"Play this piece for me," Fuji said tossing a score over to Ryoma.

"Spring?" Ryoma questioned reading the title. "Who's the composer?"

"Just play!" Fuji insisted and shut his eyes ready to listen.


A Week Later

Train Station

Asuna pressed a kiss to her son's cheek and held him tight as she wondered where the days have gone. Her son was now taller than her, talented beyond doubt and so mature.

Ryoma saw his mother's loving gaze and a smile fell through his face. The confidence and freedom she gave him were always present in his thoughts and he never once forgot that she loved him above all else.

"Remember, when singing a love song, think of the ones you love." Asuna finally spoke pulling away from her son's embrace to look at him. "There is love in you Ryoma, I know it."

Ryoma nodded and pressed his mother back into his arms. When did she become so much tinier than himself?

"Mom, will you come with me?" Ryoma asked staring off into the distance. His heart ached at having to leave.

Asuna looked up at him and smiled softly. One hand came up to cup his cheek in love and her amber eyes filled with its usual warmth for him.

"Do you need me to hold your hand?" She asked softly.

His mother was always a soft-spoken woman who was very considerate and giving.

"No, I just need you." Ryoma squeezed out.

Asuna didn't answer. She merely pressed herself into his embrace once more and hugged him tight as the conductor's voice sounded that the train was preparing to leave. She backed away after a minute and ushered him to leave and go.

She touched her heart and tapped it twice.

Ryoma smiled and turned to leave. He knew that meant his path must be paved by him and she would always be present within. He had to prove himself a man worthy of taking care of Kazumi and her. He had to succeed so they wouldn't be looked down upon again.



"He what?" Atobe asked getting up and slamming his hands on his desk in surprise.

"I said, Atobe-kaichou," his secretary repeated. "The young man you've been talking about is in the other room wanting to speak with you about the opportunity you extended to him."

"How do you know he's the one ore-sama wants?" Atobe demanded doubting his secretary in fear that it was the wrong man… even though he had only extended his invitation to one man that is.

"Because you said he was Kato Ryoma and that was the name he gave me Kaichou," the secretary repeated once more professionally.

"Yosh!" Atobe said rounding his desk to do a couple of celebratory fist pumps. "Get the contract ready, I'm about to reel him in with introductions to the staff!"

He didn't even wait for an affirmative reply from his secretary. He was already out the door and down the hall to the room where Ryoma was waiting. He could already see a rain of money despite what Ren may have to say about him.

"Kato, we're going to get you set up," Atobe said coming in with a smirk.

Ryoma was seated casually on the couch. He had an earphone in one ear staring out the window with his long legs casually stretched in front of him.

Atobe's heart almost stopped at the picture-perfect pose. He could hear the screams of fangirls for a piece of him, the groans of rivals that hated him and throbs of the people who wanted to make love to him.

"Atobe-sama," Ryoma greeted casually before coming to his feet to walk over and greet him.

"Ore-sama is happy you came," Atobe said grabbing his hand tightly as if he was going to take off and run.

"Atobe-sama, here is the contract and I've grabbed Aikawa." His secretary said walking into the room with a folder and a man following behind.

"I love you Sawa," Atobe said turning back to Ryoma with a grand, flourished movement.

"This is Aikawa," Atobe said indicating with a flurried hand movement for Aikawa to step up and over to introduce himself without even looking at him. "He's going to be your assistant."

"Please take care of me," Ryoma said with a bow as the man bowed echoing similar lines as well. He could see how serious Atobe was from this already. Not only was he enthusiastically welcomed, but he was also given a contract on the spot along with an assistant. Even a newbie like Ryoma understood that meant he was looked upon greatly as someone they wanted to invest quite a lot in. It made his initial nervousness dissipate and he his wariness of this offer was replaced with a renewed promise that it would get him somewhere.

"There is someone I want you to meet as well!" Atobe said ushering them to follow him to another section. "He wasn't present for the judging this year due to personal business but he recently came back and let me tell you," Atobe said with a smirk. "He is a talented genius."

"I would be honoured to meet and work alongside him," Ryoma said with professionalism. He followed closely and soon they reach a door. Atobe opened the door and spoke a few words before opening to wider and ushering Ryoma in.

"Kato-kun…. This is Fuji Syuusuke, a genius talent master who is an unsurpassed musical genius."

Ryoma initial professional attitude dissipated and was replaced with a slightly faltering smile instead. Did he just say…

"Hello, Ryoma" A teasing voice interrupted his thoughts confirming his identity in one go.

It left Ryoma dumbfounded once more by that teasing smile that crept up on Fuji's face at his look.

And they said he didn't feel anything…

A/n: Why are we not surprised right? LOL

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